Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: rmindel on January 31, 2014, 07:57:17 PM

Title: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on January 31, 2014, 07:57:17 PM
for more information visit our site (

Why use our service

•   Rent A Mining Rig is a website where you can rent or lease your mining rig hassle free.
•   Adding machines and bids is simple and easy!
•   Rent A Mining Rig is customizable to suite your budget and needs.
•   All users are anonymous ensuring privacy and safety.
•   When you use our services we eliminate the need to trust your renter or leaser because we act as the middle man and deal with the renter or leaser to ensure you get what you paid for.

As we struggle to find renters to get the site on it's way,
We are renting our own machines in bleeding prices from now until further notice!
0.014 BTC 0.013/MH/Day!
1 Machine - 2.17 MH - ready for rent!

Contracts are for one day, every day a new contract is automatically created with the highest bid, if you see our machines are rented out, you can create a higher bid which will still be costing us money and get a contract the next day!, that's the whole point of the bidding system :)

So come get'em!

  • 01/02/2014 - Added a Manage checkbox in the machine page - so you can decide you don't want us to manage your machine
    Machine stats will now reflect only machines that are managed and public for renting
  • 02/02/2014 - First machine rented! :D, keeping a close eye on the first contract running in production
    Many more to come
  • 03/02/2014 early morning - Big site update :
    • Added Email to registration! this is the first stage before Email Notification Service
      All exisitng users - please contact us - either by emails or at the forum by PM with your emails - we will manually add them to your accounts
    • Removed Daily Minimum Bid from Machine page this field was confusing to users
      Daily Minimum Bid was moved to Balance page - where you set it once, it is how much BTC you want PER M/H, this will be set for all your machines! Let us know what you think about that.
    • Site sub menu redesign - was confusing for most users, so we moved things around, let us know what you think
  • 04/02/2014
    • Added Bid statistics.
    • Updated machine page to show machine total cost per day (according to Daily Minimum Bid field on the balance page).
    • Machine can no longer be marked for renting until you have set the Daily Minimum Bid field.
    • Various bug fixes.
  • 10/02/2014
    • Dashboard was added Site Available Machines, Site Available Bids ( + Available Power Per Bid ) + Dashboard redesign
    • Cancel bid option You can now cancel your running bids, the canceled bid will not create any more contracts, but contracts already running for that bid will run fully.
    • Added EndDate in the bid list
    • Added a list of old contracts at the bottom of the contracts page + Each old contract displays the percentage of work done by the machine for the entire contract. ( A graph with the data will be coming in future updates )
    • Various bug fixes.

Todo List:
  • Bid statistics - Total/Available Power For Rent in Bids, Bids Average Daily Bid
  • Add email to user accounts
  • Switch machine price into user price per M/H.
  • Show old contracts
  • Show more information about a bid (EndDate,Bid Status)
    Break bids into running bids and old bids
    Support stopping a bid before it's end date.

  • Site custom alerts - so we can notify you when things are happening. - next version
  • A graph showing spread of MH over Minimum Bids compared to MH over Actual Bids - next version
  • Support shorter contracts (eventually longer too and giving the customization option).
  • Add tool tips to further explain everything - next version
  • Management dashboard to see all relevant information at one place
  • Soft delete of entities.
  • Email notification service - We will notify you with how your bids/machines are doing! Plus we will let you know when there's something wrong in you machine so you can take care of it ASAP.

If you have a scrypt mining rig to lease: (support for SHA256 coming soon!)
  • Make your miner accessible via a static IP or a static domain name
    We recommend using (, but you can choose different ones.
    Make sure you give a static IP on the Machine page - No connection to your machine is considered as no work done!
  • Add "--api-groups P:switchpool:addpool:removepool:summary:pools --api-listen --api-allow P: --api-port 7777" To your cgminer/sgminer/bfgminer bat.
    You can change 7777 to whatever you want - just remember it for creating your machine on the website, Make sure your router passes that port!
    We recommend using to make sure your port is open.
    Plus - make sure you have your miner run after restarts - we will pick up after restarts to get you as much work done as possible for your contracts
    Notice we use only summary and pool commands, you don't need to worry about giving access to your machine anymore :)
  • Create your favorite pool(s) and worker(s) on our website (click on Pools> Create New Pool) - it's just a few clicks.
    We recommend setting up to 3 pools. Set up workers to match the number of machines you have.
  • Create your machine(s) and link it to your default pool(s) and worker(s) on the website! (click on Machines> Create New Machine - it's that easy!).
    You can always add more pools and change the priority of your default pools - yes we check constantly that you are mining on the right pools and have the right priorities when your machine is not leased.
    You choose the minimum bid for your machine. If there are higher bids for leasing - You get the highest bidder! Supply and demand!
    No deposits needed - you will get paid for as much work as your machine provides!
    Check back in 5 minutes to see if your machine is configured correctly in the Machine Status section on the Machine Page.
  • That's it! You're done! You're ready to start making money!
    No more loosing renting time because there's only one contract at a time
    Look at your Contracts page for your current Running contracts!
    You can always cashout your available Balance on the Balance page!
    You can always deselect "Rent My Machine" on the Machine page to stop getting money ;) Don't worry - we will still manage your machine for you and keep you on the right default pools!

If you want to rent someone’s machine:
  • Create your favorite pool(s) and worker(s) on the website (click on Pools> Create New Pool) - it's just a few clicks.
  • Deposit BTCs to your balance - we will automatically add it to your balance, it might take 10 confirmations
    Don't worry! Unlike other renting sites we pay after contract has ended!
    And we are pay only according to the actual hashing power the machine was running under DURING THE WHOLE CONTRACT (we monitor the machines - so...we know :) )
  • Create a bid specifying the hashing power you want and the amount you are willing to pay for M/H! (click on Bids> Create New Bid - there's nothing complicated about choosing what you want ).
    Link the bid to your default pool(s) and worker(s) on the website!
    Note that you must have the amount of confirmed balance needed for your bid in order to complete your bid request!
    Plus - we save the balance needed for your bid and release what's left of it at the end of the bid (You can see the "Total balance in bids" in the Balance page)
    You can always add more pools and change the priority of your pools in your bids - yes we check constantly that the machines that work for you are mining on the right pools and have the right priorities every 5 minutes for the whole contract!
  • That's it! You're done! You're ready to start mining! The minute a machine that answers your bid becomes available - you will get it!
    Look at your Contracts page for your current running contracts! - Machine statistics coming soon (we have that information, we just need to put it on screen for you :) )
    You can always cashout your available balance on the Balance page!

A little more information:
  • Contracts will be created automatically with our Bid Matching Service!
    Contracts are for 24 hours, we are working on making contract time configurable too! For now we want serious renters and miners, not 2/4 hour bids, but days.
  • Work done is aggregated from all the work data our WatchDog Service collects when it's taking care of your machines.
    A graph showing the actual hashing power over time is coming soon!
  • We will try to get out of our BETA phase as soon as possible as we are not taking fees right now, so we are bleeding money on VPS's and maintenance
    Help us get there! We believe in our product! You are getting a free, great service as Beta testers! Once we do - we will take a 1% management fee for paying off VPS's and maintenance.
  • Support for SHA256 rigs coming soon!
  • Statistics page coming soon!
  • More coin support coming soon!
  • Better design (last on our to-do list - but coming soon! :) )

for more information visit our site (

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: twistedtrick on January 31, 2014, 07:58:21 PM
Wow this looks neat, going to check it out!

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on January 31, 2014, 08:17:28 PM
Wow this looks neat, going to check it out!

Thanks :),
We will try to make it the best experience for you as we can.
Let us know what you think

Improvement ideas are welcome

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: Viperdewd on January 31, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Looks very good!
How can I see how many machines are available for renting?
Avg prices per khash and such?

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: AvalonMiner on January 31, 2014, 11:15:21 PM
Hm, very basic website, wouldnt take long to make and a newbie account status. Not sure I trust this..

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on January 31, 2014, 11:19:23 PM
Looks very good!
How can I see how many machines are available for renting?
Avg prices per khash and such?

Working on statistics right now, will be up in a few hours,

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on January 31, 2014, 11:22:24 PM
Hm, very basic website, wouldnt take long to make and a newbie account status. Not sure I trust this..

There are complex services running behind it to match bids and open and close contracts.
With us you can stop hiring one machine at a time - but determine how much power you want to rent with one bid and get as many machines as you need (as long as you bid higher than their minimum bid).

We've only begun our beta phase - but we are 3 very dedicated programmers - and we are open for suggestions :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: thisisnotmyltcusername on January 31, 2014, 11:26:26 PM
we can't even register right now, right ?
or is there a "ok" button missing somewhere on the register page ?  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on January 31, 2014, 11:32:16 PM
we can't even register right now, right ?
or is there a "ok" button missing somewhere on the register page ?  ;D

The submenu is right bellow the main menu, it has a Register button :)
sorry for the confusing menu...We'll change the layout eventually

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 01, 2014, 12:37:14 AM
Looks very good!
How can I see how many machines are available for renting?
Avg prices per khash and such?

Working on statistics right now, will be up in a few hours,

Site is up with statistics for Total/Available Power (showing my 0.73 machine :) )
Join and add your machines! you can manage your default pools on site until your machines are rented!
We also check every 5 mins to see that you are on the right pools - we'll catch up on your restarts and set your pools!

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: agilityvision on February 01, 2014, 01:58:07 PM
Interesting idea the bidding system.

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 01, 2014, 03:35:19 PM
Interesting idea the bidding system.

Thank you, we are trying to make something new,
and we need all the support we can get,

The next thing for the bidding system is to make supply and demand visible on the site so users know how much is the right price.

Title: Re: [ANN] - Bidding System!Pay rent per actual work done!NOW LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 01, 2014, 08:33:11 PM
Added updates and todo list,
We'll keep this thread updated

3 machines are ready for renting and are managed by our site now!
Who's next? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 02, 2014, 02:05:13 PM
A concern was raised that "Daily Minimum bid" in Machine page was confusing-

It is the daily pay per Machine not per MH
Only in Bids you choose how much you are willing to per per MH as you will get multiple machines.
A change to make it per MH for machines too is coming

I have noticed that some machines have really low rent - maybe thinking that the field is per MH!
So change them accordingly!

Rents were raised accordingly by us for the running machines so you don't get low rent by accident

An update switched the Daily machine minimum bid  -> Balance: DailyMinimumBid , which is now PER M/H, and is set for all machines from one place

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: kenshirothefist on February 02, 2014, 05:22:55 PM
API needed!

I'm a provider of mining rigs (leaser) and I have lot's of them. Therefore I wan't to control them programmatically, via API. For now the most desired request would be the ability to easily mark one rig as disabled/enabled and to get the current status of a particular rig [leased/available/disabled].

So I would like to have a simple API command that I would call, for example, with my API ID, my rig ID and "action".

Current needed actions are:
- enable/disable rig
- get the status of a rig [leased/available/disabled]

With this kind of API I could run my own "lease checker script" and I would have instant access of the status for all of my rigs and the ability to programmatically disable/enable my rig. This kind of functionality is especially useful if I offer my rigs at multiple rent&hire portals/services (RENTAMININGRIG.COM,,, etc). Because if one has many rigs (dozens of them) it is more likely to be able to get them all rented if one has them listed on more then one rent&hire portals/services.

If I would have this kind of API then I could disable a particular rig on other rent&hire portals/services as soon as I detect that it has been rented by someone on a particular rent&hire portal.

rmindel, could you add this?

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 02, 2014, 06:32:44 PM
API needed!

I'm a provider of mining rigs (leaser) and I have lot's of them. Therefore I wan't to control them programmatically, via API. For now the most desired request would be the ability to easily mark one rig as disabled/enabled and to get the current status of a particular rig [leased/available/disabled].

So I would like to have a simple API command that I would call, for example, with my API ID, my rig ID and "action".

Current needed actions are:
- enable/disable rig
- get the status of a rig [leased/available/disabled]

With this kind of API I could run my own "lease checker script" and I would have instant access of the status for all of my rigs and the ability to programmatically disable/enable my rig. This kind of functionality is especially useful if I offer my rigs at multiple rent&hire portals/services (RENTAMININGRIG.COM,,, etc). Because if one has many rigs (dozens of them) it is more likely to be able to get them all rented if one has them listed on more then one rent&hire portals/services.

If I would have this kind of API then I could disable a particular rig on other rent&hire portals/services as soon as I detect that it has been rented by someone on a particular rent&hire portal.

rmindel, could you add this?

Sounds like an interesting idea!
We'll go over it and get back to you :)

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 02, 2014, 10:16:49 PM
API needed!

I'm a provider of mining rigs (leaser) and I have lot's of them. Therefore I wan't to control them programmatically, via API. For now the most desired request would be the ability to easily mark one rig as disabled/enabled and to get the current status of a particular rig [leased/available/disabled].

So I would like to have a simple API command that I would call, for example, with my API ID, my rig ID and "action".

Current needed actions are:
- enable/disable rig
- get the status of a rig [leased/available/disabled]

With this kind of API I could run my own "lease checker script" and I would have instant access of the status for all of my rigs and the ability to programmatically disable/enable my rig. This kind of functionality is especially useful if I offer my rigs at multiple rent&hire portals/services (RENTAMININGRIG.COM,,, etc). Because if one has many rigs (dozens of them) it is more likely to be able to get them all rented if one has them listed on more then one rent&hire portals/services.

If I would have this kind of API then I could disable a particular rig on other rent&hire portals/services as soon as I detect that it has been rented by someone on a particular rent&hire portal.

rmindel, could you add this?

Sounds like an interesting idea!
We'll go over it and get back to you :)

We have discussed this feature - it sounds good.
We are adding it to our future to-do list - after critical features are done.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: dalenorman2005 on February 03, 2014, 01:11:01 AM
I really like the idea of  I think they're on the right track by making it a bid per MH/d, rather than choosing an individual rig from an endless list of meaninglessly named rigs (yes, i'm looking at you 

I've got a rig listed with these guys and really like the site.  The developers are attentive and professional.  In a world where most developers like to hide behind an anonymous forum username with PM as the only means of communicating, this is a breath of fresh air!

It really seems like this site may strike the right balance between rig owners wanting fair $ for their rigs and renters who are tired of endlessly hunting for a fair price rental.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 03, 2014, 07:26:30 AM
I really like the idea of  I think they're on the right track by making it a bid per MH/d, rather than choosing an individual rig from an endless list of meaninglessly named rigs (yes, i'm looking at you  

I've got a rig listed with these guys and really like the site.  The developers are attentive and professional.  In a world where most developers like to hide behind an anonymous forum username with PM as the only means of communicating, this is a breath of fresh air!

It really seems like this site may strike the right balance between rig owners wanting fair $ for their rigs and renters who are tired of endlessly hunting for a fair price rental.

Thank you so much for the kind words  ;D
We will keep making a push of nearly daily updates until we are out of beta phase!
So any ideas or comments you have will most likely end up implemented at this phase  :)

We have one bidder as of yesterday (along with one contract running flawlessly so far)! average machine cost on the site is  0.01983, and there are MH's waiting for more!

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 04, 2014, 02:47:07 PM

Machines Needed : 10 first machines (over 1 M/H) that will be live and monitored for more than a week (including the ones that we already have) - receive 0.005BTC
Renters Needed : 10 first people who successfully rent a machine - receive 0.005BTC

We will be keeping track ,paying and updating thread with winners.
But if you think you are eligible for a bounty - contact us.

we believe this service can be beneficial to everyone,
so we are doing this in order to get the ball rolling.

Edit - as this promotion didn't work we chose to just give you low rent machines instead! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: Acrobat on February 04, 2014, 07:49:54 PM
Sending this kind of private messages isn't very classy IMO, could easily fall in the spam category...and it's not right either because I have never rented any machine, I do rent out though (without any issues).

Hey Acrobat, I have noticed you had some issues with other rig rental providers,

We are a brand new site for renting, one of our nice features is - you pay what you get for, if the machine didn't work for  2 hours, you will automatically pay for 2 hours less, no more support tickets, no more hassles.

We have an on site balance (Withdraw is instant when you want ) but this saves you a lot on transaction fees!

Along with that - we have a bidding system, you enter a bid for how much power you want and how much you want to pay per M/H and for how long, and we automatically create contracts with as many machines as possible to fill your needs, and pay at the END of each contract.

Plus we monitor all the machines, keep track of how much their actual hashing power, and if they are on the right pools, and switch if needed,
That means we take care of restarts and most crashes too as long as the cgminer starts running after the crash.

you are welcome to give us a try Smiley

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 04, 2014, 08:20:41 PM
Sending this kind of private messages isn't very classy IMO, could easily fall in the spam category...and it's not right either because I have never rented any machine, I do rent out though (without any issues).

Hey Acrobat, I have noticed you had some issues with other rig rental providers,

We are a brand new site for renting, one of our nice features is - you pay what you get for, if the machine didn't work for  2 hours, you will automatically pay for 2 hours less, no more support tickets, no more hassles.

We have an on site balance (Withdraw is instant when you want ) but this saves you a lot on transaction fees!

Along with that - we have a bidding system, you enter a bid for how much power you want and how much you want to pay per M/H and for how long, and we automatically create contracts with as many machines as possible to fill your needs, and pay at the END of each contract.

Plus we monitor all the machines, keep track of how much their actual hashing power, and if they are on the right pools, and switch if needed,
That means we take care of restarts and most crashes too as long as the cgminer starts running after the crash.

you are welcome to give us a try Smiley

I am sorry if this seemed spammy to you.
This is not our intention - I did notice on the BetaRigs thread that you had some issues.

""Reporting" user 'vulneraomnez' for blocking my rig for rent for an hour by claiming it for rent and not paying.

I could of course do the same now with his four rigs but I'm not like that..  Undecided"

This could never have happened with us,
We hold the payment until the contract is over and pay the amount you deserve according to the actual hashing power and up time.
No support tickets, no "none paying renters".

I really believe our service could be beneficial for you - Again i apologize if you considered it spam.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 05, 2014, 08:05:51 PM
Upgraded my machine, we now have 2.2M/H on site ready for renting for 0.0175 per MH/day
Plus going to connect my 2 other machines soon :)

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!MultipleMachinesPerBid!LIVE
Post by: rmindel on February 05, 2014, 10:02:30 PM
As we struggle to find renters to get the site on it's way,
We are renting our own machines in bleeding prices from now until further notice!
0.014 0.013 BTC/MH/Day!
1 Machine - 2.17 MH - ready for rent!
2 Machine - 1,0.6 MH - will be added in a day or too

Contracts are for one day, every day a new contract is automatically created with the highest bid, if you see our machines are rented out, you can create a higher bid which will still be costing us money and get a contract the next day!, that's the whole point of the bidding system :)

So come get'em!

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.0145/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 05, 2014, 10:21:17 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.014/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 06, 2014, 05:43:12 AM

We believe in our bidding system to get us higher, but we plan to be the cheapest - if you find a cheaper place let me know! ( i couldn't find cheaper )

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 06, 2014, 10:14:19 AM
Future plans :
* Closing bids before time
* Configurable contract times for machine owners - and automatic contracts working well with keeping track of how much time was spent for each bid.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 06, 2014, 02:42:14 PM
2.17MH rented for 2 days for 0.013/MH/Day!
You can always give a higher bid (maybe 0.0131) and catch the machine for tomorrow!

The 2 other machines will be soon added at the same minimum price!

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: Acidyo on February 06, 2014, 02:48:52 PM
2.17MH rented for 2 days for 0.013/MH/Day!
You can always give a higher bid (maybe 0.0131) and catch the machine for tomorrow!

The 2 other machines will be soon added at the same minimum price!

I might give this a try when some will be available again.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 08, 2014, 05:36:42 PM
2.17MH rented for 2 days for 0.013/MH/Day!
You can always give a higher bid (maybe 0.0131) and catch the machine for tomorrow!

The 2 other machines will be soon added at the same minimum price!

I might give this a try when some will be available again.

We have added another machine with 1 MH and it's available for hire for the same price.
You are welcome to give it a try :)

Both machines are rented out for 0.013/MH/Day :)
You can always join in and upper the bid and catch the next contract with any of them!

(Or if you have machines, you are welcome to add them too, choose what ever minimum bid you want, our machines going to stay on 0.013 for a while now though :) )

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 09, 2014, 06:16:35 PM
3.17MH is available for rent for 0.013/MH/Day!

remember you can always out bit other renters' bids.
A graph showing supply&demand to help with that coming soon

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: snuckles on February 09, 2014, 06:47:16 PM
Anyone want rent a rig? need one for Saturn coin
will pay 0.012 per MH higher the better :)

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: Regecide on February 09, 2014, 07:15:29 PM
Hello, I just decided to try out your site, I noticed there is no way to cancel a bid or make changes, unless I missed it.

I made some changes to my workers but the contract had already started. I noticed you picked up on the change and corrected it though, so that is awesome!

So yeah, is there any way to cancel a bid, like if errors are made? I understand that may be a difficult task considering people could cancel a bid after someone accepted the contract, but perhaps before it is accepted it could be cancelled?

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 09, 2014, 07:47:10 PM
Hello, I just decided to try out your site, I noticed there is no way to cancel a bid or make changes, unless I missed it.

I made some changes to my workers but the contract had already started. I noticed you picked up on the change and corrected it though, so that is awesome!

So yeah, is there any way to cancel a bid, like if errors are made? I understand that may be a difficult task considering people could cancel a bid after someone accepted the contract, but perhaps before it is accepted it could be cancelled?

Thanks for trying our service :) (first of all)
Like you've tried - you can change the bid's pools mid-contract, the machines linked to your bid will automatically change accordingly ( will take up to 5 minutes ).

Our next update will have the ability to cancel bids.
The canceled bid will not create new contracts - but already running contracts will run fully.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: Regecide on February 09, 2014, 07:57:17 PM
Excellent, sounds great! Playing with the pool switching at the moment, good stuff. Hope to see some more machines to bid for!

*Switching took less than 5 minutes to update, awesome. Almost makes me want to contract and bid my own machine just for the feature.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 09, 2014, 08:06:15 PM
Excellent, sounds great! Playing with the pool switching at the moment, good stuff. Hope to see some more machines to bid for!

*Switching took less than 5 minutes to update, awesome. Almost makes me want to contract and bid my own machine just for the feature.

If you add your machine to the site, you'll see we have "Manage my machine" and "Rent my machine" options.
If you only select the "Manage my machine" - we will manage your pools for you, enough with adding .BAT files for each pool :)
That way you can also rent them with selecting the "Rent my machine" option when you'll want to eventually.
We manage machines free of charge as we have a health monitoring service running no matter how many machines we need to monitor.

If you run into any issues please let us know.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: Regecide on February 09, 2014, 11:14:29 PM
I like the way this site handles it better than the other rental sites do, there just needs to be more rigs to mine, I would purchase more if there were some.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 10, 2014, 02:23:52 PM
We have uploaded a new version :)

* Dashboard was added with : Site Available Machines, Site Available Bids ( + Available Power Per Bid ).
* Dashboard redesign.
* Cancel bid option - You can now cancel your running bids, the canceled bid will not create any more contracts, but contracts already running for that bid will run fully.
* Added EndDate in the bid list
* Added a list of old contracts at the bottom of the contracts page + Each old contract displays the percentage of work done by the machine for the entire contract. ( A graph with the data will be coming in future updates )
* various bug fixes.

Any ideas/comments are welcome!

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 11, 2014, 09:43:21 AM
I like the way this site handles it better than the other rental sites do, there just needs to be more rigs to mine, I would purchase more if there were some.

We need more machines and more renters!
Most critical bugs have been fixed already, and several bids and contracts have run fully with the right payment according to our WatchDog service.

So all we need now is more of you using our service.
This service could benefit everyone.

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: ycsi on February 11, 2014, 02:14:29 PM
I like the way this site handles it better than the other rental sites do, there just needs to be more rigs to mine, I would purchase more if there were some.

We need more machines and more renters!
Most critical bugs have been fixed already, and several bids and contracts have run fully with the right payment according to our WatchDog service.

So all we need now is more of you using our service.
This service could benefit everyone.

You need to make it super easy for rig owners to use your service. But, you are not there yet...

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 11, 2014, 02:58:29 PM
I like the way this site handles it better than the other rental sites do, there just needs to be more rigs to mine, I would purchase more if there were some.

We need more machines and more renters!
Most critical bugs have been fixed already, and several bids and contracts have run fully with the right payment according to our WatchDog service.

So all we need now is more of you using our service.
This service could benefit everyone.

You need to make it super easy for rig owners to use your service. But, you are not there yet...

IMO opening ports and adding a line to your cgminer config is not that hard,
Did you run into any problems configuring your machines on the site?

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: ycsi on February 11, 2014, 04:48:52 PM
I like the way this site handles it better than the other rental sites do, there just needs to be more rigs to mine, I would purchase more if there were some.

We need more machines and more renters!
Most critical bugs have been fixed already, and several bids and contracts have run fully with the right payment according to our WatchDog service.

So all we need now is more of you using our service.
This service could benefit everyone.

You need to make it super easy for rig owners to use your service. But, you are not there yet...

IMO opening ports and adding a line to your cgminer config is not that hard,
Did you run into any problems configuring your machines on the site?

I understand that changing firewall config is relatively simple and modifying cgminer as well. But, how that works for you so far? How many active rig owners you have?

BTW, I did sign up at your site a week ago, however didn't even bother to spend time changing my network configuration. Instead, I pointed my rigs to one of your competitors where no changes are required.

Just trying to help you here... before someone tells you bluntly that it's time to wrap it up and try something else...

Title: Re: [ANN] RENTAMININGRIG.COM - Bidding!PayPerActualWork!0.013/MH/Day!
Post by: rmindel on February 11, 2014, 06:14:56 PM
I like the way this site handles it better than the other rental sites do, there just needs to be more rigs to mine, I would purchase more if there were some.

We need more machines and more renters!
Most critical bugs have been fixed already, and several bids and contracts have run fully with the right payment according to our WatchDog service.

So all we need now is more of you using our service.
This service could benefit everyone.

You need to make it super easy for rig owners to use your service. But, you are not there yet...

IMO opening ports and adding a line to your cgminer config is not that hard,
Did you run into any problems configuring your machines on the site?

I understand that changing firewall config is relatively simple and modifying cgminer as well. But, how that works for you so far? How many active rig owners you have?

BTW, I did sign up at your site a week ago, however didn't even bother to spend time changing my network configuration. Instead, I pointed my rigs to one of your competitors where no changes are required.

Just trying to help you here... before someone tells you bluntly that it's time to wrap it up and try something else...

We are adding other major improvements like a bidding system,health monitoring and pay for actual work done system.

I think bringing supply and demand to the renting market is the crucial feature we present.

Plus, we try and give the best in site experience: so you can just forget about it, and come every other week and take your rental money out. (Automatic money withdraw feature is coming out soon, so you won't even have to do that)
Come back only when your machine is malfunctioning (We are getting the email notification service ready).
The same with renters, just say how much MH you need and the price you are willing to pay for it with your pools, and the rest is up to us to figure out.
No support tickets for non paying renters, no issues with unresponsive or non accurate declared hashing power. We pay for actual work done.

I am sorry the configuration part was what kept you away from trying our service out.
You are still welcome to try it out.