Title: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: ShllFT on October 31, 2020, 08:11:58 PM F44RedCoin https://f44redcoin.club/assets/img/1400-788.png Informations: Name: F44RedCoin Ticker: F44R Consensus: Proof Of Work Blockchain: Block time: 11 minutes Difficulty time: 11 minutes Block maturity: 11 blocks Halving: 111,111 blocks Rewards: Block reward: 11 coins Premined: 11,000 Max supply: 11,000,000 Connections: Rpc port: 8832 P2p port: 8833 Website https://f44redcoin.club/ Official Pool https://explorer-f44redcoin.club/ Block Explorer https://explorer-f44redcoin.club/ Source Code https://github.com/F44RedCoin/F44RedCoin Wallets https://github.com/F44RedCoin/F44RedCoin/releases https://twitter.com/f44redcoin Discord https://discord.gg/vmpun9QgeD https://f44redcoin.club/assets/img/roadmap.jpg Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: AltcoinCash on October 31, 2020, 11:15:53 PM https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjhcSbIWoAIgs89?format=jpg&name=small F44R is added to GPUHOT.com (https://gpuhot.com/) pool Code: -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://stratum.gpuhot.com:6988 -u wallet -p c=F44R If you ever need: Addnodes (https://gpuhot.com/explorer/peers?id=1457) - MiningRigRentals.com (http://mrr.gpuhot.com) - Nicehash.com (https://nicehash.gpuhot.com/) gpuhot.com (https://gpuhot.com/) - gpuhot Discord (https://discord.gg/FBFVFhv) - @gpuhot twitter (https://twitter.com/gpuhot) Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: Daniko7 on November 01, 2020, 10:01:47 AM https://i.imgur.com/J1vD0Wk.jpg (https://newrewardcoins.com/) *ATTENTION! Many new launched coins contains Viruses and Malwares . Some wallets showing a false malware or virus flag because of the integrated miner. Nevertheless we strongly recommend you to scan the wallets before using it. Use as example https://www.virustotal.com/gui/ (https://www.virustotal.com/gui/) to scan the files for malicious ware* Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: 24Kt on November 01, 2020, 10:36:05 AM If this project is created owed to the team's friendship and if true that you bout a F44 model of the BMW2 car, then what do you think will be your use case in the market? Without solid application to explore with, the lifespan of the coin is usually very short. And from your roadmap, it is the usual roadmap that you will see for short-lived coins. Don't get me wrong, you can always prove me wrong.
Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: ShllFT on November 01, 2020, 01:11:42 PM If this project is created owed to the team's friendship and if true that you bout a F44 model of the BMW2 car, then what do you think will be your use case in the market? Without solid application to explore with, the lifespan of the coin is usually very short. And from your roadmap, it is the usual roadmap that you will see for short-lived coins. Don't get me wrong, you can always prove me wrong. I am not the dev of this coin, they paid me to make the topic for being able of sending online images on a thread. To contact them go to the official discord Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: NODEPOW on November 02, 2020, 01:56:50 AM http://www.nodepow.com ;) F44R online ;) Top-level server,best line,60 minutes payment explorer: http://www.nodepow.com/explorer/F44R Mining F44R example Code: -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://nodepow.com:3433 -u *********************** <your wallet address> -p c=F44R d=** (DIFF if You use nicehash) OP please~ Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: Man0fKnight on November 02, 2020, 04:00:42 PM OP is a scammer
Please look at his last coin he "started", where he abandoned everyone after taking their masternode payments. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5285503 Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: ShllFT on November 02, 2020, 04:13:53 PM OP is a scammer Please look at his last coin he "started", where he abandoned everyone after taking their masternode payments. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5285503 I deleted it because the dev deleted the discord and banned me from discord too, it's not my coin! They paid me to create the topic because i can make threads with posting online pictures Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: MaPeX on November 03, 2020, 10:18:32 PM Hello miners, F44RedCoin added to BestMiner.eu To mine and get paid F44R Code: -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://bestminer.eu:3403 -u youwalletaddress -p c=F44R Pool address: https://bestminer.eu (https://bestminer.eu) Discord (https://discord.gg/UqFKaX6) Multicoin mining pool with low fees. Happy mining ;-) Title: Re: [ANN] F44RedCoin (F44R) pure PoW Scrypt algo Post by: davewolf678 on November 06, 2020, 02:24:46 AM ?