Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: alawadhi3000 on January 15, 2014, 08:57:26 AM

Title: [Scammer] Twitchdoge
Post by: alawadhi3000 on January 15, 2014, 08:57:26 AM
What happened::
He agreed to pay me $115 via PayPal for 0.1273BTC, after the payment he was claiming that its still unconfirmed and now he stopped responding and still didn't send me the money.

Scammers Profile Link:;u=209087

Amount Scammed:
0.1273BTC =~$114.5.
Payment Method:
Supposed to be PayPal.
Proof of Payment:
PM/Chat Logs:
im interested in buying your .12 bitcoins and i can do preev rate

im happy to use an escrow but i also have 6 confirmed trades on reddit totaling 1600$ i can prove

I did two transactions over here also, I'm not interested in using escrow since they take fees as far as I know.

I'm just looking for an honest transaction.

Please send me proof of these transactions and I'll send first.

here you go! i can private message you from the account aswell if you have/make one

Good, no need for PM sir.

I'm willing to do it at $900 for each BTC (Thats about preev rate+%5.8), I'll send you 0.1275 BTC and you will send me $114.75.

You must send me the PayPal as a gift or service.

If you agree to my terms please provide me with your BTC address.


I've sent you 0.1273BTC (sorry forgot about the fees).
Under our deal it should be $114.57.

Please send the PayPal immediately after the first confirmation to:-


i know just waiting for it to confirm its unconfirmed atm

Should be confirmed by now.

5/unconfirmed not confirmations so im still waiting

Its 10 and confirmed now.  :-\

Additional Notes:
He's still online.

Title: Re: [Scammer] Twitchdoge
Post by: Tomatocage on January 15, 2014, 02:56:37 PM
So just get your BTC back from escrow.

Title: Re: [Scammer] Twitchdoge
Post by: MGK- on January 15, 2014, 03:05:14 PM
So just get your BTC back from escrow.

But they take fees, I don't think he likes fees...

Title: Re: [Scammer] Twitchdoge
Post by: alawadhi3000 on January 15, 2014, 08:11:31 PM
I didn't use escrow, for someone with $1600 worth of feedback on another known forum I didn't think he will scam me for $114.