Bitcoin Forum

Other => CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware => Topic started by: ipxtreme on November 27, 2013, 07:22:45 AM

Title: Chili and Erupter mine on same PC
Post by: ipxtreme on November 27, 2013, 07:22:45 AM
Has anyone been able to mine with Erupters on the same PC with a 30gh Chili?

If so, do they both use cgminer or do they use different mining programs?


Title: Re: Chili and Erupter mine on same PC
Post by: elaramus on November 27, 2013, 11:10:00 AM
I'm able to run erupters, 2 modified jalapenos (each with 1 extra chip) and 3 chilis from the same instance of bfgminer 3.6.0 using Linux

ICA's are USB Erupters, BFL 0,1,2 are chilis, BFL 3,4 are modified Jalapenos