Bitcoin Forum

Local => 山寨币 => Topic started by: jiefangqian on October 30, 2013, 01:46:22 AM

Title: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: jiefangqian on October 30, 2013, 01:46:22 AM
新出了一款可以挖矿的XRP,名叫TAG,有钱包可以挖矿,而且在做应用,包括手机应用,更多的信息还在收集之中,目前的交易价格达到了5.4元左右,可在比特尔,coinex.pw交易,比特时代准备上此币,潜力无穷 ,官网就是应用平台,有网站钱包类似于XRP,注册地址交流群:224852572
第四步:新号注册好后,打开,点击“add contact”,联系后,你就升级了。

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: CHJZYDDY on October 30, 2013, 03:22:35 AM没有注册的赶快来注册啊

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: innovation on October 30, 2013, 03:41:24 AM没有注册的赶快来注册啊


Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: CHJZYDDY on October 30, 2013, 03:47:27 AM

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: jiefangqian on October 31, 2013, 09:15:31 AM
tagbond 团队太坑了,竟然因有中国人刷币就清空所以中国人的账号?!

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: innovation on October 31, 2013, 02:18:59 PM
tagbond 团队太坑了,竟然因有中国人刷币就清空所以中国人的账号?!


Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: tagbond on October 31, 2013, 05:40:22 PM
We would like to apologise for any Tagbond Chinese users caught up in the scamming that took place over the last day or so..some accounts were modified that may not have been involved, although 99% of them were fake accounts designed to take coin from the system.

If anyone wants some TAG then this promotion is open now to register a new account or if you have one already

TagBond has a release of a beta android wallet that works with real currency and crypto coins we add to the system (So far Bitcoin, Litecoin, TagCoin, PrimeCoin, PeerCoin, DigitalCoin but please approach us if you are administrators of other coins, or ask  administrators to approach us if you want to see the coin here)

We are giving away 200 TagCoins if you download the android app and install it, register using the phone, then sign in using the website at to get your ID number from your dashboard. (We didn't add the ID to the app, will do in the next update tomorrow)

I will send it to the online account and you can see it appear in the android wallet app, and if you really want I can then transfer it to an address once the promotion is over. We are doing it manually at the moment until the wallet servers are running.

We have a couple of suggestions already and these will go into v4 which will probably be up in a day or so. One suggestion is to click on the TAG logo to refresh the wallet balances, the other is to ask for confirmation before sending.

Once you send me your ID, I will send you 1 TAG, send it back to me using the phone and I will send 2 back.

Open for 100 users from China only.

As an extra feature, whoever has an rfid or NFC tag and binds it their account using an NFC phone gets a bonus of 5 TAG while this promotion is on. Simply login to the app, tap an rfid smart card, nfc tag, to the phone and it will ask to bind it your account ID. Then tell me your ID so I can check and I will send you 5 TAG

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: myweblife on October 31, 2013, 07:32:04 PM

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: tagbond on October 31, 2013, 07:40:57 PM
Ok..I shall give up all of China because you said so. If anyone asks me why I shall point them your way..:)

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: myweblife on October 31, 2013, 08:11:04 PM
Ok..I shall give up all of China because you said so. If anyone asks me why I shall point them your way..:)

Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: tagbond on October 31, 2013, 08:16:32 PM
I suspect you may be one of the scammers that found that your methods did not work. The real users of Tagbond in China were not affected, just the few scammers and the fake accounts that were created, which were deleted quickly. This is my last posting here, as you are obviously just one of those disappointed scammers.


Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: myweblife on October 31, 2013, 08:18:18 PM
I suspect you may be one of the scammers that found that your methods did not work. The real users of Tagbond in China were not affected, just the few scammers and the fake accounts that were created, which were deleted quickly. This is my last posting here, as you are obviously just one of those disappointed scammers.
在你的骗局被揭穿之后就污蔑我是骗子,你很搞笑啊 :D


Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: yangyananair on November 01, 2013, 06:23:40 AM
tagbond 团队太坑了,竟然因有中国人刷币就清空所以中国人的账号?!


Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: tagbond on November 01, 2013, 07:40:01 AM
We have recently received an apology from one Chinese user, who has apologised for creating multiple accounts and spamming the system with fake addresses.

We will be restoring accounts shortly and unblocking all other accounts.

We have taken steps to make sure this does not happen again, we apologise to Chinese users that were affected but we needed to freeze all Chinese affected accounts while we sorted the issue.




Title: Re: 玩翻tagbond
Post by: jiefangqian on November 01, 2013, 10:37:53 AM

This is good.

Maybe this displeasure event can be turn to fascinating  memory.