Title: Us & Them Post by: FinShaggy on September 17, 2013, 05:24:42 AM There is no "Us and Them"...
Imagine this: An explosion, floating in space. A massive, never ending, atomic explosion. Millions of miles away, is a rock flying thousands of miles an hour around the explosion And not only is it flying around and around the explosion at tremendous speed, it is spinning in place thousands of miles an hour as well Now, because of where this rock is in relevance to this explosion, there are little things crawling on the rock that don't burn up And these little things are crawling around saying: "Don't smoke that!!" and "You're sheeple!!" Why are we like that? Why can't we get over our differences, and not hate each other for doing different things than one another. We're all on the same rock, being fed by the same explosion. Title: Re: Us & Them Post by: Anon135246 on September 17, 2013, 06:52:12 AM 42
Title: Re: Us & Them Post by: Unacceptable on September 17, 2013, 07:51:40 AM 42 There's alot to that answer :o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Question#Answer_to_the_Ultimate_Question_of_Life.2C_the_Universe_and_Everything_.2842.29 Title: Re: Us & Them Post by: FinShaggy on September 17, 2013, 01:38:13 PM Hitch hikers guide?