Title: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 19, 2019, 11:57:49 PM https://www.crowdholding.com/assets/images/ch_tasks/imgs/landing_page.jpg
[2 ETH & 100,000YUP] CryptoMood Creative Media Competition This competition bounty is hosted by Crowdholding (official thread (https://www.crowdholding.com/project/322/task/833/2-eth-100000yup-cryptomood-creative-media-bounty?utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_medium=ch)) Hello, fellow designers, artists, and writers in the Bitcointalk community! An ETH bounty is out there waiting for you! CryptoMood would like to award 3 most creative artists in the community with 2 ETH and 100,000 YUP. The winner will be rewarded with 1 ETH and 50,000 YUP. Why these cannot be yours? 1. Read CryptoMood (https://cryptomood.com/?utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_medium=ch), 2. then create some stunning artworks in the form of illustration, image, video or article to interpret CryptoMood the best way you can! 3. then submit your artwork here: https://goo.gl/forms/0XcugMqKNhfkhuA63 Only 3 days left. Original thread: https://www.crowdholding.com/project/322/task/833/2-eth-100000yup-cryptomood-creative-media-bounty https://www.crowdholding.com/assets/images/ch_tasks/imgs/crative_media_bounty.jpg Full description: Are you a successful blogger, amateur Youtuber, a wannabe designer or maybe even the next Hemingway? If the answer is "YES!", then this is the bounty for you! CryptoMood (https://cryptomood.com/?utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_medium=ch) would like to see how creative our community can be by sharing and rewarding any fun, exciting and interesting content you can create! All participants are encouraged to think outside the box and submit their creative artwork, such as videos, images, gifs, or publications. When does the competition end? March 23rd, 2019 23:59 GMT How much can I get? 100,000 YUP & 2 ETH will be allocated to this competition. Only the top 3 most creative artworks will be rewarded.
What can I create for CryptoMood?
How to join?
Don't know CryptoModd very well? No worries, just drop your questions here:https://t.me/CryptoMoodOfficial
This thread is not the official thread. This competition bounty is hosted by Crowdholding (official thread (https://www.crowdholding.com/project/322/task/833/2-eth-100000yup-cryptomood-creative-media-bounty?utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_medium=ch)) Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 20, 2019, 12:39:59 AM Only 3 days left!
Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 20, 2019, 11:15:19 AM 2 ETH and 100,000 YUP are waiting for you! Join us!
Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: bramborakymilenec on March 20, 2019, 05:21:00 PM I have filled in the spreadsheet and I want to take part in the bounty, who is the bounty manager?
I have multiple skills in designing and writing, I would like to know which one pays the most as I imagine there is a breakdown between the prize pool. Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 21, 2019, 06:56:24 AM I have filled in the spreadsheet and I want to take part in the bounty, who is the bounty manager? I have multiple skills in designing and writing, I would like to know which one pays the most as I imagine there is a breakdown between the prize pool. Hi, bramborakymilenec. Thanks for your interest in this competition. I'm managing the bounty at the moment. We don't have a prize breakdown between 3 types of artworks. We will select the best 3 out of all types, and rewarding contributors. Shuyong Yang Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: roganite on March 21, 2019, 10:50:00 AM Joined up to the bounty, looks a very interesting project.
How do I submit the memes I have created for CryptoMood? Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 21, 2019, 12:27:43 PM Joined up to the bounty, looks a very interesting project. How do I submit the memes I have created for CryptoMood? Hi, you can upload your memes to https://imgur.com/ Then put the link of your work into this FORM: https://goo.gl/forms/0XcugMqKNhfkhuA63 Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: cryptowomba on March 21, 2019, 07:15:12 PM Joined the bounty, looks a promising project.
Can I ask you to elaborate on most creative? What are you looking for precisely? Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 22, 2019, 12:55:33 PM Joined the bounty, looks a promising project. Can I ask you to elaborate on most creative? What are you looking for precisely? It is hard to define a most creative artwork since creativity always brings something out of our expectation. We look for something that interprets CryptoMood in the best way to the public. Title: Re: 👩🎨👨🎨[ETH Bounty:2ETH & 100kYUP]CryptoMood Creative Media Competition[α] Post by: oleg.yang on March 22, 2019, 02:26:08 PM Joined your bounty after finding it through Crowdholding. How do you calculate the quality? Are you going for just reach or how creative the items are? Thank you for answering my questions in advance. It is hard to judge an artwork through predetermined metrics. The entire team will judge the quality and creativity of the artwork which you submitted, and we will publish the results together with submitted & qualified artworks to the public (most probably through Crowdholding.com, bitcointalk, and Reddit). The community is welcomed to challenge our judgment (task & voting on crowdholding) Some tips for artworks: 1. It must original (copy other people's work will be disqualified). 2. Try to bring the best quality possible. 3. Put positive value into your creation. 4. Check out our brand guideline (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rCleubuBb7YTlHFOPbDYra60GtcmDsQb/view?usp=sharing). |