Title: Deeponion (Best privacy coin ever) Post by: d3nz on August 22, 2018, 03:49:06 PM I want to share the development news of Deeponion. This could be huge someday and right now i am HOARDING more DEEPONION and wait until the time comes for the day it will soar again.
Check it out guys: https://deeponion.org/development-updates.html Title: Re: Deeponion (Best privacy coin ever) Post by: mariomerula on August 22, 2018, 03:50:06 PM Personally I prefer other privacy coins that are older and stronger than DeepOnion like Monero and Zcash, I don't think deeponion is actually the best privacy coin..
Title: Re: Deeponion (Best privacy coin ever) Post by: Tipstar on August 22, 2018, 04:19:56 PM Seems like the deeponion project is back from dead and getting some buzz.
The team must have some remaining tokens to sell off as they already sold of a large portion of their holding previously. I wouldn't expect anything from a team that can't explain it's own token distribution. |