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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: achow101 on February 26, 2018, 03:41:39 PM

Title: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on February 26, 2018, 03:41:39 PM
Bitcoin Core version 0.16.0 is now available from:

This is a new major version release, including new features, various bugfixes
and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:

To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).

The first time you run version 0.15.0 or newer, your chainstate database will be converted to a
new format, which will take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour,
depending on the speed of your machine.

Note that the block database format also changed in version 0.8.0 and there is no
automatic upgrade code from before version 0.8 to version 0.15.0 or higher. Upgrading
directly from 0.7.x and earlier without re-downloading the blockchain is not supported.
However, as usual, old wallet versions are still supported.

Downgrading warning

Wallets created in 0.16 and later are not compatible with versions prior to 0.16
and will not work if you try to use newly created wallets in older versions. Existing
wallets that were created with older versions are not affected by this.


Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.8+, and Windows Vista and later. Windows XP is not supported.

Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.

Notable changes

Wallet changes

### Segwit Wallet

Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 introduces full support for segwit in the wallet and user interfaces. A new `-addresstype` argument has been added, which supports `legacy`, `p2sh-segwit` (default), and `bech32` addresses. It controls what kind of addresses are produced by `getnewaddress`, `getaccountaddress`, and `createmultisigaddress`. A `-changetype` argument has also been added, with the same options, and by default equal to `-addresstype`, to control which kind of change is used.

A new `address_type` parameter has been added to the `getnewaddress` and `addmultisigaddress` RPCs to specify which type of address to generate.
A `change_type` argument has been added to the `fundrawtransaction` RPC to override the `-changetype` argument for specific transactions.

- All segwit addresses created through `getnewaddress` or `*multisig` RPCs explicitly get their redeemscripts added to the wallet file. This means that downgrading after creating a segwit address will work, as long as the wallet file is up to date.
- All segwit keys in the wallet get an implicit redeemscript added, without it being written to the file. This means recovery of an old backup will work, as long as you use new software.
- All keypool keys that are seen used in transactions explicitly get their redeemscripts added to the wallet files. This means that downgrading after recovering from a backup that includes a segwit address will work

Note that some RPCs do not yet support segwit addresses. Notably, `signmessage`/`verifymessage` doesn't support segwit addresses, nor does `importmulti` at this time. Support for segwit in those RPCs will continue to be added in future versions.

P2WPKH change outputs are now used by default if any destination in the transaction is a P2WPKH or P2WSH output. This is done to ensure the change output is as indistinguishable from the other outputs as possible in either case.

### BIP173 (Bech32) Address support ("bc1..." addresses)

Full support for native segwit addresses (BIP173 / Bech32) has now been added.
This includes the ability to send to BIP173 addresses (including non-v0 ones), and generating these
addresses (including as default new addresses, see above).

A checkbox has been added to the GUI to select whether a Bech32 address or P2SH-wrapped address should be generated when using segwit addresses. When launched with `-addresstype=bech32` it is checked by default. When launched with `-addresstype=legacy` it is unchecked and disabled.

### HD-wallets by default

Due to a backward-incompatible change in the wallet database, wallets created
with version 0.16.0 will be rejected by previous versions. Also, version 0.16.0
will only create hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets. Note that this only applies
to new wallets; wallets made with previous versions will not be upgraded to be HD.

### Replace-By-Fee by default in GUI

The send screen now uses BIP125 RBF by default, regardless of `-walletrbf`.
There is a checkbox to mark the transaction as final.

The RPC default remains unchanged: to use RBF, launch with `-walletrbf=1` or
use the `replaceable` argument for individual transactions.

### Wallets directory configuration (`-walletdir`)

Bitcoin Core now has more flexibility in where the wallets directory can be
located. Previously wallet database files were stored at the top level of the
bitcoin data directory. The behavior is now:

- For new installations (where the data directory doesn't already exist),
  wallets will now be stored in a new `wallets/` subdirectory inside the data
  directory by default.
- For existing nodes (where the data directory already exists), wallets will be
  stored in the data directory root by default. If a `wallets/` subdirectory
  already exists in the data directory root, then wallets will be stored in the
  `wallets/` subdirectory by default.
- The location of the wallets directory can be overridden by specifying a
  `-walletdir=<path>` option where `<path>` can be an absolute path to a
  directory or directory symlink.

Care should be taken when choosing the wallets directory location, as if it
becomes unavailable during operation, funds may be lost.

Build: Minimum GCC bumped to 4.8.x
The minimum version of the GCC compiler required to compile Bitcoin Core is now 4.8. No effort will be
made to support older versions of GCC. See discussion in issue #11732 for more information.
The minimum version for the Clang compiler is still 3.3. Other minimum dependency versions can be found in `doc/` in the repository.

Support for signalling pruned nodes (BIP159)
Pruned nodes can now signal BIP159's NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED using service bits, in preparation for
full BIP159 support in later versions. This would allow pruned nodes to serve the most recent blocks. However, the current change does not yet include support for connecting to these pruned peers.

Performance: SHA256 assembly enabled by default
The SHA256 hashing optimizations for architectures supporting SSE4, which lead to ~50% speedups in SHA256 on supported hardware (~5% faster synchronization and block validation), have now been enabled by default. In previous versions they were enabled using the `--enable-experimental-asm` flag when building, but are now the default and no longer deemed experimental.

GUI changes
- Uses of "µBTC" in the GUI now also show the more colloquial term "bits", specified in BIP176.
- The option to reuse a previous address has now been removed. This was justified by the need to "resend" an invoice, but now that we have the request history, that need should be gone.
- Support for searching by TXID has been added, rather than just address and label.
- A "Use available balance" option has been added to the send coins dialog, to add the remaining available wallet balance to a transaction output.
- A toggle for unblinding the password fields on the password dialog has been added.

RPC changes

### New `rescanblockchain` RPC

A new RPC `rescanblockchain` has been added to manually invoke a blockchain rescan.
The RPC supports start and end-height arguments for the rescan, and can be used in a
multiwallet environment to rescan the blockchain at runtime.

### New `savemempool` RPC
A new `savemempool` RPC has been added which allows the current mempool to be saved to
disk at any time to avoid it being lost due to crashes / power loss.

### Safe mode disabled by default

Safe mode is now disabled by default and must be manually enabled (with `-disablesafemode=0`) if you wish to use it. Safe mode is a feature that disables a subset of RPC calls - mostly related to the wallet and sending - automatically in case certain problem conditions with the network are detected. However, developers have come to regard these checks as not reliable enough to act on automatically. Even with safe mode disabled, they will still cause warnings in the `warnings` field of the `getneworkinfo` RPC and launch the `-alertnotify` command.

### Renamed script for creating JSON-RPC credentials

The `share/rpcuser/` script was renamed to `share/rpcauth/`. This script can be
used to create `rpcauth` credentials for a JSON-RPC user.

### Validateaddress improvements

The `validateaddress` RPC output has been extended with a few new fields, and support for segwit addresses (both P2SH and Bech32). Specifically:
* A new field `iswitness` is True for P2WPKH and P2WSH addresses ("bc1..." addresses), but not for P2SH-wrapped segwit addresses (see below).
* The existing field `isscript` will now also report True for P2WSH addresses.
* A new field `embedded` is present for all script addresses where the script is known and matches something that can be interpreted as a known address. This is particularly true for P2SH-P2WPKH and P2SH-P2WSH addresses. The value for `embedded` includes much of the information `validateaddress` would report if invoked directly on the embedded address.
* For multisig scripts a new `pubkeys` field was added that reports the full public keys involved in the script (if known). This is a replacement for the existing `addresses` field (which reports the same information but encoded as P2PKH addresses), represented in a more useful and less confusing way. The `addresses` field remains present for non-segwit addresses for backward compatibility.
* For all single-key addresses with known key (even when wrapped in P2SH or P2WSH), the `pubkey` field will be present. In particular, this means that invoking `validateaddress` on the output of `getnewaddress` will always report the `pubkey`, even when the address type is P2SH-P2WPKH.

### Low-level changes

- The deprecated RPC `getinfo` was removed. It is recommended that the more specific RPCs are used:
  * `getblockchaininfo`
  * `getnetworkinfo`
  * `getwalletinfo`
  * `getmininginfo`
- The wallet RPC `getreceivedbyaddress` will return an error if called with an address not in the wallet.
- The wallet RPC `addwitnessaddress` was deprecated and will be removed in version 0.17,
  set the `address_type` argument of `getnewaddress`, or option `-addresstype=[bech32|p2sh-segwit]` instead.
- `dumpwallet` now includes hex-encoded scripts from the wallet in the dumpfile, and
  `importwallet` now imports these scripts, but corresponding addresses may not be added
  correctly or a manual rescan may be required to find relevant transactions.
- The RPC `getblockchaininfo` now includes an `errors` field.
- A new `blockhash` parameter has been added to the `getrawtransaction` RPC which allows for a raw transaction to be fetched from a specific block if known, even without `-txindex` enabled.
- The `decoderawtransaction` and `fundrawtransaction` RPCs now have optional `iswitness` parameters to override the
  heuristic witness checks if necessary.
- The `walletpassphrase` timeout is now clamped to 2^30 seconds.
- Using addresses with the `createmultisig` RPC is now deprecated, and will be removed in a later version. Public keys should be used instead.
- Blockchain rescans now no longer lock the wallet for the entire rescan process, so other RPCs can now be used at the same time (although results of balances / transactions may be incorrect or incomplete until the rescan is complete).
- The `logging` RPC has now been made public rather than hidden.
- An `initialblockdownload` boolean has been added to the `getblockchaininfo` RPC to indicate whether the node is currently in IBD or not.
- `minrelaytxfee` is now included in the output of `getmempoolinfo`

Other changed command-line options
- `-debuglogfile=<file>` can be used to specify an alternative debug logging file.
- bitcoin-cli now has an `-stdinrpcpass` option to allow the RPC password to be read from standard input.
- The `-usehd` option has been removed.
- bitcoin-cli now supports a new `-getinfo` flag which returns an output like that of the now-removed `getinfo` RPC.

Testing changes
- The default regtest JSON-RPC port has been changed to 18443 to avoid conflict with testnet's default of 18332.
- Segwit is now always active in regtest mode by default. Thus, if you upgrade a regtest node you will need to either -reindex or use the old rules by adding `vbparams=segwit:0:999999999999` to your regtest bitcoin.conf. Failure to do this will result in a CheckBlockIndex() assertion failure that will look like: Assertion `(pindexFirstNeverProcessed != nullptr) == (pindex->nChainTx == 0)' failed.

0.16.0 change log

### Block and transaction handling
- #10953 `aeed345` Combine scriptPubKey and amount as CTxOut in CScriptCheck (jl2012)
- #11309 `93d20a7` Minor cleanups for AcceptToMemoryPool (morcos)
- #11418 `38c201f` Add error string for CLEANSTACK script violation (maaku)
- #11411 `339da9c` Change SignatureHash input index check to an assert (jimpo)
- #11406 `e12522d` Add state message print to AcceptBlock failure message (TheBlueMatt)
- #11062 `26fee4f` Mark mempool import fails that were found in mempool as 'already there' (kallewoof)
- #11269 `61fb806` CTxMemPoolEntry::UpdateAncestorState: modifySiagOps param type (donaloconnor)
- #11747 `e970396` Fix: Open files read only if requested (Elbandi)
- #11737 `46d1ebf` Document partial validation in ConnectBlock() (sdaftuar)
- #10699 `c090262` Make all script validation flags backward compatible (sipa)
- #10279 `214046f` Add a CChainState class to validation.cpp to take another step towards clarifying internal interfaces (TheBlueMatt)
- #11824 `d9fdac1` Block ActivateBestChain to empty validationinterface queue (TheBlueMatt)
- #12127 `9501dc2` Remove unused mempool index (sdaftuar)
- #12118 `44080a9` Sort mempool by min(feerate, ancestor_feerate) (sdaftuar)
- #8498 `0e3a411` Minimize the number of times it is checked that no money... (jtimon)
- #12368 `3f5012b` Hold mempool.cs for the duration of ATMP (TheBlueMatt)
- #12401 `d44cd7e` Reset pblocktree before deleting LevelDB file (Sjors)
- #12415 `f893824` Interrupt loading thread after shutdown request (promag)

### P2P protocol and network code
- #10596 `6866b49` Add vConnect to CConnman::Options (benma)
- #10663 `9d31ed2` Split resolve out of connect (theuni)
- #11113 `fef65c4` Ignore getheaders requests for very old side blocks (jimpo)
- #11585 `5aeaa9c` addrman: Add missing lock in Clear() (CAddrMan) (practicalswift)
- #11524 `5ef3b69` De-duplicate connection eviction logic (tjps)
- #11580 `1f4375f` Do not send (potentially) invalid headers in response to getheaders (TheBlueMatt)
- #11655 `aca77a4` Assert state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header in ConsiderEviction (practicalswift)
- #11744 `3ff6ff5` Add missing locks in net.{cpp,h} (practicalswift)
- #11740 `59d3dc8` Implement BIP159 NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED (pruned peers) *signaling only* (jonasschnelli)
- #11583 `37ffa16` Do not make it trivial for inbound peers to generate log entries (TheBlueMatt)
- #11363 `ba2f195` Split socket create/connect (theuni)
- #11917 `bc66765` Add testnet DNS seed: (Sjors)
- #11512 `6e89de5` Use GetDesireableServiceFlags in seeds, dnsseeds, fixing static seed adding (TheBlueMatt)
- #12262 `16bac24` Hardcoded seed update (laanwj)
- #12270 `9cf6393` Update chainTxData for 0.16 (laanwj)
- #12392 `0f61651` Fix ignoring tx data requests when fPauseSend is set on a peer (TheBlueMatt)

### Wallet
- #11039 `fc51565` Avoid second mapWallet lookup (promag)
- #10952 `2621673` Remove vchDefaultKey and have better first run detection (achow101)
- #11007 `fc5c237` Fix potential memory leak when loading a corrupted wallet file (practicalswift)
- #10976 `07c92b9` Move some static functions out of wallet.h/cpp (ryanofsky)
- #11117 `961901f` Prepare for non-Base58 addresses (sipa)
- #10916 `e6ab88a` add missing lock to crypter GetKeys() (benma)
- #10767 `791a0e6` Clarify wallet initialization / destruction interface (jnewbery)
- #11250 `c22a53c` Bump wallet version to 159900 and remove the `usehd` option (achow101)
- #11307 `4f7e37e` Display non-HD error on first run (MarcoFalke)
- #11408 `69c7ece` Fix parameter name typo in ErasePurpose walletdb method (PierreRochard)
- #11167 `aa624b6` Full BIP173 (Bech32) support (sipa)
- #11594 `0ecc630` Improve -disablewallet parameter interaction (promag)
- #10368 `77ba4bf` Remove helper conversion operator from wallet (kallewoof)
- #11074 `99ec126` Assert that CWallet::SyncMetaData finds oldest transaction (BitonicEelis)
- #11272 `e6e3fc3` CKeystore/CCrypter: move relevant implementation out of the header (jonasschnelli)
- #10286 `927a1d7` Call wallet notify callbacks in scheduler thread (without cs_main) (TheBlueMatt)
- #10600 `4ed8180` Make feebumper class stateless (ryanofsky)
- #11466 `d080a7d` Specify custom wallet directory with -walletdir param (MeshCollider)
- #11839 `8ab6c0b` Don't attempt mempool entry for wallet transactions on startup (instagibbs)
- #11854 `2214954` Split up key and script metadata for better type safety (ryanofsky)
- #11870 `ef8ba7d` Remove unnecessary mempool lock in ReacceptWalletTransactions (promag)
- #11864 `2ae58d5` Make CWallet::FundTransaction atomic (promag)
- #11886 `df71819` Clarify getbalance meaning a tiny bit in response to questions (TheBlueMatt)
- #11923 `81c89e9` Remove unused fNoncriticalErrors variable from CWalletDB::FindWalletTx (PierreRochard)
- #11726 `604e08c` Cleanups + nit fixes for walletdir PR (MeshCollider)
- #11403 `d889c03` Segwit wallet support (sipa)
- #11970 `b7450cd` Add test coverage for bitcoin-cli multiwallet calls (ryanofsky)
- #11904 `66e3af7` Add a lock to the wallet directory (MeshCollider)
- #12101 `c7978be` Clamp walletpassphrase timeout to 2^30 seconds and check its bounds (achow101)
- #12210 `17180fa` Deprecate addwitnessaddress (laanwj)
- #12220 `f4c942e` Error if relative -walletdir is specified (ryanofsky)
- #11281 `8470e64` Avoid permanent cs_main/cs_wallet lock during RescanFromTime (jonasschnelli)
- #12119 `9594139` Use P2WPKH change output if any destination is P2WPKH or P2WSH (Sjors)
- #12213 `eadb2da` Add address type option to addmultisigaddress (promag)
- #12276 `7936446` Remove duplicate mapWallet lookups (promag)

### RPC and other APIs
- #11008 `3841aaf` Enable disablesafemode by default (gmaxwell)
- #11050 `7ed57d3` Avoid treating null RPC arguments different from missing arguments (ryanofsky)
- #10997 `affe927` Add option -stdinrpcpass to bitcoin-cli to allow RPC password to be read from standard input (jharvell)
- #11179 `e0e3cbb` Push down safe mode checks (laanwj)
- #11203 `d745b4c` add wtxid to mempool entry output (sdaftuar)
- #11099 `bc561b4` Add savemempool RPC (greenaddress)
- #10838 `66a5b41` (finally) remove getinfo (TheBlueMatt)
- #10753 `7fcd61b` test: Check RPC argument mapping (laanwj)
- #11288 `0f8e095` More user-friendly error message when partially signing (MeshCollider)
- #11031 `ef8340d` deprecate estimatefee (jnewbery)
- #10858 `9a8e916` Add "errors" field to getblockchaininfo and unify "errors" field in get*info RPCs (achow101)
- #11021 `90926db` Fix getchaintxstats() (AkioNak)
- #11367 `3a93270` getblockchaininfo: Add disk_size, prune_target_size (esotericnonsense)
- #11006 `a1d78b5` Improve shutdown process (promag)
- #11529 `ff92fbf` Avoid slow transaction search with txindex enabled (promag)
- #11618 `87d90ef` Lock cs_main in blockToJSON/blockheaderToJSON (practicalswift)
- #11626 `998c304` Make `logging` RPC public (laanwj)
- #11258 `033c786` Add initialblockdownload to getblockchaininfo (jnewbery)
- #11087 `99bc0b4` Diagnose unsuitable outputs in lockunspent() (BitonicEelis)
- #11710 `9388639` cli: Reject arguments to -getinfo (laanwj)
- #11738 `d4267a3` Fix sendrawtransaction hang when sending a tx already in mempool (TheBlueMatt)
- #11753 `32c9b57` clarify abortrescan rpc use (instagibbs)
- #11191 `ef14f2e` Improve help text and behavior of RPC-logging (AkioNak)
- #10874 `9e38d35` getblockchaininfo: Loop through the bip9 soft fork deployments instead of hard coding (achow101)
- #10275 `497d0e0` Allow fetching tx directly from specified block in getrawtransaction (kallewoof)
- #11178 `fee0370` Add iswitness parameter to decode- and fundrawtransaction RPCs (MeshCollider)
- #11667 `711d16c` Add scripts to dumpwallet RPC (MeshCollider)
- #11475 `9bad8d6` mempoolinfo should take ::minRelayTxFee into account (mess110)
- #12001 `a9a49e6` Adding ::minRelayTxFee amount to getmempoolinfo and updating help (jeffrade)
- #12198 `adce1de` Add deprecation error for `getinfo` (laanwj)
- #11415 `69ec021` Disallow using addresses in createmultisig (achow101)
- #12278 `288deac` Add special error for genesis coinbase to getrawtransaction (MeshCollider)
- #11362 `c6223b3` Remove nBlockMaxSize from miner opt struct as it is no longer used (gmaxwell)
- #10825 `28485c7` Set regtest JSON-RPC port to 18443 to avoid conflict with testnet 18332 (fametrano)
- #11303 `e542728` Fix estimatesmartfee rounding display issue (TheBlueMatt)
- #7061 `8c2de82` Add RPC call "rescanblockchain <startheight> <stopheight>" (jonasschnelli)
- #11055 `95e14dc` RPC getreceivedbyaddress should return error if called with address not owned by the wallet (jnewbery)
- #12366 `93de37a` http: Join worker threads before deleting work queue (laanwj)
- #12315 `758a41e` Bech32 addresses in dumpwallet (fivepiece)
- #12427 `3762ac1` Make signrawtransaction accept P2SH-P2WSH redeemscripts (sipa)

### GUI
- #10964 `64e66bb` Pass SendCoinsRecipient (208 bytes) by reference (practicalswift)
- #11169 `5b8af7b` Make tabs toolbar no longer have a context menu (achow101)
- #10911 `9c8f365` Fix typo and access key in optionsdialog.ui (keystrike)
- #10770 `ea729d5` Drop upgrade-cancel callback registration for a generic "cancelable" (TheBlueMatt)
- #11156 `a3624dd` Fix memory leaks in qt/guiutil.cpp (danra)
- #11268 `31e72b2` [macOS] remove Growl support, remove unused code (jonasschnelli)
- #11193 `c5c77bd` Terminate string *pszExePath after readlink and without using memset (practicalswift)
- #11508 `ffa5159` Fix crash via division by zero assertion (jonasschnelli)
- #11499 `6157e8c` Add upload and download info to the peerlist (debug menu) (aarongolliver)
- #11480 `ffc0b11` Add toggle for unblinding password fields (tjps)
- #11316 `22cdf93` Add use available balance in send coins dialog (CryptAxe, promag)
- #3716 `13e352d` Receive: Remove option to reuse a previous address (luke-jr)
- #11690 `f0c1f8a` Fix the StartupWMClass for bitoin-qt, so gnome-shell can recognize it (eklitzke)
- #10920 `f6f8d54` Fix potential memory leak in newPossibleKey(ChangeCWallet *wallet) (practicalswift)
- #11698 `7293d06` RPC-Console nested commands documentation  (lmlsna)
- #11395 `38d31f9` Enable searching by transaction id (luke-jr)
- #11556 `91eeaa0` Improved copy for RBF checkbox and tooltip (Sjors)
- #11809 `80f9dad` Fix proxy setting options dialog crash (laanwj)
- #11616 `8585bb8` Update ban-state in case of dirty-state during periodic sweep (jonasschnelli)
- #11605 `f19ca12` Enable RBF by default in QT (Sjors)
- #12074 `a1136f0` Optimizes boolean expression model && model->haveWatchOnly() (251Labs)
- #12035 `eeb6d52` Change µBTC to bits (jb55)
- #12092 `fd4ca17` Replaces numbered place marker %2 with %1 (251Labs)
- #12173 `bbc91b7` Use flexible font size for QRCode image address (jonasschnelli)
- #12211 `10d10d7` Avoid potential null dereference in ReceiveCoinsDialog constructor (ryanofsky)
- #12261 `f359afc` Bump BLOCK_CHAIN_SIZE to 200GB (laanwj)
- #11991 `062c8b6` Receive: checkbox for bech32 address (Sjors)
- #11644 `045a809` Fix qt build broken by 5a5e4e9 (TheBlueMatt)
- #11448 `d473e6d` reset addrProxy/addrSeparateProxyTor if colon char missing (mess110)
- #12377 `604f289` qt: Poll ShutdownTimer after init is done (MarcoFalke)
- #12374 `daaae36` qt: Make sure splash screen is freed on AppInitMain fail (laanwj)
- #12349 `ad10b90` shutdown: fix crash on shutdown with reindex-chainstate (theuni)

### Build system
- #10923 `2c9f5ec` travis: Build with --enable-werror under OS X (practicalswift)
- #11176 `df8c722` build: Rename --enable-experimental-asm to --enable-asm and enable by default (laanwj)
- #11286 `11dacc6` [depends] Don't build libevent sample code (fanquake)
- #7142 `801dd40` Travis: Test build against system libs (& Qt4) (luke-jr)
- #11380 `390771b` Remove outdated share/certs/ directory (MeshCollider)
- #11391 `7632310` Remove lxcbr0 lines from (MeshCollider)
- #11435 `167cef8` build: Make "make clean" remove all files created when running "make check" (practicalswift)
- #11460 `e022463` [depends] mac_alias 2.0.6, ds_store 1.1.2 (fanquake)
- #11541 `bb9ab0f` Build: Fix Automake warnings when running (fanquake)
- #11611 `0e70791` [build] Don't fail when passed --disable-lcov and lcov isn't available (fanquake)
- #11651 `3c098a8` refactor: Make all #includes relative to project root (laanwj, MeshCollider, ryanofsky)
- #11621 `1f7695b` [build] Add temp_bitcoin_locale_qrc to CLEAN_QT to fix make distcheck (fanquake)
- #11755 `84fa645` [Docs] Bump minimum required version of GCC to 4.8 (fanquake)
- #9254 `6d3dc52` [depends] ZeroMQ 4.2.2 (fanquake)
- #11842 `3c8f0a3` [build] Add missing stuff to clean-local (kallewoof)
- #11936 `483bb67` [build] Warn that only libconsensus can be built without Boost (fanquake)
- #11945 `7a11ba7` Improve BSD compatibility of contrib/ (laanwj)
- #11981 `180a255` Fix gitian build after libzmq bump (theuni)
- #11903 `8f68fd2` [trivial] Add required package dependencies for depends cross compilation (jonasschnelli)
- #12168 `45cf8a0`  #include sys/fcntl.h to just fcntl.h (without sys/) (jsarenik)
- #12095 `3fa1ab4` Use BDB_LIBS/CFLAGS and pass --disable-replication (fanquake)
- #11711 `6378e5c` bitcoin_qt.m4: Minor fixes and clean-ups (fanquake)
- #11989 `90d4104` .gitignore: add QT Creator artifacts (Sjors)
- #11577 `c0ae864` Fix warnings (-Wsign-compare) when building with DEBUG_ADDRMAN (practicalswift)

### Tests and QA
- #11024 `3e55f13` Remove OldSetKeyFromPassphrase/OldEncrypt/OldDecrypt (practicalswift)
- #10679 `31b2612` Document the non-DER-conformance of one test in tx_valid.json (schildbach)
- #11160 `ede386c` Improve versionbits_computeblockversion test code consistency (danra)
- #10303 `f088a1b` Include ms/blk stats in Connect* benchmarks (kallewoof)
- #10777 `d81dccf` Avoid redundant assignments. Remove unused variables (practicalswift)
- #11260 `52f8877` travis: Assert default datadir isn't created, Run scripted diff only once (MarcoFalke)
- #11271 `638e6c5` travis: filter out pyenv (theuni)
- #11285 `3255d63` Add -usehd to excluded args in (MeshCollider)
- #11297 `16e4184` Make sure ~/.bitcoin doesn't exist before build (MeshCollider)
- #11311 `cce94c5` travis: Revert default datadir check (MarcoFalke)
- #11300 `f4ed44a` Add a lint check for trailing whitespace (MeshCollider)
- #11323 `4ce2f3d` mininode: add an optimistic write and disable nagle (theuni)
- #11370 `2d85899` Add getblockchaininfo functional test (promag)
- #11365 `f199b8a` Add Qt GUI tests to Overview and ReceiveCoin Page (anditto)
- #11293 `dbc4ae0` Deduplicate CMerkleBlock construction code, add test coverage (jamesob)
- #10440 `9e8ef9d` Add libFuzzer support (practicalswift)
- #10941 `364da2c` Add blocknotify and walletnotify functional tests (promag)
- #11420 `8928093` Bump univalue subtree and fix json formatting in tests (MarcoFalke)
- #10099 `424be03` Slightly Improve Unit Tests for Checkqueue (JeremyRubin)
- #11513 `14b860b` A few Python3 tidy ups (jnewbery)
- #11486 `2ca518d` Add uacomment tests (mess110)
- #11452 `02ac8c8` Improve ZMQ functional test (promag)
- #10409 `b5545d8` Add fuzz testing for BlockTransactions and BlockTransactionsRequest (practicalswift)
- #11389 `dd56166` Support having segwit always active in regtest (sipa, ajtowns, jnewbery)
- #11562 `5776582` bench: use std::chrono rather than gettimeofday (theuni)
- #11182 `f7388e9` Add P2P interface to TestNode (jnewbery)
- #11552 `b5f9f02` Improve wallet-accounts test (ryanofsky)
- #11638 `5e3f5e4` Dead mininode code (jnewbery)
- #11646 `fe503e1` Require a steady clock for bench with at least micro precision (TheBlueMatt)
- #11468 `76b3349` Make comp test framework more debuggable (jnewbery)
- #11623 `ee92243` Add missing locks to tests (practicalswift)
- #11035 `927e528` [contrib] Add Valgrind suppressions file (practicalswift)
- #11641 `7adeea3` Only allow disconnecting all NodeConns (MarcoFalke)
- #11677 `3bdf242` Remove unused NodeConn members (MarcoFalke)
- #11699 `66d46c7` [travis-ci] Only run linters on Pull Requests (jnewbery)
- #11654 `084f52f` Initialize recently introduced non-static class member lastCycles to zero in constructor (practicalswift)
- #11648 `ccc70a2` Add (jnewbery)
- #11713 `49667a7` Fix for mismatched extern definition in wallet tests (sipsorcery)
- #11707 `0d89fa0` Fix sendheaders (jnewbery)
- #11718 `9cdd2bc` Move pwalletMain to wallet test fixture (laanwj)
- #11714 `901ba3e` Test that mempool rejects coinbase transactions (jamesob)
- #11743 `3d6ad40` Add multiwallet prefix test (MarcoFalke)
- #11683 `a892218` Remove unused mininode functions {ser,deser}_int_vector(...). Remove unused imports (practicalswift)
- #11712 `9f2c2db` Split NodeConn from NodeConnCB (jnewbery)
- #11791 `13e31dd` Rename NodeConn and NodeConnCB (jnewbery)
- #11835 `f60b4ad` Add Travis check for unused Python imports (practicalswift)
- #11849 `ad1820c` Assert that only one NetworkThread exists (jnewbery)
- #11877 `d4991c0` Improve createrawtransaction functional tests (promag)
- #11220 `2971fd0` Check specific validation error in miner tests (Sjors)
- #11947 `797441e` Fix rawtransactions test (laanwj)
- #11946 `8049241` Remove unused variable (firstAddrnServices) (practicalswift)
- #11867 `18a1bba` Improve node network test (jnewbery)
- #11883 `cfd99dd` Add configuration file/argument testing (MeshCollider)
- #11879 `d4e404a` Remove redundant univalue_tests.cpp (jnewbery)
- #11748 `20166f8` Adding unit tests for GetDifficulty in blockchain.cpp (merehap)
- #11517 `5180a86` Improve benchmark precision (martinus)
- #11291 `a332a7d` Fix string concatenation to os.path.join and add exception case (dongsam)
- #11965 `d38d1a3` Note on test order in test_runner (MarcoFalke)
- #11997 `ddff344` util_tests.cpp: actually check ignored args (ajtowns)
- #12079 `45173fa` Improve prioritisetransaction test coverage (promag)
- #12150 `92a810d` Fix ListCoins test failure due to unset g_address_type, g_change_type (ryanofsky)
- #12133 `1d2eaba` Fix rare failure in (sdaftuar)
- #12082 `0910cbe` Adding test case for SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY hash type in tx_valid.json (Christewart)
- #11796 `4db16ec` Functional test naming convention (ajtowns)
- #12227 `b987ca4` test_runner: Readable output if fails (ryanofsky)
- #12089 `126000b` Make TestNodeCLI command optional in send_cli (MarcoFalke)
- #11774 `6970b30` Rename functional tests (ajtowns)
- #12264 `598a9c4` Fix versionbits warning test (jnewbery)
- #12217 `1213be6` Add missing syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue to tests (MarcoFalke)
- #12292 `eebe458` Fix names of excluded extended tests for travis (ajtowns)
- #11789 `60d739e` [travis-ci] Combine logs on failure (jnewbery)
- #11838 `3e50024` Add getrawtransaction in_active_chain=False test (MarcoFalke)
- #12206 `898f560` Sync with validationinterface queue in sync_mempools (MarcoFalke)
- #12424 `ff44101` Fix rescan test failure due to unset g_address_type, g_change_type (ryanofsky)
- #12388 `e2431d1` travis: Full clone for git subtree check (MarcoFalke)

### Documentation
- #10680 `6366941` Fix inconsistencies and grammar in various files (MeshCollider)
- #11011 `7db65c3` Add a comment on the use of prevector in script (gmaxwell)
- #10878 `c58128f` Fix Markdown formatting issues in (dongcarl)
- #11066 `9e00a62` Document the preference of nullptr over NULL or (void*)0 (practicalswift)
- #11094 `271e40a` Hash in ZMQ hash is raw bytes, not hex (runn1ng)
- #11026 `ea3ac59` Bugfix: Use testnet RequireStandard for -acceptnonstdtxn default (luke-jr)
- #11058 `4b65fa5` Comments: More comments on functions/globals in standard.h (jimpo)
- #11112 `3f726c9` [developer-notes] By default, declare single-argument constructors "explicit" (practicalswift)
- #11155 `a084767` Trivial: Documentation fixes for CVectorWriter ctors (danra)
- #11136 `108222b` Docs: Add python3 to list of dependencies on some platforms (danra)
- #11216 `81f8c03` Update hmac_sha256.h (utsavgupta)
- #11236 `ba05971` Add note on translations to (MeshCollider)
- #11173 `4eb1f39` RPC: Fix currency unit string in the help text (AkioNak)
- #11135 `21e2f2f` Update developer notes with RPC response guidelines (promag)
- #11219 `bcc8a62` explain how to recompile a modified unit test (Sjors)
- #10779 `f656147` Create (flack)
- #10682 `2a56baf` Move the AreInputsStandard documentation next to its implementation (esneider)
- #11276 `ee50c9e` Update to reduce unnecessary review workload (jonasschnelli)
- #11264 `b148803` Fix broken Markdown table in (practicalswift)
- #10691 `ce82985` Properly comment about shutdown process in init.cpp file (wraith7)
- #11330 `ae233c4` Fix comments for DEFAULT_WHITELIST[FORCE]RELAY (danra)
- #11340 `d6d2c85` Fix validation comments (danra)
- #11305 `2847480` Update release notes and manpages for 0.16 (MarcoFalke)
- #11132 `551d7bf` Document assumptions that are being made to avoid NULL pointer dereferences (practicalswift)
- #11390 `12ed800` Document scripted-diff (jnewbery)
- #11392 `a3b4c59` Fix stale link in (shooterman)
- #11401 `4202273` Move gitian building to external repo (MarcoFalke)
- #11414 `bbc901d` Remove partial gitian build instructions from descriptors dir (fanquake)
- #11571 `c95832d` Fixed a couple small grammatical errors (BitsInMyBlood)
- #11624 `f9b74ef` Change formatting for sequence of steps (vivganes)
- #11597 `6f01dcf` Fix error messages in CFeeBumper (kallewoof)
- #11438 `7fbf3c6` Updated Windows build doc for WSL/Xenial workaround (sipsorcery)
- #11663 `41aa9c4` Add getreceivedbyaddress release notes (MarcoFalke)
- #11533 `cbb54e7` Update WSL installation notes for Fall Creators update (Thoragh)
- #11680 `4db82b7` Add instructions for lcov report generation (jamesob)
- #11686 `54aedc0` Make ISSUE_TEMPLATE a bit shorter, mention hardware tests (TheBlueMatt)
- #11704 `ea68190` Windows build doc update (sipsorcery)
- #11706 `5197100` Make default issue text all comments to make issues more readable (TheBlueMatt)
- #11140 `1429132` Improve #endif comments (danra)
- #11729 `7a43fbb` links to code style guides (Sjors)
- #11793 `8879d50` Bump OS X version to 10.13 (Varunram)
- #11783 `16fff80` Fix shutdown in case of errors during initialization (laanwj)
- #11804 `00d25e9` Fixed outdated link with (TimothyShimmin)
- #11960 `4307062` Fix link to installation script (laudaa)
- #12027 `63a4dc1` Remove boost --c++ flag from osx build instructions (fernandezpablo85)
- #12062 `5961b23` Increment MIT Licence copyright header year on files modified in 2017 (akx20000a)
- #12063 `36a5a44` Update license year range to 2018 (akx20000a)
- #12093 `5691028` Fix incorrect Markdown link (practicalswift)
- #12143 `b0d626d` Fix link for BIP159 pull request (azuchi)
- #12112 `3c62868` Remove the ending slashes from RPC URI format (jackycjh)
- #12166 `e839d65` Clarify -walletdir usage (jnewbery)
- #12241 `b030133` Fix incorrect link in /test/ (fanquake)
- #12187 `b5e4b9b` Updating with an updated sample output (jeffrade)
- #12294 `7cf1aea` Create NetBSD build instructions and fix compilation (fanquake)
- #12251 `cc5870a` initwallet: Do not translate highly technical addresstype help (MarcoFalke)
- #11984 `efae366` Update OpenBSD build instructions for 6.2 (cont'd) (laanwj)
- #12293 `9d9c418` Mention that HD is enabled if hdmasterkeyid is present in getwalletinfo RPC help (fanquake)
- #12077 `c04cb48` Correct `sendmany` curl example (251Labs)
- #10677 `b3ecb7b` Document that addmultisigaddress is intended for non-watchonly addresses (instagibbs)
- #12177 `cad504b` Fix address_type help text of getnewaddress and getrawchangeaddress (mruddy)

### Refactoring
- #9964 `b6a4891` Add const to methods that do not modify the object for which it is called (practicalswift)
- #10965 `655970d` Replace deprecated throw() with noexcept specifier (C++11) (practicalswift)
- #10645 `c484ec6` Use nullptr (C++11) instead of zero (0) as the null pointer constant (practicalswift)
- #10901 `22e301a` Fix constness of ArgsManager methods (promag)
- #10969 `4afb5aa` Declare single-argument (non-converting) constructors "explicit" (practicalswift)
- #11071 `dbf6bd6` Use static_assert(…, …) (C++11) instead of assert(…) where appropriate (practicalswift)
- #10809 `c559884` optim: mark a few classes final (theuni)
- #10843 `2ab7c63` Add attribute [[noreturn]] (C++11) to functions that will not return (practicalswift)
- #11151 `7fd49d0` Fix header guards using reserved identifiers (danra)
- #11138 `2982511` Compat: Simplify bswap_16 implementation (danra)
- #11161 `745bbdc` Remove redundant explicitly defined copy ctors (danra)
- #11144 `cee4fe1` Move local include to before system includes (danra)
- #10781 `60dd9cc` Python cleanups (practicalswift)
- #10701 `50fae68` Remove the virtual specifier for functions with the override specifier (practicalswift)
- #11164 `38a54a5` Fix boost headers included as user instead of system headers (danra)
- #11143 `3aa60b7` Fix include path for bitcoin-config.h (danra)
- #8330 `59e1789` Structure Packing Optimizations in C{,Mutable}Transaction (JeremyRubin)
- #10845 `39ae413` Remove unreachable code (practicalswift)
- #11238 `6acdb1f` Add assertions before potential null deferences (MeshCollider)
- #11259 `089b742` Remove duplicate destination decoding (promag)
- #11232 `2f0d3e6` Ensure that data types are consistent (jjz)
- #10793 `efb4383` Changing &var[0] to (MeshCollider)
- #11196 `e278f86` Switch memory_cleanse implementation to BoringSSL's to ensure memory clearing even with -lto (maaku)
- #10888 `9821274` range-based loops and const qualifications in net.cpp (benma)
- #11351 `6c4fecf` Refactor: Modernize disallowed copy constructors/assignment (danra)
- #11385 `94c9015` Remove some unused functions and methods (sipa)
- #11301 `8776787` add m_added_nodes to connman options (benma)
- #11432 `058c0f9` Remove unused fTry from push_lock (promag)
- #11107 `e93fff1` Fix races in AppInitMain and others with lock and atomic bools (MeshCollider)
- #9572 `17f2ace` Skip witness sighash cache for non-segwit transactions (jl2012)
- #10961 `da0478e` Improve readability of DecodeBase58Check(...) (practicalswift)
- #11133 `a865b38` Document assumptions that are being made to avoid division by zero (practicalswift)
- #11073 `3bb77eb` Remove dead store in ecdsa_signature_parse_der_lax (BitonicEelis)
- #10898 `470c730` Fix invalid checks (NULL checks after dereference, redundant checks, etc.) (practicalswift)
- #11495 `50d72b3` [trivial] Make namespace explicit for is_regular_file (jnewbery)
- #11511 `db2f83e` [Init] Remove redundant exit(EXIT_FAILURE) instances and replace with return false (donaloconnor)
- #10866 `ef8a634` Fix -Wthread-safety-analysis warnings. Compile with -Wthread-safety-analysis if available (practicalswift)
- #11221 `0dec4cc` Refactor: simpler read (gnuser)
- #10696 `ef3758d` Remove redundant nullptr checks before deallocation (practicalswift)
- #11043 `5e9be16` Use std::unique_ptr (C++11) where possible (practicalswift)
- #11353 `05a7619` Small refactor of CCoinsViewCache::BatchWrite() (danra)
- #10749 `2adbddb` Use compile-time constants instead of unnamed enumerations (remove "enum hack") (practicalswift)
- #11603 `a933cb1` Move RPC registration out of AppInitParameterInteraction (ryanofsky)
- #11722 `26efc22` Switched sync.{cpp,h} to std threading primitives (tjps)
- #10493 `fbce66a` Use range-based for loops (C++11) when looping over map elements (practicalswift)
- #11337 `0d7e0a3` Fix code constness in CBlockIndex::GetAncestor() overloads (danra)
- #11516 `0e722e8` crypto: Add test cases covering the relevant HMAC-SHA{256,512} key length boundaries (practicalswift)
- #10574 `5d132e8` Remove includes in .cpp files for things the corresponding .h file already included (practicalswift)
- #11884 `66479c0` Remove unused include in hash.cpp (kallewoof)
- #10839 `c66adb2` Don't use pass by reference to const for cheaply-copied types (bool, char, etc.) (practicalswift)
- #10657 `79399c8` Utils: Improvements to ECDSA key-handling code (str4d)
- #12250 `e37ca2b` Make CKey::Load references const (ryanofsky)
- #12108 `9220426` Remove unused fQuit var from checkqueue.h (donaloconnor)
- #12159 `f3c7062` Use the character based overload for std::string::find (kekimusmaximus)
- #12266 `3448907` Move scheduler/threadGroup into common-init instead of per-app (TheBlueMatt)

### Miscellaneous
- #11246 `777519b` github-merge: Coalesce git fetches (laanwj)
- #10871 `c9a4aa8` Handle getinfo in bitcoin-cli w/ -getinfo (revival of #8843) (achow101)
- #11419 `093074b` Utils: Fix launchctl not being able to stop bitcoind (OmeGak)
- #11394 `6e4e98e` Perform a weaker subtree check in Travis (sipa)
- #11702 `4122112` [build] Add a script for installing db4 (jamesob)
- #11794 `dd49862` Prefix leveldb debug logging (laanwj)
- #11781 `24df9af` Add `-debuglogfile` option (laanwj)
- #10773 `c17f11f` Shell script cleanups (practicalswift)
- #11829 `7630a1f` Test datadir specified in conf file exists (MeshCollider)
- #11836 `d44535d` Rename to (hkjn)
- #11831 `d48ab83` Always return true if AppInitMain got to the end (TheBlueMatt)
- #11943 `1808660` contrib: fix typo in help message (laanwj)
- #12075 `c991b30` [scripts] Add missing univalue file to (fanquake)
- #12197 `000ac4f` Log debug build status and warn when running benchmarks (laanwj)
- #10672 `6ab0e4c` Avoid division by zero in the case of a corrupt estimates file (practicalswift)
- #11273 `cdd6bbf` Ignore old format estimation file (Xekyo)
- #11951 `1fb34e0` Remove dead feeest-file read code for old versions (TheBlueMatt)
- #11421 `9ccafb1` Merge current secp256k1 subtree (MarcoFalke)
- #11573 `2631d55` [Util] Update tinyformat.h (fanquake)
- #10529 `331352f` Improve bitcoind systemd service file (Flowdalic)
- #11620 `70fec9e` [build] .gitignore: add background.tiff (Sjors)
- #11558 `68e021e` Minimal code changes to allow msvc compilation (sipsorcery)
- #11284 `10bee0d` Fix invalid memory access in CScript::operator+= (guidovranken, ajtowns)
- #10939 `a1f7f18` [init] Check non-emptiness of -blocknotify command prior to executing (practicalswift)
- #11467 `937613d` Fix typos. Use nullptr instead of NULL (practicalswift)
- #11834 `5bea05b` [verify-commits] Fix's echoing for commits with '\n' (TheBlueMatt)
- #11830 `a13e443` Use 'python' not 'python2' (hkjn)
- #12194 `7abb0f0` Add change type option to fundrawtransaction (promag)
- #12269 `2ae7cf8` Update defaultAssumeValid to block 506067 (gmaxwell)
- #11952 `9ab9963` univalue: Bump subtree (MarcoFalke)
- #12367 `09fc859` Fix two fast-shutdown bugs (TheBlueMatt)
- #12422 `4d54e7a` util: Make LockDirectory thread-safe, consistent, and fix OpenBSD 6.2 build (laanwj)


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

- 251
- Aaron Clauson
- Aaron Golliver
- aaron-hanson
- Adam Langley
- Akio Nakamura
- Akira Takizawa
- Alejandro Avilés
- Alex Morcos
- Alin Rus
- Anditto Heristyo
- Andras Elso
- Andreas Schildbach
- Andrew Chow
- Anthony Towns
- azuchi
- Carl Dong
- Chris Moore
- Chris Stewart
- Christian Gentry
- Cory Fields
- Cristian Mircea Messel
- CryptAxe
- Dan Raviv
- Daniel Edgecumbe
- danra
- david60
- Donal O'Connor
- dongsamb
- Dusty Williams
- Eelis
- esneider
- Evan Klitzke
- fanquake
- Ferdinando M. Ametrano
- fivepiece
- flack
- Florian Schmaus
- gnuser
- Gregory Maxwell
- Gregory Sanders
- Henrik Jonsson
- Jack Grigg
- Jacky C
- James Evans
- James O'Beirne
- Jan Sarenik
- Jeff Rade
- Jeremiah Buddenhagen
- Jeremy Rubin
- Jim Posen
- jjz
- Joe Harvell
- Johannes Kanig
- John Newbery
- Johnson Lau
- Jonas Nick
- Jonas Schnelli
- João Barbosa
- Jorge Timón
- Karel Bílek
- Karl-Johan Alm
- klemens
- Kyuntae Ethan Kim
- laudaa
- Lawrence Nahum
- Lucas Betschart
- Luke Dashjr
- Luke Mlsna
- MarcoFalke
- Mark Friedenbach
- Marko Bencun
- Martin Ankerl
- Matt Corallo
- mruddy
- Murch
- NicolasDorier
- Pablo Fernandez
- Paul Berg
- Pedro Branco
- Pierre Rochard
- Pieter Wuille
- practicalswift
- Randolf Richardson
- Russell Yanofsky
- Samuel Dobson
- Sean Erle Johnson
- Shooter
- Sjors Provoost
- Suhas Daftuar
- Thomas Snider
- Thoragh
- Tim Shimmin
- Tomas van der Wansem
- Utsav Gupta
- Varunram Ganesh
- Vivek Ganesan
- Werner Lemberg
- William Casarin
- Willy Ko
- Wladimir J. van der Laan

As well as everyone that helped translating on Transifex (

Note this thread will be self-moderated to keep out the spam that usually appears in these release announcement threads.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Icon on March 01, 2018, 02:21:07 AM
got a question, can i addnode= from local LAN that's running a full node to my spv wallet to sync from alot faster then say using the internet? Reason i run 2 copies is i hate copying that 150 gb of data over my network ~ 30 mins to backup the entire blockchain :(


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on March 01, 2018, 04:15:35 AM
got a question, can i addnode= from local LAN that's running a full node to my spv wallet to sync from alot faster then say using the internet? Reason i run 2 copies is i hate copying that 150 gb of data over my network ~ 30 mins to backup the entire blockchain :(
Sure, there's no reason you can't. You can use connect instead of addnode to guarantee that you are connected to your local node and syncing only from it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Icon on March 01, 2018, 05:14:54 AM
got a question, can i addnode= from local LAN that's running a full node to my spv wallet to sync from alot faster then say using the internet? Reason i run 2 copies is i hate copying that 150 gb of data over my network ~ 30 mins to backup the entire blockchain :(
Sure, there's no reason you can't. You can use connect instead of addnode to guarantee that you are connected to your local node and syncing only from it.

Kewl :) would i need to add server=1 on the full node for it to work? right now it has no .conf file running gui version


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on March 01, 2018, 03:41:33 PM
Kewl :) would i need to add server=1 on the full node for it to work? right now it has no .conf file running gui version
No. server=1 is only necessary if you are planning on using the JSON-RPC interface.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MysteryMiner on March 02, 2018, 09:39:05 PM
So far so good. Upgrade from 0.15.1 64-bit was problemless. Really like the option to quit client with Q button when starting up. Comes handy on really slow systems if there is need to abort loading. I do not like the new Bleach32 adresses. The look like some random altcoin adresses but time will show how they are adopted. The presentation from Peter on Jewtube is here The Replace by Fee option also can come handy in some situations when you might need to double-spend.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Lauda on March 03, 2018, 08:54:13 AM
I do not like the new Bleach32 adresses.

The look like some random altcoin adresses but time will show how they are adopted.
They do not; they have a prefix bc1. You should start using them right now TBH.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Biffa on March 03, 2018, 11:02:44 AM
How long does it normally take for the PPA repository to catch up with the latest version?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Lauda on March 03, 2018, 01:22:12 PM
How long does it normally take for the PPA repository to catch up with the latest version?
Up to a week or two depending on Matt's availability.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: fabioganga on March 04, 2018, 03:24:30 AM
I am very pleased with this update, on my Imac it appears to be very stable and it consumes less resources than the previous update.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MeshCollider on March 04, 2018, 04:08:15 AM
So far so good. Upgrade from 0.15.1 64-bit was problemless. Really like the option to quit client with Q button when starting up. Comes handy on really slow systems if there is need to abort loading. I do not like the new Bleach32 adresses. The look like some random altcoin adresses but time will show how they are adopted. The presentation from Peter on Jewtube is here The Replace by Fee option also can come handy in some situations when you might need to double-spend.

A new address type was necessary for easy native segwit, and they have a number of benefits over the legacy (1/3) address types, which if you have seen Peter's presentation I'm sure you are aware of :) So no need to dislike them!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on March 06, 2018, 05:56:06 PM
there is really no way to ban a tx from occuring on segwit? otherwise, great update !!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: deltarichard1322 on March 07, 2018, 01:50:58 AM
This latest Bitcoin Core version 0.16.0 is really remarkable. Every transaction is quite smooth and no error or bug so far. The best part of this is the Safe mode. It shuts all my subset from RPC calls.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: cp3mc on March 12, 2018, 06:42:17 PM
Can it work on ubuntu? And if it can is there and special settings?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on March 13, 2018, 01:55:54 AM
I heard that it was possible to print coins without transaction fee with Bitcoin core, is that true? In the documenation it says minimum tx is 1000 satoshi
What do you mean by "print coins"? Anyways, such questions are off topic for this thread.

Can it work on ubuntu?

And if it can is there and special settings?
Special settings for what?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: wachtwoord on March 14, 2018, 04:50:47 PM
I upgraded to 0.16 and tried to generate a bech32 address by clicking the request payment button with the "Generate bech32 address" checkbox checked however it simply generates an address starting with 1 and bnot with bc.

  • Is this a P2SH wrapped address?
  • If not, how do I generate a bech32 address?
  • If yes, how can I tell the addresses apart in my address book?
  • How is segwit visualized (if at all)? In the transaction screen I see nothing of the sort.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MeshCollider on March 15, 2018, 12:00:11 AM
I upgraded to 0.16 and tried to generate a bech32 address by clicking the request payment button with the "Generate bech32 address" checkbox checked however it simply generates an address starting with 1 and bnot with bc.

  • Is this a P2SH wrapped address?
  • If not, how do I generate a bech32 address?
  • If yes, how can I tell the addresses apart in my address book?
  • How is segwit visualized (if at all)? In the transaction screen I see nothing of the sort.


Addresses starting with a 1 are "legacy" normal addresses, not P2SH, so no if it starts with a 1 it is not a segwit address at all. 0.16 will not generate addresses starting with a 1 unless you start the program with -addresstype=legacy in which case you can't see the bc1 checkbox at all, so that certainly should not have happened. I cannot reproduce, I tried generating a new wallet with 0.15, upgrading to 0.16 but it still generates bc1 addresses when the checkbox is ticked. Can you reproduce or was it a once-off?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: DaveF on March 15, 2018, 01:33:26 AM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MysteryMiner on March 15, 2018, 10:29:02 AM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?

No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: wachtwoord on March 15, 2018, 08:43:32 PM
I upgraded to 0.16 and tried to generate a bech32 address by clicking the request payment button with the "Generate bech32 address" checkbox checked however it simply generates an address starting with 1 and bnot with bc.

  • Is this a P2SH wrapped address?
  • If not, how do I generate a bech32 address?
  • If yes, how can I tell the addresses apart in my address book?
  • How is segwit visualized (if at all)? In the transaction screen I see nothing of the sort.


Addresses starting with a 1 are "legacy" normal addresses, not P2SH, so no if it starts with a 1 it is not a segwit address at all. 0.16 will not generate addresses starting with a 1 unless you start the program with -addresstype=legacy in which case you can't see the bc1 checkbox at all, so that certainly should not have happened. I cannot reproduce, I tried generating a new wallet with 0.15, upgrading to 0.16 but it still generates bc1 addresses when the checkbox is ticked. Can you reproduce or was it a once-off?

No it wasn't a one off and I can reproduce it. I posted about it here as well

Can it be because the wallet is really old?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: mitha rosdiana on March 17, 2018, 04:02:32 AM
I am very happy with this update.
And it seems that I am very stable and fewer than before.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Amph on March 17, 2018, 06:45:27 AM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?

No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

then what's the point of releasing 0.15.1 when they could have waited, directly for this and release it instead

btw checksum 42706da1a95b2db8c5808529f73c2063a0dd770f71e0c8506bfa86dc0f3403ef

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on March 17, 2018, 08:42:41 AM
i see my pc x86 and btc core not work im waiting 2 month for all confirm transaction

You will need to download the whole blockchain. If you don't want to do that, switch to an SPV wallet like Electrum or run prune mode.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MeshCollider on March 17, 2018, 11:15:35 AM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?

No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

then what's the point of releasing 0.15.1 when they could have waited, directly for this and release it instead

btw checksum 42706da1a95b2db8c5808529f73c2063a0dd770f71e0c8506bfa86dc0f3403ef

Not sure what you mean. 15.1 had a lot of improvements to p2p behaviour, this release had a lot of improvements to many things especially segwit wallet support. Why should 15.1 have waited for this?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: PaulRThomas on March 17, 2018, 04:30:14 PM
Hi, I am currently running a node on a Raspberry Pi (Ubuntu Mate) without any graphics interface. My node is already up to date with the latest blocks. Could someone let me know a command line to update the bitcoin client to the latest 0.16.0? I'll have to update my node through ssh

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Amph on March 18, 2018, 09:06:20 AM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?

No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

then what's the point of releasing 0.15.1 when they could have waited, directly for this and release it instead

btw checksum 42706da1a95b2db8c5808529f73c2063a0dd770f71e0c8506bfa86dc0f3403ef

Not sure what you mean. 15.1 had a lot of improvements to p2p behaviour, this release had a lot of improvements to many things especially segwit wallet support. Why should 15.1 have waited for this?

i mean just skip 15.1 and include everything in 16

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MeshCollider on March 18, 2018, 01:19:02 PM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?

No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

then what's the point of releasing 0.15.1 when they could have waited, directly for this and release it instead

btw checksum 42706da1a95b2db8c5808529f73c2063a0dd770f71e0c8506bfa86dc0f3403ef

Not sure what you mean. 15.1 had a lot of improvements to p2p behaviour, this release had a lot of improvements to many things especially segwit wallet support. Why should 15.1 have waited for this?

i mean just skip 15.1 and include everything in 16

What is the point of that? Then you would have had to wait until now for the features that 15.1 contained. Same could be said about 0.16, why bother releasing 0.16 when we could save all the features for 0.17? We make regular releases so that the features actually get out into real use in stable, gitian built, signed binaries.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Amph on March 19, 2018, 12:38:58 PM
Is anyone seeing MUCH WORSE performance on low-end machines?
I have an old PC 1st gen i3, 6GB ram, 256GB ssd, Win 10 64bit and nothing else installed.
With 0.15.1, 0.15.0, 0.14.2, everything was fine. With 16 it takes minutes to do anything.
On the newer PCs I have running core everything is fine, but this on has become worse then useless. Before I wipe it and start again is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Yes, I know it's old and slow but all it does is just sit there with the core client running on it with nothing else and it's been fine like this for years. Did it just get too old or is it something else?

No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

then what's the point of releasing 0.15.1 when they could have waited, directly for this and release it instead

btw checksum 42706da1a95b2db8c5808529f73c2063a0dd770f71e0c8506bfa86dc0f3403ef

Not sure what you mean. 15.1 had a lot of improvements to p2p behaviour, this release had a lot of improvements to many things especially segwit wallet support. Why should 15.1 have waited for this?

i mean just skip 15.1 and include everything in 16

What is the point of that? Then you would have had to wait until now for the features that 15.1 contained. Same could be said about 0.16, why bother releasing 0.16 when we could save all the features for 0.17? We make regular releases so that the features actually get out into real use in stable, gitian built, signed binaries.

that's not my point, what i mean is that it's pointless to release many releases in a short time, 15.1 was still new

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on March 19, 2018, 05:25:10 PM
that's not my point, what i mean is that it's pointless to release many releases in a short time, 15.1 was still new
0.15.1 was released just shy of 5 months before 0.16.0 was released. I wouldn't say that is "too many releases in a short time", after all we do releases every 6 months (or we try to).

Anyways, the point of releasing 0.15.1 was to get a release which had additional handling for forks in order to avoid network problems with the 2x fork that was planned to happen at that time but got cancelled. It had additional handling for invalid blocks and such to avoid troubles with forks in general. That is why that was released. We considered it an urgent release because of the 2x fork which could disrupt the network.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: BIBLISAGRADA on March 20, 2018, 05:01:39 PM

Is this wallet for pc?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on March 20, 2018, 07:01:31 PM
Is this wallet for pc?
Yes, it is a desktop wallet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: vokhanh90 on March 21, 2018, 11:56:31 AM

Is this wallet for pc?
Yes it is

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: noelanora99 on March 21, 2018, 03:56:57 PM
Is this version only for pc? Maybe there's also for mobile.. Well correct me if I am wrong.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Nick_NNN on March 21, 2018, 04:38:20 PM
Is this version only for pc? Maybe there's also for mobile.. Well correct me if I am wrong.

This version only for PC. For mobile use, for example

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: dalocoin on March 21, 2018, 05:02:34 PM
Excellent news, those bugs fixed are going to make the diference.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: CryptoBeetle on March 21, 2018, 05:30:08 PM
How many Gigs will this take up on my HD?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Nick_NNN on March 21, 2018, 05:36:27 PM
How many Gigs will this take up on my HD?

180 GB

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Jankhot on March 21, 2018, 06:28:07 PM
that's what it's for? I have not understood, please explain it ..

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Nick_NNN on March 23, 2018, 09:45:01 AM
I think the most notable change in 0.16.0 is the introduction of full support for Segregated Witness (SegWit), a scaling solution that activated on the Bitcoin network. Is it right information?

Yes, its right. In version 0.15.1 also implemented SegWit, comand in console "addwitnessaddres"  adds the address to the list and the program worked correctly with it

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: pluto1970 on March 23, 2018, 11:02:10 AM
I use Bitcoin Core . I thinking is the safest and most reliable way to store bitcoins.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Nick_NNN on March 23, 2018, 11:05:58 AM
I think the most notable change in 0.16.0 is the introduction of full support for Segregated Witness (SegWit), a scaling solution that activated on the Bitcoin network. Is it right information?

All right. But in version 0.15.1 SegWit was also introduced, the command from the console "addwitnessaddr" added to the address list and worked correctly with it

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MrCrank on March 28, 2018, 09:38:01 AM
Ok, Thanks for info.
I will update bitcoinnode on my vps ubuntu.

SegWit addres - default..

What happen if send BTC from legacy address to SegWit address?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: flippener on March 28, 2018, 08:36:15 PM
I'm all for more use of segwit - hopefully this release will encourage it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: criptotolik on April 02, 2018, 01:29:01 AM
Will he work for ubuntu? Or need an emulator ..

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MeshCollider on April 03, 2018, 01:20:22 AM
Will he work for ubuntu? Or need an emulator ..

Ubuntu is supported

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: MeshCollider on April 03, 2018, 01:21:02 AM
Ok, Thanks for info.
I will update bitcoinnode on my vps ubuntu.

SegWit addres - default..

What happen if send BTC from legacy address to SegWit address?

That's perfectly fine, you can send to a segwit address

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: masterchief001 on April 06, 2018, 10:37:57 PM
I think when a new bitcoin comes out, it will have more features. And ever new will attract the curiosity, attention, attention of many people. At the same time, it also creates strong competition among pennies in the bitcoin market.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: JollyGood on April 09, 2018, 03:41:19 PM
How long does it take at the moment to fully sync on Ubuntu?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Amph on April 10, 2018, 05:35:50 AM
when the possibility to remove addresses will be added? it's even possible to add this?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 10, 2018, 05:55:41 AM
when the possibility to remove addresses will be added? it's even possible to add this?
Probably never. Deleting addresses is considered a massive footgun and we don't like to release footguns.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: JollyGood on April 10, 2018, 02:01:05 PM
Once downloaded how long will it take to sync?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 11, 2018, 03:05:48 AM
Once downloaded how long will it take to sync?
It depends on your hardware. It will take somewhere between a few hours and a few days.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: JollyGood on April 11, 2018, 10:10:56 AM
Once downloaded how long will it take to sync?
It depends on your hardware. It will take somewhere between a few hours and a few days.

Thanks for that. I thought it took close to around 3 days the previous time I tried to sync last year but the blockchain has obviously increased since then.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: chivaythoi15389 on April 12, 2018, 02:50:14 AM
I downloaded bitcoin core wallet last week, everything was fine but now it won't open properly. It's just stuck at this "Done loading" window.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Amph on April 13, 2018, 06:21:17 AM
recommended fee seems always off no way to fix this?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 13, 2018, 03:41:59 PM
recommended fee seems always off no way to fix this?
Off in what way? Too low? Too high?

There is no way to change or "fix" the estimated fee unless you modify the source code. Also, just because it seems wrong does not necessarily mean that it is wrong.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 13, 2018, 08:09:57 PM
The rpcpassword and rpcuser for php rpc jason bugs seem not fix?
What bugs? We can't fix bugs that we don't know exist (i.e. no one has reported it to us or we haven't experienced it ourselves). AFAIK, there are no bugs, so you're probably just doing something wrong. Also, rpcpassword and rpcuser are deprecated.

I still cannot just put the password and the user in the bitcoin.conf.
How so? Create or edit the file and just put

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: ganjarkusumah1 on April 15, 2018, 10:58:46 AM
Is this new version supported for Lightning Network ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 15, 2018, 05:25:21 PM
Is this new version supported for Lightning Network ?
No. Bitcoin Core is not a Lightning Network software.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: dicoblock on April 16, 2018, 09:26:29 AM
Can I work macOS Sierra?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Bitcoin.Expert on April 16, 2018, 12:17:34 PM
Loosing the wallet after changing the location does not seems good though. Is there any way that we can use to save wallet, even after the location is lost?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 16, 2018, 06:22:27 PM
Can I work macOS Sierra?

Loosing the wallet after changing the location does not seems good though. Is there any way that we can use to save wallet, even after the location is lost?
What do you mean by "location is lost"? The wallet is a file, and if Bitcoin Core does not know where the wallet is, it cannot load it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Ahrakeen on April 17, 2018, 07:11:51 PM
so is this the best wallet out there now or?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: uripit on April 17, 2018, 10:23:02 PM
Bitcoin Core is not a Lightning Network?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 17, 2018, 11:43:03 PM
Bitcoin Core is not a Lightning Network?
No. Bitcoin Core is a node and wallet software for Bitcoin. It is unrelated to the Lightning Network. Bitcoin Core does not have the functionality for the Lightning Network.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: bombombom on April 18, 2018, 02:59:38 AM
Bitcoin Core is not a Lightning Network?
No. Bitcoin Core is a node and wallet software for Bitcoin. It is unrelated to the Lightning Network. Bitcoin Core does not have the functionality for the Lightning Network.
SO Bitcoincore there is nothing innovative

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 18, 2018, 03:48:33 AM
SO Bitcoincore there is nothing innovative
Not at all. Bitcoin Core is simply not implementing the Lightning Network because that is a completely separate thing which other people are already experts in and doing. There's no point for Bitcoin Core to do anything with layers on top of Bitcoin, it has to handle the base layer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Weske23 on April 18, 2018, 08:41:27 AM

i mine now with 6 gtx 1060 3gb card bitcoin core on simpel miner but i find not a good setting
can some one hulp me thx

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 18, 2018, 02:49:35 PM

i mine now with 6 gtx 1060 3gb card bitcoin core on simpel miner but i find not a good setting
can some one hulp me thx

You cannot mine Bitcoin with GPUs. You won't have enough hash power to mine anything.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: gillani on April 21, 2018, 07:51:28 PM
How long does it normally take for the PPA repository to catch up with the latest version?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 21, 2018, 07:55:57 PM
can i addnode= from local LAN that's running a full node to my spv wallet to sync from alot faster then say using the internet? Reason i run 2 copies is i hate copying that 150 gb of data over my network ~ 30 mins to backup the entire blockchain
No, you cannot sync from an SPV wallet, that's not how Bitcoin works.

How long does it normally take for the PPA repository to catch up with the latest version?
Sometimes it can take a few weeks.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: p4npos on April 22, 2018, 08:47:27 PM
Bitcoin trading is an online business so you must use the best software for it. You need to keep tracking the latest versions of the wallet you are using. It will surely make your investments more secure and worthy. It recommend you to use Bitcoin Core 0.16.0. Thanks!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: GuilleMan100 on April 23, 2018, 03:49:37 PM
Will Bitcoin Core adopt Lightning Network?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: JynlKi on April 24, 2018, 11:43:27 AM
I am very pleased with this update, on my Imac it appears to be very stable and it consumes less resources than the previous update.

In general, this feature and other upgrade features allow users to take advantage of SegWit, reducing size and transaction fees.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Rabinovitch on April 25, 2018, 06:01:53 AM
Hi all!

I am trying to rescue some BTCs from "wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failed"... I have tried many different things without success. Pywallet, for example, doesn't find anything at all in this wallet.dat. But it found some keys in another wallet.dat...

Anyway, now I'm trying to take a clear, unmodified copy of wallet.dat which is corrupted from the Bitcoin Core's point of view and try to -salvagewallet it.

Here is the log:
2018-04-25 05:36:49 Bitcoin Core version v0.16.0 (release build)
2018-04-25 05:36:49 InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> setting -whitelistrelay=1
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Assuming ancestors of block 0000000000000000005214481d2d96f898e3d5416e43359c145944a909d242e0 have valid signatures.
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Setting nMinimumChainWork=000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f91c579d57cad4bc5278cc
2018-04-25 05:36:50 WalletParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -salvagewallet=1 -> setting -rescan=1
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using the 'sse4' SHA256 implementation
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using RdRand as an additional entropy source
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Default data directory /home/kazna/.bitcoin
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using data directory /home/kazna/.bitcoindata
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using config file /home/kazna/.bitcoindata/bitcoin.conf
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using at most 125 automatic connections (1024 file descriptors available)
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using 16 MiB out of 32/2 requested for signature cache, able to store 524288 elements
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using 16 MiB out of 32/2 requested for script execution cache, able to store 524288 elements
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using 2 threads for script verification
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using wallet directory /home/kazna/.bitcoindata
2018-04-25 05:36:50 init message: Пpoвepкa кoшeлькa(oв) ...
2018-04-25 05:36:50 scheduler thread start
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April  9, 2010)
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Using wallet wallet.dat
2018-04-25 05:36:50 CDBEnv::Open: LogDir=/home/kazna/.bitcoindata/database ErrorFile=/home/kazna/.bitcoindata/db.log
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Failed to rename wallet.dat to wallet.dat.1524634610.bak
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Shutdown: In progress...
2018-04-25 05:36:50 scheduler thread interrupt
2018-04-25 05:36:50 Shutdown: done

Why can't Bitcoin Core can't simply rename wallet.dat? Under Windows there is completely same problem...

Here are all the permissions and users:

How to make a -salvagewallet option work as it should?

p.s. even when I start bitcoind without GUI witl a -salvagewallet option, even when I start it under sudo - it still can't rename wallet.dat...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on April 25, 2018, 08:22:46 PM
Hi all!

I am trying to rescue some BTCs from "wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failed"... I have tried many different things without success. Pywallet, for example, doesn't find anything at all in this wallet.dat. But it found some keys in another wallet.dat...
Please make a post in tech support, not here. Support requests are off topic for this thread.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: cypher1992 on April 29, 2018, 03:46:04 PM
Will Bitcoin Core adopt Lightning Network?

It is. The press reported mid of march that already 1000 mainnet nodes are ready for the lightning network. Forgive me my critics, but i think a lot users except too much from the lighting network. Since it transforms the scalability problem into a liquidity problem, it has a really limited use case. But yes, it gets support.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: peterflax on May 01, 2018, 05:27:06 PM
got a question, can i addnode= from local LAN that's running a full node to my spv wallet to sync from alot faster then say using the internet? Reason i run 2 copies is i hate copying that 150 gb of data over my network ~ 30 mins to backup the entire blockchain :(


yes you can!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: cuongkenh22091996 on May 02, 2018, 01:51:24 PM
Sure, there's no reason you can not. You can use the connection instead of the addnode to ensure that you are connected to your local node and synchronized only from that node.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: JynlKi on May 10, 2018, 04:20:20 AM
No noticeable performance differences from 0.15.1 on Win7 x64 machine with overclocked i7-4700MQ CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD. Running with block pruning enabled. And I am really sensitive to any performance drops, like I am able to distinguish between RAM running at stock speeds vs. XMP profile loaded and timings tightened. So I suspect the problem is due to blockchain maintenance or some other thing going on.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Icon on May 13, 2018, 01:18:25 AM
i got a question, can i add 2 datapaths to the config so i could store 2 copies of the blockchain in 2 difference locations from 1 node thats running?


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on May 13, 2018, 02:14:56 AM
i got a question, can i add 2 datapaths to the config so i could store 2 copies of the blockchain in 2 difference locations from 1 node thats running?
No, you cannot do that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: BTCW on May 13, 2018, 11:03:33 AM
On one on our computers, on which we use Bitcoin Core, we are behind a NAT. Before 0.16, we had 8 incoming connections at most, but lately, we're seeing 16 incoming connections. Certainly speed things up. Thank you, I guess? Is this a documented new feature?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on May 13, 2018, 04:21:24 PM
On one on our computers, on which we use Bitcoin Core, we are behind a NAT. Before 0.16, we had 8 incoming connections at most, but lately, we're seeing 16 incoming connections. Certainly speed things up. Thank you, I guess? Is this a documented new feature?
There was no such change that does that. Seeing your incoming connection count increase is normal behavior.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: AnnSerg77 on May 13, 2018, 07:53:51 PM
Hi, Thanks for info.
I will update bitcoinnode on my vps ubuntu.
SegWit addres - default..
Dear friends adk me:
What happen if send BTC from legacy address to SegWit address?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on May 14, 2018, 05:24:52 AM
What happen if send BTC from legacy address to SegWit address?
The typical thing happens, your Bitcoin are transferred from a legacy address to a Segwit address. The address types really don't matter; the network doesn't care and such transactions are possible due to the soft forking nature of Segwit. You can even do it the other way around, segwit address to legacy address. It doesn't matter.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on May 15, 2018, 04:21:12 AM
Is this version available for mobile?
No, Bitcoin Core is not a mobile application.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Elachious12 on May 17, 2018, 05:25:43 PM
This is a great news, but am a kind of person that ask a lot of questions. I want to know the principle of working of Bitcoin Core version 0.16.0. Does it entails POW

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on May 17, 2018, 11:23:46 PM
This is a great news, but am a kind of person that ask a lot of questions. I want to know the principle of working of Bitcoin Core version 0.16.0. Does it entails POW
Of course, Bitcoin uses PoW. Bitcoin Core is the reference implementation for Bitcoin, it is not an altcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: zx9r_ on May 28, 2018, 12:29:26 AM
I have just installed bitcoind 0.16 in Linux. How can I get the seed of the HD wallet ?

I dont have nor want bitcoin-qt, only bitcoin-cli

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on May 28, 2018, 03:40:38 AM
I have just installed bitcoind 0.16 in Linux. How can I get the seed of the HD wallet ?

I dont have nor want bitcoin-qt, only bitcoin-cli
Use the dumpwallet RPC command. Do bitcoin-cli dumpwallet <filename> where <filename> is the name of the file you want the wallet data to be written to. Open up that file as a regular text file. At the top of it will be something that has the master private key (an xprv). Somewhere in the file will be a private key with the hdkeypath listed as "m". That is the seed. Note that the seed is not a phrase; Bitcoin Core does not use mnemonics (which are often misnamed as seeds).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: Icon on June 10, 2018, 09:02:10 PM
Soo i know, or i think i know what HD wallets are, so i make a new receive address and send btc to that address. But then delete the new wallet with the new receiving address and replace with backup wallet that did not have the new receive address, would the btc i  sent to the new address be in the original wallet? Seeing they both use the same seed?

Hope i made that question clear..



Could someone with the new receive new address be able to see the original btc balance on blockchain explore?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: scant on June 13, 2018, 12:40:40 PM
Soo i know, or i think i know what HD wallets are, so i make a new receive address and send btc to that address. But then delete the new wallet with the new receiving address and replace with backup wallet that did not have the new receive address, would the btc i  sent to the new address be in the original wallet? Seeing they both use the same seed?

Yes, but the same would be true for a non-HD wallet, because the "new" receiving address would probably already be in the keypool of the old backup copy of the wallet.

Could someone with the new receive new address be able to see the original btc balance on blockchain explore?

There is no way to for an observer to connect the different addresses in your wallet unless you help them by spending from multiple addresses at once for example.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 Released
Post by: achow101 on June 15, 2018, 05:33:20 PM
Bitcoin Core 0.16.1 has been released: