Title: [ANN] Bitcompare:Top DeFi & CeFi interest rates Post by: vondagon on May 11, 2020, 05:19:06 AM https://i.imgur.com/9A8pyW8.png (https://bitcompare.net/) Website (https://bitcompare.net/) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/bitcomparenet) |Community (https://community.bitcompare.net/) | Facebook (https://web.facebook.com/bitcompare?_rdc=1&_rdr) | Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/company/bitcomparenet) | Contact (http://dean@tokentalk.co) | Top DeFi & CeFi interest rates We review, interview and compare all the best DeFi and CeFi platforms to help you maximise your earnings We're here to 🎓 To help educate the world on #DeFi and #CeFi 🚀 To ensure you are always getting the best rates 👀 To keep #DeFi and #CeFi companies honest & accountable 🙌 To accelerate a better financial world Today's best savings and loans rates https://i.imgur.com/HPmkllX.png (https://t.co/t6yYSfOVwn?amp=1) Now you can make sure you're always earning the best interest rates on your Bitcoin with Bitcompare https://i.imgur.com/h2FnA9G.jpg (https://t.co/2tu3MUeyW2?amp=1) Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcompare:Top DeFi & CeFi interest rates Post by: q3579338 on May 11, 2020, 05:23:03 AM PEGNET 2.0 WILL 21.6%