Title: Holochain - will change EVERYTHING! Post by: d3nz on May 09, 2018, 12:25:36 PM Holochain is a decentralized hosting platform that enables fully-functional decentralized applications to serve mainstream Internet users and provides the massively scalable crypto-accounting infrastructure required to host and manage these applications at such enormous volumes of usage.
What do you think? Title: Re: Holochain - will change EVERYTHING! Post by: MoonIsBlue on May 09, 2018, 03:00:09 PM I'll believe it when I see it, projects tend to promise a lot but aren't really able to deliver on them.
Title: Re: Holochain - will change EVERYTHING! Post by: sud on May 09, 2018, 04:39:15 PM I just don't understand this Holochain hype at all. I heve checked their whitepaper and can't tell if all this is serious calculations and ideas or just some crypto hippie mumbo jumbo. Can anyone explain what is their goal in simple words?
Title: Re: Holochain - will change EVERYTHING! Post by: demenBTC on May 09, 2018, 05:14:49 PM Holochain is a decentralized hosting platform that enables fully-functional decentralized applications to serve mainstream Internet users and provides the massively scalable crypto-accounting infrastructure required to host and manage these applications at such enormous volumes of usage. I have never known what is this holochain, is there a link to check the truth? this makes me curiousWhat do you think? Title: Re: Holochain - will change EVERYTHING! Post by: langdong on May 09, 2018, 05:35:54 PM I would really like to see a project deliver for once. Sure, sounds cool. But making promises is easy. And everybody goes nuts. Still no real life adoption anywhere (almost).