Title: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Ridzik111 on August 09, 2018, 04:14:44 AM I participated in a subscription company that extended my company. Now I do not know what to expect from her. Maybe someone will tell you why the companies extend their project.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: BitCoinDream247 on August 12, 2018, 09:46:23 PM What kind of expansions are they doing for your company? I think it's a company listing projects where they will promote other companies for a certain amount of fees. I have seen a company like this recently.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: easycoin995 on August 12, 2018, 10:28:27 PM You question is not clear to me and also you have not given proper information. Without the ICO name it's hard to explain their vision from my opinion. So it will be better if you provide more info about it.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: SoliDCoiNs777 on August 12, 2018, 11:00:05 PM There are some ICO projects who will do the marketing of your company. Maybe you have participated in a project like this. Have you checked their review? These type of tasks needs an established project.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: megaflux7 on August 12, 2018, 11:11:16 PM often times ICO extends bounties because they need more time so that they can raise a required amount of money during token sale. Majority of the bounties I have participated in this year have extended their ICOs by two weeks, some even a month which automatically means bounties too would be extended. So I think it is due to the poor market conditions. Investors are not forthcoming like before so they have to extend.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: chokomenia on August 12, 2018, 11:16:01 PM A lot of bounty are extending their ico and bounty and this is as a result of bear market condition, they are finding it difficult to reach their hard cap, a friend of my has been in an ICO that has extended their ICO for the third time. I think ICO investing is gradual fading away and it is time to go back to trading
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: PsylockReborn on August 12, 2018, 11:26:34 PM ICO is done so companies will have funds to develop their project. In every ICO there are certain goals to meet and the hard cap is sometimes hard to attain specially if the project is not properly promoted or advertised. With the lack of funds being raised during ICO period, the company will extend the ICO in a couple of weeks or even months just to reach a certain amount of money. If not the ICO will end and the investors will be refunded depending on the legitimacy of the people running the ICO. It's just normal for an ICO to extend until they reached the desired amount of funding that they wanted for them to fully fund the project.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Noble Leapers on August 13, 2018, 06:53:00 AM It is very hard to understand what you want to know by reading your actual post and the header. But, I think you have invested on a project and now they have extended their completion time. If that is the case then I think they haven't reached their soft cap yet or they are just struggling to complete whatever they promised during the start. Looks shady to me, make sure you observe the current situation with care.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: RottenSteel on August 13, 2018, 10:56:10 AM To be honest, your post doesn't make sense to me. If you are not comfortable to write in English then why don't you try the section where your native language is being used to communicate. However, here is what I think on why companies extend their projects: to make more profit out of it or making it foolproof so that they don't have to spend on the project again.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: losiva on August 13, 2018, 11:43:05 AM It's a normally occurrence these days that ICO's are extending their bounty, this is because bounty rules normally states that bounty ends when token sales is over and most ICO normally extend their token sales because of the bear market condition to see if they can reach their hard cap
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: bttmember on August 13, 2018, 11:47:00 AM Most common reason is the inability to raise decent funds during their ico, but i agree this kills the bounty rewards, the long the extension the more people join bounty, the longer the span the more the stakes and eventually the reward gets diluted unless the ico adds more percentage of reward tokens for the extension.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Hilows on August 13, 2018, 12:08:22 PM This is a tough call. Try to reach out for the hunters who have gone through it. But it does not seem like an issue to fret over.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: jefcasidy on August 13, 2018, 12:23:11 PM There is nothing to expect other than what the team has decided, some bounty company will extend the bounty and increase the bounty allocation while some will extend the bounty and leave the bounty allocation the same
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Benarand on August 13, 2018, 12:36:54 PM If I understand correctly, the project has extended the bounty campaign and the person thinks what to do next. The campaign managers who work closely with the developers of the project will answer best, and only they will be able to specifically answer your question.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Menced1937 on August 13, 2018, 01:40:49 PM It might be a bit shady that it got extended. Make sure that it is a well known one and that people were involved in it in the past as well with this campaigns. Also see if other bounty campaigns were extended too and the end result was good.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Dashaaraily on August 13, 2018, 02:24:28 PM Maybe it is done because the demand was huge and that there are still applications coming through. It does not look like a matter of concern though.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: nairb131 on August 13, 2018, 02:44:50 PM I participated in a subscription company that extended my company. Now I do not know what to expect from her. Maybe someone will tell you why the companies extend their project. Personally, I will advice you take tome to as for the reason why they decided to extend the project and if you do not get reasonable reply, then you can make conclusions. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: ekechie on August 13, 2018, 08:22:48 PM it is a normal thing for an ICO to extend their ICO and bounty when their hard cap is not reach, extending of ICO and bounty is common these days because of the bear market condition, these days ICO hardly reach their hard cap unlike before when ICO's finish in minutes and there was a gas war.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Treasurer on August 13, 2018, 08:35:47 PM Very often the team goes to ICO incorrectly imagining their willingness to ICO or the willingness of the community to accept their idea and invest money in it. Sometimes going out to the public in social networks or Telegram the team receives feedback about the project's shortcomings. Then you need more time to fix bugs.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Byzantium101 on August 13, 2018, 08:44:18 PM There are some ICO projects who will do the marketing of your company. Maybe you have participated in a project like this. Have you checked their review? These type of tasks needs an established project. Most ICOs are now using bounty to promote a product that should be proposed by traditional means. Bounties should be reserved for projects that require a strong community. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: happy weblancer on August 13, 2018, 08:47:15 PM It happens that the team and marketing activities need more time to reach an even larger audience. It may also be that the product isn't ready, and the community doesn't represent the ultimate goal of the project or doesn't trust developers without a finished product. Maybe White paper isn't written specifically, it needs to be detailed. And then the bounty campaign is stretched and the terms are transferred.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: iamreal on August 14, 2018, 11:17:57 AM You question is not clear to me and also you have not given proper information. Without the ICO name it's hard to explain their vision from my opinion. So it will be better if you provide more info about it. I guess he is trying to say that most ICO extends their ICO and bounties so he is trying to know what to expect in such a situation where a bounty company extends their ICO and bounties Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: dreammoney710 on August 14, 2018, 08:03:21 PM the investors definitely have lots of expectetion from their investments so if you understandthe market and then involved with investment then you can definitely achieve as per your expectations
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: blacknight789 on August 14, 2018, 08:57:51 PM ICO make capital for a company and it is easy way to collect investment. ICO bounty are more probable and secure. it will help you to earn without money invest. its future are bright and potential.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Vikingkong on August 14, 2018, 10:13:31 PM ICO is a way to collect invest for a company. ICO bounty are more secure and profitable for investor. investor are like to ICO bounty. because here is no need to money for invest. I think it is more reliable.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: fuer44 on August 15, 2018, 01:41:07 AM the goal is to establish more partners for the project. and that can be very profitable for the company because it can expand their business, and of course the profit that can be obtained can also be greater.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: alfs75 on August 15, 2018, 01:59:55 AM I participated in a subscription company that extended my company. Now I do not know what to expect from her. Maybe someone will tell you why the companies extend their project. Actualy mostly companies now thats run ICO project campaign,they want to extend there project because of the bearish situation in the market,in order to survive and sustain the market competition and attract more investor to make the project reach there hard caps target they extend its to the fullest until they can reach the company hardcap sale target. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: yeeyeyaya on August 15, 2018, 02:27:18 AM ICO is done so that companies have the funds to develop their projects. often the ICO extends the gift because they need more time so they can increase the amount of money needed during the token sale.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: coyote50 on August 15, 2018, 02:29:36 AM Usually when the bounty program is extended, it means the ICO was extended as well. There probably wasn't enough interest and they needed more time to raise money
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: tsaroz on August 15, 2018, 02:33:28 AM The crypto market is performing poor. People are not readily investing in crypto at all let alone every individual tokens.
It's getting harder for ICOs to meet their softcap. And with extended time period for ICO, they expect to get more investors. They can even work parallel with the development and ICO in the meanwhile. EOS had it's ICO for a complete year. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: brjameng on August 15, 2018, 03:24:36 AM Providing more information about the company being extend and the company who help extending it would be helpful for everyone here to give their opinion about your problem.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Azzhan on August 15, 2018, 03:38:05 AM The bounty thread does help the ICO.
Most of the time, however, investors are more concerned about the prospects of the project, which is crucial. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: upyem2k on August 15, 2018, 04:04:06 AM What you're saying hear seems vague. But I guess you're talking about extension of a ICO or bounty campaign duration. It can happen and it is normal. Sometimes, it can be as a result of inability to reach the softcap in the fundraising or lapses in the project development which may arise as a result of legal injunction or anything.
To me, it is normal and nothing to worry about. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: gentsy brink on August 15, 2018, 04:26:55 AM there are several reasons why the project are develops. one of them is that many investors support the project so they expand their projects. to make investors interested in joining a project is that the project must have interesting concepts and promotions. therefore, it will make many investors interested to join.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Ostonian on August 15, 2018, 04:38:37 AM There are times when the campaign is prolonged. You need to find out from the campaign manager what the reason is. If there is a connection with the manager and updated tables, pages in social networks, then do not worry.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: CuteSeal on August 15, 2018, 11:59:56 AM ICO is initial coin offering i think it will provide a lot of capital for invest in a company. it is easy way to develop a company and it help you to collect invest. Bounty are more secure for ico. it is more choiceable and probable.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: maydna on August 16, 2018, 03:30:37 AM I participated in a subscription company that extended my company. Now I do not know what to expect from her. Maybe someone will tell you why the companies extend their project. I think you can ask the manager which working with that company or you can ask directly with the team. maybe they want to reach more people to join with their project, they want to get more investor, or they are facing a trouble or else so they decide to extend the projects. and if there is no explaining from them, then I suggest you leave the projects and find another project. but it's up to you, you can stay in that projects until it's finished and see what you've got. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: indobitcoin.tk on August 16, 2018, 03:40:31 AM ICO is a which aims to market. When it is not in accordance with the expectations they want or outside their predictions then, of course, will be extended. It is certainly pretty good aim so that the results they want in accordance with their expectations.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: Goodwin54 on August 16, 2018, 06:17:53 AM Companies extend their project if it is more profitable the their other projects. If i am not wrong then ICO extend the pile of bounty company so that they can gain more revenue from them. I think this is the answer you are looking for. If it was not helpful then tell me I will try c come up with a better explanation. Have a good day.
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: HDContent751 on August 16, 2018, 06:53:05 AM There are many projects of ICO available and huge number of them are not promising and valid. So everyone invest here for a quick benefit, they need to be careful and avoid scams`
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: StrongImagine301 on August 16, 2018, 07:14:05 AM People invest on ICO because it’s popular and reliable but there are scams too. So everyone need to be careful when they invest on a project`
Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: xonecoinlovers on August 16, 2018, 07:54:57 AM I think extending a company through an iCO should be depend on the need of the related company itself.
We can't just blindly extending our company through an ICO without knowing what to extend. Title: Re: What to expect from ICO, which extend the pile of bounty companies. Post by: ClarenceDo on August 16, 2018, 05:23:11 PM I think the future of ICO is bright it can achive a great success in future. The investor are raising their interest in it many companies also interested in ICO , day by day ICO I developing and we expect it will fulfill all of its demand.