Title: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 10, 2018, 11:43:47 AM These are the cards https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/powercolor-rx-470-mining.b4852
Should i mod the BIOS the same as with any other RX470 ? Copy 1500 memory timings to 1625 - 1750 - 2000 Thank you! Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: sxemini on December 10, 2018, 12:53:02 PM These are the cards https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/powercolor-rx-470-mining.b4852 Should i mod the BIOS the same as with any other RX470 ? Copy 1500 memory timings to 1625 - 1750 - 2000 Thank you! Donīt copy the 1500 Strap, use SRB BiosEditor and use the Pimpmystraps Button. Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 10, 2018, 01:34:57 PM Okay, thanks !
EDIT: So tried it on another 470 in a rig And I'm getting 0,4 MH less, then with the 1500 memory copying .... Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 10, 2018, 03:43:39 PM Don't want to mess up my cards, anybody that can verify the
1500 mem timing copy to 1625 - 1750 - 2000 will work ? Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: Lunga Chung on December 10, 2018, 04:25:59 PM Don't want to mess up my cards, anybody that can verify the 1500 mem timing copy to 1625 - 1750 - 2000 will work ? Let's start by sharing type of algo and OC settings (along with brand of miner) PBE and SRB straps work really well for ETH and XMR Also mind sharing brand of VRAM you have Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 10, 2018, 05:06:47 PM I use PBE on my other GPU's
Model is in the title .... its samsung memory .... I get lower hashrate with SRB then if i copy 1500 timings with PBE Just wondering if i need to do the same with these cards ... thats all ... Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: Lunga Chung on December 10, 2018, 05:21:32 PM I use PBE on my other GPU's Model is in the title .... its samsung memory .... I get lower hashrate with SRB then if i copy 1500 timings with PBE Just wondering if i need to do the same with these cards ... thats all ... SRB straps are leaning more to ETH then to XMR for example (this is why i ask what are you mining) the PBE. This is PBE strap (not a copy from 1500 up) from ONE CLICK 1500 to 2000 Memory: k4g41325fe Samsung 1500 to 2000 777000000000000022CC1C00AD615C41C0590E152ECC8608006007000B031420FA8900A00300000 010122F3FBA354019 ETH gets around 30.5Mhs, XMR 1Khs Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 10, 2018, 08:06:54 PM I mine ETH, I tried SRB on one RX470 8GB and got 0,4 MH/s less then with PBE...
I'll try your strap, it's for 1500-1625-1750 and 2000 ? When I install the latest driver, I have to use the patch so it seems, they are already modded. I don't have the original BIOS to mod unfortunately. What should I do ? Getting 28,15 1950/1050 900mV Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 11, 2018, 10:27:41 AM This is how my Timings look, it looks like they were already modded ..... https://i.imgur.com/2e0lR2D.pngBut my timings look abnormal, instead of the usual 1500-1625-1750 .... Shoud i keep this mod or use a better one ...... because i think i should get 30 Mh/s out of these cards ? I had one card out of the six, that was running at only 24 OC'd... so i thaught this one wasn't modded. And i think it hasn't... but those timings are weird to .... https://i.imgur.com/AEigwfY.png Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: Lunga Chung on December 11, 2018, 01:27:45 PM Use latest PBE this version is to old, also lookup original bios on TechPowerup site is this model of your card AXRX-470-4GBD5-DM?
Oc should be like this 1160 core, memory 2075 look at this guide mining.help Title: Re: Powercolor Red Dragon RX470 4GB Mining Edition - BIOS MOD Post by: r3lentleSs on December 11, 2018, 04:02:25 PM Yes thats my card, already checked for BIOS in their database, and they haven't gotten my card.
They have https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/188078/powercolor-rx470-4096-161005 But thats with different core clock Getting 28.8 Mh/s atm, with 1050/2000/900 mV Anything over 2000, and i'm loosing hashrate. But my core/memory is modded in the bios. Thats why i want to try to mod a original BIOS and see if i can get over 2000.... |