Title: Online Dogecoin Wallet Post by: Posternut on December 26, 2013, 12:36:36 PM Seriously do you think it was a scam. I lost 2100 Doge. They haven't replied to one reddit.
~Poster Title: Re: Online Dogecoin Wallet Post by: yatsey87 on December 26, 2013, 12:38:09 PM Seriously do you think it was a scam. I lost 2100 Doge. They haven't replied to one reddit. ~Poster Lol, what's happened? Have peoples DOGEs gone walkies? Title: Re: Online Dogecoin Wallet Post by: nahallacman on December 26, 2013, 12:43:40 PM I think it is a scam. In the end just don't use online wallets to store anything. If it is always online, it is always accessible, and always at risk.
http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/1tottg/dogewallet_hacked_21_million_dogecoins_stolen/ Here is what the OP is talking about. Title: Re: Online Dogecoin Wallet Post by: Posternut on December 26, 2013, 12:55:16 PM Def. not safe. But I and probably many people figured its just a few doge. I don't believe their story about the hackers. I believe they got a lot of wallets and **poof!!**. This just makes the community as a whole look bad. I was giving away the coins I lost to people trying a crypto currency for the first time. I just don't believe them. I'm calling shenanigans.