Title: Next Gen Vapes - The new eGo VV only $25 USD (Bitcoin accepted) Post by: Carsen on August 29, 2013, 08:56:16 AM Next Gen Vapes Grand Opening!
We accept Bitcoins BTC of course ;) View our shop at http://www.nextgenvapes.com/shop We currently sell electronic cigarettes and eLiquid, We have a great new home USA brand eLiquid for sale called Tutti Fruity! We also sell the new eGo VV for only $25 USD cheaper than most suppliers on the net! :) All of our products are thoroughly tested by the manufacture and inspected by me! :) I usually ship same day you order via USPS Priority Mail (most customers average two days to receive the package).....So what are you waiting for? Check out our site today! :) Title: Re: Next Gen Vapes - The new eGo VV only $25 USD (Bitcoin accepted) Post by: Carsen on August 29, 2013, 11:20:19 PM BUMP ON THIS! :)
Title: Re: Next Gen Vapes - The new eGo VV only $25 USD (Bitcoin accepted) Post by: atomium on August 30, 2013, 04:10:58 AM hey man, you should setup a store on my site www.coingig.com and you can get a secondary distribution channel setup for free. I suggest added high quality pictures with a good description and you can sell them pretty fast.
Title: Re: Next Gen Vapes - The new eGo VV only $25 USD (Bitcoin accepted) Post by: BitCoiner2012 on August 31, 2013, 03:41:53 AM Will be checking these out I expect..
Title: Re: Next Gen Vapes - The new eGo VV only $25 USD (Bitcoin accepted) Post by: Carsen on September 03, 2013, 07:14:59 AM Great guys! :) I sometimes randomly post pictures on our Facebook page as well at - https://www.facebook.com/nextgenvapes
I have been vaping my own setup from the products I sell for over a week now :) I hope to be getting in some Vivi Novas or CE5s soon depending on demand :) Title: Re: Next Gen Vapes - The new eGo VV only $25 USD (Bitcoin accepted) Post by: pctech4747 on December 07, 2013, 06:46:42 PM Gave .14 bitcoin to buy ecigarette kit, stuck in processing, no refund or product. nextgenvapes stay away from this site, steals bitcoins!