Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Service Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: CoachCryptos on October 06, 2020, 05:17:19 PM

Title: TronFarms.Org - Yield Farming on the Tron Network
Post by: CoachCryptos on October 06, 2020, 05:17:19 PM ( ( (

TronFarms provides users with a detailed overview of all the yield farming websites on the Tron Network.

All information is collected with care. Please do your own research and beware of fraudulent projects.  We are not an audit service so we cannot provide any guarantees for the information listed. We do not receive compensation from any projects to be listed. We rely on donations and will use referral links if a website offers them.

Please do not try to hold us responsible for your investments in scam projects.

Title: Re: TronFarms.Org - Yield Farming on the Tron Network
Post by: nimogsm on October 06, 2020, 07:07:19 PM
It doesn't look bad, but it might be worth leaving everything in more neutral colors like white and black. Gray doesn't look very good.

Title: Re: TronFarms.Org - Yield Farming on the Tron Network
Post by: articlecity on October 06, 2020, 07:53:18 PM
I am not against defi projects but i just feel that too many of them are just popping up like everyday out of nowhere. I think first we have to just calm down for a couple of years and then analyse the performance and see if this model is really sustainable for long and then we should come up with new advanced projects based on these models.

Title: Re: TronFarms.Org - Yield Farming on the Tron Network
Post by: AhmadM on October 07, 2020, 06:06:01 PM
We do not receive compensation from any projects to be listed.
To be honest, I'm a bit curious about the "push" column in your site. It already has "*" sign but there is no additional information that explains it at the bottom of the page. Did you forget to add it? After all I finally found whats that column about and IMO its kinda against with your statement above

This donation helps move the project to a higher position in the table. Thank you very much for your support. (Donations are updated every 5 minutes)
Instead of calling it as donations, I feel it tends to something like sponsored lists. I'm not saying that you are wrong nor against if you want to gain some money from the site, just you need to make all pieces of information you provide clear as possible if you want to make a sponsored list then you should have your own terms and highlighted them at the top of the table or the site itself.