Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: fillippone on October 23, 2019, 12:39:57 PM

Title: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on October 23, 2019, 12:39:57 PM
I have been mulling my merit source application since a few weeks, and now I think I am ready and confident enough to ask to forum administrators to become one.
It was probably this post by Micgoossens ( that made tip the scale to “Go!”

Theymos, Cyrus, I am here asking to be named Merit Source.

I am relatively new to the forum, the low number in activity is a clear sign of this, but my way in this community has been quite accelerating.
I don’t want to dig too much into details of my history on the forum, you can find a lot of those in my infamous merit thread (, but I think it will suffice here to say that I put a lot of effort in the forum, I am always thinking about bitcoin during my day and I usually trying to actively participate in the forum. I think  my merit history testified the success of the merit system, even if I never bent my writing style and habits to “farm merits”. 
I am a regular contributor in the Italian, Economics and Beginners&Help boards mainly, but I adventure on different board from time to time (I even posted in the Spanish board summoned by Ddmrddmr!).
I try to contribute with original content. I usually take an idea from an article, a video or a tweet and I elaborate on this to share some insight or knowledge to the forum, at my best possibilities.

When I am not writing stuff myself, I like to dig the forum for gems: there’s a lot of material here and I usually find good food for thought.
This is why I have writing periods, when I accumulate merits, alternate to lurking/reading periods, when I deplete my merit stash. And this actually happens quite rapidly, finding myself with good posts, many of the time I even agree with, that would need to be merited, while I am out of sMerits.
As I explained here it’s not always easy to “remember” good posts to be merited in the future, this is why I am asking to be made merit source. The higher smertis allowance would make me easier to merity insightful posts, providing then a positive feedback loop to users, and making merit system even better.

As I am posting in the Italian Board I am also noting  that this local board is suffering with a constant lack of merits circulation. As I earned a lot of merit elsewhere, I think I am a net “importer” of merits into the board. This board was born at par with other ones, but has been struggling lately:
(credits to Ddmrddmr BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard (!/vizhome/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/Ranking-upPipeline))

In the last 5 months I am been involved on sending or receiving roughly the 38% of the total merits on the Italian board. I think it is huge for a single user.

I guess Theymos has a clear view on this, probably has to do with some “dormant” merit source, but I think it’s a point to be considered.

If I were a Merit Source, I would use my sMerits as an additional stash to be used like to reward using the criteria I have been using so far, as I already detailed in my merit guide post (
  • First criteria is the original instruction by Theymos: meriting a post for the effort, even if I don't agree with it. This is the most important one, but also the most difficult one, as implies a certain "neutrality" by the merit sender. A well written and formatted, thoughtful post deserves a merit. This is not equal to time spent writing a post. I have seen totally unuseful walls of text.
  • Knowledge: I will certainly merit a post spreading knowledge on the forum. Knowledge is the key to the Merit System in my opinion. Someone anwsering a question, helping some one else to solve a problem, or even posting a intresting requests should surely be merited, as it contributes to spreading more knwoledge about bitcoin.
  • Post that keep the a clean, polite and relaxed environment, to be liked by everyone. I tend to avoid drama, retaliation or any kind of feud. Hopefully I won't neve be engaged in one of those.

Here you can find a list of good posts I found. I am going to update them while this application is pending if I manage to find better ones.

1.  Re: BITCOIN PUMP! ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
2.  Re: Known Alts of any-one - A User Generated List Mk III (2019 Q3) ( by coinlocket$ (;u=1339716)
3.  Re: { LIVE TREND } analisi del momento ( by  Paolo.Demidov (;u=1422438)
4.   Bitcoin challenge transaction: ~100 BTC total bounty to solvers!  ( by Mrxtraf (;u=536563)
5.  Re: Progetto Libra - Globalcoin ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
7.  Private Key by 256 coin flips ( by  MrFreeDragon (;u=2666474)
8.  Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion ( by JayJuanGee (;u=252510)
9.  Re: [meta] Rust in Bitcoin reference implementation ( by CarltonBanks (;u=64205)
10.Re: Misconceptions about Bitcoin and Altcoins ( by Steamtyme (;u=1112531)

Other insightful posts that were excluded because merited while this application was pending or because better post were found:
1.  Re: BITCOIN PUMP! ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
2.  Re: BITCOIN PUMP! ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
3.  Re: BITCOIN PUMP! ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
4.  Re: BITCOIN PUMP! ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
5.  Re: Raspberry Pi 4 performance ( by CarltonBanks (;u=64205)
6.  Re: [meta] Rust in Bitcoin reference implementation ( by gmaxwell (;u=11425)
7.  Re: Progetto Libra - Globalcoin ( by Plutosky (;u=1237522)
8.  Re: Game theory involving Quantum Resistance protocol ( by pereira4 (;u=381391)
9.   A common myth- Segwit Reduce Fees ( by nc50lc (;u=1237156)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on October 23, 2019, 12:40:21 PM
My 10 messages:

Lightning Network viene solitamente definito come il second layer di Bitcoin, costruito sopra la struttura delle rete principale.

Ma se invece la rete principale diventasse proprio LN?

Se fosse Bitcoin ad essere lo strato base, le fondamenta, di una tecnologia che ha margini per diventare più grande di Bitcoin stesso?

Un pò come il TCP/IP è la base di Internet, ma il primo non lo conosce quasi nessuno, il secondo è noto a tutti.

Contrariamente a quello che è il pensiero dominante io sono, per così dire, ancora più "bullish" riguardo a LN di quanto non lo sia rispetto a Bitcoin, sebbene sia evidente che il primo non può funzionare senza il secondo.

A mio modo di vedere è molto più vicino LN a diventare un futuro "digital cash" di quanto non sia Bitcoin ad essere "digital gold".

Bitcoin è hard-money diversa dall'oro, con pro e contro rispetto al metallo giallo, ma comunque con caratteristiche diverse (sul confronto ne abbiamo parlato a fiumi anche su queste pagine)

L'oro (così come i terreni, i beni primari...) possono essere una forma alternativa a Bitcoin per la protezione del proprio capitale contro le follie di banche centrali e governi.

Ne consegue che Bitcoin non è l'unica forma di hard-money esistente, ne esistono altre.

Bitcoin ha dei concorrenti da questo punto di vista.

Invece LN non ne ha.

Con la scomparsa futura del contante, non esisteranno altre forme di pagamento privato, istantaneo, "punto a punto"

Su LN la transazione viene finalizzata all'istante (come con il contante, e a differenza di una tx bitcoin)

Su LN la transazione è privata, solo le due parti sanno della sua esistenza, (come con il contante e a differenza di una tx bitcoin)

Su LN posso scegliere il nodo a cui collegarmi realizzando una vera tx P2P, senza nodi intermediari, esattamente come con il contante

Su LN una tx ha commissioni sostanzialmente nulle, come con il contante e, anche qui, a differenza di una tx btc on-chain

LN, a parte le difficoltà tecniche e il fatto che è una tecnologia acerba, ha solo vantaggi rispetto al contante: posso pagare qualcuno ovunque nel mondo, cosa che con il cash non posso fare.

Ma per il resto è, in tutto e per tutto, digital cash.

Ieri una banca di investimenti francese, Bpifrance (tra l'altro di parzialmente posseduta dallo Stato) ha investito 8 milioni di dollari in Acinq, una delle startup più attive nello sviluppo di LN (

Jack Dorsey e altre figure storiche della Silicon Valley, sono tra i principali investitori in altre startup LN.

Foldapp e le altre app simili, di cui ho parlato qualche post indietro, permettono di accumulare satoshi spendendo fiat (o bitcoin) e di riutilizzare quei satoshi tramite LN.

Se ci pensate è la forma più semplice per venire in possesso di bitcoin: semplicemente facendo acquisti di beni in fiat con la carta di credito.

Non c'è bisogno di iscriversi ad un exchange, fare KYC e tutte le complicazioni che oggi esistono per l'utente medio per acquisire btc.

Spendo in un modo a me familiare e congeniale , mantenendo le mie abitudini, e al tempo stesso risparmio rispetto all’uso tradizionale con carta.

Il risparmio mi viene automaticamente convertito in spiccioli di bitcoin che posso holdare o rispendere a loro volta.

La difficoltà tecnica consiste nello scaricare e installare un wallet LN, operazione però che sugli ultimi client (Bluewallet ad es) è veramente alla portata di tanti.

Il limite semmai è che si basa tutto su gift card: un eventuale crescita esponenziale nell’uso di questi strumenti non so come verrebbe recepita da Amazon e altri grossi merchant. O come verrebbe recepita dagli Stati visto che si tratta, sia pur per importi molto modesti, di moneta non tracciabile.

Ma se c’è un modo semplice e accattivante con il quale molti “nocoiners” possono avvicinarsi a questa tecnologia è sicuramente questo.

Siamo ancora agli inizi ma le potenzialità future di LN sono, secondo me, immense.


Just adding here, every single account has been banned by mods.

13 Accounts Connected:

Indamuck (;u=89794)
BitBustah (;u=610371)
RAGEmond (;u=916871)
RAGEmond (;u=916871)
33bitcoin (;u=945378)
green547 (;u=1188895)
atliens99 (;u=1192663)
angel55 (;u=1192695)
bigmelons25 (;u=1978475)
byebyehi (;u=2022215)
nostrings (;u=2028448)
fairyvibes (;u=2042726)
lightcar (;u=2052277)
naturerock (;u=2052345)
ButterscotchCartman (;u=2481380)


Addresses are on the same wallet.

Related Addresses:



1BpwEQmhHKZyCQqs9NSEHm8zXefkiLFDjHIndamuck (;u=89794)
1MWdegQUtSvkYAK943eAMCLuY9w58dfqaBitBustah (;u=610371)
19suREnnQrixUZn3BnTb28ootrFugzbryRRAGEmond (;u=916871)0
19evHEeYsLk5PXj9ihvBTR5NYRhtaBEW9ARAGEmond (;u=916871)
1FKqAFhzHEGHTX5Ur86Qenh37rCoh4eWAt33bitcoin (;u=945378)0
1MK4Pkf7LhxNsgNxwHXFZtHj6jvW15qCpDgreen547 (;u=1188895)0
1LYBVyUxbxAwp3AzaD2i8UvkxL1V694oPeatliens99 (;u=1192663)
1DD4J4GcfUJGHGUD9Yd3dXvUgUSLj9DYjiangel55 (;u=1192695)
1Byhx1M45Qh8paRd4CRFDsqP8iP3yuNHTnbigmelons25 (;u=1978475)+*0
144e4PEDpU8JNEJ5WjZRhxjTiWMVa9NiPtbyebyehi (;u=2022215)
1NwB3G8roM4v7xnaZ6XFnxCw2JiGDfT4Ffnostrings (;u=2028448)0
13fWidifmmqWC8tzQMs5sPhY3JypwaUZQYfairyvibes (;u=2042726)
13N6cMpa5Bh5yxanTZ4ZFHKjCiJCTQ4jrAlightcar (;u=2052277);u=2052277
17CsA6hyqaSjgzCveFDDfPZifr5tp5MmaRnaturerock (;u=2052345)+*0
1493RSPUE2pT8pj2CPoyjJXEMxp4MAxiWcButterscotchCartman (;u=2481380)0
1HZthSoYw7SLShd35Qq4EkBJsGuG2nMBRF0 (;u=)00
19DHbpNwdtrLd6nXdtH4VuBAtsyBeqpuJt0 (;u=)00
1ENH3jAZBpJ2Fs9t8CA2CDZoQ8fDsvbdUk0 (;u=)00
13UiNfVrGN9EBdqptW1xxadWoRRfQoghng0 (;u=)00
1595fj5o6qwvvhn98vw9AZ4smp5sC1CKdV0 (;u=)00
18FeZFP75mqMsDTzn1VG6WQyxRrW3HXk6r0 (;u=)00
1C3NvE1ajiGSiYQVL1LfjuUiz6pjz41Hi90 (;u=)00
1DYi5HXnhDJte7xhkMGCA6Xns2iHchvLn60 (;u=)00
1HoWrkvDxeBTupMhGrza52XscR91HPGbC40 (;u=)00
1JkkTpaPkJ3bTkqcDxJenRjzexaLwuw91g0 (;u=)00

Merit connections.

PS, I just started a script run, lets see if I can find some alts on some bounties.

Edit 1st bounty, well check later, you know it takes hours

If anyone wants to help I post raw datas

Nelle ultime giornate ed in particolare nelle ultime ore,
sì sono visti degli aumenti improvvisi di alcune altcoin

Ad esempio Stellar che balza improvvisamente, nel momento in cui scrivo, del +17%.

Ma anche Ethereum che sembra aver cercato in tutti i modi di superare nuovamente soglia ~ $ 200.

L'impressione al netto delle solite voci e notizie, è che più che un reale interesse vi sia la conclusione tecnica di un ciclo di short di vario tipo.

Ricordiamolo quotazione di una criptovaluta sale se c'è richiesta e ci sono molti acquisti, ma anche se si conclude uno short e bisogna ri-acquistare criptovaluta per restituire un prestito legato allo short stesso, ma la quotazione sale anche se semplicemente si chiudono altri tipi di short... e la pressione cala...

Posizioni che si chiudono per volontà di chi li ha fatti, per l'arrivo alla conclusione di un contratto... o forzatamente quando qualcuno decide di creare una posizione "long" così robusta che via via si va a mangiare le posizioni short.

In ogni caso, personalmente, non vedo nessun ritorno di un particolare interesse... si vede anche dalla marketcap che non è variata di molto...

La situazione per come è formata, ci fa capire che come macro-trend c'è un flusso da shitcoin verso altcoin e da altcoin verso Bitcoin.
Su un ciclo di travaso da altcoin a Bitcoin iniziato già da inizio 2019 acuito al ritorno dei $ 10.000.

Da aspettarsi quindi dei movimenti di volatilità più ampi di quelli vissuti negli ultimi mesi.

Gli indicatori erano improntati al test di alcuni minimi per molte delle altcoin con Bitcoin in discesa sotto ~ $ 10.000 si è virato in direzione contraria senza un reale motivo tecnico...

Oltre ad un trend di travasi all'interno di una marketcap immobile, un fattore tecnico di posizioni short in chiusura, più o meno forzata, si muove anche la speculazione data da bot, exchange che cercano di controllare i range di oscillazione, ecc...

Quando si assiste ad impennate improvvise, dopo un calo quasi strutturale da vario tempo... sì può adottare il primo principio di Paolo... ;D

...o era una bugia prima o è una bugia adesso...


...prendiamo per esempio Stellar scivolata sotto ~ $ 0,06 stabilmente da diversi giorni, con tendenza al ribasso ulteriore, ci troviamo improvvisamente a + 17%... senza apparente motivo...


Variazioni così si erano viste in tempi non maturi, quando la volatilità era molto più alta di quella che sostanzialmente si è vista da fine 2028 a tutto il 2019.
Non si vedevano da tempo della variazioni giornaliere importanti a doppia cifra.

Per alcune altcoin questo è dato anche dai volumi di scambio che si erano ridotti molto.
Stellar stessa per non cambiare esempio.

La riduzione dei volumi di scambio, intesa come riduzione del perimetro del mercato, può fare ritornare la volatilità perché ogni mossa, al rialzo o al ribasso, non viene "diluita" in un grande volume e ogni singola "puntata" acquista forza.

L'acqua del laghetto si restringe... ed i pesci vanno in competizione...


I do not argue that the keys from the puzzle were obtained randomly. What was this generator, bitwise, ekdska, super random, etc. irrelevant.
But here we go into the theory of probability. For example, if you get a random number from 1 to 100, then theoretically one kind of number, for example 3, can fall 10 times in a row. But it is theoretically. If in practice this happens, then it will be more like a generator failure. Another example. We create a million random numbers from 1 to 100. In theory, some numbers will turn out much more, and some much less. But in practice, the quantitative discrepancy will be no more than 10 percent on all numbers. That is, not entirely by accident.
From this we see that the numbers found have some rules or conditions. The number of set bits can be from 30 to 70 percent, a sequence of up to 8 identical bits in a row, the same rotation no more than 10 times, etc. The same rules can be chosen for the 8-decimal version and the 16-decimal representation. Repeating the same numbers, ladder, etc.
And applying these rules, we can discard most of the keys so as not to check them for correctness. Yes, there may be exceptions to the rules, but most should be subject to these rules.
This increases the speed of search. And you can start not with boundary values, but let's say averaged ones.
01 - 100%, 02 - 100%, 03 - 100%, 04 - 25%, 05 - 60%, 06 - 50%, 07 - 43%, 08 - 38%, 09 - 67%, 10 - 20%, 11 - 36%, 12 - 67%, 13 - 31%, 14 - 36%, 15 - 60%, 16 - 50%, 17 - 65%, 18 - 33%, 19 - 63%, 20 - 50%,
21 - 52%, 22 - 55%, 23 - 52%, 24 - 38%, 25 - 68%, 26 - 42%, 27 - 52%, 28 - 50%, 29 - 55%, 30 - 53%, 31 - 68%, 32 - 47%, 33 - 48%, 34 - 47%, 35 - 43%, 36 - 47%, 37 - 59%, 38 - 45%, 39 - 51%, 40 - 55%,
41 - 51%, 42 - 45%, 43 - 56%, 44 - 50%, 45 - 42%, 46 - 41%, 47 - 51%, 48 - 65%, 49 - 51%, 50 - 48%, 51 - 37%, 52 - 58%, 53 - 45%, 54 - 59%, 55 - 56%, 56 - 61%, 57 - 51%, 58 - 43%, 59 - 56%, 60 - 53%,
61 - 48%, 62 - 55%, 63 - 57%, 65 - 45%, 70 - 49%, 75 - 44%, 80 - 46%, 85 - 46%, 90 - 48%, 95 - 51%, 100 - 53%,

Sort, less than 50 and more than 50.
01 - 100%, 02 - 100%, 03 - 100%, 05 - 60%, 09 - 67%, 12 - 67%, 15 - 60%, 17 - 65%, 19 - 63%, 
21 - 52%, 22 - 55%, 23 - 52%, 25 - 68%, 27 - 52%, 29 - 55%, 30 - 53%, 31 - 68%, 37 - 59%, 39 - 51%, 40 - 55%,
41 - 51%, 43 - 56%, 47 - 51%, 48 - 65%, 49 - 51%, 52 - 58%, 54 - 59%, 55 - 56%, 56 - 61%, 57 - 51%, 59 - 56%,
62 - 55%, 63 - 57%, 95 - 51%, 100 - 53%,

Count 35 Average 60,77%
04 - 25%, 07 - 43%, 08 - 38%, 10 - 20%, 11 - 36%, 13 - 31%, 14 - 36%, 18 - 33%, 
24 - 38%, 26 - 42%, 32 - 47%, 33 - 48%, 34 - 47%, 35 - 43%, 36 - 47%, 38 - 45%,
42 - 45%, 45 - 42%, 46 - 41%, 50 - 48%, 51 - 37%, 53 - 45%, 58 - 43%,
61 - 48%, 65 - 45%, 70 - 49%, 75 - 44%, 80 - 46%, 85 - 46%, 90 - 48%,

Count 30 Average 41.43%
06 - 50%, 16 - 50%, 20 - 50%,
28 - 50%,
44 - 50%,

Count 5 Average 50% not used in calculation.

That is, the search can begin with a range from 41 to 61 percent.
And if we search for those already found with this range, then we will find 58 keys out of 71. That is more than 81 percent of the locations.
In this case, the search is performed in only 20 percent of the possible options, that is, 80 percent of the options recline !!!
If you have not found, increase the range, say up to 31 - 71, while also excluding options from 41 to 61 percent. Etc. Or we proceed to search for the next key.


Ancora a  proposito della particolarità di Libra.

Alcuni giorni fa Wells Fargo ha annunciato il lancio di una sua stablecoin molto simile a Libra:


Wells Fargo’s digital cash will be backed 1-for-1 with the analog kind. “We will hold the fiat currency, so it’s a stablecoin, and we will issue digital cash tokens. These tokens are placed into digital wallets and then those tokens are able to be exchanged,” Frazier said.

Wells Fargo non è il Consorzio dietro Libra ma è pur sempre una delle prime 4 banche USA, con 300.000 dipendenti e 90 miliardi di fatturato.

Bene: avete sentito qualche politico dichiarare che Wells Fargo sta minacciando la stabilità finanziaria mondiale?

No, nessuno.

La differenza è perché WF è una banca e FB no? No, perché anche FB ha una licenza bancaria.

E allora?

Il vero motivo è che mentre WF ha come obiettivo solo quello di creare un clone del dollaro solo più veloce da trasferire, la vera intenzione del Consorzio, l’intenzione di lungo periodo non è quella di creare solo un clone.

Non si spiega in nessun altro modo la diversa reazione di banchieri e politici.

Comprendo facilmente il passaggio dal non voler più ARS ad arrivare ad accettare peso colombiano - l'hai spiegato molto bene - ma continuo a non capire come il famoso panettiere possa in queste condizioni soddisfare i vincoli contabili legati alla sua attività.
Una volta accettati peso come potrebbe acquistare nuova farina e registrare la fattura?  non dovrebbe più fare nessuna fattura..... e quindi chiuderebbe dopo due giorni.
E' vero che in regimi ormai al collasso come quelli di cui si parla è facile far chiudere ambedue gli occhi al funzionario di turno, ma è anche vero che prima o poi qualcuno che quegli occhi non li chiuderebbe più arriverebbe di sicuro, anche perché nei regimi al collasso il bisogno di arraffare (parlo dell'apparato statale) è ancor più avvertito!
Non so, mi sfugge questo aspetto....
E comunque potrebbe valere solo per stati davvero al limite, mentre per economie appena meno in crisi non funzionerebbe: senza contabilità in ordine verresti beccato in poco tempo.

Nei paesi a valuta parallela le transazioni avvengono in moneta estera anche se contabilmente viene registrato l’equivalente in valuta nazionale. Oppure viene usata la valuta nazionale ma con un tasso di cambio diverso da quello ufficiale per compensare chi è disposto ad accollarsi il rischio di  detenere moneta iperinflazionata. La moneta nazionale  viene di solito usata solo nei rapporti con il fisco o con l’amministrazione pubblica.
Fino ai casi estremi dove il fisco e l’amministrazione pubblica non le considera più nessuno.

Lo potrebbero vietare semplicemente rendendo un reato penale il possesso.

Molti si chiedono se possono . Ma la vera domanda è se davvero vogliono.

Prendiamo gli USA, la nazione che  fa legge nel mondo.

Bitcoin è usato al momento da una parte esigua della popolazione americana (2%?).

Eppure sono nate e stanno prosperando decine di aziende intorno a questo fenomeno: Coinbase, Bitpay, Square, Abra, Opennode,Gemini, Robinhood,Greyscale, Coindesk, Shapeshift, Blockstream, Overstock...e molte altre.

Aziende che danno lavoro (solo Coinbase ha 1200 dipendenti), pagano tasse, fanno utili in un settore in crescita.

Tutte cose che qualsiasi Stato del mondo adora.

Per non parlare della tassazione del capital gain di chi (e non sono pochi gli americani) ha accumulato fortune in btc e passa al "cash out".

Alcuni stati USA accettano bitcoin come mezzo per il pagamento delle tasse.

Su Bitcoin hanno investito pesantemente CME, il gruppo che gestisce il più grande mercato di derivati del mondo e ICE, l'azienda che possiede la Borsa di New York ,il più grande mercato azionario del mondo.

Due colossi che hanno un potere di "persuasione" tale da influenzare, diciamo così, le decisioni di qualsiasi governo e di qualsiasi autorità finanziaria.

Stando così le cose, le possibilità che al momento gli USA dichiarino i bitcoin illegali sono pari allo zero assoluto. Semplicemente perchè non ne hanno interesse.

E se bitcoin si diffondesse molto di più di quanto accade oggi e fosse usato da decine di milioni di americani? Bene, gli utili, i posti di lavoro e gli investimenti nel settore aumenterebbero di conseguenza e il governo USA avrebbe ancora meno interesse a bandirlo.

Non avrebbero interesse nemmeno a bandire l'uso monetario a una condizione: aderire alle norme KYC/AML in modo da avere sia la certezza della provenienza non illecita dei fondi che quella della tracciabilità fiscale della transazione.

Se tu dimostri che non agisci illegalmente e versi allo Stato quanto dovuto, che interesse ha lo Stato medesimo a vietare qualcosa su cui guadagna?

Vietare l'uso anonimo di bitcoin: questa è una cosa che gli Stati hanno interesse a fare, ed infatti stanno già facendo. Ma non l'uso nominativo, su quello hanno solo da guadagnare.

Almeno fin quando (e soprattutto se mai) bitcoin diventerà una minaccia per la loro sopravvivenza.

E allora possiamo vedere due scenari "estremi" e contrapposti di lungo periodo (=oltre 10 annni da oggi) alla diffusione di bitcoin

Le monete fiat si salvano da un loro collasso e sopravvivono. Gli Stati mantengono il controllo sostanziale nella offerta mondiale di moneta. L'uso di bitcoin si realizza soprattutto come SOV e asset speculativa ma resta di nicchia come MOE. Diffusione dei "walled garden" in cui l'unico uso legale di bitcoin è quello nominativo, passando da hub di terze parti (banche, exchange, negozi, e-commerce...) che registrano le varie transazioni in modo che nulla sfugga. Gli Stati realizzano ottimi profitti dalle varie forme di tassazione di  questo uso di btc. L'uso  anonimo P2P resta solo  a livello clandestino come moneta del dark web o negli scambi illegali di persona, ma è vietato per legge e quindi raro. Morte definitiva del sogno criptoanarchico.


FASE A) Crisi irreversibile delle monete fiat che vengono colpite da iperinflazioni e conseguente perdita sostanziale del controllo dell'offerta di moneta da parte degli Stati. Crisi economiche senza precedenti provocate dal dirigismo interventista  e dalle iperinflazioni. Gli Stati provano a dichiarare illegale l'uso di bitcoin per difendere se stessi, ma essendosi trasformati tutti in una specie dell'attuale Venezuela, non riescono più a mantenere un controllo della legge al loro interno. Le valute fiat sono usate come nella Germania di Weimar come pezzi di carta per far giocare i bambini. Bitcoin diventa la nuova moneta di fatto, accettato negli scambi di persona ed in modo spontaneo dalle persone. Il valore di 1 btc viene agganciato solo a beni reali e non più a valute fiat.

FASE B)Lentamente gli Stati superano queste fasi di crisi, il capitalismo risorge come ha sempre fatto. Le monete fiat tornano ad avere un valore in beni e servizi, e a stabilizzarsi, ma bitcoin è diventato ormai uno standard: la moneta globale teorizzata da Hayek e Friedman. Il valore delle monete fiat viene quotato in btc, in una specie di nuovo gold standard di fatto. Abolizione dei vari QE e TLTRO e nefandezze varie. Il capitalismo che ritorna al suo stato primordiale, un mercato libero, anche nella domanda e offerta di moneta. Le crisi vengono accettate come fasi connaturate al sistema e non come eventi da contrastare forzatamente tramite politica monetaria.

All’interno di questi due scenari estremi potrebbero esserci tante sfumature intermedie. Ma è in questo quadro che, secondo me, evolverà l’avvenire di bitcoin.

Gli Stati potranno vedere in bitcoin una minaccia da bandire solo se le monete fiat dovessero entrare veramente in crisi di fiducia. Fin quando questo non si verificherà avranno tutto l’interesse a rinchiudere questo fenomeno all’interno di un recinto di regole e sfruttarne economicamente le potenzialità.

Se invece le monete fiat entrassero in crisi di fiducia, l’emergere di bitcoin come alternativa di fatto alle monete tradizionali non sarebbe arrestabile.


... oppure (e qui cascherebbe l'asino) per un loro utilizzo diretto: carte di credito, acquisto di beni, eccetera.
In teoria dovresti pagare le tasse su quei BTC utilizzati. A naso sembra funzionare, poi puoi evadere ma cedo sia rischioso.

Ma che conti fate ?! ooh... ;D

Se io compro 10 Bitcoin a $ 10.000 l'uno... = $ 100.000

Rivendo UNO solo di questo Bitcoin quando raggiungono $ 13.000...

Conta il prezzo d'acquisto, si paga il 26% su $ 3.000...
altrimenti... ;D

Su Bitcoin non c'è IVA.

Se detenuti su wallet e no su "conto" exchange non si paga l'imposta di bollo, ecc...

Ma io che ho scritto?....  ;)

Io non parlo di quel che vale ora in Italia (in assenza di leggi specifiche)  ma rispondevo sull'articolo linkato da kronos123 che parlava di un'ipotesi normativa che riguarda la Francia.
Oggi in Francia dovresti (e voglio proprio vedere chi lo fa!) calcolare le plus per ogni trade cripto-to-cripto. Vedi ad esempio qui: (

dal quale riporto (Dic. 2018):
Per quanto riguarda invece l’articolo 16 bis del codice civile francese è stato bocciato l’emendamento che prevedeva di tassare le plusvalenze solo nel momento del ritiro del denaro fiat su conti bancari
(quindi visto che non era passato significa che oggi non era questo il metodo di calcolo)

oppure ancora da questo link di pochi giorni fa: (

dal quale riporto:
la Francia esenterà le tasse sul commercio cripto-cripto ma imporrà tasse quando la criptovaluta viene convertita in denaro tradizionale

quindi ad oggi la plus dovresti calcolarla per ogni trade.

Nell'articolo linkato da kronos123 si parlava invece della proposta di tassare la plus solo quando si converte in fiat, ma su quest'ipotesi ho fatto notare che imho lascerebbe aperto un metodo per non pagare piuttosto "facile da seguire".

L'esempio che fai tu è diverso, è riferito a quel che "dovrebbe" ragionevolmente  essere il metodo di calcolo oggi in Italia. Ma è diverso da quel che facevo come esempio per l'ipotesi francese (l'ipotesi, non com'è attualmente).

Dell'Iva sui bitcoin non discuto: il fatto che non si paghi è uno dei pochi punti fermi per noi (così come in Francia del resto). Ma l'Iva l'ho citata in relazione a quel che diceva  picchio sulla possibilità di usare btc per comperare beni materiali, e se usi btc per farlo l'iva la paghi perché la paghi sul bene.....


Some weeks ago I made a visual tool to create a bitcoin private key. The most secure way for key generation is to flip a physical coin 256 times. I flipped a coin 256 times, and made a video how to create the bitcoin private key with my tool.

Here is the video instruction: (

The total time just for flipping a coin was 16 minutes, plus some minutes to fill the cells in my key generator. So, the fastest way to create a safe bitcoin private key with the physical 256 coin flips is appox. 15-20 minutes.

Enjoy!  ::)

PS. The project discussion is also available here:


I had that crazy (maybe wasn't so crazy) idea in the morning. I was about to put the rest of all my FIAT (6 figures) to BTC but then I didn't. Did another small $200 DCA instead.

Isn't that a sure bet? I mean who doesn't believe here that BTC won't make it above 9k again? Last time I said these lines it was somewhere between 4k and 6k, and I still didn't buy (I mean not all in), and it damn went above 9k indeed.

From 8k to 9k that was %12 sure gains. (It is %6 now)

From time to time, you come out with some real doozies, mindrust.

Based on my round about idea about the total size of your BTC investment, how  the fuck could you have anywhere close to 6 figures of fiat available?  You must be joking, right?  

Note: Remember this is the dollars/BTC thread so our general reference point is dollars, when we are referring to fiat.

Surely, I cannot tell you any kind of exact formula, but before anyone invests in BTC, they should have the rest of their life in order, and have their bigger bills paid and have their cashflow figured out for 6-18 months into the future.  Therefore, when considering what funds that they have available for BTC investment, they have the rest of those matters accounted.

Accordingly, you also said that you largely only buy BTC and HODL, you do not sell, so accounting for your own practices, you have also said that you DCA buy, buy on dips, and sometimes mistakenly FOMO buy.  Anynow, therefore, in the past 3 months, there have been all kinds of ongoing buying opportunities, so in that regard, I would be quite surprised if the value of your fiat should be anywhere close to the 20% or more of the value of your BTC.

Therefore, if you were to have 6 figures of fiat, then you would have $500k of value in BTC (which at current prices would be about 59 BTC  - that is $100k/.2  = $500).  

Something that you are saying is quite off, unless you had been largely contemplating and calculating some kind of gambling (overleveraging) move that would involve taking money from somewhere that you should not be taking it, in order to bet on bitcoin.  That does seem to be what you are contemplating/calculating.  In my thinking, those kinds of moves tend to be desperation moves, and not necessary in bitcoin, even if there could be some decent probabilities that they could pay off quite handsomely - even though personally, I rarely play those kinds of gambling approaches.**

**I will concede that from time to time (and historically), I have used zero interest credit card promotional moneys to increase my cashflow, and thereby buying bitcoin with a decent portion of that increased cashflow funds, so I am not completely immuned to a certain amount of leveraging/gambling that could have ended up going sour on me.

For me if someone has about 59btc (500K value) and 100K cash, going all the way and investing the rest of the cash in btc is a reckless move even when I think that btc is likely to appreciate.

Let's just clarify that this hypothetical is not about mindrust, because mindrust has subsequently clarified (somewhat) that his ratios are quite different than the above scenario - and I had gotten confused in considering that the only way that mindrust would have reasonably had $100k or more in cash would be if he had $500k in BTC... which mindrust had shown me to be wrong in that speculation....

So in some sense, I am all mixed up about what would be reasonable because he seems to be describing a whole different set of circumstances in which a person might chose to invest only in BTC and fiat and not have any other significant or meaningful investments.  Sure, such a strategy could be made to be reasonable, but I had kind of presumed that mindrust had other investments (and seems to be that I was mostly wrong).  By the way, mindrust seems to be more in the territory of $60k value in BTC and $100k+ value in cash, so surely his situation seems to be a bit more skewed in favor of cash, currently...

I guess ultimately each guy (or perhaps gal) is going to have to figure out his/her balance, and in a hypothetical situation of $500k in BTC and $100k in cash we might want to get an approximate idea of the cost basis of the BTC in order to figure out a strategy for the $100k that is in cash.  In any event, when we are referring to these kinds of investible cash reserves, I am kind of assuming that there is other cash that is available to cover 6 to 18 months worth of expenses (including possible emergencies), yet just knowing how much a guy has right at this time, does not give us enough information, unless we presume that he has his 6 to 18 months covered which might end up presuming some kind of assurances of how much cash flow is ensured to be coming in during that time (and some people vary more than others in regards to how certain is their cashflow and whether they would have back-up cashflow in case their primary cashflow sources were to dry up or somehow get interfered with).

I also have no real problems with play it by ear strategies.  So let's say that a certain amount of the extra cash is set for buying on dips (even with buy orders set), and another part of the cash has been scheduled into DCA projections over the next several months, there also can be circumstances in which another $3k comes into the picture because of some additional cash flow.  Then in those circumstances, if all the other monies are accounted for, I would thereby immediately plug the additional $3k into my existing strategy that has three parts a) buying on dips, b) DCA and c) immediate buying.  I personally would do equal thirds for each of those branches of my strategy.

So, for me, anytime that I am rethinking the amount of cash that I have available and reallocating that cash, I am similar in my thinking as you, Biodom, I never would employ a strategy that immediately invests the money, but instead I divide the money into my system, in which only a third of the money, at most would end up getting invested immediately and the rest is scheduled based on other system that I outline for myself falling into dips and DCA.

Why? Because in this scenario 100K would increase your stash "only" 20% while eliminating any hint of diversification.
By no means I suggest investing the rest in alts.

Possibly  we agree, Biodom.  I don't really consider investing in alts to be diversification because they are mostly in the same asset class as bitcoin, and therefore it is just adding risk upon your bitcoin investment to invest into the same area.  I know that some people want to consider alts differently, so that is their choice, but they should be attempting to recognize that the there is not a BIG difference from bitcoin, and therefore would not justify any kind of high percentage into them (10% at most in my thinking even though I could still accept more risky and crazy allocations that might go as high as 30% into such alts (aka shitcoins))

Keep cash (in $$). I don't know your geo location, so cannot rec. other currency or real estate. Some gold might be OK too, maybe split half and half (half cash half gold). I used to love stocks, reduced them lately.
Honestly, everything is so complicated right now, it is difficult to make the right decision (apart from bitcoin, which is solid).

I agree that we are living in a bit of a dilemma, these days, and there are so many people who have written off traditional investments, so sometimes it can be hard to relate to that.  I do believe that bitcoin is accomplishing a lot of the same things as gold, but yeah it is possible to have a portion of value into gold, traditional stocks and realestate, like you said.  Ultimately, we likely have confidence that bitcoin is the better of the investments, even though risky, which likely causes us to put a lot less into any of those traditional investments that are of a different category from bitcoin.

Another dynamic that I understand is that when anyone is first starting to invest.  Let's say that they are in their early 20s or even in their late teens, and they are just leaving home, so they do not have a lot of money to invest.  I understand that in those circumstances, they might not diversify very much because they hardly have anything that they are working with. So they may start out by investing in one asset at a time and building their wealth and then adding assets after their wealth has crossed certain thresholds, such as going over $20k  or $50k or $100k.  Each person might figure out differing triggering levels that would cause them to make their diversification decision and take action upon their diversification decision and plan at their preset thresholds (which of course they can tweak those thresholds too, based on changing life circumstances and perhaps even changing views).


however, one plan is not to use a Rust compiler that is bootstrapped from a trustworthy source (Canonical's Rust compiler). Call me nuts if you so choose, but that seems like a very cavalier decision to make with software that should be putting security first. You can say "trusting Canonical is subjective", in which case, it should be ruled out altogether in such a critical piece of software as Bitcoin
IIRC the plan is/was to bootstrap rustc ourselves via guix. Although right now Bitcoin Core trusts Canonical for deterministic builds (Gitian uses Ubuntu), the plan is to move to guix for purely deterministic builds on all platforms (guix builds all dependencies deterministically). However, because we are currently trusting Canonical anyways, I think it was decided that it is okay to use rustc from Canonical until we get guix working.

sure, but this is only true of those who deploy the gitian builds (although it would not come as a surprise to learn that the majority do)

and even if (hypothetically) no-one was compiling the Bitcoin source code themselves, it still doesn't make sense to pile more trust into Canonical. Operating systems are a huge project, and so with dozens of contributors, there's a real possibility that the people handling autotools or gcc are trustworthy, while the rust person is crooked as hell (or incompetent, or inexperienced....)

So the proposition would be a real trade-off: hypothetical, unproven reliability gains versus investing more trust in a Linux implementation that is (arguably) already a little questionable on ethics (specifically Canonical made deals with commercial partners to bundle data grabbing plugins with their Firefox package, I wouldn't be shocked to hear of further such poor faith)

My impression was that it would be failover, then in parallel, and then possibly, the main implementation. So at some point, both the rust and c++ implementations would be used to cross-check against each
other. But then again, I haven't followed this conversation too closely.

a complete rust implementation already exists, that can be done now (presumably it is). I'm not sure that really makes the case to put Rust into the C++ implementation; if anything, promoting the complete Rust implementation in some kind of tandem failover configuration with the C++ implementation makes alot more sense to me.

So, why not alter the C++ and Rust implementations to allow them to share a block database? Either one could fall over, and we would hope that the other wouldn't fail in the same way (or for a different reason at the same time ;D). Isn't that a more sensible way to approach this?

The main issue I have with rust in Bitcoin Core is just the fact that there will be far fewer reviewers. I personally would have to learn rust.

this is of course a chicken and egg problem, time resolves it. but considering this is Bitcoin, moving as slowly as possible in that direction seems like the prudent option.

The other point of contention is whether rust will actually reduce the number of major bugs in Core. C++ already does things that lets us not have to worry about some memory things, so it isn't as bad as c where it is very easy to forget to free a pointer. But we still can and do get segfaults due to null pointer dereferences so rust would certainly help there. But if you look at a lot of the other bugs that have been in Core, most of them have been logic errors. Rust would not help with those, and it could potentially make them worse as less people know rust.

At the end of the day, I'm personally +0 on rust. I mostly don't care, but would not be opposed to having rust in Core. It would be nice to have better compile time memory protection, but I don't think that's a super big issue that really needs to be fixed.

it reminds me slightly of the memory managed concept in general; the people that promoted that stuff very quietly concede (or haughtily change the subject...) that it's not the magic it was sold as. The reality with Java and C# was that you actually did eventually need to understand the computer science behind memory allocation/deallocation, as the byte code compiler would make mistakes, or the "garbage collection" module in the runtime would destroy variables before they've even been used etc. And so the unhelpful the response was "hey guys, but Java can still do pointers though!", which naturally gave cause to the more sensible people to wonder why they were going through all the trouble of using Java to begin with.

I don't know the details of how Rust handles memory allocation, and clearly there are accomplished developers (who seemingly know Rust well) who find the overall proposition convincing. But I really wonder how much time this would really save (or how many network-wide catastrophes could be avoided) versus how much time may be lost building up a dependency on Rust, only for everyone to change their mind in 3 years subsequent to the real-world practicalities becoming more apparent.

Dangling pointers causing segfaults are highly likely to manifest either frequently enough that they are quickly spotted, or sufficiently infrequently that they can be either safely ignored in the short-term or completely undiscovered. Is it really worth the huge effort to move to less well-known or understood programming languages just to solve that "problem"? In Bitcoin? :/


I quickly realized I was wrong and that you do not have to be a genius to use the technology.
It's funny the first time I bought BTC I being a DIY'er I looked into mining and thought there is no way I can grasp the concepts going on. The more I read the further I found BTC to be way out of my depth, combined with my lack of understanding some of the more basic concepts I felt it wasn't for me. So I bought some, made my purchase and forgot about it for a few years. Glad I tooki a lot more time to dig into things in 2017.
Correct me if I'm wrong, is that the UTXO the one you consolidating to one, right?
For consolidating I was just referring to combining your inputs like you have mentioned so that when fees are higher you have already taken steps to reduce the inputs that might make up your transaction. 
The purpose of the thread here though, isn't to get to bogged down in the specifics of this, that's why I referenced another thread where it is discussed. This is just simply about anything that might have been a barrier or a mistake that people had to learn from or overcome when entering crypto.
Understanding dynamic fees is a big one as well, a lot of people can't grasp that at times if you don't need to send BTC, you can wait a day or 2 maybe even a couple hours and save. This is a good example of things people often misunderstand.
This is why choosing good wallets to use is important.
This part here fits nicely when elaborated on, not all wallets are the same. Especially when looking at an online wallet or non custodial wallets like exchanges.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: AB de Royse777 on October 23, 2019, 01:20:23 PM
I will be supporting this application buddy. Come on theymos, this guy deserves it also please give some kind attention to my application ( too :-P

You really take too much test :-D

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on October 23, 2019, 09:04:39 PM
Just saw this & I’d like to show my support. fillippone is a great asset to the community, a really interesting & cool guy, his post quality is outstanding & because he is heavily involved in several different language speaking areas of the forum he’s a must as a MS.

You have my backing buddy.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: El duderino_ on October 24, 2019, 09:46:41 AM
LFC couldn't say it better.... fillippone is a true bitcoiner and very positive attitude forum user, always behave and act as more should do, I notice when he receive merits he isn't hoarding them but send them out where needed (of-course supply is limited and always need to gain first before able to send some later...), also active in multiple boards and creates good threads himself.

I support fillippone where I can support him, and believe he can be a good MS   (if granted would be well deserved)

I hope my 7 merits for your effort will brings some LUCKY 7's LUCK :D

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: JSRAW on October 24, 2019, 10:19:49 AM
I am not hesitant to say that this guy is one of the nicest and intelligent guy i have ever encountered in the inter web. #Nohomo

No one needs to take my word for granted, please check his post history and check his content.

I believe he might be a good choice for MS because he has history of sending all s-merit to good posts only. 

So my support for fillippone aka Italian stallion.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Coyster on October 24, 2019, 10:45:11 AM
Your merits speaks for you, you're a legendary member by merit, but still hindered by activity, it is enough to tell about how good a poster you actually are, and enough criteria to qualify you to be a merit source.

I have come across your posts most times on the forum and I must say they are more often than not very good.
I love it when one applies to be a merit source, it shows dedication and zeal to make the forum grow, and to rank others through that process. I hope theymos acts on this, even if not now, later.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: kurious on October 24, 2019, 10:55:46 AM
@Theymos: A worthy candidate IMHO.  A real asset to the forum.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on October 24, 2019, 11:25:27 AM
Thought you'll never applied, I have observed you develop into a well established member of the community, imparting the forum with your knowledge as a result getting the rewards you truly deserve. There's no doubt you're capable of executing a perfect job as a merit source
based on your smerit rewarding history.

Don't think you need my merit though as you'll probably get more of those on this application but understand that you get my support for that which you seek for. Your appointment would definitely get more merit into the WO thread, no doubt you got the WO family support 😁.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: NeuroticFish on October 24, 2019, 11:36:07 AM
When I am not writing stuff myself, I like to dig the forum for gems: there’s a lot of material here and I usually find good food for thought.

This is one of the things that makes you a good candidate. The other thing is that you are going to be merit source for normal (English) areas and Italian too.
You have my support.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: _javi_ on October 24, 2019, 11:38:17 AM
Its always a pleasure to read you, and your posts are really worthy and informative.

You are a great value to the forum.

I hope your application gets approved.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: DiamondCardz on October 24, 2019, 01:39:22 PM
I support this application. The posts I've seen from you outside of the Local boards are very regularly high-quality, and you've backed up your case with a lot of very convincing supporting data. I had a look at the posts you have linked and they are all high-quality posts that are indeed deserving of reasonable amounts of merit.

One question for you: if you theoretically had infinite sMerit, what would be your criteria for awarding more than 1 merit to a post? How about 5? 10?

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on October 24, 2019, 01:55:54 PM

Thank you all for the support in this application to  everyone who merited and/or commented in this thread. I did appreciate this from every one of you.

One question for you: if you theoretically had infinite sMerit, what would be your criteria for awarding more than 1 merit to a post? How about 5? 10?

That’s an interesting question.
I have been regularly short of sMerits, so I usually send one merit per post. In some cases I sent two, or more, but I would say it’s rare. I do so because I think it’s important to signal the appreciation to an higher number of posts, rather than signal the “measure” of this appreciation using more than one merit, leaving unmerited other posts.
So yes, at the moment I am almost flat to 1 merit per post, and I am often short of merit and I am struggling to keep track of to be merited Posts (that’s why I like the idea of a  “suggest for merit (” button, theymos are you listening?).

If I had a sufficient sMerits allowance I think I would merit more the post that are insightful and might push me write a post on the same topic. Again, because it means the post triggered a thought circulation on the forum. Of course having a lesser constrain in sMerits amount , would allow me to award more the posts deserve more. That’s for sure, but I think it’s always fairer to merit two good posts with one merit, rather than meriting one with two merit, leaving unmerited the other.
Another criteria I would use is giving more to poster who demonstrated to help merit circulation, I am already leaning to merit less “sMerits Hoarders” (as long as you can understand who those users are).
I hope I made myself clear.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 24, 2019, 01:55:58 PM
Its always a pleasure to read you, and your posts are really worthy and informative.

You are a great value to the forum.
Agree and agree, and I support this application as well. 

It's also good to see members are still applying to be merit sources, because I haven't seen many applications in the past few months.  Jet Cash has expressed his frustration at the "job" of being a merit source, and I understand that fully.  The merit system is important for the forum, and we need merit sources who want to do the job and who know good posts from bad. 

Good luck, fillippone.  Hope you become a merit source--I know you're qualified, and the only issue is whether Theymos is adding any more sources.  Personally I think he should, but you never know.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: d_eddie on October 24, 2019, 06:51:58 PM
I support fillippone's request. As a participant, he started from nothing and gained respect with his careful and well researched posts. As a merit giver, I've always seen him give to worthy posts. As for being "somewhat established", I have little doubt he is!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on October 24, 2019, 08:51:02 PM
It is great that @fillippone is making this request, I have learned a lot from him, he has extraordinary knowledge about financial and market analysis. His topics are accompanied by economic theory and he has a lot of professionalism, he has all my support and I hope that @Theymos can give him the privilege of being a source of merit.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Dabs on October 24, 2019, 09:04:13 PM
Support! (and just so this post isn't some one word thing that could be deleted, I'm typing this sentence.) +1 merit too.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 25, 2019, 03:28:55 AM
Your merits speaks for you, you're a legendary member by merit, but still hindered by activity, it is enough to tell about how good a poster you actually are, and enough criteria to qualify you to be a merit source.

I have come across your posts most times on the forum and I must say they are more often than not very good.
I love it when one applies to be a merit source, it shows dedication and zeal to make the forum grow, and to rank others through that process. I hope theymos acts on this, even if not now, later.

Agreed.  Fillippone goes above and beyond duty whether in the WO thread or outside of the WO thread, including the creation of many good topics, brings up a lot of good points, and seems to research the contents of his posts fairly well, including following through and showing learning along the way, too, so Fillippone is highly qualified for such merit source status.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: El duderino_ on October 25, 2019, 07:21:02 AM
I support this application. The posts I've seen from you outside of the Local boards are very regularly high-quality, and you've backed up your case with a lot of very convincing supporting data. I had a look at the posts you have linked and they are all high-quality posts that are indeed deserving of reasonable amounts of merit.

One question for you: if you theoretically had infinite sMerit, what would be your criteria for awarding more than 1 merit to a post? How about 5? 10?

I do support to send more as 1 merit as a source not always 10 but more as 1 for sure....

Main reason = as a source you send merit to good post as too good posters who will generate a Smerit as well and can spread to a wider public as they visit other threads as well.... Also you help good members to rank up, cause for a lot of good members, senior members, hero members it’s difficult to get to Legendary and for newbie’s it’s even harder.... but everyone has been a newbie and we all have seen the best as the worst among them.... but for those with good writing it’s a pleasure to be awarded or be noticed with merit and a way to rank up...
So I believe as a merit source we have to send more as 1 for most of the times....

I’m also asking a lot of times to increase MS stashes especially those that are active on daily base!
In this thread you can see more MS’s think the same .....

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: bitserve on October 25, 2019, 04:59:27 PM
Totally support this MS application. Filippone is, without doubt, one of the best contributors and assets of this forum. It's a no brains decision for sure, so the sooner it gets granted the better!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: kronos123 on October 25, 2019, 08:19:26 PM
My full support for one of the best users this forum has given birth to in recent times, and one of the pillars of the Italian community.

Thank you for your commitment Fillippone  ;)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Hueristic on October 26, 2019, 02:49:36 AM
Well I got spam bot removed for my one word agreement to this proposal so i will try again with a bit more effort. ;)

I find fillippone's post to be well thought out as well as well researched and are a stabilizing force withing the maelstrom. ;D

I wish you

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Cryptotourist on October 26, 2019, 05:50:32 AM

fillippone for MS theymos.

Pronto. ;D

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Micio on October 26, 2019, 11:03:46 AM
Very useful and helpful user in Italian board. I personally approve this merit source approval request.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: duesoldi on October 26, 2019, 12:35:45 PM
I fully support the application of fillippone as MS because he has always shown himself to be a cultured, well-trained, and always kind user.
He is very active in the Italian section where he really is one of the most attentive in distributing merits, which helps keep the section active.

I hope that theymos will take fillippone application into consideration and make it MS.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: legendster on October 26, 2019, 12:41:19 PM
@fillippone Not sure if we have interacted before. Most certain that we haven't.

But you have my support.

PS : You are only the 2nd person I am supporting to become a MS. Good luck.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Daniel91 on October 26, 2019, 01:04:19 PM
I will be supporting this application buddy. Come on theymos, this guy deserves it also please give some kind attention to my application ( too :-P

You really take too much test :-D

I support both of you.
Royse777, I'm surprised that you are still waiting, I was thinking that you already became merit source.
Based on the posts reported, fillippone is one of he best candidate that I saw in the long time.
In fact, I don't understand why he had to apply for merit source at all?
Many have become merit sources without a formal application on the forum.
It seems that now candidates have to wait very long after application for merit source what is not good.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Ale88 on October 26, 2019, 04:21:39 PM
I think that the ginormous quantity of merits Filippone got since their introduction speaks for itself. It's one of the best users not only of the Italian community but of the whole forum. In my opinion there are few people who deserve to be a MS more than him. It'd a great add to the MS team.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: VB1001 on October 27, 2019, 06:47:00 AM
Without a doubt, it will be a good source of merits for the forum.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: creep_o on October 27, 2019, 04:05:29 PM
Very useful and helpful user in Italian board. I personally approve this merit source approval request.
I think the same thing 👍🏻

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: El duderino_ on October 27, 2019, 04:59:40 PM

It seems that now candidates have to wait very long after application for merit source what is not good.

Depending on how many deemed to be necessary.... I would understand a kind of fixed number, though I also think all the airdropped merits are running low and there could be use for a few more MS's, as well not everyone with a good line can be instant MS cause if that happens then we will see an instant sh*tshow of people getting MS status with not good intentions at all.

I support fillippone as I see him always acting with good care for the forum what still is the main important thing, aside that I would support it as well to increase the MS's stashes as they already proven to do some good work for the forum, especially the very active ones!

I know fillippone will have the same problem as I have, when granted MS its still not enough, cause we are active to much :) Then again I understand first to be granted get some merits and see from there .... everything on its time of-course :D

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: babo on October 28, 2019, 10:26:29 AM
I want to warmly advise this person as a source of merits because he is very competent.
He is always present in the forum and support italian and international community with nice analysis and graphs.

I believe there is no better person than him to fill this role, i mean sMerit Source.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: alexrossi on October 28, 2019, 11:05:15 AM
I've no merits left to boost a little the OP, but I also support Fillippone application, as i think that he writes good posts and there is the need of additional merits sources in the italian board.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: geppettobtc on October 28, 2019, 12:28:45 PM
Fillippone is a mainstay of the italian section.
Very active and prepared user, he has published many guides and continually writes excellent posts, always willing to help others and clarify their doubts.
I also support its application ;)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: MarioV on October 28, 2019, 07:58:04 PM
Filippone always very active for Italians!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: 1miau on October 28, 2019, 11:39:25 PM
I'm sure you will do a good job. I've seen you actively contributing in many parts of the forum and that's a perfect argument to get a Merit Source. I hope theymos will allocate some source Merits to you shortly, good luck!  :)

It seems that now candidates have to wait very long after application for merit source what is not good.
Speeding up the process at leat a little bit seems to be a wise move.
Maybe theymos can try to allocate only a few sMerits to new candidates in the beginning (to get it started) and decide after a few weeks if we did a good job or not. If yes, he can increase our sMerit allocation, if not, he can decrease it or take it back completely.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Daniel91 on October 29, 2019, 12:43:24 PM
I'm sure you will do a good job. I've seen you actively contributing in many parts of the forum and that's a perfect argument to get a Merit Source. I hope theymos will allocate some source Merits to you shortly, good luck!  :)

It seems that now candidates have to wait very long after application for merit source what is not good.
Speeding up the process at leat a little bit seems to be a wise move.
Maybe theymos can try to allocate only a few sMerits to new candidates in the beginning (to get it started) and decide after a few weeks if we did a good job or not. If yes, he can increase our sMerit allocation, if not, he can decrease it or take it back completely.

I think that theymos already doing something similar.
I heard that some users,  merit source,  received some amount of sMerits but after some time theor amount of sMerits increased.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: vapourminer on October 29, 2019, 02:06:52 PM
fillippone has my vote.

i was going to compile a list of just some of his contributions to this forum that highlighted what he brings the table. the patience, willingness to learn from, and teach to, other forum members. to start new threads that draw you in and before you know it youve learned something new.  and just generally give his threads and his replies a friendly, easy atmosphere.

but all one needs to do is look at his recent threads (and posts). you will very quickly come to the same conclusion. fillippone will be a worthy merit source.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Heisenberg_Hunter on October 29, 2019, 07:31:53 PM
I would like to support fillippone's application like others do. Their topics was very well written and I personally learned from many of those topics. Though I don't visit Speculation/Economics section much, I have seen your really well written topics in Beginners and Help section. It is also nicer to see filippone has been literally active in giving out smerits in Italian section which will help the non-English speaking Italians to rank up over the days through their contribution.

I will be supporting this application buddy. Come on theymos, this guy deserves it also please give some kind attention to my application ( too :-P

You really take too much test :-D

I have been bumping my application for 4.5 months but there doesn't seem to be any response for the application from theymos. A sad note is that, if I get appointed as a MS I would be the lonely source as the earlier MS is not really much active nowadays and even their smerit allocation is too low.  :( Even if I am not eligible, we need a MS at least to bring the enthusiasm among our local community to contribute more. For over 1 year I am solely depending only on my smerit which is really very tough these days with improving quality of the posts in our local board.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 30, 2019, 05:49:46 AM
I would like to support fillippone's application like others do. Their topics was very well written and I personally learned from many of those topics. Though I don't visit Speculation/Economics section much, I have seen your really well written topics in Beginners and Help section. It is also nicer to see filippone has been literally active in giving out smerits in Italian section which will help the non-English speaking Italians to rank up over the days through their contribution.

I will be supporting this application buddy. Come on theymos, this guy deserves it also please give some kind attention to my application ( too :-P

You really take too much test :-D

I have been bumping my application for 4.5 months but there doesn't seem to be any response for the application from theymos. A sad note is that, if I get appointed as a MS I would be the lonely source as the earlier MS is not really much active nowadays and even their smerit allocation is too low.  :( Even if I am not eligible, we need a MS at least to bring the enthusiasm among our local community to contribute more. For over 1 year I am solely depending only on my smerit which is really very tough these days with improving quality of the posts in our local board.

Possibly you could provide a link here to your merit source application.  I know that it is a little bit off topic, and taking from this thread, but you mentioned it, and it seems only fair that you provide a link to your reference in order that anyone here could easily see what you put in your merit source application and maybe even provide you with feedback (and possibly support) if you are seeking any such feedback(and possibly support).

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Heisenberg_Hunter on October 30, 2019, 06:39:49 AM
@fillippone if the post is little OT, feel free to report my post or just PM me I would be happy to remove it.

Here is the MS application for Indian board : Heisenberg's Merit Source Application for the Indian Board (

Every local board poster should be very well aware of how Indian board was last year and how they are now. We don't need a moderator, but atleast we need a dedicated MS to encourage people to post really good quality posts very often. The board was absolute bull-shit till last year, myself and a group of volunteers took interest and cleaned the board and drove the spammers and shitposters off the sub-forum totally this year. We have revealed translation spammers, posted negative feedback, drove them off from sub-forum (, myself and other patrollers from Indain board reported 1000s of posts and trashed shitposters, recreated the worn out pinned topics with updated content (, created a telegram group, spoke with many old quality posters who left the forum due to the spam prevailing in Indian board and finally gonna celebrate the 10th anniversary in our local board (

What all these for? Why should we spend countless hours in reactivating a dead spam board from ashes? All is to have a decent discussion and to have a native connectivity among the fellow Indian members. If that cannot be supported with just a simple appointment of a Merit Source, then why should we fight with the spammers all day in the Indian board? I even limited myself from posting in Technical board and have completely started to take all these initiatives along with other fellow members.

Atleast if appointment of a moderator seems to be a difficult task, appointment of a MS would be the least helpful thing which one can do for our board.

P.S I would like to thank all the global moderators who are handling the reports of mine very often within a day. If that was not, the board would have been far from being saved.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: JayJuanGee on October 30, 2019, 06:47:42 AM
@fillippone if the post is little OT, feel free to report my post or just PM me I would be happy to remove it.

Here is the MS application for Indian board : Heisenberg's Merit Source Application for the Indian Board (

Every local board poster should be very well aware of how Indian board was last year and how they are now. We don't need a moderator, but atleast we need a dedicated MS to encourage people to post really good quality posts very often. The board was absolute bull-shit till last year, myself and a group of volunteers took interest and cleaned the board and drove the spammers and shitposters off the sub-forum totally this year. We have revealed translation spammers, posted negative feedback, drove them off from sub-forum (, myself and other patrollers from Indain board reported 1000s of posts and trashed shitposters, recreated the worn out pinned topics with updated content (, created a telegram group, spoke with many old quality posters who left the forum due to the spam prevailing in Indian board and finally gonna celebrate the 10th anniversary in our local board (

What all these for? Why should we spend countless hours in reactivating a dead spam board from ashes? All is to have a decent discussion and to have a native connectivity among the fellow Indian members. If that cannot be supported with just a simple appointment of a Merit Source, then why should we fight with the spammers all day in the Indian board? I even limited myself from posting in Technical board and have completely started to take all these initiatives along with other fellow members.

Atleast if appointment of a moderator seems to be a difficult task, appointment of a MS would be the least helpful thing which one can do for our board.

P.S I would like to thank all the global moderators who are handling the reports of mine very often within a day. If that was not, the board would have been far from being saved.

Thanks for those links HH.  I will try to look through them (at least browse through some of them) in the coming weeks, and maybe fillippone will feel different, but I doubt that your merit source application and or the various methods that you are attempting to employ to get MS approved are vastly different from fillippone's even though I happen to be a bit more familiar with fillippone's post history - and of course, any prolific and good content-laden poster will be hard to keep up with, which seems to be something that both you and fillippone have in common.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 01, 2019, 05:05:38 PM
theymos! Not fair man! Make him merit source 😷
I mean seriously fillippone's history speaks for him. Let the guy to be one of the merit source. I have this feeling that he will do a perfect job.

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: hd49728 on November 04, 2019, 02:19:56 PM
fillippone is a very real asset of the forum and of his local board, Italian, I guess so despite the fact that I don't know Italian. I watched some useful topics on bitcoin forecast, especially before the massive explosion of bitcoin in June this year. It means fillippone spent decent time to collect those analyses as well as clearly and neutrally presented his opinion.

I also see his in the list of very top merit receivers and senders.

From all above reasons, I support the application.

I still think my support does not make lots of sense because admin has his very complicated rules to accept or reject merit source applications and there is other reasons that affect his decision too. The need of merit sources at each period affects MS applications, definitely.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: babo on November 04, 2019, 02:26:25 PM
fillippone is a very real asset of the forum and of his local board, Italian, ~snip~

Yes, Fillippone is very intelligent and smart one guy. I know him by real person.
For me he can do a good job like merit's source, because is really present in the forum and know economic aspect of bitcoin.
He traslates many articles from english to italian for the local board, and his work is precious.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: pindol on November 05, 2019, 02:28:52 PM
Good job Filippone, good job, you have my support.


Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: vapourminer on November 05, 2019, 03:14:00 PM
theymos! Not fair man! Make him merit source 😷
I mean seriously fillippone's history speaks for him. Let the guy to be one of the merit source. I have this feeling that he will do a perfect job.

agreed. look at most any post of his. they are most always well reasoned and well explained , with lots of references for his sources of data. in short even an idiot like me can understand his explanations.. and while no one or no thing is perfect, he is more than willing to learn from his (and others) mistakes and readily admits it so that others can learn from any mistakes also. and this is why forums exist, member helping others to learn before they commits a mistake.

with his (hopeful soon) becoming a merit source, he will be able to guide those good posters with merits.

i believe he will use those merits exactly what they were created for... help members and and draw attention to the useful threads.

so again, fillippone has my complete support.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 06, 2019, 04:32:49 AM
I always get out of sMerit.
Anyway, theymos a bump for my brother.
Way to the top!!!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Daniel91 on November 06, 2019, 07:39:58 AM
I always get out of sMerit.
Anyway, theymos a bump for my brother.
Way to the top!!!

For me is the same situation 😁
I'm only merit source in Croatian section of the forum and often spend my sMerits to quickly 😁
I really feel that local sections on this forum needs more merit sources and support this application as well.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on November 06, 2019, 08:41:49 AM

agreed. look at most any post of his. they are most always well reasoned and well explained , with lots of references for his sources of data. in short even an idiot like me can understand his explanations.. and while no one or no thing is perfect, he is more than willing to learn from his (and others) mistakes and readily admits it so that others can learn from any mistakes also. and this is why forums exist, member helping others to learn before they commits a mistake.

Thank you vapourminer for the kind words.
Actually thank you all who supported me in the thread via commenting or merits: I did really appreciate.

I am answering this particular message because I think vapourminer exactly got the attitude I put in the forum, and I tried to explain in my infamous merit thread (

I am here to learn, and I see merit system as a way to spread the knowledge, signalling and encouraging threads where you can actually learn something.

I am far from perfect, I have a list of embarrassing posts here on the forum (I should compile a list one day...), I made errors, weird statements, I might have changed my mind on a few topics, but I think these steps are the path of someone growing on the knowledge.

Being a Merit Source I hope to be more able to drive my experience on the forum following these principles: helping users that are spreading their knolwdge to help others understand what bitcoin is.

“We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.”
― Richard P. Feynman

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Cryptotourist on November 06, 2019, 09:52:57 AM

I'm having trouble meriting posts I'd like to merit.
This whole merit thing, has made me miserable in my approach to merit a post, thinking that I'll find a more worthy one to give my limited s-merits.
If fillippone becomes a merit source, I'm certain that he'll be a great help to the community.
Grant him a merit source ffs.

Whilst you are at it, please pass on r0achie's (;u=1115697) ~ 150 useless sm's to my account. ;)
Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: infofront on November 09, 2019, 07:19:11 PM
I'll vouch for fillippone. He's one of the highest quality posters on the forum.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: El duderino_ on November 10, 2019, 12:25:06 PM
I'll vouch for fillippone. He's one of the highest quality posters on the forum.

We will vouch together ;)

I do know he's a good all around poster and a very kind one at the same time, gives merit in multiple threads as he gains merit in multiple threads.

Rewards good constructive post as merit establish members for many different reasons, never saw him merit people where we could think its would me a merit abuser etc

Also he's like active on very daily base, as I'm too and I think this is a + point as well for being a source

Only see positives and no negatives in this one.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Daniel91 on November 10, 2019, 01:04:29 PM
I'll vouch for fillippone. He's one of the highest quality posters on the forum.

Obviously, this is not the only criterion and that admins have other requirements as well as support from community, the criterion for the merits shared so far, general reputation of users etc.
In the end, however, it's the decision of the admin and not the entire community and the admins have the discretion to decide.
I know that I had to wait several months to become merit source, after my application so only what I can say to fillippone is to be patient and not give up.
Personally, I think this user really deserve to become merit source and I really hope to see him as new merit source soon.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: big_daddy on November 11, 2019, 02:32:09 PM
I'm supporting this application too.

fillippone is one of the most active Italian local board users, and is very active in the eng section too (I'm a multilingual user, following ITA & CRO local boards as well)
His selfless approach on spreading the knowledge in his topics (and other) is simply gorgeous

His contribution can only be greater if he will become a merit sourcer

Good luck @fillippone

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Neo_Coin on November 11, 2019, 03:43:55 PM

Bravo Fillippone. He's one of the highest quality posters on the italian section too.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Gyrsur on November 12, 2019, 01:02:59 PM
'Is BTCitcoin worth one good man's life? We believed it once. Make us believe it again. He is a soldier for BTCitcoin. Honor him.'

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: erre on November 12, 2019, 10:16:46 PM
Of course I will support this application too. This is not an hat-thing, but my genuine appreciation for a good hearted, smart constructive user.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on November 13, 2019, 09:43:31 PM
fillippone will become a Merit Source, I think. It just depends when theymos sees this as he’s likely really busy.

**Bump** any way !

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on November 14, 2019, 10:05:24 PM
Today has been an hard day.
I have been offline for the most part of the day, quite unusual for me, taking care of some persons I do care about, leaving bitcoin in the background (even if I managed to stash some sats).  
Returning online after a few hours I got a message from Theymos: I am now a MS.
Thank you all for the support in this thread and all what you have given to me in these months on the forum.

This is not a finish line, but a new start in the forum: I am now willing more than ever to contribute and commit more to the community and give back what I had since I have been part of this incredible community!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Lafu on November 14, 2019, 10:12:43 PM
Congrats for be an Merit Source now !
Keep up how you doing and nice to see that after some long time some new Merit Sources are added now.
Hope this brings some more Merit circulation into the Forum and to User .


Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on November 14, 2019, 10:19:26 PM
Yes fillippone, you got there. I knew you would, welcome to the club :)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: babo on November 14, 2019, 11:03:16 PM
Congrats Fillippone!
No other words,this is a proof of good work of merits

I have always maintained that the merits system was good, it needed to be calibrated, that yes (obvious)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: El duderino_ on November 14, 2019, 11:10:18 PM
Congrats brother I hope you keep contributing as you are doing at te moment CHEERS and much @nohomo love Micg

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Hueristic on November 15, 2019, 12:35:53 AM
Congrats, you are a dedicated member that is certainly worthy and It comes as no surprise that Theymos saw it as such.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: bitserve on November 15, 2019, 07:33:01 AM
Congrats fillipponne! Well deserved for sure! And thanks to theymos for realising so.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: big_daddy on November 15, 2019, 07:57:51 AM
Congratulazioni fillipponne!

You made it, and I'm happy that you have reached that goal  8)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: Cryptotourist on November 15, 2019, 08:29:28 AM
Eccellente!!! ;D

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: rattle_rattle on November 15, 2019, 03:04:57 PM
Well done Fillippone! You deserved it! I seldom log in the forum, but you are the best user in the Italian board!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on November 15, 2019, 03:32:43 PM
Well deserved appointment, welcome to the club. Hope you lock thread soon to prevent spam since it has serve its purpose. Welcome once again.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on November 15, 2019, 03:34:14 PM
Well deserved appointment, welcome to the club. Hope you lock thread soon to prevent spam since it has serve its purpose. Welcome once again.
Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

Going to lock it in a few hours.

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: vapourminer on November 15, 2019, 10:47:46 PM
nice.. congrats!

i know youll be sending them where there will do the most good. like you always have, really :)

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: erre on November 15, 2019, 11:18:33 PM
È bello, ogni tanto, trovare qualcuno capace di farci fare una bella figura :)

Translation: proud to be italian!

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on November 15, 2019, 11:26:57 PM
Congratulations @fillipone I am very happy with your success!

You deserve it! :D

Title: Re: fillippone Merit Source Application
Post by: fillippone on November 16, 2019, 01:03:36 PM
As promised, locking the thread.
Thank you very much once again for the support.