Title: [WTS] PreToMe Torrent Private tracker site invites - ฿0.25 ea Post by: SimBesh on July 14, 2011, 09:38:51 AM Site: https://preto.me/ (you will only see the dummy login page by trying to visit the site without an account)
Images: http://imgur.com/a/Lrtda - or below My personal preferred site, downloaded 2.41TB of data, all you could want from a private tracker (not to big or well know = not on anyone's hit-list ;) PM for wallet address if you're interested Title: Re: [WTS] PreToMe Torrent Private tracker site invites - ฿0.25 ea Post by: SimBesh on July 14, 2011, 09:39:18 AM Title: Re: [WTS] PreToMe Torrent Private tracker site invites - ฿0.25 ea Post by: BitcoinPorn on July 14, 2011, 12:32:37 PM Selling illegal goods is not legal. You should have not sold your services, sent out like 20 invites, and let it happen naturally from there if people want to buy ratio and shit. Selling invites from the start using a screenshot showing shit on public trackers is not so great. Cool multiplier system, I have not seen that on torrent sites back ends before.
Title: Re: [WTS] PreToMe Torrent Private tracker site invites - ฿0.25 ea Post by: SimBesh on July 15, 2011, 02:32:20 AM bump