Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 25, 2011, 06:39:45 PM

Title: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2011, 06:39:45 PM
I have an idea of putting Bitcoins on flash drives and selling them directly to the public, whether it be at a mall or a busy sidewalk. I think I can sell people on the idea of buying them as an investment. Of course, I am going to have it explain it very well and package instructions to avoid confusion.

I am going to be sure to put up posters really emphasizing the rise of Bitcoin value and such. I am going to try to sell it as a commodity like gold and silver.

Before I put this idea into action, any advice? I am a pretty young fellow at 17 but I think I can find a niche in this rising Bitcoin business community.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: theymos on January 25, 2011, 06:57:15 PM
I'd just sell funded MyBitcoin accounts. It's easier to understand.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2011, 07:03:04 PM
I'd just sell funded MyBitcoin accounts. It's easier to understand.
Heh, I see. Yes, this makes things a lot easier. I can just give out CDs now.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: barbarousrelic on January 25, 2011, 07:46:00 PM
The purchasers are going to have to trust you to not keep a copy of the wallet.dat you're selling them.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: grondilu on January 25, 2011, 08:10:27 PM
I'd just sell funded MyBitcoin accounts. It's easier to understand.

Hum...  selling funded mybitcoin accounts is a neat idea.  It could be used for my project of setting physical meetings for bitcoin exchanges.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: ColdHardMetal on January 26, 2011, 07:46:30 AM
Bring your laptop and help them set up a mybitcoin account. They can then see you transfer the funds to them and they don't have to trust you not to rip them off somehow on their way home.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: Mike Hearn on January 26, 2011, 04:46:07 PM
Don't promote BitCoin on the grounds that their value is rising and it's a good investment. That's

a) Risky. What if the value of the currency falls? People will blame BitCoin when they should blame you.

b) Unhelpful for BitCoin as it takes coins out of circulation. The point of a currency is to circulate.

c) Makes BitCoin seem about frothy speculation instead of trade. We want the BitCoin brand to be associated with legitimate, beneficial economic activity, not currency speculation (which is the domain of investment banks and thus has a very poor reputation).

It's probably way too early to be promoting BitCoin on the streets, though your intentions are good. If you did want to do this, you'd be better off with a street stall that sold goods for both national currency and (at a discount) BitCoins. People would be motivated by the discounts to investigate BitCoin.

Of course, we'd need to solve the in person trading problem first, eg, with mobile phones. We didn't do that yet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Kiosks
Post by: fabianhjr on January 26, 2011, 05:32:21 PM
I am thinking more of those Parking Kiosks where you get an address(fixed) where you deposit to the machine and after enough confirmations(Just one for starters) it spits out money in the local currency or, vice versa, a camera reads a QRCode of the address to send bitcoin to and sends as much as money is inserted. The exchange rate could be adjusted remotly or synced with an exchange. It could even exchange at market price! I will research this and see if I can get at least some instructions so someone can set it up. I am not really sure if it is safe to store valueables in this machines unless there is in place security and the keypair of the address store in a safe place. :P