Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Qfox on August 26, 2018, 10:45:25 AM

Title: BlackCoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 model B+)
Post by: Qfox on August 26, 2018, 10:45:25 AM
How to using Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (mining BlackCoin)

Part 1

It is best to format your SD card before copying the NOOBS files onto it. To do this:

1. Visit the ( SD Association’s website and download SD Formatter 4.0 for either Windows or Mac.

2. Follow the instructions to install the software.

3. Insert your SD card into the computer or laptop’s SD card reader and make a note of the drive letter allocated to it, e.g. G:/

4. In SD Formatter, select the drive letter for your SD card and format it.


We recommend using an SD card with a minimum capacity of 8GB.

1. Using a computer with an SD card reader, visit the Downloads page.

2. Click on NOOBS, then click on the Download ZIP button under ‘NOOBS (offline and network install)’, and select a folder to save it to.

3. Extract the files from the zip.


1. Once your SD card has been formatted, drag all the files in the extracted NOOBS folder and drop them onto the SD card drive.

2. The necessary files will then be transferred to your SD card.

3. When this process has finished, safely remove the SD card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi.


1. Plug in your keyboard, mouse, and monitor cables.

2. Now plug the USB power cable into your Pi.

3. Your Raspberry Pi will boot, and a window will appear with a list of different operating systems that you can install. We recommend that you use Raspbian – tick the box next to Raspbian and click on Install.

4. Raspbian will then run through its installation process. Note that this can take a while.

5. When the install process has completed, the Raspberry Pi configuration menu (raspi-config) will load. Here you are able to set the time and date for your region, enable a Raspberry Pi camera board, or even create users. You can exit this menu by using Tab on your keyboard to move to Finish.


The default login for Raspbian is username pi with the password raspberry. Note that you will not see any writing appear when you type the password. This is a security feature in Linux.

To load the graphical user interface, type startx and press Enter.

Refer to our documentation for more information: (


Install BlackCoin Lore wallet for Raspberry Pi and Syncing

Open the terminal from the taskbar

To create a swapfile on your Raspberry Pi you can use the following commands:

1) <sudo su -c 'echo "CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048" > /etc/dphys-swapfile'>

2) <sudo dphys-swapfile setup>

After creating the swapfile, you have to activate it once by using this command:

3) <sudo dphys-swapfile swapon>

Install Blackcoin Lore wallet

1. Now we are going to install the Blackcoin Wallet for ARM. Download the arm version of the Blackcoin Lore wallet from: (

2. Next open the terminal from the taskbar and type <mkdir Blackcoin-Lore> which will create a folder path under the Pi user. Once this is done you can close the terminal.

3. Open up the File manager go to downloads and unzip the file.

4. Open the unzipped folder and copy the four files from contained within to the Blackcoin-Lore file you created.

5. Once the files have copied over. We are going to download the bootstrap to the computer to speed up the sync. Download the bootstrap from!R64nQARY!o8Ovl-2OLWMF6quSfpEXPEbcsmHiLhPegSnaHQXgR6I (!R64nQARY!o8Ovl-2OLWMF6quSfpEXPEbcsmHiLhPegSnaHQXgR6I) or!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ),(new version created by Michel elder)

6. Once you have the bootstrap downloaded extract the file and then place it in the Blackcoin-Lore directory. You can do this by dragging and dropping the file in the file explorer.

7. Open the terminal from the taskbar.

8. In the terminal type in <cd Blackcoin-Lore> to enter the Blackcoin-Lore directory.

9. We now need to change the permissions on the files type in <chmod u+x lored> then type in <chmod u+x lore-cli>. This should allow you to access and run the files.

10. Next type in <if [ $(whoami) == 'root' ]; then echo "NO don't run as root"; else ./lored -loadblock=/home/pi/Blackcoin-Lore/bootstrap.dat; fi> to start the node. This will begin the process of syncing the node with the network. I will warn you that this process will take awhile. The reason we are running this command is to ensure that we are not running the node as the root user.

11. It is also important to note that once you start running <./lored> the terminal window that was used will no longer be able to be used to enter commands. So once it starts you can either close out that terminal window or just leave it up.

12. In order to make sure we are syncing we have a couple options. We can either tail the program or we can use the getinfo command. Use whichever you think is easiest.

13. Once a new terminal tab opens type in <cd> to take yourself to the main directory. Now we are going to type in <tail -f \.lore/debug.log> to make sure the node is running and syncing correctly. As long as the process is running this terminal window will update and continue syncing.

14. To use getinfo open a new terminal and make sure you are in Blackcoin-Lore. If not in the Blackcoin-Lore folder navigate to it using <cd Blackcoin-Lore> and then type in <./lore-cli getinfo>

15. Congratulations you are now running a full node!

Importing your Private Key and Staking

1. Once your node has finished syncing up the the current block height we need import are private key to access our current funds.

2. Open a terminal from the taskbar. Type in <cd Blackcoin-Lore> to enter the Blackcoin-Lore directory.

3. Now we need to either import a private key or generate a new address. Please use whichever method you like.

4. When we import a private key we are going to need the private key of the wallet and also we are going to want an account name for it. The account name can be whatever you want. I personally use main for my primary address.Once we have the private key we want to type in this command <./lore-cli importprivkey YourPrivateKeyGoesHere AccountName> and hit enter. Once this begins the program will rescan the blockchain to find any transactions associated with that private key and import them.

5. If you don’t have a private key we are going to generate a new address and give it a name. To do this we type in <./lore-cli getaccountaddress Main>

6. Once that is done we can check our wallet info using <./lore-cli getwalletinfo>

7. This will show you your wallet version, balance, unconfirmed balance, and other information.

8. Once you have confirmed your information is correct we can then get ready to start staking.

9. First thing we need to do is encrypt our wallet. Type in the command <./lore-cli encryptwallet YourPassPhrase>

10. Once this is done the node itself will stop and will require you to restart it. But before we do that we need to create a config file and add a command to enable staking.

11. Once the node is stop we  want to move back to the home directory. So in the terminal type in <cd>

12. Once we are in the home directory we want to type in <cd .lore> to enter the lore directory.

13. In order to start staking easily we are going to make a configure file to start staking once the wallet/node is up and running. In the terminal type in <sudo nano lore.conf> to open and create a configuration file.

14. Once it opens type in <staking=1> in the file and then hit <CTRL + O> to write out the file. The screen will change slightly and ask you to confirm the name of the file. As long as it says lore.conf you can hit enter. To exit the nano editor hit <CTRL + X>

15. Now in the terminal type in <cd> to return to the home directory. From their navigate back to the Blackcoin-Lore directory by typing in <cd Blackcoin-Lore> into the terminal.

16. Once you are back in the Blackcoin-Lore directory we want to restart the node. So in this terminal type in <./lored> or <./lored -daemon> to start the node again.

17. Once the node has started up you can open a new terminal window in the Blackcoin-Lore directory. In order to check that you are staking you can type in <./lore-cli getstakinginfo> and the first line should return as True which lets you know that you can now stake.

18. In the terminal we no have to type in the command to let us stake. The command syntax is broken up into three parts. Your passphrase, the amount of time in seconds you want to unlock the wallet, and a boolean. For the boolean variable if you want to stake you set it to true and if you don’t you change it to false.

19. So if you wanted to stake for 24 hours you would type in  the command, your passphrase, 86400 and true.
20. Example: <./lore-cli walletpassphrase YourPassPhraseHere 86400 true> and now your wallet would stake for 24 hours.

if you need help,please visit (

Janko grand elder original article:(How to setup SSD or other external harddisk and all step command) (

Useful command:-

0. Terminal main directory to Blackcoin Lore directory:cd Blackcoin-Lore

1. Start the blackcoin node again:./lored or ./lored -daemon

2. Check status info:./lore-cli getinfo

3. Check wallet info:./lore-cli getwalletinfo

4. Check staking info:./lore-cli getstakinginfo

5. Start staking blackcoin:./lore-cli walletpassphrase <yourwalletpassphrase> 999999999 true
(999999999 is staking time for 31years)

6. Stop staking blackcoin:./lore-cli walletpassphrase <yourwalletpassphrase> 999999999 false
(after stop staking blackcoin,then you could send blackcoin to address)

7. Send blackcoin to address:./lore-cli sendtoaddress <blackcoin address> <amount>

8. Get your private key:./lore-cli dumpprivkey <your blackcoin address>

9. Get your back up wallet files:./lore-cli dumpwallet <file name>

10. Check the node info:tail -f \.lore/debug.log
(this command use in terminal main directory)

11. Check other commands:./lore-cli help

I wish could help newbie easy staking/mining Blackcoin

Blackcoin max transaction per day 1,440,000(more than Ethereum,ETH max 13transaction per sec)

Blackcoin transaction speed around 60sec (faster than bitcoin)

join our community,secure our good project network ;)

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: muleroaa on August 26, 2018, 09:32:56 PM
Nice guide, thanks for putting it together. I was thinking of getting a RPI3 so this will come in handy!

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: michelvankessel on August 27, 2018, 08:34:32 AM
I have created a new bootstrap.dat file (August 27th 2018). I have tested it with the Blackcoin Legacy client and works fine, just really slow import!. Will test it later this week with Lore on RPi3.!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ)


Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: vlad230 on August 27, 2018, 08:45:18 AM
Thanks for the detailed guide. :) I haven't tried using Raspberry boards for mining since I've always considered them too weak (hardware wise) for this activity.

What kind of hash rates are you getting with it and how many coins per day?

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: muleroaa on August 27, 2018, 05:44:32 PM
Thanks for the detailed guide. :) I haven't tried using Raspberry boards for mining since I've always considered them too weak (hardware wise) for this activity.

What kind of hash rates are you getting with it and how many coins per day?

This is not meant to be for Proof of Work mining, rather being a node in a Proof of Stake network. For keeping a node online and having your coins in your wallet unlocked for staking, you will gain rewards based on the amount of coins that you hold vs the total amount of coins that are being staked on the network. This process is not hardware intensive as supposed to Proof of Work mining, that's why this can run perfectly on a Raspberry Pi, you could even run multiple coin wallets and have them staking at the same time.

The nominal stake interest for BlackCoin is 1%.

These are some other stats:

PoS without coin age
Max reorganization depth: 500 blocks
Block time: 64 seconds
Difficulty retarget: every block
PoS Reward: based on 1% inflation + tx fees
Min transaction fee: 0.0001 BLK
Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500
Min stake confirmations: 500
P2P port: 15714, RPC port: 15715

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on August 28, 2018, 11:47:29 AM
Nice guide, thanks for putting it together. I was thinking of getting a RPI3 so this will come in handy!

thanks for support blackcoin mining~

I have created a new bootstrap.dat file (August 27th 2018). I have tested it with the Blackcoin Legacy client and works fine, just really slow import!. Will test it later this week with Lore on RPi3.!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ)


michel elder,always in Blackcoin Gitter there helping newbie,thank you

Thanks for the detailed guide. :) I haven't tried using Raspberry boards for mining since I've always considered them too weak (hardware wise) for this activity.

What kind of hash rates are you getting with it and how many coins per day?

Im telling you when you start using blackcoin you will like blackcoin system. Blackcoin staking never waste energy,blockchain stable,transaction speed faster and smooth.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: dragonmike on August 28, 2018, 12:05:40 PM
I personally think 1% yearly interest from staking is not enough at all for a highly volatile crypto asset.

Bring back the BLK multipool from 2014. At least you gave miners a mean to use pow and get payout in BLK. That would allow a higher staking reward and everybody would be happy.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 08, 2018, 06:08:43 PM
I personally think 1% yearly interest from staking is not enough at all for a highly volatile crypto asset.

Bring back the BLK multipool from 2014. At least you gave miners a mean to use pow and get payout in BLK. That would allow a higher staking reward and everybody would be happy.

actually staking rewards more than 1%,you could create ur personal pool ;)ask ur friends buy blk and put it on ur raspberry pi Blackcoin Lore wallet to staking rewards^_^

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Geraldo on September 08, 2018, 06:25:51 PM

Will, it works on Pi 2?
I have several unused Pi 2, but I keep it in another place (out of my city - a bit far from my current location) That's why I'm asking, maybe you've tried it on Pi 2. If it works, perhaps I'll bring it back here.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 10, 2018, 10:18:43 AM
I have created a new bootstrap.dat file (August 27th 2018). I have tested it with the Blackcoin Legacy client and works fine, just really slow import!. Will test it later this week with Lore on RPi3.!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ)


michel elder,ur bootstrap.dat done verify?create torrent file easy for newbie download

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 10, 2018, 10:23:00 AM

Will, it works on Pi 2?
I have several unused Pi 2, but I keep it in another place (out of my city - a bit far from my current location) That's why I'm asking, maybe you've tried it on Pi 2. If it works, perhaps I'll bring it back here.

same device,i think no problem,pi 2 maybe slow a bit,using bootstrap saving ur time for running full node ;)

*if you still got problem,you can visit Blackcoin gitter chat,there got many elder willing to help you ;)

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: michelvankessel on September 10, 2018, 11:23:30 AM
I have created a new bootstrap.dat file (August 27th 2018). I have tested it with the Blackcoin Legacy client and works fine, just really slow import!. Will test it later this week with Lore on RPi3.!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ)


michel elder,ur bootstrap.dat done verify?create torrent file easy for newbie download

yes, verify is done... I have added the SHA265 to the txt file.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: cdrx on September 10, 2018, 11:24:06 AM
Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: anotherlateminer on September 10, 2018, 06:53:42 PM

Will, it works on Pi 2?
I have several unused Pi 2, but I keep it in another place (out of my city - a bit far from my current location) That's why I'm asking, maybe you've tried it on Pi 2. If it works, perhaps I'll bring it back here.
Legacy wallet worked for me on Pi 1, so Pi 2 should be fine too.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: perri on September 11, 2018, 08:42:17 AM
Pretty good info, I have Pi 2 and Pi 3, and each has installed Kali, but I've only used both just several times and then now both are unused. I'll try this, and maybe I'll start from Pi 3 according to this tutorials. Thanks, OP.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: mindphuq on September 11, 2018, 11:26:06 PM
Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

Blackcoin is staked, not really mined. You don't try for hashes so Blackcoin needs very little CPU (not much more than creating an SSL connection, decrypting an email or hashing a file). So you can mine a CPU-miner coin on the same box that runs Blackcoin staking. However what Blackcoin, as any other coin, might need is some RAM. 1GB is maybe a little thin to run many coins on the same box.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: cryptodrunk on September 12, 2018, 12:55:59 AM
Thank you very much for putting all this information together, the guide is very informative, I have a raspberry pi 3 forgotten without use and I had not seen a step by step guide so complete. Maybe I will try using it with this coin. Thanks and regards.

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 12, 2018, 10:22:47 AM
I have created a new bootstrap.dat file (August 27th 2018). I have tested it with the Blackcoin Legacy client and works fine, just really slow import!. Will test it later this week with Lore on RPi3.!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ)


michel elder,ur bootstrap.dat done verify?create torrent file easy for newbie download

yes, verify is done... I have added the SHA265 to the txt file.

thank you michel elder ;)

Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

oh yes,we got user staking few wallet on raspberry pi device

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: perri on September 12, 2018, 11:47:28 AM
Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

oh yes,we got user staking few wallet on raspberry pi device

Means we can stake (installed) few wallets? And doing stacking for several coins, right? It will depend on our storage capacity, can we use the external storage such as FDD or some kind?

Are there any limits?

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 12, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

oh yes,we got user staking few wallet on raspberry pi device

Means we can stake (installed) few wallets? And doing stacking for several coins, right? It will depend on our storage capacity, can we use the external storage such as FDD or some kind?

Are there any limits?

oh yes,another article got SSD setup. I will update it soon that one created by Blackcoin Janko grand elder ;)

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 12, 2018, 02:11:00 PM
Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

Pretty good info, I have Pi 2 and Pi 3, and each has installed Kali, but I've only used both just several times and then now both are unused. I'll try this, and maybe I'll start from Pi 3 according to this tutorials. Thanks, OP.

Thank you very much for putting all this information together, the guide is very informative, I have a raspberry pi 3 forgotten without use and I had not seen a step by step guide so complete. Maybe I will try using it with this coin. Thanks and regards.


Will, it works on Pi 2?
I have several unused Pi 2, but I keep it in another place (out of my city - a bit far from my current location) That's why I'm asking, maybe you've tried it on Pi 2. If it works, perhaps I'll bring it back here.

Can I mine blackcoin and jsecoin on same Raspberry Pi 3 B ?

oh yes,we got user staking few wallet on raspberry pi device

Means we can stake (installed) few wallets? And doing stacking for several coins, right? It will depend on our storage capacity, can we use the external storage such as FDD or some kind?

Are there any limits?

hey guys,Janko grand elder original article updated! ;)

Title: Re: Blackcoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 B+)
Post by: Qfox on September 28, 2018, 11:35:45 AM
updated new bootstrap.dat from michel elder!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ (!ru5lTJSD!3Ysa0Whk4Nyztc9xfu8pjQ)

Title: Re: BlackCoin mining (Raspberry Pi 3 model B+)
Post by: wavessurfing on April 30, 2020, 01:27:35 PM
any news ?