Title: Hello BitCoin Talk! (From your friendly BitPros) Post by: TheBitPros on January 03, 2014, 06:24:34 AM http://i43.tinypic.com/2cpahhd.png
Hey Everyone! This is our official account for our company "The BitPros". We would like to introduce ourselves to the community and look forward to discussing various topics (especially those dealing with merchants and businesses). So far we have gone scouting various locations around Downtown Long Beach and have found that many businesses are indeed interested! We hope to have the support of the forums along with the bitcoin sub reddit in showing support to the companies that choose to accept bitcoin! So cheers to the new year and hope to have valuable discussions with everyone here! We welcome criticism as well as we are constantly looking to improve! Here is our website, twitter, and instagram. www.thebitpros.com www.twitter.com/thebitpros www.instagram.com/thebitpros |