Title: WTS MYR MyriadCoin for BTC Post by: baokychen on February 24, 2014, 03:13:24 AM WTS MYR MyriadCoin for BTC
I am reputable seller, can check my rep thread at my signature. -- I got some amount of MYR coin, if you want buy using BTC Pm me how much you paying I can go first if you are reputable, if not you need to go first. We can deal in small amount/chunks/nomination to protect your safety. Title: Re: WTS MYR MyriadCoin for BTC Post by: baokychen on February 24, 2014, 08:42:23 AM ANYBODY ??? ??? ???
Selling at 80% market rate BTCBTCBTC Title: Re: WTS MYR MyriadCoin for BTC Post by: Stinky_Pete on February 24, 2014, 10:55:26 AM Perhaps, depends on price. PM me.