Title: YANI IEO ended. Keep your Yanu and profit the candybox. WHo is with me? Post by: stobiaan on June 11, 2019, 06:48:30 PM As you may know YANU IEO ended successfully on https://exmarkets.com/trade/yanu-btc (https://exmarkets.com/trade/yanu-btc) and started a CandyBox program for the token holders.
I you are smart you hodl your tokens and profit the Candybox rewards which are: +15% bonus to balances over 100 tokens +30% bonus to balances over 1000 tokens +50% bonus to balances over 10 000 tokens +70% bonus to balances over 100 000 tokens In addition to that you’ll receive +10% bonus if you make the deposit before 01.07.2019. The Candybox will be open for deposits until the snapshot, so this will allow you to accumulate YANU over time if you wish to increase the paid out bonus in the end of the year. For example if you have 950 tokens on you Candybox balance then buying 50 more before the snapshot might be a good idea to get 30% instead of 15%. Let me know your idea of this great opportunity and join to hodl and buy more YANU now!! For more information have a look at https://yanu.ai (https://yanu.ai) Title: Re: YANI IEO ended. Keep your Yanu and profit the candybox. WHo is with me? Post by: stobiaan on June 11, 2019, 07:59:37 PM here you find Why to Buy YANU https://yanu.ai/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Why-to-buy-Yanu-2.pdf (https://yanu.ai/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Why-to-buy-Yanu-2.pdf)