Title: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:02:33 PM About this Giveaway
We are running a 5€ Euro giveaway. 1,000€ in total funds are available. Post your Ripple public address. We will send 5€ Euro to each unique address, until we run out. All users are eligible, including those who have participated in previous giveaways. Funds will only be sent to wallets that are properly setup to receive EUR. If you are new to Ripple, jump to the New to Ripple? section below. Note: we are not revisiting posts of users who just submit 'reserved', and then later plan on filling in details. Setup first, then submit. Setup Information In order to receive Euros, you must trust Bitstamp for €5. Click the Advanced button, after logging in to your wallet. https://i.imgur.com/BtZ9kXj.png Click Add Trust. https://i.imgur.com/C4mHt5U.png Grant trust to Bitstamp for €5 Euro, as shown below. https://i.imgur.com/sB3OkNc.png Address: rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B Confirm. https://i.imgur.com/baF7oo4.png After, you receive confirmation, then post your address here. https://i.imgur.com/h2ckgE2.png New to Ripple? You can learn about Ripple in the Ripple Info section below. Create a wallet at ripple.com: https://ripple.com/client/#/register (https://ripple.com/client/#/register) (use a strong password) After creating a new wallet, you must receive XRP to activate. Post your new address here. We will send 100 XRP to activate your wallet. It will be enough to allow you to establish trust, and leave you with some extra XRP. You can use it to help others get started, exchange, hold, or anything else you might like. After getting started and receiving activation XRP, post your address again for the EUR offer. Ripple Info How Ripple Works (Gateways and Pathways): http://vimeo.com/63784865 Ripple Introduction for Bitcoin users: https://ripple.com/wiki/Introduction_to_Ripple_for_Bitcoiners Earn XRP: https://www.computingforgood.org/ USD Reward We also want to recognize positive action in the Ripple community. Link to a contribution you have made: a software project, startup, gateway, running a giveaway, or anything at all positive for the Ripple community. It may even be as basic as helping someone get started on a forum. Note: you will need to trust Bitstamp for the amount you will receive. We plan to give out up to $25. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: tk808 on January 11, 2014, 09:04:20 PM Trusted, thank you!
rLMh9N7VF4uJDGdXPcsz6Y4YgDESfqmS6L Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: coinpr0n on January 11, 2014, 09:05:25 PM Trust is granted! Thank you, this is a great giveaway!
rUqokwHgrbRHyGk54jPHRoPuLPgRDM2uPd Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: J.B.O on January 11, 2014, 09:05:36 PM Trusted
rJi8KGBAJz9so7nUfgqQtnKK5KER45iRCw Nice, thanks 8) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: l3n1nN on January 11, 2014, 09:06:58 PM Euro trusted
rPB4Hx1NL9tBnBKskZmXGXPakz2E9e6Ld5 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pt on January 11, 2014, 09:07:43 PM Trust Granted!
Thank you! r9M3FnMpdjM74j17kBAM8fs6huhtjr7oKq Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: wontonforevuh on January 11, 2014, 09:07:59 PM THANK YOU
rpWMuu3QMBGVrsruEQQBBpWqVJKf5HyyvA Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: templebar on January 11, 2014, 09:08:10 PM rPN6rxzhW1umtarUBhy7nNrjWeYPwHYRry
Trust granted Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: raywillet on January 11, 2014, 09:08:39 PM rMU5dMjrPZcGALvwYoQm8mZWXeoFZpcptw
Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: glongsword on January 11, 2014, 09:09:15 PM rNxTbscXUhHoERdzVWNqqLZVy7nwrbsDa6
Trusted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: xyz on January 11, 2014, 09:09:34 PM again a wonderful giveaway - many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
raXcNr6MgtxZd2vDNvcM4niZAqJ9VDS7FF Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ipsum100 on January 11, 2014, 09:09:40 PM rQCrQm8i9fCkvyRhsq2DyZytfsLnTJ7fn
Thanks ! :D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SilverOz on January 11, 2014, 09:10:39 PM rB68HzhUqqdHGv6A9Mfu1Knm2bLjBy3CRd
Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: BTCmadness on January 11, 2014, 09:10:48 PM r9WtEPUVPyGdhYXPiVSJSJtsqGphNgxVA4
trusted. thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: sesko on January 11, 2014, 09:10:58 PM rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B
ty Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Tonza on January 11, 2014, 09:11:00 PM Im new to Ripple.
rnfvKTm5KbEWVkdZKUYYLbZRGdZPxQDM5M Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: trex on January 11, 2014, 09:11:12 PM rpV6EJoK2KfrCstRATSRRTDAUfgTE12ZSX tnx, new to ripple!
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: coinpr0n on January 11, 2014, 09:11:36 PM Wow! Thanks! Talk about transactions speed!
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: mohammedfaiz143 on January 11, 2014, 09:12:06 PM rK9N2YzPvkMYkPTzZkGFDJqQESphmQ5kdv
thnksss... Truted/... ;D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: J.B.O on January 11, 2014, 09:12:48 PM Received !
Awesome giveaway ;D Cheers Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ustc_polaris on January 11, 2014, 09:12:55 PM r4jRfSnCCNyuRVZQCBr3wQsHXFHmwH5GvM
Thank you so much! :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: niceday on January 11, 2014, 09:13:07 PM rHmoL1AhwRvDWABSp566bfyJdBtbacdvRb
Thank you!! :) New on Ripple Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: 2bfree on January 11, 2014, 09:14:03 PM Trust granted:
rn5XPMSVaVrVUc8nngeeW4HnpWkpYf81Qb Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Irina83 on January 11, 2014, 09:14:11 PM rB5Yare1wSym3MZPp1GCKkiM4UBdB7radK
Thank you so much ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: danympp81 on January 11, 2014, 09:14:15 PM trusted and granted
rwkDBLYcF8GysjUxdRfs2NX2hBiZn4ASw7 thank you. edit. received in just 5 min. fantastic. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: shinep on January 11, 2014, 09:14:34 PM Trusted
rsoraYBRSQshRTTcPjLyn8AzMvu6q4YV51 Thanks in advance. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: thekekk on January 11, 2014, 09:14:52 PM thanks im new
rHCXztufGPED6MjrQduow5kP2Lzdq6MmcK Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: tinstar on January 11, 2014, 09:15:02 PM rUkMjTAJ6bkzccriJgXj2Da9WXpwt1DbP4
Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Benezivas on January 11, 2014, 09:15:11 PM r9CXAfJPJEAE7GBrMdVRsvhh5jsu32b8UJ
Trusted, ty Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Arakhne on January 11, 2014, 09:15:29 PM Trusted bitstamp for 5 Euro's
rwQnfcsa3yVqvEUnVsd3gdNMxG5wX5kn2E Thanks! RECEIVED :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: de_xt on January 11, 2014, 09:15:57 PM I think I did it right.
r4oxPkzEKwD138jgj2YiQtTBzfDM2kvTwy Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: robdark on January 11, 2014, 09:16:06 PM thanks, very generous guy,
r4i68zabqxtf3fF5dWESHk7WmKf6FsKie For the bonus, umm I created this video about ripple and a great deal of the ripple images you will find on google image search for ripple xrp were created by me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RqvQ42XuMI Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: lhupyn on January 11, 2014, 09:17:34 PM rDZokb6Hhztb2LKau235UWiCdt88sGvJgi Gracias! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ROBERTO on January 11, 2014, 09:18:16 PM New on ripple
rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Santi1972 on January 11, 2014, 09:18:23 PM rst2ZbPhS8wXBQnpnohqMTvYPdP9W5JUWE
So generous, thanks :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Boxxl on January 11, 2014, 09:18:35 PM I can't add the trust..
Thanks a lot :) rpLd3mSUkTcbq9CSvMSBGQZFavgGwuShAw Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: trex on January 11, 2014, 09:18:46 PM Trusted,
rpV6EJoK2KfrCstRATSRRTDAUfgTE12ZSX, tnx! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: diacon on January 11, 2014, 09:18:59 PM rU3G9ktVemanTnmechWnTLx7NJHvPF6VZU
Thank you! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: 4w4k3ning on January 11, 2014, 09:19:05 PM Trusted!
rHF7GApPSCCJsTCtiLKQp4xLadRUAXWwTi Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Tonza on January 11, 2014, 09:19:47 PM rnfvKTm5KbEWVkdZKUYYLbZRGdZPxQDM5M
Trusted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: tinstar on January 11, 2014, 09:19:55 PM Now, that was fast!
Thanks again!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:20:09 PM rDZokb6Hhztb2LKau235UWiCdt88sGvJgi Gracias! Unable to send to your account. Please make sure you have trust setup properly. Re-read the first post for more info. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: JTB800 on January 11, 2014, 09:20:27 PM Thank you very much!
rH57srxAn4UwKUPRxtM1KNsg8cdtu2AJTb Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: VarG on January 11, 2014, 09:20:39 PM rEoiVj3sQjALSShW2M9QthJX6jrdSq2Sub
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: networthsigns on January 11, 2014, 09:21:02 PM Trusted
rB2NSi2B72NUAgKRwtdECxc84DPyeSFhX7 Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: de_xt on January 11, 2014, 09:21:20 PM I think I did it right. I got it, all fine. That was really fast. Thanks again!r4oxPkzEKwD138jgj2YiQtTBzfDM2kvTwy Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Ribhu on January 11, 2014, 09:21:43 PM rKQRWEswmNeJfJdvu8LRrboBWHi9KHme1e
Thanks a lot ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Mario89 on January 11, 2014, 09:23:05 PM rMb6rCVKG8rMzcyYN7b6uLSVENPdExf7hy
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: inabsentia on January 11, 2014, 09:24:03 PM rH8Kea1NxWeVaFFeBSDro2MPbdJW4wfetC
Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Paul95 on January 11, 2014, 09:24:19 PM rLn4237kYJPjoLTpPjRZwmXCk4dFRRUgUg
Thank you ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 09:24:26 PM thanks, very generous guy, r4i68zabqxtf3fF5dWESHk7WmKf6FsKie For the bonus, umm I created this video about ripple and a great deal of the ripple images you will find on google image search for ripple xrp were created by me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RqvQ42XuMI Got a laugh out of me! $15 reward. Need you to trust bitstamp for USD please Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: TorHTC on January 11, 2014, 09:24:43 PM rKVSCHaookDHAjZiiVw8Cuc8iyLdKg1GA4
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: bitmonster on January 11, 2014, 09:24:55 PM rKeuP6PYFsbPhs4TwUFtzSD9ziDpoc65jA, nice
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ustc_polaris on January 11, 2014, 09:25:00 PM Team information:
Name: Ripple Labs Created: 11/08/2013 Captain: ripplelabs Type: Company Description: Computing for good. Team Home Page: Click Here To Visit Team Home Page BOINC Team Id: 30491 My Hours Contributed for WCG: 1693 Trusted for USD bonus. Thanks a lot. My address is r4jRfSnCCNyuRVZQCBr3wQsHXFHmwH5GvM Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Fandekasp on January 11, 2014, 09:26:21 PM Hey, thank you very much for this giveaway, very much appreciated :)
My ripple: rDY3Nh9dYxxoYqsmBwG2cRU2FDteft9Xox I'm working on CoinsManager (http://www.coinsmanager.com/) (Trello board here (https://trello.com/b/4ECtz15o/coinsmanager-public)) I granted you 5 euros and 25 dollars :) Thank you very much ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pedrog on January 11, 2014, 09:26:48 PM Just created an account, got this: You have to be funded before you can grant a trust
edit: got it, here's my new address: rGkexd6CVBzAKbPUiRckrUaRCtXn2G31QE Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: VegaS87 on January 11, 2014, 09:27:18 PM rwscFZRJJNaug2HUejqtWnxLBDmBx19mC1
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:27:26 PM rKeuP6PYFsbPhs4TwUFtzSD9ziDpoc65jA, nice Unable to send to your account. Confirm trust setup. Re-read first post of thread for more details. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: bl100 on January 11, 2014, 09:27:40 PM rQJQGFuowiJxmASgXBLibhkrfZ8nNXHHvX
:D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Joshuamcd22 on January 11, 2014, 09:27:59 PM r4ahmWnXWsZsEz3eZ4diWBTf9nuSbKjWL7
Trusted! Thanks! r4ahmWnXWsZsEz3eZ4diWBTf9nuSbKjWL7 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ROBERTO on January 11, 2014, 09:28:41 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2
Activation ok Repost address Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Sergis27 on January 11, 2014, 09:28:55 PM rKjds8yaFBSxmLdsKZvjNdvmRJnonLLTU8
Thank you so much :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Star6791 on January 11, 2014, 09:29:04 PM rnhuW4LEDsgtg6jzddrrpbveyBQRwE1wM5
thanks a lot Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:29:24 PM Just created an account, got this: You have to be funded before you can grant a trust Please re-read the first post. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: GaliafF on January 11, 2014, 09:30:21 PM rhZz3z7EBQSHxPgR8X1RtUYJkQMfifUqmW
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:30:29 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Activation ok Repost address Thanks Please check your trust settings. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Henark on January 11, 2014, 09:30:39 PM Trusted!
rNhM18Pzt7jQQv5fSDxWJyxCXrGrJo3SoG Thanks! ;D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: davidltc on January 11, 2014, 09:31:38 PM New to ripple:Unfunded account rG3eCAjW5XZCRLw1fku3Sq5Rf8xWnmCTvH thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pedrog on January 11, 2014, 09:32:03 PM Just created an account, got this: You have to be funded before you can grant a trust Please re-read the first post. Sorry, here: rGkexd6CVBzAKbPUiRckrUaRCtXn2G31QE Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Odin971 on January 11, 2014, 09:32:13 PM rnskS1RdfmT4gcRbdFfGF3hvCXbMUpWvKR
THX! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Anubis2013 on January 11, 2014, 09:32:20 PM Hello, granted trust
my ripple rPnZokVTbiJMv74ythtxNn7cg8oChq86Ha Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 09:33:16 PM Team information: Name: Ripple Labs Created: 11/08/2013 Captain: ripplelabs Type: Company Description: Computing for good. Team Home Page: Click Here To Visit Team Home Page BOINC Team Id: 30491 My Hours Contributed for WCG: 1693 Trusted for USD rewards. Thanks a lot. My address is r4jRfSnCCNyuRVZQCBr3wQsHXFHmwH5GvM Bionic team reward! Thanks for your help. $5 sent. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: virtualdn on January 11, 2014, 09:33:20 PM please send 100 XRP to activate thanks!!!
rn4FSMF5XXgxMvuvJR2wh6ZV5FLTaDckYL Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Gott1ka on January 11, 2014, 09:33:39 PM rJ5QejfrdQi1DVbJB5F5DWSspG2bukwDaT
thanks in advance! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Aeri on January 11, 2014, 09:34:10 PM just created an account... need activation...
rNvLgjYDRWeruMcBZuAd8eXzLPvDYsJjGJ thank you... Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: bl100 on January 11, 2014, 09:34:15 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=409873.msg4449854#msg4449854
5 usd extra maybe :D rQJQGFuowiJxmASgXBLibhkrfZ8nNXHHvX Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Jek6523 on January 11, 2014, 09:35:15 PM rajj6N9QQe1svrnZMCuCwmyTg56gZ9PTib
thanx!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: joana7575 on January 11, 2014, 09:35:48 PM Hello my Adrees rMsrPWLKxLtrANVeqCJ9xKnHaquZcFqHNF thanks
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: lhupyn on January 11, 2014, 09:36:11 PM Thanks!
rDZokb6Hhztb2LKau235UWiCdt88sGvJgi Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SergeyDN on January 11, 2014, 09:37:00 PM rExKZGPjGDr1GE4ieTgwsQsQqJbM21juQC Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pedrog on January 11, 2014, 09:37:33 PM Trust granted: rGkexd6CVBzAKbPUiRckrUaRCtXn2G31QE
Do I grant trust to same address for USD bonus? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ROBERTO on January 11, 2014, 09:37:46 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Activation ok Repost address Thanks Please check your trust settings. Why? Which setting? And i receive no USD Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: miramare on January 11, 2014, 09:38:00 PM Crazy,but I love it! I love xrp and mine it!
Thank you! r3pcCwvoR52uJUoitnmNovr84ffBKG6QT3 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: 33THOTH2013 on January 11, 2014, 09:38:04 PM Added 5 Euro to Trust
It's all about the Ripple! rKrzqY3rdE2EK5CqEv8EcgRktzG7z5FQAF Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: virtualdn on January 11, 2014, 09:38:08 PM trust granted thanks!
rn4FSMF5XXgxMvuvJR2wh6ZV5FLTaDckYL Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: AndreyPit on January 11, 2014, 09:38:44 PM my Adrees
rcj5KSBHSqdcyhBSdTSPrLArg1Bpc9FDu thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: azure2 on January 11, 2014, 09:39:05 PM Hi! Need to activate: rsiL8f59Kw5xVCPoWq7hwKtb93JbMA2A7s
How can i do this? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Aleksk on January 11, 2014, 09:39:26 PM rhFS5ycZrJd8FS3jAy8icg81wXhbsuJSNd
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:39:44 PM Trust granted: rGkexd6CVBzAKbPUiRckrUaRCtXn2G31QE Do I grant trust to same address for USD bonus? Yes, but you also need to provide a link to a positive contribution you have made to the Ripple community. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: albertdros on January 11, 2014, 09:40:17 PM strange its stuck at verifying address now for a few mins already. Worked fine in last giveaway. Anyone else getting this problem?
edit: worked in safari r4oHRZ56fwY9GVx8fYeZriAwhdcf9F4pzX thanks again! Also received usd and xrp in your last giveaway. Very generous! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Jekson678 on January 11, 2014, 09:40:30 PM rMMseXp1yBPehUMGHwBWgeV6qTpMkG5Wiv
thanks ;) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Dilapidated on January 11, 2014, 09:40:39 PM rGThFanhQep84LUy8rH1RHN9suqECviHDE
Thank you! EUR trust edited up to $5 USD trust edited up to $25 Small contribution: http://us.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1uzgq0/how_to_get_started_with_ripple/ Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Aeri on January 11, 2014, 09:40:57 PM just created an account... need activation... rNvLgjYDRWeruMcBZuAd8eXzLPvDYsJjGJ thank you... activated... trust grated... thank you... Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:41:28 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Activation ok Repost address Thanks Please check your trust settings. Why? Which setting? And i receive no USD Please re-read the first post of this thread. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Bitm1n on January 11, 2014, 09:42:30 PM rD7k3A67EFJPqQj2JTA6cnSMYr9ZUkGVMF
many thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: RomanMercury on January 11, 2014, 09:42:49 PM Added to Trust!
Thank you very much! r4mSXoY1ULizK5DxsTegb991Se5Tpcczfs Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: davidltc on January 11, 2014, 09:43:00 PM New to ripple:Unfunded account rG3eCAjW5XZCRLw1fku3Sq5Rf8xWnmCTvH thank you trusted!! rG3eCAjW5XZCRLw1fku3Sq5Rf8xWnmCTvH Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: GB89 on January 11, 2014, 09:43:16 PM rp5mNRKU9LkpXsWgHHHFfwjzRnWMrxymCR
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Xeon486 on January 11, 2014, 09:43:55 PM rNRA8bhXh83FgqSXsd9HoLmFrH4UbFTG4W
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: GB89 on January 11, 2014, 09:44:25 PM rGQUqX9VZPQ7roRH4FrgrUjr3nTa5Ck1EE
TY ;D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pedrog on January 11, 2014, 09:44:30 PM Trust granted: rGkexd6CVBzAKbPUiRckrUaRCtXn2G31QE Do I grant trust to same address for USD bonus? Yes, but you also need to provide a link to a positive contribution you have made to the Ripple community. Oh, I see. Well, the only thing I can show is that now I have an account and will use it. :) Trusted for $5. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 09:45:10 PM Hey, thank you very much for this giveaway, very much appreciated :) My ripple: rDY3Nh9dYxxoYqsmBwG2cRU2FDteft9Xox I'm working on CoinsManager (http://www.coinsmanager.com/) (Trello board here (https://trello.com/b/4ECtz15o/coinsmanager-public)) I granted you 5 euros and 25 dollars :) Thank you very much ! Looks great, can't wait to see it completed! Ripple says you have not trusted for USD, please correct for your $25 reward. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: anonimus on January 11, 2014, 09:45:20 PM Trust is granted!
rPGtQxGV45JarZZrefJT5UmHx4djYkjwv7 thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: StanKq on January 11, 2014, 09:45:31 PM r44edj5AphvYuNwVhKe1xAFwjPPvxvRSzR
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: coinpr0n on January 11, 2014, 09:46:40 PM Trusted for USD, just in case... rUqokwHgrbRHyGk54jPHRoPuLPgRDM2uPd
BOINC Team Id: 30491 Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) 0:001:04:55:00 (Rank) (#583,061) Just started two days ago, today's hours aren't counted yet. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: TomHix on January 11, 2014, 09:47:00 PM rGkfT1TgRkw8pJtHTLwJStotvRvMqWKmkY thx :D
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: niceday on January 11, 2014, 09:47:47 PM rHmoL1AhwRvDWABSp566bfyJdBtbacdvRb Thank you!! :) New on Ripple Sorry for the "reserved"!! Now i am ready! :) Thank you very much!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Woetie on January 11, 2014, 09:48:28 PM Trusted
rM42Csc9p8mrZpHm3tUaDNBnAVXzmAU7u4 Thanks Ow forgot to mention I started the first dutch website about Ripple, www.ripple101.nl. I don't know how much to trust in dollars so I did the max of 25. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Asicmonster on January 11, 2014, 09:48:32 PM rELhVEueZErzqZpuZnuqwmuRNRBaiAGsuT
thanks man :D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: azure2 on January 11, 2014, 09:49:40 PM rsiL8f59Kw5xVCPoWq7hwKtb93JbMA2A7s
Trust granted! Thx! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Amph on January 11, 2014, 09:49:43 PM rBtvQg2MsMngNqSWd96a7sK7H2QGcmo7NH
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: KrisMJ on January 11, 2014, 09:50:25 PM rU8BNRxLYAYQQ9rmsvNkEUNV6Q7eY7acrZ
trusted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:51:02 PM rBtvQg2MsMngNqSWd96a7sK7H2QGcmo7NH Unable to send EUR. Please verify trust settings and re-read first post. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: peter87 on January 11, 2014, 09:51:18 PM hi rJDVzNebnvErKzjK1vEcLAKeLiHL5EsRsQ thanks
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: NOFX on January 11, 2014, 09:52:42 PM rHCRMRtYPihXcjQhbTrJ1cqjaGkT4UbL5E
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: niceday on January 11, 2014, 09:52:56 PM This was very fast. Added to trust.
rHmoL1AhwRvDWABSp566bfyJdBtbacdvRb Thank you!! :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ROBERTO on January 11, 2014, 09:53:55 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Activation ok Repost address Thanks Please check your trust settings. Why? Which setting? And i receive no USD Please re-read the first post of this thread. EUR trust edited up to $5 USD trust edited up to $25 rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Megarig on January 11, 2014, 09:54:21 PM rnU3hFB78EjEERppZXSTMXGsDR8e6rkhba
Trust! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 09:54:32 PM Trusted for USD, just in case... rUqokwHgrbRHyGk54jPHRoPuLPgRDM2uPd BOINC Team Id: 30491 Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) 0:001:04:55:00 (Rank) (#583,061) Just started two days ago, today's hours aren't counted yet. Thanks for your contribution! $5 sent Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Raist on January 11, 2014, 09:55:27 PM rwFjjoAMjpcdqvPifGtUmKmfE24S2DA1zh
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: RomanMercury on January 11, 2014, 09:55:40 PM Started a new thread on Ripple. Here is the link.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411386.new#new RIPPLE!!!!! r4mSXoY1ULizK5DxsTegb991Se5Tpcczfs Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: unknowk on January 11, 2014, 09:56:09 PM Ripple!!!!
r3MxfhiJP3ecJR28KmacLSSDWMZ7oKFdAQ Thank You !!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 09:56:56 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
thanks all done hope i am not tooo late Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: markt12 on January 11, 2014, 09:57:08 PM My address rw21vbYwWtYxuiV4h8KqUcuAtyJk8g5wYf
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Amph on January 11, 2014, 09:57:16 PM rBtvQg2MsMngNqSWd96a7sK7H2QGcmo7NH Unable to send EUR. Please verify trust settings and re-read first post. how much ripple i get with this giveaway? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: tbc on January 11, 2014, 09:58:03 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=409873.msg4450096#msg4450096
for a five usd try and ra37F5VPbeMkZqegzVtKuVobZrqsfEb79x for a 5 eur try and I use boinc trying to post as as front page says :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Stas528 on January 11, 2014, 09:58:34 PM rfbFs8969gYFGbHNG6vc9zqS89Cz7QHGGj
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 09:59:50 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq thanks all done hope i am not tooo late Please re-read the first post and verify your trust setup. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:00:56 PM rBtvQg2MsMngNqSWd96a7sK7H2QGcmo7NH Unable to send EUR. Please verify trust settings and re-read first post. how much ripple i get with this giveaway? Please re-read the first thread of this post. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:01:05 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq sorry I am a bit dyslectic and did not see it should be euros. I changed it, hope I am still in Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Bitworker on January 11, 2014, 10:01:10 PM rKC5QxwhQmxkDCkZMtnRKxe76BcoRAUKs2
trust Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: inspiredinvestor on January 11, 2014, 10:01:24 PM rPkFC2HcSjfjCq4Z5PX4YuMU3qAutRhkx5
thanks :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ROBERTO on January 11, 2014, 10:02:13 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Activation ok Repost address Thanks Please check your trust settings. Why? Which setting? And i receive no USD Please re-read the first post of this thread. EUR trust edited up to $5 USD trust edited up to $25 rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Thanks 5 EUR receive! Thanks But how to recive the usd bonus? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:03:30 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq sorry I am a bit dyslectic and did not see it should be euros. I changed it, hope I am still in Absolutely, just sent. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: helenapt on January 11, 2014, 10:03:34 PM My Address r6jSmf4s64xwMgWzv14whdnnC1BjFCCVW thx
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Megabit91 on January 11, 2014, 10:04:22 PM rpLMy4QFMPzrhgXhmdez2imeeo58uMQNxb
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:04:42 PM rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Activation ok Repost address Thanks Please check your trust settings. Why? Which setting? And i receive no USD Please re-read the first post of this thread. EUR trust edited up to $5 USD trust edited up to $25 rH75RVr4jyGMkWxNikpzusmbYgQ5AC7ky2 Thanks 5 EUR receive! Thanks But how to recive the usd bonus? Please re-read the first post for details. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: DimaTH on January 11, 2014, 10:06:00 PM rEqGjWC3Jp9LRawwyf3Xipo1waWP2juvNE
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Metal on January 11, 2014, 10:06:25 PM rUW57YpF9wRtVXKAQkx8J3LjpyeJMRrKtn
Thanks a bunch! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Aeri on January 11, 2014, 10:07:18 PM new acount created... activated... trust added...
rNvLgjYDRWeruMcBZuAd8eXzLPvDYsJjGJ thank you... Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: CrossFire on January 11, 2014, 10:07:38 PM rBH9CBej4MzKUbZ9LKwipzTiAA6NLvztNX
Trust!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ruialt on January 11, 2014, 10:08:38 PM My address rxS54ivkVyL3WFX83Gfq98snEUzNSYoK4 thxhj
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:08:44 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
all the conversion from euros to xpr gives a rise of the value :-) funny to see. thank for sending it. received and happy Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:08:48 PM rPkFC2HcSjfjCq4Z5PX4YuMU3qAutRhkx5 thanks :) Unable to send EUR. Please re-read first post of giveaway thread. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: AlbertNik on January 11, 2014, 10:10:10 PM rMUMzwWYAaBhUxxbYGUQTDhG9BTETPLGN2
Thanx Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: KoningKaas on January 11, 2014, 10:11:24 PM rMjSDw74vGEyHczWbEdE8eNy6mQeYFfXqm
Hope im not too late, Thanks in advance! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Oktan95 on January 11, 2014, 10:11:50 PM rBWYh8AmLGyaFFs2DnDiCqji3aCZXKtkRq
thanks in advance! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:12:58 PM Thank you all for participating and for your contributions.
USD bonus is for contributions to the Ripple community. Introducing yourself or just having a wallet does not qualify. Also please be sure to trust for USD if you expect a reward. A few posts have not been able to receive USD and I would really like to send them money! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Hummer487 on January 11, 2014, 10:13:36 PM rp5Vmyucu3REawiKX341RQXpdgHbxwmev3
trust Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: xyz on January 11, 2014, 10:14:34 PM For the $ bonus - I gave a link to his giveaway in the German forum and offered my help:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411369.0 raXcNr6MgtxZd2vDNvcM4niZAqJ9VDS7FF MANY thanks!!!!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: susanebit on January 11, 2014, 10:15:25 PM My address r3oyjnVjKLo6f1TT1ythcKYQkvjE4Xw4Ug thanks
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ViktorSk on January 11, 2014, 10:15:46 PM rpwa9R4ahANUDiGYieshhDW6kz3tbYmEPA
Thanks a lot Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: OktaLp5 on January 11, 2014, 10:17:12 PM rNZDwJZr1piUs2k3ecdbmDevvgt5tNMTuw
Trust Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: KoningKaas on January 11, 2014, 10:17:45 PM rMjSDw74vGEyHczWbEdE8eNy6mQeYFfXqm Hope im not too late, Thanks in advance! I think i made a mistake with trust granted But it now says Trust is granted! :P Hope i did it right, i got some XRP , thanks a lot! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ustc_polaris on January 11, 2014, 10:18:50 PM Thank you all for participating and for your contributions. USD bonus is for contributions to the Ripple community. Introducing yourself or just having a wallet does not qualify. Also please be sure to trust for USD if you expect a reward. A few posts have not been able to receive USD and I would really like to send them money! Thank you for your kindness! :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: DennGSA on January 11, 2014, 10:19:07 PM rU4S1mhVkjDyb7SgZCBiHvShqkD9ZKE1r7
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:19:20 PM rMjSDw74vGEyHczWbEdE8eNy6mQeYFfXqm Hope im not too late, Thanks in advance! I think i made a mistake with trust granted But it now says Trust is granted! :P Hope i did it right, i got some XRP , thanks a lot! Euros sent :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: rdcpsi on January 11, 2014, 10:19:54 PM rnhayuqu8C4zE4aU3Ahrcrtvh1QZN95vKt
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: rickcoin1 on January 11, 2014, 10:20:48 PM My raK5yR2cqUnjSvCGHe9HpZXZ7vzyh1qptP many thanksh
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: KoningKaas on January 11, 2014, 10:21:36 PM rMjSDw74vGEyHczWbEdE8eNy6mQeYFfXqm Hope im not too late, Thanks in advance! I think i made a mistake with trust granted But it now says Trust is granted! :P Hope i did it right, i got some XRP , thanks a lot! Euros sent :) Received, thanks a lot! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: skorch31 on January 11, 2014, 10:22:03 PM Thanks! You are very generous!
raEoYsV2RYqFTH8vC9J64yifRmeN6tevAN Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:22:40 PM Hey, thank you very much for this giveaway, very much appreciated :) My ripple: rDY3Nh9dYxxoYqsmBwG2cRU2FDteft9Xox I'm working on CoinsManager (http://www.coinsmanager.com/) (Trello board here (https://trello.com/b/4ECtz15o/coinsmanager-public)) I granted you 5 euros and 25 dollars :) Thank you very much ! Looks like a great start! I can't wait to see it completed. Sent $20, would have sent 25 if enough trust was given! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Santi1972 on January 11, 2014, 10:23:28 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0)
Link in the Hispanic community, who know the best ripple If correct, tell me if I have to trust the 25 dollars Thanks ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:24:29 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
how does it work with the 25 usd bonus. Do I understand that we can receive one? Will their be a new contest for it? Or do I just need to trust you with 25 USD? Also If I would like to change my money back to Euro I will get way less than I bought for it? why is that? I paid 0.022 cents per xrp and selling would like 0.015 or something. did do it just calculated it by myself. thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: avavavav on January 11, 2014, 10:25:41 PM rPiBHenQfzdNuQCDxHqDHGFiisG8jSKpMc
Thanks a lot, I have created a gateway for mock coins called FUNcoins. They are helping teach people about ripple on XRP talk. It allows people to use ripple with no risk. Deux and Busterzz have also been very helpful and one of them is creating a website for the project. I came up with the idea and implemented the manual mock gateway, but Busterzz has taken it to the next level, and Deux is also working with us. We have had a great positive response so far! deux: rUZTJo4ZJ5MtFbaHY3u9U4ZdbqcGDWXXyY busterzz: rLkjXQhsNd7TwD9r5MhakB3o366Zjazx1n https://xrptalk.org/topic/856-fun/ Thanks again, you are very generous. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:26:20 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq how does it work with the 25 usd bonus. Do I understand that we can receive one? Will their be a new contest for it? Or do I just need to trust you with 25 USD? Also If I would like to change my money back to Euro I will get way less than I bought for it? why is that? I paid 0.022 cents per xrp and selling would like 0.015 or something. did do it just calculated it by myself. thanks Please re-read the bottom of the first post of this thread for info on eligibility on the USD giveaway. I do not have time to go over exchange details at this moment - hope to cover in the future. You might be able to find someone to help you out on the xrptalk.org or ripple.com forums. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: GROK on January 11, 2014, 10:27:39 PM rPzWJmUr9fDeBkJhH6XB4xeH93kfA4kdwj
Ty Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:28:03 PM For the $ bonus - I gave a link to his giveaway in the German forum and offered my help: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411369.0 raXcNr6MgtxZd2vDNvcM4niZAqJ9VDS7FF MANY thanks!!!!!! Thanks for getting the word out to our German speaking members. $15 sent Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pedrog on January 11, 2014, 10:28:06 PM Trust granted: rGkexd6CVBzAKbPUiRckrUaRCtXn2G31QE Do I grant trust to same address for USD bonus? Yes, but you also need to provide a link to a positive contribution you have made to the Ripple community. Oh, I see. Well, the only thing I can show is that now I have an account and will use it. :) Trusted for $5. So, I'm now a member of Ripple Labs BOINC Team, currently downloading work. :) Quote My Statistics My Team: Ripple Labs Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 0:000:00:00:00 Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 8816:216:01:14:34 (#8) Points Generated (Rank) 0 Points Generated (Rank) 11,592,614,052 (#7) Results Returned (Rank) 0 Results Returned (Rank) 24,134,743 (#7) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: 33THOTH2013 on January 11, 2014, 10:28:23 PM Made a Post about the 2013 ripple developer conference and where you can watch the entire series.
Here is the Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411421.new#new Embrace the RIPPLE! rKrzqY3rdE2EK5CqEv8EcgRktzG7z5FQAF Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Fandekasp on January 11, 2014, 10:28:47 PM Hey, thank you very much for this giveaway, very much appreciated :) My ripple: rDY3Nh9dYxxoYqsmBwG2cRU2FDteft9Xox I'm working on CoinsManager (http://www.coinsmanager.com/) (Trello board here (https://trello.com/b/4ECtz15o/coinsmanager-public)) I granted you 5 euros and 25 dollars :) Thank you very much ! Looks like a great start! I can't wait to see it completed. Sent $20, would have sent 25 if enough trust was given! Thank you :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:29:20 PM rPzWJmUr9fDeBkJhH6XB4xeH93kfA4kdwj Ty I am unable to send EUR to your account. Please re-read the first post of this thread for giveaway setup info. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: kaito on January 11, 2014, 10:30:05 PM Keep it up. Thanks.
rPQPU6LNtd8gi4x6BtbHdLZTsr6NPQX9UT Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:30:24 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
I granted 20 euro trust and 25 dollars :-) is it still valid? I hope yes, its an assume start for ripple thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:30:45 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0) Link in the Hispanic community, who know the best ripple If correct, tell me if I have to trust the 25 dollars Thanks ! Please post your ripple address for your USD bonus, thanks for getting the word out to our Hispanic community! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: georgebt on January 11, 2014, 10:30:58 PM My rhgszTeSnGtgkMTkMGnzu7fcQ4auRewsGR thanks
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: soulistyce on January 11, 2014, 10:31:09 PM already add trust
thanks a lot :D rJobBdfopnpnfoz6k12DiP8YhvWNjwCinV Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: skorch31 on January 11, 2014, 10:34:04 PM Thank you! I received the Euros.
I will apply for the USD reward. Below is a link where I helped someone set up wcg on digital ocean. http://opencoin.in/ripple-giveaway/wcg-on-digitalocean/15/ I use the same screen name there. Thanks again! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:34:22 PM rPiBHenQfzdNuQCDxHqDHGFiisG8jSKpMc Thanks a lot, I have created a gateway for mock coins called FUNcoins. They are helping teach people about ripple on XRP talk. It allows people to use ripple with no risk. Deux and Busterzz have also been very helpful and one of them is creating a website for the project. I came up with the idea and implemented the manual mock gateway, but Busterzz has taken it to the next level, and Deux is also working with us. We have had a great positive response so far! deux: rUZTJo4ZJ5MtFbaHY3u9U4ZdbqcGDWXXyY busterzz: rLkjXQhsNd7TwD9r5MhakB3o366Zjazx1n https://xrptalk.org/topic/856-fun/ Thanks again, you are very generous. Fungateway! $15 sent Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:36:40 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
there are good people I linked the giveawy to cryptotalk community https://cryptocointalk.com/topic/3109-ripple-xrp-giveaway-5-euro-for-each-person/ granted 25 usd trust and 20 euro Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: GROK on January 11, 2014, 10:38:06 PM rPzWJmUr9fDeBkJhH6XB4xeH93kfA4kdwj Ty I am unable to send EUR to your account. Please re-read the first post of this thread for giveaway setup info. already add trust thanks a lot Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:38:31 PM Made a Post about the 2013 ripple developer conference and where you can watch the entire series. Here is the Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411421.new#new Embrace the RIPPLE! rKrzqY3rdE2EK5CqEv8EcgRktzG7z5FQAF Great post! Please add USD trust for $20 reward!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: squatsnmilk on January 11, 2014, 10:40:34 PM raDNtDvVcRamHbjQgopXKq6ZhPYJQcGCEh
thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Santi1972 on January 11, 2014, 10:41:04 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0) Link in the Hispanic community, who know the best ripple If correct, tell me if I have to trust the 25 dollars Thanks ! Please post your ripple address for your USD bonus, thanks for getting the word out to our Hispanic community! rst2ZbPhS8wXBQnpnohqMTvYPdP9W5JUWE Thank you !!! :D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 10:43:49 PM rpcTeYT27qQ8wFqoUC6CzTiMS3KkHX2tRo Thanks! Please re-read the first post of this thread and verify your trust setup. Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 10:45:54 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
I linked the giveawy to cryptotalk community there are good people who can support ripple https://cryptocointalk.com/topic/3109-ripple-xrp-giveaway-5-euro-for-each-person/ granted 25 usd trust and 20 euro furthermore, I am providing my computer for solving projects. FAHV_ x2zd1RTnb_ 0707653_ 0111_ 0-- Thorin-PC Valid 10.01.14 05:35:30 11.01.14 13:13:18 9.38 / 14.23 304.4 / 194.6 cant copy all but if you need other verification I can provide them to you in person did I understand now right or am I to stupid to understand. sorry. My reading skills are not so good under this pressure :-) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: StelsF71 on January 11, 2014, 10:46:30 PM rJpqSqvPJPsbxHhMAa5qf3NtYAyC5rNA8y
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: ustc_polaris on January 11, 2014, 10:47:05 PM Post this giveaway in a Chinese ripple forum and details can be find in http://www.ripplechina.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2838&extra=
Thank you very much, nicepen and hypostatization! 25USD trust granted :) r4jRfSnCCNyuRVZQCBr3wQsHXFHmwH5GvM Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: crafty on January 11, 2014, 10:49:42 PM Trust granted.
rUZQjFoJSVHrCfJ4Ui76QYdNsumFjbuH8p Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: CubGTX on January 11, 2014, 10:49:51 PM rGzkvTcqE83xNG35dVkgLLEzAvbfTBfDNk
25USD&5Euro Trust Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:50:24 PM Trusted rM42Csc9p8mrZpHm3tUaDNBnAVXzmAU7u4 Thanks Ow forgot to mention I started the first dutch website about Ripple, www.ripple101.nl. I don't know how much to trust in dollars so I did the max of 25. $20 Sent Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nobodysbusiness on January 11, 2014, 10:52:23 PM rJbkcEkQB9k6c8hB3sxQXGh5bpwomsAuNN
Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 10:53:37 PM Made a Post about the 2013 ripple developer conference and where you can watch the entire series. Here is the Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411421.new#new Embrace the RIPPLE! rKrzqY3rdE2EK5CqEv8EcgRktzG7z5FQAF Great contribution. Your trust limit was $10, it has been sent! Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: BlackFor3st on January 11, 2014, 10:54:14 PM It's a new wallet and not activated.
rBBJj54og3a94d35A9X75FaXQ4EK71DNgx Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: KovalSp on January 11, 2014, 10:54:40 PM rnKarZqyarRR3CDUTrsoYKVosXgudVYF7Y
thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: pmm123 on January 11, 2014, 10:54:41 PM rs7TQJG4McpemB1933xDvETW7nBHT2vNS3
trusted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: sofiaii on January 11, 2014, 10:55:15 PM My rrsLVFqGBQSSYcZT2LsbH8CLwMXqUjUsur thanks
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: AntonW91 on January 11, 2014, 10:56:56 PM rHPDvmDc2qDMN2ZLt22eFB7Chpbw6zPJq4
;) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Krot527 on January 11, 2014, 10:59:00 PM rHyC8cVCnXvYdJiizVFGyzLVjZqdHyA7Wt
Trust granted Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: aorith on January 11, 2014, 10:59:01 PM rBThAuaJk9dy8HBi9Eg2uSDHx6weSK8LsS
thanks I can't trust yet, will need some ripple first, new to this! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: vesipyks on January 11, 2014, 10:59:29 PM rfMDAk9a4M3w9LA3HTN4hzXMG1Q5RQELSH
Thanks! :) Just created the wallet and still learning what ripple is. :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: 33THOTH2013 on January 11, 2014, 11:01:31 PM Made a Post about the 2013 ripple developer conference and where you can watch the entire series. Here is the Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411421.new#new Embrace the RIPPLE! rKrzqY3rdE2EK5CqEv8EcgRktzG7z5FQAF Great contribution. Your trust limit was $10, it has been sent! Thanks Hey Increased the limit to $35, (I already had $10 dollars USD from yesterdays Giveaway) Thank you very much! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 11:02:21 PM Post this giveaway in a Chinese ripple forum and details can be find in http://www.ripplechina.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2838&extra= Thank you very much, nicepen and hypostatization! 25USD trust granted :) r4jRfSnCCNyuRVZQCBr3wQsHXFHmwH5GvM Thanks for sharing! $13.5 sent (that was the limit) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: jdh015232 on January 11, 2014, 11:03:56 PM rpENTWdG627HeNiVCF46CChdtA3v1CQErb
thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: 3dcgminer on January 11, 2014, 11:04:41 PM -------------------------------
Posting for the 5 Euro giveaway, thanks. For the dollar bonus, I have been running all my PCs and even Android tablets for a month on the Ripple Labs team in the Computing for Good project and will encourage my friends to do the same. My public stats page: ---------------------- (Trust already added) /EDIT Recieved Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:04:57 PM rpENTWdG627HeNiVCF46CChdtA3v1CQErb thanks! Unable to send EUR. Please re-read first post of this thread and verify your trust setup. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: unknowk on January 11, 2014, 11:05:18 PM Added Trust
r3MxfhiJP3ecJR28KmacLSSDWMZ7oKFdAQ Thank You !!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: maryy on January 11, 2014, 11:06:13 PM My rPS4SjxKDiDGtHvmqaXhseedJrbqUC2dkB thx
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:06:31 PM rEnm1xKLngYUThTjU2XFznMHKefw45v8ud Posting for the 5 Euro giveaway, thanks. For the dollar bonus, I have been running all my PCs and even Android tablets for a month on the Ripple Labs team in the Computing for Good project and will encourage my friends to do the same. My public stats page: http://boincstats.com/en/stats/-1/user/detail/2806291/overview (Trust already added) Reward sent :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Snail2 on January 11, 2014, 11:06:37 PM Added trust.
rMAay3c3MU2c2Btd5334kkqPrSZKYckcPz Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:07:31 PM Added Trust r3MxfhiJP3ecJR28KmacLSSDWMZ7oKFdAQ Thank You !!! Please double check that you have this setup for EUR, and are using the correct address for Bitstamp. Details in the first post of this thread. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 11:07:42 PM Made a Post about the 2013 ripple developer conference and where you can watch the entire series. Here is the Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411421.new#new Embrace the RIPPLE! rKrzqY3rdE2EK5CqEv8EcgRktzG7z5FQAF Great contribution. Your trust limit was $10, it has been sent! Thanks Hey Increased the limit to $35, (I already had $10 dollars USD from yesterdays Giveaway) Thank you very much! Another $10 sent. It's good to see the people responsible for developing ripple Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SharJeT on January 11, 2014, 11:07:58 PM rhaFrGQuUnE9Yw9kEgbhjWvvoqkxo2Gi49
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Santi1972 on January 11, 2014, 11:09:05 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0) Link in the Hispanic community, who know the best ripple If correct, tell me if I have to trust the 25 dollars Thanks ! Please post your ripple address for your USD bonus, thanks for getting the word out to our Hispanic community! rst2ZbPhS8wXBQnpnohqMTvYPdP9W5JUWE Thank you !!! :D I have not received bonus $ 25, I did something wrong? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Boost458 on January 11, 2014, 11:10:32 PM rEPuafxVuN3PFoKpZUB2WdAYmmNuvbNwp2
added trust. thank you! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: cl3m on January 11, 2014, 11:11:08 PM Hi !
New to Ripple, need to be activated :) My address : rKA3qsDAxH7Suwe46Fxmu5uui2RgXMr2FK Thanks ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: eve1980 on January 11, 2014, 11:11:19 PM My r4jDw4tbDAxQNTT1nZSAP7USresR1CvsFL thanks alot
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: trafficbeyond on January 11, 2014, 11:11:58 PM Added trust.
Thank you ! rKyvf2g3yS58FEDNCkWWXUxXUzy6dvZWWg Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: aorith on January 11, 2014, 11:14:19 PM rBThAuaJk9dy8HBi9Eg2uSDHx6weSK8LsS
trusted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: robelneo on January 11, 2014, 11:14:41 PM Trust is granted!
rPzQ1XyzW4iT7ReTHfnoxZ12mPnQWxhRmv Thanks!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: Santi1972 on January 11, 2014, 11:14:48 PM https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411414.0) Link in the Hispanic community, who know the best ripple If correct, tell me if I have to trust the 25 dollars Thanks ! Please post your ripple address for your USD bonus, thanks for getting the word out to our Hispanic community! rst2ZbPhS8wXBQnpnohqMTvYPdP9W5JUWE Thank you !!! :D I have not received bonus $ 25, I did something wrong? Thank you :D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: cl3m on January 11, 2014, 11:15:00 PM Trust ok : You now trust rvYAfWj… for 5 EUR
rKA3qsDAxH7Suwe46Fxmu5uui2RgXMr2FK Thanks :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: viriat0 on January 11, 2014, 11:15:06 PM rfcRwYz2aUStys2HCgfSXRQA9rMHiFFyXw
Thanks :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 11:15:23 PM rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq
I see may article got deleted. But you are welcome to make a giveaway at cryptocoin.. talk not sure if this is in this forum also against the rules but you know what I mean. There are great active people in there. So it would be really good to do one. thats what I can do to help. thanks anyway. tried to get the 25 usd. seems not too lucky in this one. would have been an amazing day. thanks for everything Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: cl3m on January 11, 2014, 11:16:49 PM 5€ received ! Very fast, thank you !
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: unknowk on January 11, 2014, 11:17:00 PM Added Trust r3MxfhiJP3ecJR28KmacLSSDWMZ7oKFdAQ Thank You !!! Please double check that you have this setup for EUR, and are using the correct address for Bitstamp. Details in the first post of this thread. http://imageshack.com/a/img541/6223/a113.png correct? recived 5 EUR too Thanks !! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:17:52 PM Added Trust r3MxfhiJP3ecJR28KmacLSSDWMZ7oKFdAQ Thank You !!! Please double check that you have this setup for EUR, and are using the correct address for Bitstamp. Details in the first post of this thread. http://imageshack.com/a/img541/6223/a113.png correct? Yep, just sent - good to go :) Apologies if I goofed up on the first pass. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: alphapilot on January 11, 2014, 11:18:31 PM Hi, looks promising!
I signed up but my account is not activated yet: rNwYTqaL2CNA6HUqedAubb5zp9PhZyiL8V Waiting for XRP to activate account... Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: mikelll on January 11, 2014, 11:19:05 PM my is rHcQD9Tdgzf18QxXk9vVDcGZ2672JXgSLC thx thx
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:19:21 PM Hi, looks promising! I signed up but my account is not activated yet: rNwYTqaL2CNA6HUqedAubb5zp9PhZyiL8V Waiting for XRP to activate account... Activated / good to go. Setup trust / let me know. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: TrumGTI on January 11, 2014, 11:19:47 PM rpro9CjnkucosUfVMXUo64wzZGG5hDm9hs
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: viriat0 on January 11, 2014, 11:20:20 PM Trusted!!
rfcRwYz2aUStys2HCgfSXRQA9rMHiFFyXw Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: st0ned on January 11, 2014, 11:20:26 PM Trust granted! Thank you very much!
rMqrUqPGD5pptvpPWip982iYbQgZo8yXhE Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: AlbertGanz on January 11, 2014, 11:21:58 PM r4qrCZ5KwhrY9gsXGkqLXy5bamXFF57Emq
Many thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: viriat0 on January 11, 2014, 11:22:50 PM Recevied! Thanks hypostatization!!
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: solstice on January 11, 2014, 11:23:19 PM Trust is granted. Thanks!
rEgh3TbmP6aCGgrRCkjAki55F5X5G4tRt6 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: robert70 on January 11, 2014, 11:23:29 PM My rfnE9wrUZNYL7mimF4gWz4sbk5BzJ4C57R thanks
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: alphapilot on January 11, 2014, 11:23:50 PM Hi, looks promising! I signed up but my account is not activated yet: rNwYTqaL2CNA6HUqedAubb5zp9PhZyiL8V Waiting for XRP to activate account... Activated / good to go. Setup trust / let me know. Wow super fast! Trusted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: bitlion on January 11, 2014, 11:24:10 PM r4VErYR9n13Df3pJVLmQZMPyEabRwjoP9y
I am new, need XRP to activate account. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: DanInt on January 11, 2014, 11:24:19 PM rG53zo556htnnLqtWY34hSjnmCo8UcYi65
Trust granted Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:25:51 PM Hi, looks promising! I signed up but my account is not activated yet: rNwYTqaL2CNA6HUqedAubb5zp9PhZyiL8V Waiting for XRP to activate account... Activated / good to go. Setup trust / let me know. Wow super fast! Trusted! Euros sent. Ripple is blazing fast. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: unknowk on January 11, 2014, 11:27:06 PM Quote Yep, just sent - good to go :) Apologies if I goofed up on the first pass. NP just delay aha... USD Bonus is later ? hehe Anyway Thank You ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: alphapilot on January 11, 2014, 11:27:25 PM Hi, looks promising! I signed up but my account is not activated yet: rNwYTqaL2CNA6HUqedAubb5zp9PhZyiL8V Waiting for XRP to activate account... Activated / good to go. Setup trust / let me know. Wow super fast! Trusted! Euros sent. Ripple is blazing fast. Received! Thank you very much! Going to explore this further! :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:27:52 PM Quote Yep, just sent - good to go :) Apologies if I goofed up on the first pass. NP just delay aha... USD Bonus is later ? hehe Anyway Thank You ! Eligibility requirements for the USD are included in the first post of this thread at the very bottom. Just need to demonstrate positive contributions you have made to the Ripple community. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: BlackFor3st on January 11, 2014, 11:28:45 PM Trusted, thank you.
rBBJj54og3a94d35A9X75FaXQ4EK71DNgx Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Colos592 on January 11, 2014, 11:29:19 PM rfeETc7s3zLFbQbBQXmr7oby9pMc7neHNk
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: estevezzi on January 11, 2014, 11:30:19 PM Hello my is rpjjFAMW9pLcWSxHR31vP8d8uzvbMWrZaU thx
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: ipsum100 on January 11, 2014, 11:33:13 PM I Speak very well Ripple and put in link to this thread in a forum Spanish speaking very interesting on section cryptocurrencys
http://www.forolockerz.com/criptomonedas/gana-5-euros-ahora-mismo-!!-con-la-comunidad-ripple/ (http://www.forolockerz.com/criptomonedas/gana-5-euros-ahora-mismo-!!-con-la-comunidad-ripple/) I trust bonus $ 25 rQCrQm8i9fCkvyRhsq2DyZytfsLnTJ7fn Thank you! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Anubis2013 on January 11, 2014, 11:33:34 PM Posted a Video explaining the Ripple Client and Wallet
Here is the link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411494.new#new Rippler!!! Thank you rPnZokVTbiJMv74ythtxNn7cg8oChq86Ha Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: arcke on January 11, 2014, 11:35:00 PM Hi, I am new to Ripple and need XRP to activate.
rhoAmxbg9iBE9yLpaZCXFfKRdacMuww5C1 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: unknowk on January 11, 2014, 11:35:39 PM Quote Eligibility requirements for the USD are included in the first post of this thread at the very bottom. Just need to demonstrate positive contributions you have made to the Ripple community. ahh sorry i don't see last line.. i will try to get some ripple i will do a give way, i think it's a good Cryptocurrency.. want to see this like BitCoin is today. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: mariaa on January 11, 2014, 11:36:28 PM rp1rVPQsKY76Kc2UoJEKWwKxDNErYRLMwJ i am new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: SenorHombre on January 11, 2014, 11:36:45 PM @ hypostatization
I send you a personal message. thank you taking your time. rPvVbpzUsZSGPrsjNJRzAo1DhoUgqTE3Gq Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: DavidGas on January 11, 2014, 11:37:19 PM rnSyqh62MGgdFRsqCunaQecgG8otxTSAGJ
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: ipsum100 on January 11, 2014, 11:38:22 PM I received $ 15 thanks!
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Fernandez on January 11, 2014, 11:38:41 PM Hi
I opened a wallet rh7Ldk1C3ziz6fdi2yCeovB6ovPDTfzetJ I guess I will have to wait to get it funded? Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: LinDav on January 11, 2014, 11:39:14 PM rMJKgqP779js4kM25sBLApP4T3tko5dDfV
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Den821 on January 11, 2014, 11:40:14 PM Trust is granted!
r9yEss2vUVobYu9qHpLkYB133ZcyqLFvrd THANKS! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Atrix180 on January 11, 2014, 11:41:19 PM rcVm7UFvWCbtFsfrVYNaaCUkq7tCGiAJN
Thank You! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Sm3cK on January 11, 2014, 11:41:34 PM Yay !! Thanks : )
Edited Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: jojeiy on January 11, 2014, 11:41:51 PM my rDL4wrrPsvfJUWCn9kJXBvMjNj7eW8gXz4 new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:42:15 PM Yay !! Thanks : ) sn1FeibfE1M2hHEHpydxRbQuhn5pD Not a valid Ripple address. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: bitlion on January 11, 2014, 11:42:33 PM Trust is granted!
r4VErYR9n13Df3pJVLmQZMPyEabRwjoP9y Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: carajillu on January 11, 2014, 11:43:26 PM Done!
rffxfSv1zrKdKsPyjZ8Bpes1FxJ9YDPgKD Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Coinbitz on January 11, 2014, 11:43:57 PM rJPmA6gUEqbCsed6Q46eP9FFHVACZXj8tF
Thanks a bunch :D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Magic8Ball on January 11, 2014, 11:44:21 PM rCBmFTMSit6ZP53EDQpdF7ndP7PCEFRc3
Thank you :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Sm3cK on January 11, 2014, 11:45:13 PM Yay !! Thanks : ) sn1FeibfE1M2hHEHpydxRbQuhn5pD Not a valid Ripple address. Oops ! Sorry :( rU6BZd1Nwg4mVvgos66iBg4uA8zc3duYvf Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: eyjgvfdhbshm on January 11, 2014, 11:45:25 PM r9ofNsiJ1gUPUEqzZvyqvHN52uBsZK4YDT
Thank you! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: lizle on January 11, 2014, 11:45:42 PM my ripple address r4h6RcUdjRysDdK1gu5FcvcA9qhTzoXT4M
I trust rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B for 5 EUR :) :) Amazing Giveaway!!THNKS Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Danny79 on January 11, 2014, 11:46:13 PM ra6psb7BmHU7tSvqU4JsHZdY7AfJpJC4YQ
thanks a lot Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: robbtc on January 11, 2014, 11:46:21 PM I am New raSLM1nHm36n7YWMByXgphgiw8DLuT8vGD thx
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Carra23 on January 11, 2014, 11:48:07 PM rQsqqajWTwCa1wXEfrTPfwyk55qTV6CD5M
Thanks a lot! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:48:25 PM my ripple address rfPUmP1KK2YC1iCH242UqEReucyjPDqDdB I trust rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B for 5 EUR :) :) Amazing Giveaway!!THNKS Please double check. Unable to send to your wallet. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 11:48:29 PM rPiBHenQfzdNuQCDxHqDHGFiisG8jSKpMc Thanks a lot, I have created a gateway for mock coins called FUNcoins. They are helping teach people about ripple on XRP talk. It allows people to use ripple with no risk. Deux and Busterzz have also been very helpful and one of them is creating a website for the project. I came up with the idea and implemented the manual mock gateway, but Busterzz has taken it to the next level, and Deux is also working with us. We have had a great positive response so far! deux: rUZTJo4ZJ5MtFbaHY3u9U4ZdbqcGDWXXyY busterzz: rLkjXQhsNd7TwD9r5MhakB3o366Zjazx1n https://xrptalk.org/topic/856-fun/ Thanks again, you are very generous. Fungateway! $15 sent Another $10 sent, Your post and gateway are getting a lot of attention. Your making ripple more accessible to those who are new. Great contribution!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Cosmobik on January 11, 2014, 11:48:37 PM raf7mRgoLdAV6JDeMCWgWdjPVG4E6VYoCK thx ;)
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Magic8Ball on January 11, 2014, 11:50:07 PM rCBmFTMSit6ZP53EDQpdF7ndP7PCEFRc3 Thank you :) Got funded. Trusted with 5 Euros. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 11, 2014, 11:50:22 PM Trust is granted and tweeted about Ripple https://twitter.com/jthan17 (https://twitter.com/jthan17) Most of my followers were entrepreneur and online marketing people. Thanks! r9SrzQ7iKsGkvhKDcJKc8evMSbW7aeYAi6 Make sure you also have trust setup for USD :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: angelaC on January 11, 2014, 11:53:20 PM rJiH2Uav72oR9prYPGKMosRMzFLu4UPcfx
thank you !! Now trust rvYAfWj… for 5 EUR Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: sandroip on January 11, 2014, 11:53:26 PM My is r4ptCn7vYJYjc168gdEvS3dvhzNfJbgrMR new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Sm3cK on January 11, 2014, 11:54:46 PM Granted for 5 USD !
rU6BZd1Nwg4mVvgos66iBg4uA8zc3duYvf :) Thank you very much ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 11, 2014, 11:56:04 PM Trust is granted and tweeted about Ripple https://twitter.com/jthan17 (https://twitter.com/jthan17) Most of my followers were entrepreneur and online marketing people. Thanks! r9SrzQ7iKsGkvhKDcJKc8evMSbW7aeYAi6 $20 sent, thanks for sharing with your followers. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: sumantso on January 11, 2014, 11:56:27 PM Thanks :)
rLSmWoXsTZsdHQxhTNdqjarnLavgqE4kqr Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: RomanMercury on January 11, 2014, 11:58:15 PM Added a cryptsy forum post on Ripple Developer Conference 2013, don't think the post will last long on Cryptsy haha, GO RIPPLE!!!!
Cryptsy User Name: MERCURY https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/63982 Thank you very much! r4mSXoY1ULizK5DxsTegb991Se5Tpcczfs Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: jdwi31 on January 11, 2014, 11:58:43 PM raXY3po4Shz8ks7DdJrorKUAn5VJZFXZkC
my account is funded please feed it :) Trust for 5 EUR Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Fernandez on January 11, 2014, 11:59:12 PM Done!
rh7Ldk1C3ziz6fdi2yCeovB6ovPDTfzetJ TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: mariaa on January 11, 2014, 11:59:37 PM rp1rVPQsKY76Kc2UoJEKWwKxDNErYRLMwJ is active
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Sm3cK on January 12, 2014, 12:01:18 AM Granted for 5 USD ! rU6BZd1Nwg4mVvgos66iBg4uA8zc3duYvf :) Thank you very much ! Oops I mean Trusted not Granted ... would you ... grant it ? ;D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: sumantso on January 12, 2014, 12:01:55 AM Funded and trusted
rLSmWoXsTZsdHQxhTNdqjarnLavgqE4kqr Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: yayayaoshuo on January 12, 2014, 12:02:59 AM Trust is granted! Thank you, this is a great giveaway!
rUxPRYgE6PuwU63WFxdEhNUWXa7S7oPKiJ Why always ? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: MajkiSer on January 12, 2014, 12:03:21 AM rtJscrN8q8MZQPqpe8hU2PFt44QFpu5bP
Trusted for euro. Voted and comment on criptsy, same username like on this forum. Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Maksval on January 12, 2014, 12:03:27 AM rJmdx1eESz8C1RAMnphz8NMNei6gkATFoH
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Stam619 on January 12, 2014, 12:05:30 AM rBxChWuNcvJSZefUUHVAnMD4V97Hftb4A
Trusted Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Anillos2 on January 12, 2014, 12:05:39 AM Done.
rGaE1H6op3GBLLDLH3ryzbvndkZJ5sCj7H Thanks! :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: arcke on January 12, 2014, 12:05:43 AM Trust is granted.
rhoAmxbg9iBE9yLpaZCXFfKRdacMuww5C1 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: jojeiy on January 12, 2014, 12:05:52 AM rDL4wrrPsvfJUWCn9kJXBvMjNj7eW8gXz4 is enabled
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Carra23 on January 12, 2014, 12:06:01 AM rQsqqajWTwCa1wXEfrTPfwyk55qTV6CD5M
Ripple always looked complicated and so I did not bother. Amazing how 5 bucks can motivate me ;D Just wish I got in on those earlier giveaways. Thanks mate. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 12, 2014, 12:06:44 AM Added a cryptsy forum post on Ripple Developer Conference 2013, don't think the post will last long on Cryptsy haha, GO RIPPLE!!!! Cryptsy User Name: MERCURY https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/63982 Thank you very much! r4mSXoY1ULizK5DxsTegb991Se5Tpcczfs I would hope cryptsy is no faster at removing posts than they are when refunding accounts ;D Another $10 Sent Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Alwin1d on January 12, 2014, 12:07:20 AM rJjmJnYinwegYacqjw9t3oFtgVH4M7uDrZ
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: lizle on January 12, 2014, 12:07:58 AM my ripple address r4h6RcUdjRysDdK1gu5FcvcA9qhTzoXT4M I trust rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B for 5 EUR :) :) Amazing Giveaway!!THNKS a few seconds ago I now trust rvYAfWj… for 5 EUR. (a bit later than i expected) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 12, 2014, 12:08:45 AM my ripple address r4h6RcUdjRysDdK1gu5FcvcA9qhTzoXT4M I trust rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B for 5 EUR :) :) Amazing Giveaway!!THNKS a few seconds ago I now trust rvYAfWj… for 5 EUR. (a bit later than i expected) Sent! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: KranLwq on January 12, 2014, 12:09:40 AM Done rMyJk9Jdieeg4947Pnx9P11DVEczz4ggHT thx!
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: katsoo on January 12, 2014, 12:10:22 AM rpRx1gFE9TFQ6AtzpZYUTFMNitYkXaEMjq
received, fast! thank you very much! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: robbtc on January 12, 2014, 12:10:50 AM raSLM1nHm36n7YWMByXgphgiw8DLuT8vGD active
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Boykiy591 on January 12, 2014, 12:11:35 AM rHD6GMZWR82cyjLEsufr2rEUmBXz198Vk5
Thx!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: sunnyv on January 12, 2014, 12:12:26 AM rwGDjESqtzsMWeB2EfNZoXd8HDmQUSHDSq
thx Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: w0lf0. on January 12, 2014, 12:13:51 AM stuck on verifying address
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: AbraxasCcs on January 12, 2014, 12:14:16 AM 5 € trusted
rMYHXadVSA4o1SEfq6ba5RyvViQhJAZuC4 Thank Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: jparsley on January 12, 2014, 12:14:51 AM Help activate my account
r3BNN27MBUSC6HQ8gs9qvZ17ZMK55KVjQW thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: yayayaoshuo on January 12, 2014, 12:15:15 AM :) ;) :D
rKdfW7ng9UntDXsaxTGL51XwaXGTrcRtaU Thanks very much! Trust is granted! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: sandroip on January 12, 2014, 12:16:01 AM r4ptCn7vYJYjc168gdEvS3dvhzNfJbgrMR is active
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 12, 2014, 12:17:45 AM Check out https://www.kraken.com/ for a Ripple exchange.
https://ripple.com/blog/kraken-now-trading-xrp/ Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Th82 on January 12, 2014, 12:17:50 AM thanks! trust (Bitstamp) for 5 EUR
rN2QDcW1r4JccXWt2WbM4FN1vZciMMrg6n thank yoU!! 2 minutes ago You now trust rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B for 5 EUR. a few seconds ago r3s1hft… sent you 5 EUR FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 12, 2014, 12:18:32 AM Less than 50 EUR left!
All giveaway will cease once those remaining EUR are depleted. We are already planning our next giveaway---hope to see you there. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: w0lf0. on January 12, 2014, 12:18:49 AM ok now work
rLz6FYBhYKZRLSfQ3c2UPgNo4dYcKu12g5 Trusted ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: runcpurun on January 12, 2014, 12:19:46 AM My rhGHZKSRKVcWDN8qC5rjajAMig66qRasZX new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: mcb1221 on January 12, 2014, 12:19:58 AM need to activate
rPScuTEC9Fo2msuiAVbK4JcpSXx2jB34tL thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: yayayaoshuo on January 12, 2014, 12:22:55 AM rQaGh2FBbtSA7wCS8JsSxRhCp4uJ4699gK
Granted! If someone have more than one account ,why giveaway success? Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: jefok on January 12, 2014, 12:23:31 AM rnpumX6BZhq4Nx9VsQVFocFBFBXZCq2RfY new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: AltCoinEnthusiast on January 12, 2014, 12:25:11 AM Thank you!
rG81XZPrsuhHecu2t7LKZwzaaYVcACBmUJ edit: trust to come Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: mcb1221 on January 12, 2014, 12:25:29 AM rPScuTEC9Fo2msuiAVbK4JcpSXx2jB34tL
trusted thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: uncoinernubbo on January 12, 2014, 12:25:41 AM Thanks!
rU7a44p59GBzvkdvVNW9XPHpEunuGpjUc1 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 12, 2014, 12:26:12 AM Thank you! rG81XZPrsuhHecu2t7LKZwzaaYVcACBmUJ [/quote Please compare your trust settings against the setup information in the first post of this thread. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: BarbosLaw on January 12, 2014, 12:26:20 AM rahiQoWKUMc61GSG5Y9vHusqnMMAuFX8B4
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: shallots on January 12, 2014, 12:27:08 AM trusted.
rGotCKknyTcELgkDsdEpKP2coh1mFr75xd thanks. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: susiat on January 12, 2014, 12:27:23 AM rJUZiJjSXEUX9GL8joML7bQ3R4RF9qpR2t new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: AltRat on January 12, 2014, 12:27:51 AM rD4UhEp8q6WdFiugEftnX1St1CyxMZzK3g
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: Chococoin on January 12, 2014, 12:28:20 AM Trusted!
r3wCK9WhQJKPL36dyyRBe8iCr2Nc6jE6sh Thank you! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: hypostatization on January 12, 2014, 12:28:37 AM Giveaway complete!
We are already planning our next giveaway. Let this thread die. A new thread will be created for the next giveaway. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Dan491 on January 12, 2014, 12:29:39 AM rE7cgc561mP2mW2UnFSZEkLRgAHggXaT1d
thanks a lot Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: robdark on January 12, 2014, 12:32:48 AM r4i68zabqxtf3fF5dWESHk7WmKf6FsKie
For the bonus, umm I created this video about ripple and a great deal of the ripple images you will find on google image search for ripple xrp were created by me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RqvQ42XuMI Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: nicepen on January 12, 2014, 12:35:38 AM avavavav has created Funcoin IOUs for the sake of learning how Ripple is used. These coins are for learning purposes only and I love the fact that he emphasizes that this coin has no monetary value! (in contrast to many alt coins flooding the market) Have some fun and direct anyone interested in getting their Ripple toes wet to: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=411459.0
Bonus $10 USD for the best active contribution! Also keep an eye on http://www.coinsmanager.com/ from Fandekasp. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: bitobit on January 12, 2014, 12:35:53 AM rGQv5qSrJ6abxoLxcTsgmGbxEd8SKsXdrJ new
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: qiuzhixin15 on January 12, 2014, 12:37:38 AM trused
hope not late r4qEFrUNnGJryf6HkioZTT1gmQbxmL8Eft Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: bitlrl on January 12, 2014, 12:44:00 AM have trusted,thanks
rMGawj5djBQDVfpGWnfdoQisir5JsNkDpQ Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: 9helen89 on January 12, 2014, 12:50:43 AM I am new rQa6Hh6UeTHKwYiJ3NudE6P3A6v5ZPQKXi
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: jing888 on January 12, 2014, 12:52:42 AM rsfPNtte7quVtuNm4WtKMSkHe1F7TsCxUp
Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ / 5€ + USD bonus! Post by: AltCoinEnthusiast on January 12, 2014, 12:58:46 AM Thank you! rG81XZPrsuhHecu2t7LKZwzaaYVcACBmUJ Please compare your trust settings against the setup information in the first post of this thread. Trust is granted now! Sorry for the delay great giveaway hypostatization ! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Webnet on January 12, 2014, 01:01:29 AM Need help with activation
rsYHGVjsVFkwssuhfe4dEzpwB7hmgBfNhV Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: aleix on January 12, 2014, 01:02:05 AM I am new! Can you help me to get funded?
rakiF6vHxeAPDBg2SMLJpDkioE9Fa5kUdJ tnks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: hypostatization on January 12, 2014, 01:05:21 AM Giveaway already complete!
We are already planning our next giveaway. Let this thread die. Do not clutter the forum. A new thread will be created for the next giveaway. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: wdl138 on January 12, 2014, 01:06:27 AM 可惜,来晚了
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: hrnclk57 on January 12, 2014, 01:21:54 AM r9Wmu9CHXB2moHJxG1VzmLQ4YVY2vc4r1W
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: black_axe on January 12, 2014, 01:24:10 AM r494gPjmr1pZatpjK2fWNVFbSpTNDkzP4v
thx Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: adm123 on January 12, 2014, 01:33:10 AM rfttqkrYSYDu1MzYpVKfa212WqGLHShnR9
thank you Gracias Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: acedog on January 12, 2014, 01:53:05 AM rsFmJXTugVynodBikKfkAvM4QWYwWFJVoC
支持。。。thanks。。。。 Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: netatmorg on January 12, 2014, 02:18:26 AM Giveaway already complete?well. i am waitting next giveaway!
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: johnzhang321 on January 12, 2014, 02:29:54 AM rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: tangboysomeone on January 12, 2014, 02:59:16 AM rBmrSdECXqDfLbb8LCsKSsC2eqv9Wfntrm
many thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: cjjun on January 12, 2014, 03:12:37 AM I am late. what a pity.
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: abckumy on January 12, 2014, 03:29:33 AM rnnUdKChmGnRDLduthnHFYqCkqsHAxnyA5
谢谢 ;D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: imaxwell on January 12, 2014, 03:34:49 AM rDQuRktw1tgVtS4nfLooSjoENNeVumpTfc
TKS Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Griegura on January 12, 2014, 03:51:36 AM I registered right now....
ru5xkWzWWWcRW7Rvtzw1AxAdY145h7nUj Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Mixalich on January 12, 2014, 04:46:51 AM rKwe4fpqwJVaUZG5ERJVP6CWimgC1T73qZ
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: MicroFarad on January 12, 2014, 04:48:27 AM r4yo6Jef4oAJXCqqgGVkMC2H375HUZ7Z1c
TY Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Tocomochocoin on January 12, 2014, 07:59:28 AM rwoMHegvG9Vr2tAopW29Yxyy3AVWWFQaa3
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Newsystem on January 12, 2014, 10:49:21 AM rKTwbTEMAgsjPKSgydrkMjBp7TAf8PkyJA
Hi, I need the Ripples before. My account is not validate. Thanks. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: jing888 on January 12, 2014, 11:38:36 AM My ripple address:
rsfPNtte7quVtuNm4WtKMSkHe1F7TsCxUp I didn't get any EUR, but I get USD yesterday :) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: jumphigh001 on January 12, 2014, 04:01:56 PM rBcrj2S1MSW2iaBSAYiiGgPdS3sLtxbba7
thank you Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: andreix001 on January 12, 2014, 06:24:57 PM Hopefully you still have some ripples somewhere ;)
rhPKVnUE1VdakSQtiSUhgycES9wfkoENwM thanks great marketing strategy Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: enerbyte on January 12, 2014, 07:53:40 PM rfb2dYabNPFYw8gFM1LR2h1K7DTaqzGmXx
Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Krisjohntrip on January 12, 2014, 10:25:47 PM Why not, eh?
rP8LgWWAox539KEKjxsrxYWnvQJHSXWjE3 Trusted. Thanks. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: 2012revisited on January 12, 2014, 11:55:27 PM rLEsXEtkqm465triK3WS8RErVgTJcH616T
Thanks for Sharing Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: digit on January 13, 2014, 01:49:53 AM I see that giveaway is over but I set it up anyway. Ripple giveaways always seem to be finished by time i noticed them :lol:
r3fXia41tSrGawBEQLaCRa49n6YwjWXV2b Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: jargoman on January 13, 2014, 06:05:37 AM rn3KLJY2AfHP5mjfHfn5QXNUn9VvFqihLK
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: hsz on January 13, 2014, 06:08:55 AM rsF1DEGhX3W6h8p8L8UhBNFiEZgBy1NU6w
thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: wolfinside on January 13, 2014, 08:47:45 AM Address: r9Yw7YVhAdTF31coBe7ECEZs8RdxdhaABM
Thanks! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Fraxinus on January 13, 2014, 08:54:18 AM rPJycXFHCnULrNb88cP3i26c3vYsVFPJm7
These are my first! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: asdlolciterquit on January 13, 2014, 11:16:34 AM i hope this is still open!
rftnczFvF2jQwU5wD53xhQ8TLiZQk9wucW thx!! Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: Shahnawaz on January 13, 2014, 12:15:16 PM If I am not late...pls :-*
rK1rdA9Jcnuq6p6bA3kHvJPsg3jvmD5bqQ Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: hrnclk57 on January 13, 2014, 01:56:24 PM r9Wmu9CHXB2moHJxG1VzmLQ4YVY2vc4r1W
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: amolina on January 13, 2014, 03:41:08 PM rJiYohrrJKcnZ9UxVaKiYs4y9Fu6UarzfW Thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: ariesjia on January 13, 2014, 03:47:14 PM rEMxX5D2neEGBB1WMV7LcVBFE2grBKRwDJ
thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: soulistyce on January 13, 2014, 10:10:58 PM already add trust thanks a lot :D rJobBdfopnpnfoz6k12DiP8YhvWNjwCinV thanks for the 5eur but could add more trust for usd ripple says i got to have 30xpr for another trust and i only got 26xrp starting now trying to earn more with world grid team ;D Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: rajvosa033 on January 13, 2014, 10:25:47 PM rhRxumom4vNC8jCZ6M54id2iEDAtEJ366i
trusted,thanks Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: oriolpont on January 16, 2014, 05:00:09 PM rQ1vjruXBXKCQPggBy2r7Ptkas2spFiGe
Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: ErnieRox on January 16, 2014, 09:17:43 PM rLpAuomF9Z3XTP2N4Mx94NPFTFS6bu4pn7
thank you! (trusted) Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: vesipyks on January 18, 2014, 02:55:19 PM rfMDAk9a4M3w9LA3HTN4hzXMG1Q5RQELSH Thanks! :) Just created the wallet and still learning what ripple is. :) I never recieved the 5€ Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: high_g_1 on January 18, 2014, 03:57:12 PM r3GJYdeHsVXisfLCsTaicMSab8ntoTxnLu
Trusted. Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: devnullius on January 18, 2014, 04:00:06 PM I can only trust people if I fund it myself first ;p
rwef2SVWuYhH8c39qTVLZWv96XqSh85YYB Thank you anyway :) devnullius Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY][EUR] Ripple: €1,000 / €5 + USD bonus! Post by: J.B.O on January 18, 2014, 04:30:22 PM rfMDAk9a4M3w9LA3HTN4hzXMG1Q5RQELSH Thanks! :) Just created the wallet and still learning what ripple is. :) I never recieved the 5€ You arrived too late, 218th post. 218*5=1090/1000€... :( I can't believe people still asking for it.. Stop bumping this thread and READ, there is NO MORE FUNDS !... Title: Re: [GIVEAWAY COMPLETE][EUR] Ripple: 1,000€ - NO MORE FUNDS Post by: sanjoea on January 25, 2014, 03:57:44 PM Congrats
rphJa3NjFXfMjQAeaQcSwpNKCGEQ5HCg6Q Thanks |