Title: Do You have any experience with ENDOTECH.IO Post by: Atomicc on August 08, 2019, 04:35:31 PM They had a good results (according to their web). AI trading.
They have a few levels of their trading support service, from around 1.100 USD to 120.000 USD per Year. I found some good reviews on net, but most of them finish with affiliate code. Thanks for Your attention. Title: Re: Do You have any experience with ENDOTECH.IO Post by: carlfebz2 on August 08, 2019, 04:39:46 PM Trying to search for some reviews and I found this one site https://www.valforex.com/2019/05/endotech-review-is-endotech-io-ai-system-scam-or-real.html
Things being said is pretty convincing but not enough for me to use up this service but somehow its up to you if you do tend to make use of it.Subs fee isn't really that something small. Title: Re: Do You have any experience with ENDOTECH.IO Post by: Atomicc on August 08, 2019, 09:37:01 PM Thank You for reply, I also found this review, but this site offer affiliate discount to Endotech, so it can be tricky. It is strange that such service (as they present it on their web), has so little reviews and user ratings. :-[