Title: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: Dodgers on November 11, 2013, 04:54:06 AM Located in Europe/Bulgaria between the two Skiing towns of Chepelare and Pamporova.
This ski resort has the longest ski-run in Europe. 40 mins from international airport. 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, and sleeps up to 24 people.. comes with mostly everything you see in the pictures. The 5 Skidoos, and amphibious tank are possibly available under separate negotiation with the guy that maintains the house for me. here are a load of pics.: http://s1359.beta.photobucket.com/user/ianjrogers/library/Facebook/Bugaria Ski Chalet (i don't know why its cuts the end of the link off… maybe the string is too long??.. just copy and paste rather than click the link ) 200BTC or above. http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q787/ianjrogers/Facebook/Bugaria%20Ski%20Chalet/559490_10151672359170637_771758434_n.jpg Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: lucerohein on November 11, 2013, 05:16:43 AM Ill give you 1 BTC for it, all I have -
Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: Eternity on November 11, 2013, 11:06:56 AM What are the requirements / criteria if some international fellow wants to buy ?
Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: erschiessen on November 11, 2013, 07:29:53 PM The roof looks like standing seam roofing... seen alot in the US.
I can't recall ever seeing it during my time in the EU, though. If 200 btc can purchase something like that, I may have to change my retirement plans. Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: erschiessen on November 11, 2013, 07:40:00 PM The web addy is wrong.
Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: smoothie on November 11, 2013, 08:02:20 PM Located in Europe/Bulgaria between the two Skiing towns of Chepelare and Pamporova. This ski resort has the longest ski-run in Europe. 40 mins from international airport. 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, and sleeps up to 24 people.. comes with mostly everything you see in the pictures. The 5 Skidoos, and amphibious tank are possibly available under separate negotiation with the guy that maintains the house for me. here are a load of pics.: http://s1359.beta.photobucket.com/user/ianjrogers/library/Facebook/Bugaria Ski Chalet (i don't know why its cuts the end of the link off… maybe the string is too long??.. just copy and paste rather than click the link ) 200BTC or above. http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q787/ianjrogers/Facebook/Bugaria%20Ski%20Chalet/559490_10151672359170637_771758434_n.jpg link is dead Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: spiccioli on November 11, 2013, 10:37:55 PM link is dead try this (http://s1359.beta.photobucket.com/user/ianjrogers/library/Facebook/Bugaria Ski Chalet/) spiccioli Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: Dodgers on November 11, 2013, 11:13:08 PM What are the requirements / criteria if some international fellow wants to buy ? International purchase is very straightforward and risk free… am happy to discuss the process with anyone who is interested.I am now based in Singapore so I don't use the place anymore. Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: erschiessen on November 12, 2013, 12:43:29 AM LOL
Yes, American shit only lasts half as long. But costs 10 times less. Title: Re: 8 Bedroom, 10 Bathroom Ski Lodge for Sale Post by: Trade101 on November 12, 2013, 10:08:45 AM [ They value quality, esp. the Deutsch/Schwaben. you do realize that this real estate is built/located in Bulgaria? |