Title: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 07, 2018, 04:04:03 PM https://vgy.me/mfWNXE.png
SOURCE https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven WIN WALLET https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven/releases/tag/tripleseven WEB WALLET http://tripleseven.info/ https://twitter.com/tripleseventvs DISCORD https://discord.gg/wCjH8EH POOLS 1pool.eu http://1pool.eu (http://1pool.pw) We have added Triplseven for mining! Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://1pool.eu:3633 -u WALLET -p c=TVX Telegram support https://t.me/joinchat/GMhaRw6oSw3NhL3eFIio0w DISCORD support https://discord.gg/6B6sBpG 🚀 HashFaster's TripleSeven Mining Pool 🚀 Ticker: TVS Special Sauce:👇 Code: USA cc/sgminer: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://TVS.hashfaster.com:20076 -u WALLETADDRESS -p c=TVS Code: EU cc/sgminer: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://TVS.eu.hashfaster.com:20076 -u WALLETADDRESS -p c=TVS 🕸️ Site: https://hashfaster.com 👌 Pool support 👩 🔧 and community 👪 Discord: https://discord.gg/ZWZgRSQ Quote ★★彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★★ https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com/ Hi, ppl You are welcome to mine on Tokyo pool Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool.rig.tokyo:3633 -u Your_Address -p c=TVS Telegram support are working - https://t.me/tokyo_pool Tripleseven added on bpool.site Pool link: https://bpool.site (https://bpool.site) Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://bpool.online:3636 -u <TVS_WALLET> -p c=TVS,WorkerName Latest Wallet Release: https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven/releases/ Peers: https://bpool.site/explorer/peers?id=2117 Telegram Support Group: https://t.me/bpool_online Happy mining Guys! :D https://bpool.site/images/bpool1.png (https://bpool.site) https://image.ibb.co/gWXgLV/blockminer-300px.png (http://blockminer.me/) BlockMiner.me 0.5% Fee Location Europe Dedicated Port for each Coin ! Algo: x13 Code: stratum+tcp://blockminer.me:3633 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=TVS or d=64 (your diff) http://blockminer.me https://discord.gg/3apXZFb LYRA2Z.COM (https://www.lyra2z.com/tvs) --- TVS --- Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool.lyra2z.com:3634 -u <WALLET>.<WORKERNAME> -p c=TVS Low fee 0.5%. Payouts every 2hrs. --------------------------------------- EXTENDED STATS -------------------- https://www.lyra2z.com/images/walletpage.gif (https://www.lyra2z.com/images/walletpage.gif) Happymining! Come and join us! Discord: https://discord.gg/ZptyqeH (https://discord.gg/mNRkMfy) Twitter: https://twitter.com/lyra2z (https://twitter.com/lyra2z) Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AWLiBgs9lYlFt1WSPIBvkg (https://t.me/joinchat/AWLiBgs9lYlFt1WSPIBvkg) Dev - you need more nodes!!!
The Crypto Miner Pool Miner code
█████ ★ 彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★ █████ (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) ✭ Discord support (https://discord.gg/XRXPRE2) ✭ The pool for miners! (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) EXCHANGES Dear Forum Members! https://i.imgur.com/Q0awnEg.png Tripleseven [TVS] is listed: https://tradeordie.net/market/BTC-TVS TRADEORDIE [666] TVS IS AVAILABLE ON CREX24 https://crex24.com/exchange/TVS-BTC Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: achmadsutanto on December 07, 2018, 04:05:12 PM Tripleseven added on bpool.site Pool link: https://bpool.site (https://bpool.site) Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://bpool.online:3633 -u <TVS_WALLET> -p c=TVS,WorkerName Latest Wallet Release: https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven/releases/ Peers: https://bpool.site/explorer/peers?id=2117 Telegram Support Group: https://t.me/bpool_online Happy mining Guys! :D https://bpool.site/images/bpool1.png (https://bpool.site) Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: BSOD_pool on December 07, 2018, 04:06:34 PM hm, not much info. what is the block reward?
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 07, 2018, 04:10:10 PM hm, not much info. what is the block reward? Hi BSOD_pool. Block reward is 100 Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: thecryptominerpool on December 07, 2018, 04:16:10 PM
The Crypto Miner Pool Miner code
█████ ★ 彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★ █████ (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) ✭ Discord support (https://discord.gg/XRXPRE2) ✭ The pool for miners! (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: Alex-007 on December 07, 2018, 04:23:31 PM 1pool.eu http://1pool.eu (http://1pool.pw) We have added Triplseven for mining! Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://1pool.eu:3633 -u WALLET -p c=TVX Telegram support https://t.me/joinchat/GMhaRw6oSw3NhL3eFIio0w DISCORD support https://discord.gg/6B6sBpG Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 07, 2018, 04:36:27 PM 1pool.eu http://1pool.eu (http://1pool.pw) We have added Triplseven for mining! Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://1pool.eu:3633 -u WALLET -p c=TVX Telegram support https://t.me/joinchat/GMhaRw6oSw3NhL3eFIio0w DISCORD support https://discord.gg/6B6sBpG Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: zccopwrx on December 07, 2018, 04:43:37 PM 🚀 HashFaster's TripleSeven Mining Pool 🚀 Ticker: TVS Special Sauce:👇 Code: USA cc/sgminer: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://TVS.hashfaster.com:20076 -u WALLETADDRESS -p c=TVS Code: EU cc/sgminer: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://TVS.eu.hashfaster.com:20076 -u WALLETADDRESS -p c=TVS 🕸️ Site: https://hashfaster.com 👌 Pool support 👩 🔧 and community 👪 Discord: https://discord.gg/ZWZgRSQ Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: Alex-007 on December 07, 2018, 04:46:17 PM Congrats to our first pool! Added to TVS thread. Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 07, 2018, 04:46:59 PM Second pool added
Quote ★★彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★★ https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com/ Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: MATPOC on December 07, 2018, 04:47:14 PM Hi, ppl
You are welcome to mine on Tokyo pool Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool.rig.tokyo:3633 -u Your_Address -p c=TVS Telegram support are working - https://t.me/tokyo_pool Join us! Thank you. Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 07, 2018, 04:56:49 PM Great job guys. Added new pools to TVS thread. Enjoy!
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tradeordie on December 07, 2018, 05:09:35 PM Dear Forum Members!
https://i.imgur.com/Q0awnEg.png Tripleseven [TVS] is listed: https://tradeordie.net/market/BTC-TVS TRADEORDIE [666] Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 07, 2018, 05:19:26 PM Dear Forum Members! https://i.imgur.com/Q0awnEg.png Tripleseven [TVS] is listed: https://tradeordie.net/market/BTC-TVS TRADEORDIE [666] Thank you so much! Added to TVS thread too Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: mySmile on December 07, 2018, 05:43:29 PM RESERVED for Russian translation
My portfolio (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17pzh4ANsrsAnk5YXZiLPIcWgE9y8CuXx14ZVJTRzY9U/edit#gid=0) PM If you need Russian translation Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: monkeydimi on December 07, 2018, 05:43:29 PM pool reserved
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: formum on December 07, 2018, 07:15:40 PM pool resrved
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tdudin on December 08, 2018, 04:07:48 AM Кaк peшить пpoблeмy? ???
Quote Oшибкa чтeния blkindex.dat https://pp.userapi.com/c846017/v846017843/14d7aa/L-AdY8HbH3I.jpg Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: israelps on December 08, 2018, 11:43:38 AM Reserved Spanish translation
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: Lyra2z on December 08, 2018, 02:03:23 PM LYRA2Z.COM (https://www.lyra2z.com/tvs) --- TVS --- Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool.lyra2z.com:3634 -u <WALLET>.<WORKERNAME> -p c=TVS Low fee 0.5%. Payouts every 2hrs. --------------------------------------- EXTENDED STATS -------------------- https://www.lyra2z.com/images/walletpage.gif (https://www.lyra2z.com/images/walletpage.gif) Happymining! Come and join us! Discord: https://discord.gg/ZptyqeH (https://discord.gg/mNRkMfy) Twitter: https://twitter.com/lyra2z (https://twitter.com/lyra2z) Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AWLiBgs9lYlFt1WSPIBvkg (https://t.me/joinchat/AWLiBgs9lYlFt1WSPIBvkg) Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 08, 2018, 05:35:17 PM New pools added to TVS thread and new proposals coming inbox! Huge thank you guys have a great weekend more news coming!
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: sky1962 on December 08, 2018, 10:00:12 PM Dear Forum Members! https://i.imgur.com/Q0awnEg.png Tripleseven [TVS] is listed: https://tradeordie.net/market/BTC-TVS TRADEORDIE [666] Registration not work ! Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: thecryptominerpool on December 08, 2018, 10:11:40 PM Dev - you need more nodes!!!
The Crypto Miner Pool Miner code
█████ ★ 彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★ █████ (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) ✭ Discord support (https://discord.gg/XRXPRE2) ✭ The pool for miners! (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 09, 2018, 09:29:55 AM Added to TVS thread! Hardcoding more nodes shortly
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: sky1962 on December 09, 2018, 10:10:09 AM Added to TVS thread! Hardcoding more nodes shortly Ok, news about exchange ? Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tdudin on December 09, 2018, 02:40:55 PM Added to TVS thread! Hardcoding more nodes shortly Кaк peшить пpoблeмy? Oшибкa чтeния blkindex.dat https://pp.userapi.com/c846017/v846017843/14d7aa/L-AdY8HbH3I.jpg Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 10, 2018, 10:04:02 AM Tripleseven webwallet has been released:
http://tripleseven.info/ Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: supervitek on December 10, 2018, 11:58:51 AM Tripleseven webwallet has been released: Cool, thanks a lot!http://tripleseven.info/ Any news about Airdrop? Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 10, 2018, 03:26:10 PM Tripleseven webwallet has been released: Cool, thanks a lot!http://tripleseven.info/ Any news about Airdrop? Yes airdrop info within 24 hours Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 11, 2018, 09:12:13 PM Airdrop started, please join our Discord for all the details https://discord.gg/wCjH8EH
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: nanolong on December 12, 2018, 02:05:02 AM this project seems promising, gambling and gaming are the very right way for cryptocurrency!
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: J. Conley on December 12, 2018, 03:13:31 AM https://vgy.me/mfWNXE.png SOURCE https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven WIN WALLET https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven/releases/tag/tripleseven WEB WALLET http://tripleseven.info/ https://twitter.com/tripleseventvs DISCORD https://discord.gg/wCjH8EH POOLS 1pool.eu http://1pool.eu (http://1pool.pw) We have added Triplseven for mining! Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://1pool.eu:3633 -u WALLET -p c=TVX Telegram support https://t.me/joinchat/GMhaRw6oSw3NhL3eFIio0w DISCORD support https://discord.gg/6B6sBpG 🚀 HashFaster's TripleSeven Mining Pool 🚀 Ticker: TVS Special Sauce:👇 Code: USA cc/sgminer: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://TVS.hashfaster.com:20076 -u WALLETADDRESS -p c=TVS Code: EU cc/sgminer: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://TVS.eu.hashfaster.com:20076 -u WALLETADDRESS -p c=TVS 🕸️ Site: https://hashfaster.com 👌 Pool support 👩 🔧 and community 👪 Discord: https://discord.gg/ZWZgRSQ Quote ★★彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★★ https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com/ Hi, ppl You are welcome to mine on Tokyo pool Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool.rig.tokyo:3633 -u Your_Address -p c=TVS Telegram support are working - https://t.me/tokyo_pool Tripleseven added on bpool.site Pool link: https://bpool.site (https://bpool.site) Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://bpool.online:3636 -u <TVS_WALLET> -p c=TVS,WorkerName Latest Wallet Release: https://github.com/tripleseventvs/tripleseven/releases/ Peers: https://bpool.site/explorer/peers?id=2117 Telegram Support Group: https://t.me/bpool_online Happy mining Guys! :D https://bpool.site/images/bpool1.png (https://bpool.site) https://image.ibb.co/gWXgLV/blockminer-300px.png (http://blockminer.me/) BlockMiner.me 0.5% Fee Location Europe Dedicated Port for each Coin ! Algo: x13 Code: stratum+tcp://blockminer.me:3633 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=TVS or d=64 (your diff) http://blockminer.me https://discord.gg/3apXZFb LYRA2Z.COM (https://www.lyra2z.com/tvs) --- TVS --- Code: -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool.lyra2z.com:3634 -u <WALLET>.<WORKERNAME> -p c=TVS Low fee 0.5%. Payouts every 2hrs. --------------------------------------- EXTENDED STATS -------------------- https://www.lyra2z.com/images/walletpage.gif (https://www.lyra2z.com/images/walletpage.gif) Happymining! Come and join us! Discord: https://discord.gg/ZptyqeH (https://discord.gg/mNRkMfy) Twitter: https://twitter.com/lyra2z (https://twitter.com/lyra2z) Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AWLiBgs9lYlFt1WSPIBvkg (https://t.me/joinchat/AWLiBgs9lYlFt1WSPIBvkg) Dev - you need more nodes!!!
The Crypto Miner Pool Miner code
█████ ★ 彡 ᴛʜᴇᴄʀʏᴘᴛᴏᴍɪɴᴇʀᴘᴏᴏʟ 彡★ █████ (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) ✭ Discord support (https://discord.gg/XRXPRE2) ✭ The pool for miners! (https://usa.thecryptominerpool.com) EXCHANGES Dear Forum Members! https://i.imgur.com/Q0awnEg.png Tripleseven [TVS] is listed: https://tradeordie.net/market/BTC-TVS TRADEORDIE [666] Dear Tripleseven Team Your coin may be free of listing on Aiodex if the number of votes is large enough. Let's vote for it ☞ https://aiodex.com/vote Explorer free for any coin listed ☞ https://explorer.aiodex.com/ Please, Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Aiodex Team Discord: https://discord.gg/RvhvdZq Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aiodexofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/aiodex_official Telegram: https://t.me/aiodex_official Website: https://aiodex.com Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: sky1962 on December 13, 2018, 05:27:39 PM When a serious exchange ?
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 15, 2018, 09:26:20 AM When a serious exchange ? Hello various requests are being made please join Discord for real time updates. Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: sky1962 on December 15, 2018, 10:50:35 AM When a serious exchange ? Hello various requests are being made please join Discord for real time updates. ok ! Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: Freddy973 on December 17, 2018, 04:54:19 PM Hi ,im trying to mine with a baikal giant but no way to start in every pool i tried, there is something different in this x13 algo can be mined only with gpu? Thanks
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: sky1962 on December 17, 2018, 08:40:16 PM Hi ,im trying to mine with a baikal giant but no way to start in every pool i tried, there is something different in this x13 algo can be mined only with gpu? Thanks I mine with baikal miner, no problem ... Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: MATPOC on December 20, 2018, 12:03:33 AM Dev,
do you need explorer? Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: tripleseventvs on December 20, 2018, 09:45:37 AM TVS available for trading on Crex 24! Enjoy https://crex24.com/exchange/TVS-BTC
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: anders lokka on December 20, 2018, 02:17:03 PM TVS available for trading on Crex 24! Enjoy https://crex24.com/exchange/TVS-BTC Congratulations!!!! :) :) :) :) Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: sky1962 on December 20, 2018, 09:20:27 PM TVS available for trading on Crex 24! Enjoy https://crex24.com/exchange/TVS-BTC Very good !!! Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: Plys86 on December 28, 2018, 10:17:10 AM TVS available for trading on Crex 24! Enjoy https://crex24.com/exchange/TVS-BTC Good volumes there. Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: toogoody on January 04, 2019, 08:37:09 PM List of Tripleseven mining pools with live stats & hashrate distribution
https://miningpoolstats.stream/tripleseven Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: stock999 on January 12, 2019, 06:13:34 PM A while ago i have registered a web wallet, but now i can't open it. I see a blank page when click the link provided in the start post (tripleseven.info).
It looks like the site data have been deleted from the server. Can i recover the access to my wallet? Please help! I have saved the TVS address and password to this site. Is there any TVS explorer, where i can check the balance of my address? Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: khkert on January 13, 2019, 05:32:07 PM pool2pool.asuscomm.com Pool: http://pool2pool.asuscomm.com/site/mining -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://pool2pool.asuscomm.com:3433 -u wallet -p c=TVS Explorer: http://pool2pool.asuscomm.com/explorer/TVS pool2pool.asuscomm.com Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: BlockMiner.me on January 20, 2019, 09:37:40 AM https://image.ibb.co/gWXgLV/blockminer-300px.png (http://blockminer.me/) BlockMiner.me 0.9% Fee Location Europe Dedicated Port for each Coin ! 40 Different Coins ! Algo: x13 Code: stratum+tcp://blockminer.me:3633 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=TVS or d=16 (your diff) http://blockminer.me Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: Plys86 on January 31, 2019, 01:28:06 PM Crex24 promised to open input and output soon - we'll see!
Title: Re: [ANN][TVS][X13] Tripleseven [GAMBLING][IN-WALLET GAMING][7 YEARS MINING] Post by: crex24 on March 20, 2019, 11:27:20 AM Crex24 promised to open input and output soon - we'll see! Sure. In the case of alive blockchain.http://tripleseven.services/ |