Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Dexion on September 05, 2018, 02:29:19 PM

Title: blockchain and voting
Post by: Dexion on September 05, 2018, 02:29:19 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: LimePleasant on September 05, 2018, 03:00:11 PM
That's actually a great idea. It should be implemented in all democratic  countries because I personally never trusted those who were counting the votes. Another great one from Japan.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: LeGaulois on September 05, 2018, 03:05:49 PM
n my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world
Venezuela has much more important thing to take care
An economic crisis in a country is not what is pushing to use the blockchain tech to be used for elections. Countries with corruption, broken systems, frauds are more subject to be interested in, mainly because the results would be undeniable

Transparency: In the today’s election scheme, no method of transparency can be offered to participants of the election. When an individual places his ballot in the box at his voting district, there is no guarantee from the scheme that his vote was counted and counted correctly. Any individual vote can be misplaced, counted incorrectly because of human error or simply because the party which the voter voted for could be disliked by the individual which counted the vote. This transparency is non-existent because no ballot has information on who casted aforementioned vote. To introduce transparency in the process of an election would require a new law which
would allow government officials to provide the services which allow such method of transparency
3) Voter privacy: In every pen and paper election scheme, voters privacy is a key element. The law forbids any individual or entity to be able to know from a single vote, who gave aforementioned vote. If such information could be gathered for each vote, such information could then leak to the public which would allow for listing every single individual who voted for a single party/candidate. To satisfy the privacy of each voter,
no individual vote should be traceable back to the voter.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: adzino on September 05, 2018, 03:11:33 PM
This actually would bring total transparency during an election. But do you think people are ready? Do you think they will understand the technology required for voting? Are they actually ready or will end up hesitating to vote? Too many questions, one answer: They will need to be educated about the technology before these are implemented.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Thekool1s on September 05, 2018, 03:16:54 PM
mainly because the results would be undeniable

Would they? what if the network is being controlled by the goverenment it self? 51% attack would be an easy way for them to manipulate the results... Unless they use a 3rd party blockchain like ethereum. There is nothing stopping them to manipulate the results.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Tipsters on September 05, 2018, 03:22:20 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
I do not agree that Venezuela will be the next to take step because trading cryptos is banned there. In my opinion, Japan and Russia are gonna be the lead innovators in the cryptocurrency era because their projects have great platforms and it is backed up by strong teams and lots of funds. Nevertheless, these turn of events will lead to the revival of the market and will grant most of the holders the profit that they deserve.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: BitcoinNewbie15 on September 05, 2018, 03:26:40 PM
mainly because the results would be undeniable

Would they? what if the network is being controlled by the goverenment it self? 51% attack would be an easy way for them to manipulate the results... Unless they use a 3rd party blockchain like ethereum. There is nothing stopping them to manipulate the results.

But could they manipulate it if it was verifiably decentralized and was open source? Of course, it would be way easier for a government to create a closed source permissioned blockchain, as that would give them way more control over their people... Generally, that is what governments want, more control. The 51% attack is a problem that would need to be solved, any blockchain used for voting probably would be very centralized, as there would be no incentive to maintain the ledger.

I really am unsure how this would work or how something like this could be successfully implemented. Is there any more information on what Japan did for this? Who maintained the blockchain? What was the incentive? What algo was it? So many questions.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: audaciousbeing on September 05, 2018, 03:30:04 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Wouldn't it have been better if you had included the source of this news so everyone can verify and read more to know the very details which you have left out of your summary and also makes you not guilty of plagiarism.

One of the practical application of blockchain is during voting process which is something I have been looking forward to. All over the world, even the most advanced country, the issue of voting has been marred with several allegations of malpractices and hacking which has always cast some element of doubt in the entire process. This has made this problem a universal problem that needs to be solved using new technology and that is what blockchain will solve.

All this week, I have been reading abut trailblazing steps taken by Japan towards development of blockchain and if this continues, I see Japan taking the lead in the league of nations in the next decade as they will likely become the model everyone is looking up to.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: mrcash02 on September 05, 2018, 03:34:55 PM
Technology is good and offers new possibilities, but I still think the printed vote is the best option. You vote and a printed receipt is dropped in a closed box. If there are doubts about the final result, all the receipts will be counted again. Surely, these boxes will be closely watched all the time.

And everything that matters for Venezuela is to keep the dictator ruling the country, don't expect any innovation from their side, let alone transparency from their electoral system, well known by frauds.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Kemarit on September 05, 2018, 04:10:02 PM

Zug, a city in Switzerland known as the "Crypto Valley," has successfully completed its first test of a local blockchain-based voting system.

As CoinDesk reported on June 11, the Swiss city launched an e-voting pilot platform built on a blockchain as part of the city's efforts to embrace the technology. The voting process took place between June 25 and July 1, and stored both polling information and residents' IDs on the system.

SWI, a news outlet owned by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation, reported on Monday that the city's head of communications, Dieter Müller, claimed that "the premiere was a success."

Following the positive results, Müller said that "technical details" of the voting process will be

So this so called blockchain based voting has been experimented by Zug and it was already reported as a success. Although the turn out is just small, this experiment proves the blockchain based voting might be the new standards specially around Europe in the next 5 years.

@OP, what made you think that Venezuela will create new innovations like blockchain base voting? On the contrary, Maduro will not implement this voting because its going to be hard for him to tamper it. Petro? LOL, it was reported that this is just pure imagination because there's no actual investors and those $700 Million he reported is nothing to be found.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Thekool1s on September 05, 2018, 07:51:32 PM
mainly because the results would be undeniable

Exactly blockchain doesn't servers any purpose if its used in a centralized way. What I would like to see is smart contracts being run on a public controlled blockchain. That IMO will be a true "Free and Fair" election. Something like Ethereum where power isn't distributed to a few but rather to many. If they don't, it's just like replacing the current database with a newer one. We are still very far from having 'Decentralized' elections. The governments are not ready to trust the people who are running the network, yet...

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: LeGaulois on September 05, 2018, 08:10:06 PM
mainly because the results would be undeniable

Would they? what if the network is being controlled by the goverenment it self? 51% attack would be an easy way for them to manipulate the results... Unless they use a 3rd party blockchain like ethereum. There is nothing stopping them to manipulate the results.

The network would not be supposed to be controlled by a government or any other institution. One of the purposes of a decentralized ledger, is a consensus of replicated and sync'ed data spread across several participants, as you know.

Regarding a voting system, we could imagine for example citizens being the main participants of the network. After all, they are the most concerned. If citizens don't want to participate in the security of their data and the system then it's another thing. It's like refusing to vote but complaining about the current political system.

In fact, I don't find fair to see something else (entity, institution, govt.) than the citizens used to do it

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: HeXecutor on September 05, 2018, 08:24:28 PM
Yes, here, that theme, which would be really interesting.
When I first heard about this technology, I immediately thought how interesting it would be to observe the elections ... it's just an ideal system that really will allow holding the most fair elections in the world. Yes ... the same democracy with the use of this technology could happen =) However, something tells me that we are unlikely to see this technology in state elections

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Tankdestroyer on September 05, 2018, 09:09:28 PM
Exactly blockchain doesn't servers any purpose if it used in a centralized way. What I would like to see is smart contracts being run on a public controlled blockchain. The governments are not ready to trust the people who are running the network, yet...
I think it is better if you will rephrase your last sentence in the quote as governments not being ready for reform yet since they don't want to part with their corrupted voting system and is not ready for honest, manipulation free election. IMO, the thing you would like to see would not probably come to pass unless someone will decide to work for its implementation.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: jak3 on September 05, 2018, 09:33:14 PM
I think that's a very good idea, I do not trust others with manual works instead we will have 100% guarantee that the person has given the vote and no one others. Better feel saves a lot of time and money and eventually make things a lot faster I wish all the countries should try this thing out and they should also implement this kind of Technology in their voting system very soon.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: 9jaflick on September 05, 2018, 09:51:30 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
I saw something related to this in Africa in late 2017, where a blockchain project (don't want to mention name) came to the voting unit to conduct some project experience.
They refused to publish the result they got from the voting because they were  invited by government of the country.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Jackolantern on September 05, 2018, 10:01:05 PM
To my mind, they shouldn't be connected but i m not expert and can't say for sure what makes both of them special. As I think, it is better to use the blockchain now and not wait because it has many advantages

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: dothebeats on September 05, 2018, 11:26:41 PM
mainly because the results would be undeniable

Would they? what if the network is being controlled by the goverenment it self? 51% attack would be an easy way for them to manipulate the results... Unless they use a 3rd party blockchain like ethereum. There is nothing stopping them to manipulate the results.

Knowing how the Japs operate, I don't think they have the guts to manipulate election results, or if ever the doubt arises regarding manipulation, I'm sure they already have a plan for anti-fraud in their elections. Sure that there always is the possibility for a 51% attack on a decentralized blockchain, but if the network itself is hidden and requires some credentials before being accessed, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be any problems.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Tory-Tory on September 06, 2018, 07:47:55 AM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
Do you have information on how the identity check was carried out? After all, this is important, honesty and openness of voting depend on it.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Pursuer on September 06, 2018, 08:03:31 AM
in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

don't compare Japan with Venezuela dude. the situation is completely different in these two countries. in Japan they have seen the potential of bitcoin and also the blockchain technology as both the decentralized currency and then the technology to use in other spaces.
but in Venezuela they have only seen the technology and how they can make profit by creating their own personal altcoin to make money. I doubt that this country really does anything innovative in the crypto-space.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: hotimbineh on September 06, 2018, 08:07:43 AM
voting is a way that can be done to find out how much the community accepts and uses blockhcain technology, but how can that vertification be done honestly and safely because this is until now a scourge for some people

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Horraygram on September 07, 2018, 07:18:06 PM
Block chain now has become a new era and Japan has done a great work by using it. But I have a concern that Venezuela might not be the next one to create new invention using it as their government don’t support it yet. They might do it but it will take a long time

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: redrose8226 on September 07, 2018, 07:36:29 PM
That's a great news. Blockchain technology is now being implemented on every sectors of our lives. Tsubuka has recently experimented voting system by blockchain technology. The results were successful. I think if we implement blockchain Technology correctly, it might bring revolutionary changes in our lives.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: electrobit8024 on September 07, 2018, 07:46:18 PM
Chances are low for Venezuela for making it as the next cut because crypto are banned in that country still. Russia might have a chance though because they do have high participation from their end. And they do have good teams and good funding too.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: 1Referee on September 07, 2018, 08:18:51 PM
Would they? what if the network is being controlled by the goverenment it self? 51% attack would be an easy way for them to manipulate the results... Unless they use a 3rd party blockchain like ethereum. There is nothing stopping them to manipulate the results.

Ethereum's blockchain in no shape or form offers any decentralization, especially with how you only need to make sure you catch Vitalik and you're pretty much good to go as government.

Ethereum has rolled back the chain already to save investor funds, and that with a minority agreement! In other words, Ethereum is pretty much the last blockchain you would want to use for these purposes, especially if you take into consideration that Vitalik recently admitted to write a fork in case he's forced to do so. It's a complete lunatic.

Voting itself is and will always be prone to some extent of manipulation, even on the most decentralized network as the one from Bitcoin.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: budrabut on September 07, 2018, 10:36:19 PM
It is not only in Japam or Venezuela, many people see the positive and advantages of Crypto. It is because Crypto uses the blockchain technology which offers simplicity and transparency system.  I think it might be use for government in many instance or agency.   

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: KINGCHACHA1 on September 07, 2018, 10:40:22 PM
This is a sign that Japan is strong in search of transparency, accuracy, justice, innovation and speed. Presently now blockchain is the only  technology that can offer it in a system. All the countries need blockchain in their electoral system in order to ascertain a high level of free and fair election.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: umrohyuk on September 07, 2018, 10:44:09 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Blockchain might be an effective and efficient way to use in voting. As we know that even though some people say that it has high risk due to the free framework whereas people might access freely. However, the transparency system and principle of blockchain technology makes it proper use as the voting system. Blockchain will be more worth in future and I think others countries can adopt Japan.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Nhebu on September 07, 2018, 11:04:50 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
Its good to see that what we talked in this forum will be implemented today. I knew that blockchain can be a tool to use to provide decentralization and transparency throughout the world. Making it as an equipment on voting is a good idea because it will prevent those candidates that manipulates the election. No more biased and officials that will be elected will come to the hands of majority.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: becak mesin on September 07, 2018, 11:09:52 PM
Japan perhaps see and notice that Blockchain technology is positive and proper to use for voting. It is nice sound to hear from Japan, I am waiting for other countries and specially my own country use blockchain in any instances. It might be good because blockchain technology provides transparency and accuracy. It can minimize and prevent manipulation of data.  

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: jaysabi on September 07, 2018, 11:24:50 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Venezuela is a dictatorship. Blockchain doesn't work well in a dictatorship because autocrats want control and decentralized systems cannot be controlled. Venezuela isn't going to adopt blockchain in any official capacity and the government will repress any attempts to adopt any type of crytpo currency. Control is far more important to them than lifting the country out of poverty because even when the country is poor the dictator is rich.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Gabali126 on September 07, 2018, 11:47:21 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
Blockchain can actually be used for voting due to its transparency. But I doubt if most corrupt politicians would want to use it in elections voting. I fully support this blockchain technology for electioneering processes.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Ilegendph on September 07, 2018, 11:52:10 PM
This actually would bring total transparency during an election. But do you think people are ready? Do you think they will understand the technology required for voting? Are they actually ready or will end up hesitating to vote? Too many questions, one answer: They will need to be educated about the technology before these are implemented.

Well for Japan its a yes, they are always open for innovative ways to improve their daily lives and that is what I admire them the most. They are not afraid to try new ideas and they just test them out just like what is stated by OP. People can now thrust blockchain in election because of this move by the Japanese People.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Thekool1s on September 08, 2018, 12:26:52 AM

Ethereum's blockchain in no shape or form offers any decentralization, especially with how you only need to make sure you catch Vitalik and you're pretty much good to go as government.

Why is that? Please bear with me, as I haven't looked into ethereum for a good while now...

Ethereum has rolled back the chain already to save investor funds, and that with a minority agreement! In other words, Ethereum is pretty much the last blockchain you would want to use for these purposes, especially if you take into consideration that Vitalik recently admitted to write a fork in case he's forced to do so. It's a complete lunatic.

Lol, Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do with Ethereum. Believe it or not, I haven't even looked into what plasma is and how it functions, All I know is it will solve the scalability issue of ethereum.

Voting itself is and will always be prone to some extent of manipulation, even on the most decentralized network as the one from Bitcoin.

How and Why? I can't think of a way to manipulate results if every single voter is securing the network. Even if you have a two party system and supporters of the majority party collaborate to do a 51% attack. But why would they do that, if they are the majority? It doesn't make any sense.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Silentsweeper785 on September 08, 2018, 01:15:21 PM
The initiative taken by Japan is a good thing indeed given they have a stable economy. But cannot be adopted by Vanezuela because they are going through high inflation, so they have other things to worry about at the moment

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: ecnalubma on September 08, 2018, 01:47:03 PM
This actually would bring total transparency during an election. But do you think people are ready? Do you think they will understand the technology required for voting? Are they actually ready or will end up hesitating to vote? Too many questions, one answer: They will need to be educated about the technology before these are implemented.
I think there's a solution to clear that confusion, I think the government need not to explain one by one how the Blockchain works they but should simplify the process and the Blockchain will take care of everything on the background. Blockchain is a good help in government processes and transactions to keep everything recorded and tamper proof.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: jamesbondbd007 on September 08, 2018, 03:45:00 PM
Givent that it is Japan that we are talking about who has a stable economy, it is alright for them to take this initiative. But Venezuela is not in the same position as Japand and they have other things to worry about right now.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Agapelove on September 08, 2018, 03:56:49 PM
The technology brought by blockchain is one of the most significant development in the modern era. The potential if decentralization is highly anticipated. Though, there are drawbacks and limitations in this technology, they'll just need to improve to make it suitable with the different systems.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: electrobit8024 on September 08, 2018, 04:22:03 PM
Venezuela is unlikely to prosper as long as Chavez and his men don't stop thinking about their own personal interests. Nothing will change the scenario there. But, for Japan, I am very hopeful. Their financial service agency is working very hard to implement cryptocurrencies into their financial system and now this news of utilizing blockchain really gave me hope.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: btc_angela on September 08, 2018, 04:36:40 PM
Venezuela is unlikely to prosper as long as Chavez and his men don't stop thinking about their own personal interests. Nothing will change the scenario there. But, for Japan, I am very hopeful. Their financial service agency is working very hard to implement cryptocurrencies into their financial system and now this news of utilizing blockchain really gave me hope.

Chavez?  You referring to Hugo? He died like 5 years ago. But I agree that he left the country in turmoil and the people behind the country (Maduro) didn't do anything good as well. So I doubt that blockchain voting will be allowed by his government, actually it won't allowed as long as he is in power. Japan though is different, I would say that the country is compatible with technology, hence its possible that will go and used in in foreseeable future.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Carmon on September 08, 2018, 04:49:26 PM
I hope that blockchain will be an important thing and our future life will be dependent on the blockchain. If we want to live a hassle-free life in future or now, then blockchain technology will be the best option.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: bitcoinminer566 on September 08, 2018, 04:51:51 PM
Government controlled blockchain can be very difficult to understand and to deal with. There is a high chance for the government to take control over the whole system if they really want to. But, given Japan's culture with transparency and dilligence I hope their government takes the right step which will eventually accelarate the mass adoption for blockchain and cryptos.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Utouippe on September 08, 2018, 04:52:50 PM
It’s a great step taken by Japan. I think if all the democratic countries use this blockchain technology in the voting system then there will be no forgery in voting and the country will be developed.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: cryptocrabs2 on September 08, 2018, 05:11:51 PM
There are countries out there who are doing far better than what is happening at Venezuela. It may seem like their government is trying to help them by providing Petro and new blockchain system for helping their inflation but in reality, the government is just corrupted and they using all these technology just for helping themselves, not the general people. Compared to that, Japan is in a far advanced position.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: jakezyrus on September 08, 2018, 05:20:13 PM
The idea of blockchain will totally help out us out to prevent flying voters that constantly cheat the voting system .  

Not just on politics or any voting system but also to some other things .

Blockchain technology is surely helpful to us .  lets just hope that many people will try to implement the use of it . so that it can also help bitcoin and other cryptos to get noticed by the public .

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: TheBitcoinBadger10 on September 08, 2018, 05:32:24 PM
Innovation is great and offers new conceivable outcomes, however, regardless I think the printed vote is the best alternative. You vote and a printed receipt is dropped in a shut box. In the event that there are questions about the last outcome, every one of the receipts will be checked once more.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: CheeryPenguin on September 08, 2018, 06:44:30 PM
Precisely blockchain doesn't servers any reason if it's utilized centralized. What I might want to see is keen contracts being kept running on an openly controlled blockchain. That IMO will be a genuine "Free and Fair" race. Something like Ethereum where control isn't appropriated to a couple yet rather too many.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Wrathhawk on September 08, 2018, 07:09:37 PM
The system would not be controlled by an administration or some other foundation. One of the motivations behind a decentralized record is an agreement of repeated and synchronized information spread over a few members, as you most likely are aware.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: HistoryVampire on September 08, 2018, 07:20:53 PM
If blockchain technology is used for voting in democratic countries then it would be the best use of blockchain technology so far. Now a days, corruption is done in every sphere in voting in almost every democratic countries. So blockchain will bring more transperency in the voting system.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Silentsweeper785 on September 08, 2018, 07:34:08 PM
If blockchai technology is used in voting in democratic countries I think this will be the wisest use of blockchain. Now a days, lots of corruption is done during vote. This can really be a solution.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: WaterSeal on September 08, 2018, 07:39:58 PM
It is a wonderful attempt. Transparency is really needed for these type of things. I hope people will warmly welcome these initiatives and blockchain will going to develop our life.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: BlackRogue on September 08, 2018, 07:53:21 PM
This is really awesome. But i think people should know about this blockchain technology properly. Education about this technology should be provided to people of all class so that people can utilize it properly.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: SoliDCoiNs777 on September 08, 2018, 08:05:11 PM
Transparency in these sectors is one of the things people badly want. I think blockchain is just perfect for these purposes. But people should be ready about using this as many people don't know a single thing about the technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Wingo on September 08, 2018, 08:42:57 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Blockchain voting can be easily implemented using NEM, I have tried it in their nano wallet and it's really easy to use. I hope it will be available soon for easy integration using their sdk. Blockchain voting offers security and immutability while delivering transparency to every participant in the process, this is the future of voting!

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Arlette Foxsparkle on September 08, 2018, 10:50:41 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

It is a great innovation for us by using blockchain technology in other purposes and looking forward to a great modernization.

But eventually it can destroy the values of keeping your privacy and freedom for choosing freely without expecting knowing of others. Yes I believe that transparency is very important for all things but it should be in a right place and time not all are wants a publicity but also a privacy.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: cryptoking252 on September 09, 2018, 11:51:01 AM
Wow it’s really great news. This is a step ahead of blockchain technology. I think democratic countries should adopt this because it is fairer than counting vote manually. It’s a very nice initiative from Japan.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: bitcoinhunter888 on September 09, 2018, 12:01:35 PM
This is great. I very much appreciate their initiative. But for this people need to be educated properly about the technology unless they will be reluctant to give vote. So it is mandatory to let them learn about the technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: dreammoney710 on September 09, 2018, 12:09:41 PM
Transparency in counting vote is very much important factor. In manually printing system there are more possibilities of fraud cases but in blockchain method it will be completely decentralized and transparent. So it’s great.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: gabbie2010 on September 09, 2018, 03:49:28 PM
I have discussed deployment of blockchain technology for voting system with a colleague I emphasized the importance of using this technology for electoral purposes it will completely eliminate rigging and ensures transparency where every eligible voters will be able to track and monitor the votes as it being casted.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: rabia_laskor on September 11, 2018, 01:49:25 AM
This System offers unused conceivable outcomes additionally individuals have an issue. I accept on the off chance that this framework is reached out of degenerate individuals this would offer assistance significantly. Already there was continuously question with vote tallying since who knows who can be trusted.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: peacefulpeace on September 11, 2018, 04:36:21 AM
over the years, blockchain has proven not to be synonymous with crypto alone, blockchain can really improve the way we live and do things as people, congrats to the Japanese Science city, for successfully integrating blockchain to their electoral system. I would be very happy if such technological adoption of blockchain for electoral purpose is adopted in my coutry Nigeria.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: gambitcoin53 on September 11, 2018, 04:44:49 AM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

great news, if this is true, then i am sure this will jumpstart blockchain tech to be recognize by companies or even govt itself in case of transactions that requires anonymity and more secure platforms. truly blockchain technology has so many potentials to improve some of the major roles in our lives, the era of this digitally based platforms has really so much to offer.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Dexion on September 11, 2018, 10:45:37 AM
in my opinion, there are many positive values when Blockchain is used for voting.

1. eliminating double identity and false identity in voting.
2. We know that every voting in the country must spend a large budget, but the blockchain system can save the state budget for voting.
3. more efficient and avoid sound manipulation and data manipulation.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Akpuv on September 11, 2018, 11:00:38 AM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
It will really be an exciting thing for the entire world to consider implementing the blockchain technology during its national elections or any other form of voting due to the transparency of the technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: zhanyiguai261315 on September 11, 2018, 11:17:39 AM
Under the blockchain system, blockchain voting ensures that the voting results are not changeable!
The use of blockchain for voting can effectively prevent election manipulation problems caused by identity fraud in the traditional election process.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Fendi23 on September 11, 2018, 01:56:46 PM
this is a new breakthrough that will make the blockchain's future brighter and will certainly have an impact on daily life. Hopefully other countries will soon follow

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: blockman on September 11, 2018, 06:24:56 PM
Japan really is a progressive and adoptive country that's always been first with technology so its ideal for one of their cities to conduct that experiment successfully. Venezuela needs more attention and I hope that it will help their economywith these innovations by applying blockchain to their society.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Silberman on September 11, 2018, 08:30:13 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
I am not so sure that I like the idea of voting using the blockchain, if you use the blockchain then that means that every single vote is visible and it could be possible to tell what was your vote, and there is a reason of why voting is supposed to be secret so you cannot be coerced into voting for someone, so I really do not like the idea of using the blockchain for that purpose.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: on September 11, 2018, 08:58:21 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Another environment where the blockade shows good results.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: galundan9 on September 11, 2018, 09:14:37 PM
The blockchain system is present by changing the centralistic approach to decentralization.
Blockchain technology allows network consensus to record and validate each transaction so that incoming data cannot be forged, lost or corrupted so that it cannot be manipulated by the network provider.

But I believe in the future, blockchain technology will change the way the system as a whole, in the financial sector and in all industrial sectors. This system is believed to be effective in encouraging the realization of transparency, security, and accuracy of transaction data.
I really hope that in the future there will be more cities / countries that also use the technology to be implemented in real life.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: jujurloe on September 11, 2018, 10:26:00 PM
blockchain usage for non-economic and financial activities for me will be very beneficial and effective. decentralized voting will reduce a lot of costs, energy and time and the level of validity I feel is very good

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Ucy on September 11, 2018, 11:19:03 PM
This actually would bring total transparency during an election. But do you think people are ready? Do you think they will understand the technology required for voting? Are they actually ready or will end up hesitating to vote? Too many questions, one answer: They will need to be educated about the technology before these are implemented.
Guess the most important thing  is to have immutable election record. Am not sure the transparency aspect has been totally figured out yet. 
* There could be  multiple voting. * Politicians could easily buy votes.
* People could be pressured by friends and family to vote for certain candidates.

I think multiple voting can be prevented with stuff like biometrics. Vote buying would be the hard one to prevent

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Johnyz on September 11, 2018, 11:30:37 PM
One of the amazing perks of the blockchain,solving real life problems through it distributed ledger technology, it is the first of many to be conducted on a city scale
That's true, there is more beyond money and maybe government is already aware of this one. Blockchain technology can be effective only if the government invest time studying this one, but maybe in election some politicians will not agree for this one since they are corrupt people and they can't be afford to be more transparent.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Oasisman on September 12, 2018, 03:09:15 AM
This project is one of the most important innovation in blockchain technology. With some of the countries suffering from vote tally result manipulation ( including my country ), this is a big help to make everything transparent and decentralized, since in todays generation, you donnot know who can be trusted.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Dexion on September 12, 2018, 02:53:59 PM
This project is one of the most important innovation in blockchain technology. With some of the countries suffering from vote tally result manipulation ( including my country ), this is a big help to make everything transparent and decentralized, since in todays generation, you donnot know who can be trusted.
Yes, you are right, in my country, there are also many criminals who manipulate public votes during voting.

so, you can see my comments above about some of the benefits of using blockchain in voting.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Harlot on September 12, 2018, 03:09:19 PM
Indeed it will, now that governments and companies are venturing out with other uses for Blockchain we might see other technologies use for it as early as next year. Blockchain is actually not only providing a much reliable way to have transparency but also providing it in a much cost efficient way. If this technology thrive in our country I already know that this will give a big boost for our economy. I am more interested in how this will help shape our future as Blockchain is still considered as a infant or new technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Dondont on September 12, 2018, 03:24:32 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

That, I am sure that it still needs development for the long term, we also have to keep monitoring how things are progressing with the surrounding environment, so when we see a country implementing this blockchain method, we cannot just imitate it. Negative impacts must also be considered and also how to overcome them.

the biggest problem that we often encounter is the abuse of this technology so that it harms others

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: chosenboy4 on September 12, 2018, 03:29:03 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Respected Sir, no doubt it was a great step for technological advancement in blockchain but i got some feedback from this experiment, many people suffered Password lost issue and so were not able to vote, another issue i am thinking that countries with corrupt governments may use this system for faking the election.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: RasicaOla12 on September 12, 2018, 03:43:52 PM
Blockchain technology opens up many applications for different fields. We can see that technology helps a lot of fields such as education, culture, education ...

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: aleksnutis on October 21, 2018, 07:41:19 AM
If the blockchain can really make the voting transparent, then the blockchain will not be embedded in the work of election commissions in most countries for a long time, just because election fraud is the surest way to remain in power.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: HabBear on October 21, 2018, 07:58:03 AM
in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

This is an incredible idea! In fact, I'm involved in a similar project at this moment.

The concern I have is about you assuming Venezuela being the next Country to implement such an innovation in democracy. Venezuela isn't a democratic Country (really) and wouldn't it require a democratic government to implement such an innovative voting platform?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, thanks! Flutie.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: margaret22 on October 21, 2018, 08:09:39 AM
Voting is a great use case of blockchain, I strongly support it. A lot of cheating could be termnated, and also, the whole voting procedure could become much cheaper. It is just crazy, how much a national voting can cost to the country, in my country at least.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: denuhaqiqi on October 21, 2018, 11:11:44 AM
if this can be applied in the voting, it will be a new breakthrough for democracies that conduct elections using voting methods. the general election budget which spends tens of trillions, will be able to be trimmed by applying this technology. This is useful to prevent data manipulation that is usually done by those in power.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Ranly123 on October 21, 2018, 11:18:12 AM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

Maybe in the future blockchain would be introduced to the public and not just to the people engaged in crypto. Ofcourse, there should be a voting as to the legality of the implementation of blockchain technology to be part of the nation's monetary system. Just like Japan did, hopefully every nation will do the same.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: efxtrader on October 21, 2018, 12:41:01 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.

I think comparing venezuela and japan case, its very different. Japan is one of first country allowing their citizen using cryptocurrency for payment in merchant. Venezuela want creating their own cryptocurrency but its not success in market and venezuela dont have good internet infrastructure

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Semosuchi Tesongrato on October 21, 2018, 03:57:09 PM
It's definitely a good idea, and would help protect against election frauds.
The great bitcoin revolution is right in the blockchain and its applications, and probably we have not yet realized how powerful it is.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: virtfund on October 21, 2018, 07:47:59 PM
There are too many questions that must be answered. I think, it is too early to use blockchain technology in elections. We know that politicians are looking ways to win elections and there are corruption problems. Implementing blockchain technology in an election may result with a damage on reputation of technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: spongegar on November 12, 2018, 03:56:05 AM
Well new innovations with crypto currency is always good news. This application of Blockchain technology makes blockchains more invaluable in our lives and could might as well phase out redundancies in our daily lives and juat apply blockchains in our lives. I jist hope more of these applications are done in the near future.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: sana54210 on November 15, 2018, 08:22:43 AM
Well new innovations with crypto currency is always good news. This application of Blockchain technology makes blockchains more invaluable in our lives and could might as well phase out redundancies in our daily lives and juat apply blockchains in our lives. I jist hope more of these applications are done in the near future.
Certainly! We all know the extent to which blockchain can entirely help in almost every area when it comes to keeping record of something as well as accountability and transparency, which is something we all know is highly needed in the electoral system.

When we keep saying blockchain technology is going to end up disrupting a whole lot of things and different sectors, this is actually one of them we are talking about. In the long run, I believe we will get to see more applications of blockchain technology and just as internet started developing and growing gradually in terms of adoption and adaptation, that is how blockchain will grow as well.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: AlutBitcoin on November 15, 2018, 11:08:57 AM
Blockchain technology opens up many applications for different fields. We can see that technology helps a lot of fields such as education, culture, education ...
Considering voting couldn't be really corrupted with blockchain than it wouldn't really validate any reason for politicians to use. All politicians all around the world would prefer the crooked system we have right now and try to move that to any direction they feel would benefit them the most, without politicians taking advantage of the loopholes the politics will have to become more legit and honest which is not how politicians work.

That is why I honestly feel like even tho blockchain and voting would have been the perfect combo and would make all voting all around the world amazing it still wouldn't be enough to convince politicians and even the people who support the winning parties would want it, they prefer to bully and cheat their way to the top.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Douglasyukanov on November 15, 2018, 11:57:58 AM
if this can be applied in the voting, it will be a new breakthrough for democracies that conduct elections using voting methods. the general election budget which spends tens of trillions, will be able to be trimmed by applying this technology. This is useful to prevent data manipulation that is usually done by those in power.
blockchain can be used to give voice In the purpose of giving the right to easy access to token registration for certain markets, it has been done for a long time, an obstacle to open voting In my general election there are still many obstacles, for example where people who get voting rights can do with some of the shadows they registered and Must be properly synchronized with institutions that understand blockchain technology, because the blockchain is centralized so who can manage the mistakes that are created when the election takes place.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: yatogami on November 15, 2018, 06:11:05 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
I'm not sure about whether Venezuela will be the next "safe haven" for crypto because their El Petro is still more of speculations than of real help to the economy.
But blockchain itself is definitely a revolutionary technology, as it could help reduce the manipulations with data, which is especially important during the elections process.
By the way, Ukraine is thinking about building their elections system based on NEM blockchain - if this happens their XEM token could skyrocket.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Micerker on November 15, 2018, 06:15:18 PM
Tsubuka, one of the cities in Japan was chosen by the Japanese government become a city of science, and a few days ago, the city government there conducted an experiment to implement a voting system with blockchain.
and the experiment was successful, the voting used identity card verification in a decentralized network typology.

this is an example that blockchain will become part of our lives. blockchain will have an important role now and in the future.

in my opinion, next is Venezuela that will create new innovations and changes in the crypto world.
Applying Blockchain technology in practice makes it more known and asserted that this is a useful technology. I believe that Blockchain still has many other applications that can help with all the hassles that dealt with and everything is bright thanks to the Blockchain platform that limits fraud.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: selardkinley on November 20, 2018, 09:48:29 AM
Blockchain technology opens up many applications for different fields. We can see that technology helps a lot of fields such as education, culture, education ...
Considering voting couldn't be really corrupted with blockchain than it wouldn't really validate any reason for politicians to use. All politicians all around the world would prefer the crooked system we have right now and try to move that to any direction they feel would benefit them the most, without politicians taking advantage of the loopholes the politics will have to become more legit and honest which is not how politicians work.

That is why I honestly feel like even tho blockchain and voting would have been the perfect combo and would make all voting all around the world amazing it still wouldn't be enough to convince politicians and even the people who support the winning parties would want it, they prefer to bully and cheat their way to the top.
And you know that is why they don’t offer much consideration to legalize bitcoin in their countries. They are afraid of the transparency bitcoin would bring into field and this is really a blockage.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: yugyug on November 20, 2018, 10:24:56 AM
Voting system are some of the use cases of blockchain and some other countries already using this technology and recently in Thailand an opposition party holds primary election on a blockchain backed by the Zcoin  team. So there is no doubt that the new voting system for national election is powered by blockchain technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Kimonoe on November 20, 2018, 12:01:06 PM
Blockchain technology opens up many applications for different fields. We can see that technology helps a lot of fields such as education, culture, education ...
Considering voting couldn't be really corrupted with blockchain than it wouldn't really validate any reason for politicians to use. All politicians all around the world would prefer the crooked system we have right now and try to move that to any direction they feel would benefit them the most, without politicians taking advantage of the loopholes the politics will have to become more legit and honest which is not how politicians work.

That is why I honestly feel like even tho blockchain and voting would have been the perfect combo and would make all voting all around the world amazing it still wouldn't be enough to convince politicians and even the people who support the winning parties would want it, they prefer to bully and cheat their way to the top.
And you know that is why they don’t offer much consideration to legalize bitcoin in their countries. They are afraid of the transparency bitcoin would bring into field and this is really a blockage.
the voting system in my opinion is the fairest system. where every citizen has the right to express his opinion, but it should be known, whatever the outcome must be able to accept it, as in Thailand

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: yulchatar on November 20, 2018, 07:56:59 PM
The government of Japan is for me an example of what a proper government should be. And this experiment with the blockchain and voting is another confirmation of my words. They are working in the right direction and introducing technology in all aspects of life, they will make it even better, safer and fairer.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: jcpone on November 20, 2018, 11:06:26 PM
Voting is one of the most important process of democratic countries also with other type of government. United States of America recent election, which was an automated voting, drew a lot of contoversy due to vote manipulation. This is already automated. Now, with blockchain technology, wherein most the people don't understand how codes and things are being done, there will be a lot of resistance to this. Most people might not be ready for this. But this is another great innovations under blockchain technology.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: yitzjoe on November 20, 2018, 11:21:11 PM
 interesting and I think this will suppress fraud with multiple voters, if verification is done with an identity card and a face detector can record the voter data, then the results will be very satisfying. I hope this is applied in Indonesia which has a lot of voters and green regional topology, this is certainly efficient and effective and requires lower costs

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: patarfweefwee on November 21, 2018, 02:15:11 AM
This just proves how flexible blockchain technology could be. I mean we all thought that itnis just for distributing crypto currency but in truth it could be more. I just hope we see more and more innovations soon in terms of blockchain application and crypto currency adoption so both could grow and be accepted.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Nellayar on November 21, 2018, 02:44:27 AM
That's actually a great idea. It should be implemented in all democratic  countries because I personally never trusted those who were counting the votes. Another great one from Japan.
Japan has the innovative way of adapting whatever in technology because they are more industrialised than other countries. They know where they will start and when blockchain technology will adapt. This is a great news because it may change the future of cryptocurrency once Japan will join the growing industry of crypto.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: itsik78 on November 21, 2018, 02:47:17 PM
Many experts believe that in the near future there will be a transition of large corporations to the blockchain. Also, traditional banks are planning to start using blockchain for transactions. I think technology will soon enter everyday life.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: AlutBitcoin on November 24, 2018, 09:25:22 AM
Voting system are some of the use cases of blockchain and some other countries already using this technology and recently in Thailand an opposition party holds primary election on a blockchain backed by the Zcoin  team. So there is no doubt that the new voting system for national election is powered by blockchain technology.
I am following blockchain from a time, but this aspect is totally new for me. I really didn’t know abut this application of Blockchain. This is really a startling action taken and it will help this to grow.

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: squog on November 28, 2018, 03:44:06 AM
I think that great that we see applications for blockchain technologies other than crypto currency but crypto currency is transparent, and a transparent voting where we can figure out who voted for who is a double edged sword. These people could be targeted with prejudice and other nasty things. Then again, i fully support other applications of blockchain technologies

Title: Re: blockchain and voting
Post by: Kurevazeyo on December 11, 2018, 11:59:43 AM
This just proves how flexible blockchain technology could be. I mean we all thought that itnis just for distributing crypto currency but in truth it could be more. I just hope we see more and more innovations soon in terms of blockchain application and crypto currency adoption so both could grow and be accepted.
The blockchain technology that accompanies Bitcoin turned out to be very flexible, which means that this technology can be applied in various fields. Many innovations can use blockchain technology, because the main goal is development for progress that can reduce costs, time and labor.