Title: [Alert] KIN Holders. KIN has has shifted from ERC20 to main-net Post by: kkgfhj123 on March 14, 2019, 10:51:10 AM How to Swap your KIN ERC20 tokens to KIN Coins?
KIN Wallets
Title: Re: [Alert] KIN Holders. KIN has has shifted from ERC20 to main-net Post by: pat4cryptoreal on March 14, 2019, 10:59:22 AM The rate at which projects are swapping is high. Circulating this information is a good idea, I have lost so many tokens because I was not aware when the swap was done.
Title: Re: [Alert] KIN Holders. KIN has has shifted from ERC20 to main-net Post by: chocolah29 on March 14, 2019, 12:44:22 PM i don't see any relation of the OP to bitcoin, better to move it to altcoin discussion. you can click on the lower left of the page to move this.
Title: Re: [Alert] KIN Holders. KIN has has shifted from ERC20 to main-net Post by: kkgfhj123 on March 15, 2019, 07:54:16 AM i don't see any relation of the OP to bitcoin, better to move it to altcoin discussion. you can click on the lower left of the page to move this. Thanks. Now it is in altcoin. Title: Re: [Alert] KIN Holders. KIN has has shifted from ERC20 to main-net Post by: ccsang on March 15, 2019, 10:05:08 AM The rate at which projects are swapping is high. Circulating this information is a good idea, I have lost so many tokens because I was not aware when the swap was done. that's right, a lot of project will swap their tokens to new contract or move to mainnet, but most of them will announcement in telegram channel or social media page and give us enough time to swap, so as a holder or investor, we must always check our investing project lastest development update. Anyway thanks for remind that KIN move to mainnet :)Title: Re: [Alert] KIN Holders. KIN has has shifted from ERC20 to main-net Post by: clonely on March 15, 2019, 10:41:30 AM The token is very dangerous. They are doing mainbank and swap repeatedly. Very difficult to follow. The wallet has more than 50 token and it is very difficult to follow them all. At least some friends are sharing information about it.