Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: lockept93 on February 03, 2018, 08:46:35 AM

Title: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: lockept93 on February 03, 2018, 08:46:35 AM

On what day you think will BTC hit 1 sat = 1 $ ?

The winner will go in history nostradamus style.

My predict is the 26.05.2025  :)

Title: Re: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: CHENG90 on February 03, 2018, 03:39:32 PM
Wouldn't that mean that one Bitcoin would need to be $100M?? Can't see that happening in 7 years.

Maybe it could be '1 Sat = $0.01' by 2025 but even that would be very optimistic, but not impossible :)

I believe in it to keep rising into the future!

Title: Re: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: tuskacz on February 03, 2018, 03:54:58 PM

On what day you think will BTC hit 1 sat = 1 $ ?

The winner will go in history nostradamus style.

My predict is the 26.05.2025  :)

Never. No one could pay for things less than $1 because satoshi is smallest measure, you can't pay half satoshi.
So 1 sat = 1 cent is better

Title: Re: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: menggay16 on February 03, 2018, 04:00:13 PM
Wouldn't that mean that one Bitcoin would need to be $100M?? Can't see that happening in 7 years.

Maybe it could be '1 Sat = $0.01' by 2025 but even that would be very optimistic, but not impossible :)

I believe in it to keep rising into the future!
I  agree with you, $1 dollar of 1 satossi that is unbelievable in case of 7 years from now. Maybe in the future and only those who are able to benefit if that happens, for us it is difficult happen especially now as it happens daily in Crypto.

Title: Re: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: Viellefox1025 on February 03, 2018, 04:05:43 PM
Fearless forecast last quarter of 2020. Yeah that with be a great event for all of us. I think that the uncertainty in american politics could lead to another collapse in the market. Like gold the effect of the collapse with bitcoin is inversely proportionate with it. Something like that.. ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 03, 2018, 04:09:54 PM

For 1 sat to equal 1 dollar, the total market cap of bitcoin alone (never mind the rest of the market) would be 2,100 trillion dollars, which is more than 20x the GDP of the entire world.

Title: Re: 1 Sat = 1$ ----> Name a date!
Post by: alyssa85 on February 03, 2018, 04:16:21 PM

For 1 sat to equal 1 dollar, the total market cap of bitcoin alone (never mind the rest of the market) would be 2,100 trillion dollars, which is more than 20x the GDP of the entire world.

Agree. We're not going to see the same percentage gains as we've had in the past, because it would take collosal amounts of new money coming in to achieve it.

Not to mention that last year bitcoin started to destroy it's network effect due to high fees. Merchants are abandoning bitcoin, but adopting alts. We are already at the stage where there are over a million transactions being done on the ethereum network alone. The money will move to an alt. Might be ether, might be ether + another alt.