Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: skarais on December 05, 2021, 08:12:46 PM

Title: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on December 05, 2021, 08:12:46 PM
Hi all. After being suggested by several users both on the Local Board and other merit source via PM, today I decided to submit a merit source application for the first time. I've been here since 2017 (before the merit system was introduced) and when the merit system was introduced I just reached Senior rank with a 250 merit airdrop. Trying my best to improve post quality has earned me over 750 merit so far and I'm already ranked up to Legendary.

A few things I have about the merit stats so far are:
  • Has earned 811 merit 456 times, from 104 profile
  • Has sent 427 merit 389 times, to 107 profile
  • 281st user ranking in terms of sending merit
  • User rank 255th in terms of earn merit

So far, I have been monitoring the activities of the Local Board Indonesia ( and making statistics which I update regularly every month. Several times I received complaints about the low number of merit distributed in our Local Board, which once went under 100 in a month. I see this as an issue that needs attention and I want to help our Local users merit from their quality posts.

Maybe I'm not the best user in this forum and especially in our Local Board, but I have the intention to help users who need merit to rank up especially for those who have quality posts.

Here's my initiative on why I applied to be a merit source for the Indonesian Local Board.
1. [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] (

Here are 10 posts that I propose:

menurut OP Fluktuatif itu merupakan kekurangan? Tergantung Kondisinya.
Bantu jawab.

Menurut saya, tergantung melihatnya dari sudut pandang apa.

Kalau melihatnya dari sisi resiko investasi nya, bisa dibilang sifat fluktuatif ini merugikan. Sebab dengan fluktuasi yang tinggi, nilai aset bisa saja tiba2 anjlok drastis. Sedangkan jika fluktuasi nya rendah, nilai aset relatif aman dari resiko ini.

Namun jika dilihat dari sisi potensi keuntungan maksimum, sifat fluktuatif ini merupakan sebuah potensi untuk keuntungan yang lebih besar. Karena dengan adanya fluktuasi ini, maka harga sebuah koin crypto bisa melonjak secara signifikan. Coba bayangkan kalau invest di stable coin yang harga nya relatif stabil, pasti potensi keuntungan jauh lebih kecil dari crypto yang harganya punya fluktuasi yang tinggi.

BTW kalau dipikir-pikir, fluktuasi itu sebenarnya merupakan sebuah potensi, potensi bisa untung besar atau rugi besar. Entah itu masuk kategori kelebihan atau kekurangan, yang jelas tanpa ada nya fluktuasi ini maka investasi crypto menjadi tidak menarik. Apa bedanya dengan nabung di bank klo di crypto gak ada fluktuasi.

namun si OP ini secara gamblang menyatakan Fluktuasi ini merupakan sebuah kekurangan. Kan Salah..
Sayangnya OP tidak menggarisbawahi kalo itu menurut pandangan dia.
Kalau seandai nya statement itu ditulis berdasarkan sudut pandang sendiri, maka sah-sah saja.

Yang saya ingin sampaikan adalah bahwasanya Fuktuasi itu tidak mutlak sebagai sebuah kekurangan
Butul. Tergantung melihatnya dari sudut pandang apa. Plus tergantung juga siapa pelakunya.
Holder berpengalaman dan user yang sering untung karena pump, pasti bakal bilang kelebihan. Sedangkan user yang sering ambyar duitnya karena dump dan sektika langsung cutloss, pasti bilang kekurangan.


Daripada bikin bingung, mending gunakan kata2 yang simple saja seperti yang saya contohkan di atas tadi (pada reply pertama saya).

1. Jumlah Bitcoin yang Beredar (circulating supply)
2. Jumlah real Bitcoin yang beredar (current real supply on the market)

Saya niatnya bukan untuk mengajari, berdebat, ataupun membantah isi thread agan. Saya hanya ingin menyampaikan pandangan saya, siapa tau itu bisa membantu agan dan member-member di sini supaya tidak misleading dengan penggunaan kata2 tersebut. Terima kasih

Thanks bro @ryzaadit sudah membantu menjelaskan ke OP. :)

Market NFT kebanyakan pakai chain MATIC ya? Apa ada keunggulan Matic/Polygon dibandingin dengan BSC, EOS, dll.?
Kenapa ga pakai BSC aja ya?

Jelas ada om dari segi Fee-nya, saya barusan riset menggunakan data on-chain nya BSC dan Polygon Network (Mainnet), Bahwasanya Fee di jaringan Polygon (Mainnet) sangat-sangat murah (bahkan 30x++ Lebih Murah daripada BSC).

Disini saya menggunakan Default Gas (21K) yang saya temukan di (Ethereum) dan kemudian saya kolaborasikan dengan Gas Price (Gwei) masing-masing Network (Polygon & BSC)

Note: Default Gas Hanya Sebagai Acuan Saja Ya :)

[ Data On-Chain Gas Price Terakhir Polygon Chain (Kiri) & BSC (Kanan) ]


[ Kalkulasi Polygon Chain (Kiri/Atas) & BSC (Kanan/Bawah) ]

Deskripsi: Kita Bisa Melihat Pada Gambar Diatas Bahwa Fee Polygon Pada Posisi Default Gas (21K) + 57 Gas Price (Gwei) Adalah 0,001197 Per TX-nya, Jika Harga Polygon Saat Ini $1,49, Maka Fee-Nya Dalam Dollar ($) adalah $0,00178353, Disamping Itu Fee BSC Berada di Posisi 0,000126 Per TX-nya, Yang Jika Kita Kalkulasikan Terhadap Harga Binance (BNB) Saat Ini ($489,34), Kita Akan Mendapatkan Fee Sebesar $0,06165684

Catatan: Maaf Saya Tidak Bisa Membuat Komparasi Ke EOS, Datanya Gak Kelihatan (Atau Saya Yang Bego) :D


Ane lihat biaya wede matic di exchange juga mayan tinggi:

Ini tidak valid sepenuhnya, maksud saya tidak valid adalah, majority dari list yang ada tidak mendukung Polygon Chain, melainkan hanya Withdrawal Polygon Melalui Chain ERC-20, Itulah Alasannya Kenapa Mahal :)

Trading kripto itu penuh dengan penyesalan katanya mas, saya ingat meme yang pernah saya baca
- Ga dijual malah turun = nyesel
- Dijual malah naik = nyesel
- Entry karena diprediksi naik, tambah turun = nyesel
- Ga entry nunggu makin turun, eh malah naik = nyesel
Penyesalan akan terjadi saat pedagang tidak berada pada posisi yang tepat, ketika harga pasar sedang turun dan ternyata sehari kemudian turun lebih dalam lagi, biasanya para trader akan menimbulkan efek penyesalan karena terlanjur melakukan pembelian pada saat harganya masih tinggi dan pada akhirnya malah merugi.
Begitu juga sebaliknya, ketika harga coin naik dan ternyata setelah itu harga koin tersebut semakin meningkat lagi, juga akan menimbulkan efek penyesalan karena tidak segera membeli coin pada saat harganya masih murah yang membuat trader gagal mendapat profit.

Menurut pandangan pribadi saya, orang yang paling bodoh dalam hidupnya adalah orang yang mengharapkan bisa mengambil keputusan yang sempurna, termasuk ketika mengambil keputusan jual dan beli di pasar crypto.
Jika kita melakukan sebuah riset, tentunya semua orang sepakat bahwa tidak ada manusia yang sempurna. Tapi yang jadi pertanyaan kok ada saja orang yang mengharapkan kesempurnaan pada setiap keputusan yang mereka buat.?

Bagi yang sudah sering loss kaya saya, kini tidak lagi begitu mikir masalah nyesel atau engga, kembali ke mensyukuri apa yang didapatkan, lebih enteng ke pikiran.  ;D
Sikap agan patut diacungi jempol, apapun yang terjadi harus kita terima dengan senang hati, baik itu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ataupun pada saat mendapatkan hasil dari usaha yang kita lakukan di pasar crypto, dapat banyak ya Alhamdulillah, dapat sedikit juga alhamdulillah. Berapapun nilai yang kita dapat harus kita syukuri, karena itu merupakan rezeki yang tuhan kasih atas usaha yang kita lakukan.

Tergantung kesepakatan kayanya Om. Misalnya penulisan di kwitansinya dengan memakai IDR. Misalnya, pembelian apartemen seharga Rp1,2 M terus ada note nya dibayar menggunakan BTC. Terus untuk biaya-biayanya, bisa pakai IDR juga hanya uang nya yang di transfer ke rekening bank di ganti menjadi BTC ke wallet penjual.

Dibikin simple aja Om, ga usah yang ribet-ribet hihihi ;D

Apakah sesimpel itu om? saya tidak begitu mengerti mengenai legalitasnya.

Tapi jika membaca Peraturan BI Nomor 17/3/PBI/2015 Tentang Kewajiban penggunaan rupiah disebutkan dalam Bab II Pasal 2 ayat 1 bahwa setiap pihak wajib menggunakan Rupiah dalam transaksiyang dilakukan di Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan berlanjut di pasal 3 baik tunai non tunai.

Dalam BAB III mengenai pengecualian penggunaan rupiah pada pasal 4, tidak berlaku pada beberapa transaksi antara lain :
a. transaksi tertentu dalam rangka pelaksanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara;
b. penerimaan atau pemberian hibah dari atau ke luar negeri;
c. transaksi perdagangan internasional;
d. simpanan di Bank dalam bentuk valuta asing; atau
e. transaksi pembiayaan internasional.

Kemudian berlanjut pada pasal 5 Kewajiban penggunaan Rupiah sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) juga tidak berlaku untuk transaksi dalam valuta asing yang dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan Undang-Undang.

Mungkin jika dilakukan pihak ke pihak tanpa pengetahuan lembaga negara itu bisa terjadi, jadi nanti mereka memiliki kesepakatan menerima BTC tapi diakui dalam rupiah.  Tapi nanti tentu dalam pengurusan surat kelengkapan tentu juga harus menggunakan rupiah, seperti yang om jelaskan. Tapi tentu itu menyalahi aturan. IMO

Saya jadi teringat penggunaan mata uang Dirham atau dinar oleh  Zaim Saidi (ZS) dalam sebuah pasar. Beliau sebagai Exchangernya bisa menukarkan rupiah ke Dinar atau Dirham untuk belanja di pasar yang dikelola. Tapi setelah itu malah  Zaim Saidi (ZS) ditangkap karena pelanggaran pasal Pasal 9 UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 tentang Hukum Pidana dan Pasal 33 UU No.7 Tahun 2011 tentang Mata Uang.


Meneruskan pembasan dari om mu_enriko tentang  Panduan untuk Mendapatkan Merit (Sudah Dibuktikan) poin 1 (SIKAP) (


 Ini akan berdampak pada mindset dan ketekunan dalam aktivitas para brand new/anggota lain(di sini saya meng asumsikan di forum)

Sebelum membahas ini ijinkan saya mengutarakan bahwa;

Awal nya saya tidak yakin (bisa adaptasi di forum btt dengan mudah), karna belum merasakan(keaktifan dan kontribusi untuk forum),
Saya sadari Tidak hanya di kehidupan nyata,di forum pun ada orang orang toxic(racun /pengaruh buruk).ikut mengganggu dalam komentar/post nya. Mungkin teman teman jiga selintingan pernah menemui type type orang yang  demikian.

Terimakasih para senior (suhu) yang sudah memberi saya kesempatan/space untuk memperlihatkan kapasitas saya.
Dan bisa mendapat apresiasi(merit),
Saya sengaja post di sini agar sesuai topik.
Saya mengawali karir dari rank (Brand new) Ternyata tidak semua anggota (kemungkinan ada yang sudah fakum)dari warga Btt (sub forum indonesia yang hoby nya ngeluh dan pesimis)itu ada di topik jual beli/marketplace (biasa nya karna obrolan bebas) walau mungkin di board/topik lain ada terjadi demikian, yang menyatakan perihal;

  • Merit itu susah di dapat(tanpa alasan yang logis dan kesan nya menakut nakuti
  • Diskusi di forum itu kesan nya debat fanatic (para rank tinggi) saling menunjukan kefahaman suatu topic
  • Serasa menyudutkan orang kecil(rank bawah) merasa ter intimidasi

  • Merasa susah berkembang karna serasa di skakmath(di jawab dengan detil oleh para anggota).
  • Merasa di kucilkan (para suhu serius berdiskusi mentaati rules dan tidak out of topik)para newbie merasa asing sendiri.

Saya dengan sadar mengikuti forum ini dari post ke 1 sampai saat ini (88 post) kenyataan yang saya rasakan 5 poin di atas itu tidak benar sedikitpun.
Murni saya katakan justru forum adalah sarana yang asyik untuk bertukar;

Opini.trend yang terjadi dan skenario cryptocurency.

  • Pengalaman (aktifitas seputar cryptocurency)
Bincang mitos dan fakta yang terjadi seputar bitcoin dan crypto curency

  • Interaksi bagi para anggota dengan 1 komunitas seluruh dunia
  • Ada banyak bounty setiap hari

    Menurut saya belum terlambat untuk belajar berkarir di forum,Sengaja saya post di sini karna sewaktu saya masih newbie yang saya cari ada lah topik /wadah untuk aktif seputar forum untuk cepat naik rank.
    Dan ada moment saya dapet merit saya membuktikan bahwa dapat merit itu bisa
    Siapa saja,kapan saja,dan di mana saja berhak, bagi yang mau berusaha dan memperbaiki diri (termasuk saya masih terus perlu banyak banget belajar).
    Ngomong ngomong apa yang perlu di perbaiki?

    1.Sikap terhadap diri sendiri(cara pandang yang membangun tentang diskusi)

    2.Sikap terhadap forum(cara pandang kita nyaman makan akan terbiasa)

    3.Sikap terhadap arahan /bukti (fakta) yang para senior alami

    4.Sikap terhadap kepedulian anggota untuk membentuk kita jadi member berkualitas

    5.Sikap seorang penulis /karya ilmiah bertanggung jawab dan menuntaskan(jangan kemakan gengsi karna merasa di nasehati)

    6.Sikap menentukan kesuksesan (bounty hunter/aktivis forum dulu)tidak ada paksaan

    7.Pusatkan fikiran.apa tujuan awal kita masuk dan mengenal cryptocurency? Ingat bahwa semakin banyak ilmu akan semakin mempermudah rejeki.

    8.Kembangkan dalam diri.mental untuk memberi dan menerima(opini dan tanggapan)

    9.Buat kemenangan kecil  yang membuat kita kecanduan aktif di forum,Misal kita berhasil post baik di board other(off topik) untuk membahagiakan diri karna potingan tidak terhapus, itu bisa untuk terapi ruang kosong supaya kita merasa percaya diri

    10.Rasakan kesenangan,bayangkan ini adalah hoby yang di dambakan.dan rasa bahagia dulu banyakin.

    Semoga temen temen yang baru masuk dan berusaha, akan terasa terhibur dengan yang saya alami dan perjuangan yang saya rasakan sendiri.

    Semoga menjadi motivasi dan energi yang baik untuk membangun karir di forum,
    Lebih baik belajar dari 0 dan mendapatkan merit dengan keringat teman teman.saya juga masihbterus belajar bila ada tambahan dari para suhu,saya siap koreksi dan menambahkan,

    Saya tunggu di rank selanjut nya teman teman. ;)

Akhir-akhir ini banyak akun yang terkena red-trust karena mengikuti kampanye. Ini tentu menjadi salah satu kerugian untuk member yang ingin selalu menjaga trust mereka tetap postif atau setidaknya netral. Red-Trust (RT) atau dikenal juga negative trust (Negtrust) terjadi ketika Anda dianggap telah melakukan indikasi penipuan atau aktivitas forum yang tidak wajar.

Ngomong-ngomong, kalau mungkin saya kelewatan untuk ngecek, dan ada thread serupa, silakan tinggalkan link di komentar, thread ini akan saya hapus, jika memang ada

Thread ini saya buat untuk saya tujukan kepada member baru yang belum begitu paham dengan negative trust dan bagaimana hal ini terjadi dan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk terhindar dari penilaian negatif tersebut. Ini adalah beberapa aktivitas yang dapat mencegah Anda dari negtrust, mungkin tidak semua hal dapat saya cantumkan di sini, tapi setidaknya ini bisa Anda jadikan acuan.


Apa saja yang dapat menyebabkan Anda terkena red-trust, dan bagaimana cara menghindarinya?

1. Jangan mengikuti kampanye proyek yang diketahui scam
Hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah dengan menghindari proyek yang terindikasi scam. Terlebih lagi jika sudah ada atau ditemukan bukti kalau proyek yang berkampanye tersebut memiliki riwayat pernah melakukan scam terhadap member. Alasan utama mengapa banyak member DT atau top member memberikan negative trust kepada pengikut kampanye adalah peserta kampanye tersebut mendukung proyek scam. Jika di masa depan kembali melakukan scam, maka peserta kampanye telah ikut menjerumuskan pengguna lain ke dalam proyek scam.

2. Jangan curang dalam mengikuti bounty
Jika Anda ikut bounty, jangan bermain curang. Contoh paling utama adalah dengan mengikut sertakan banyak akun untuk satu kampanye. Apa yang Anda lakukan ini salah! Ketika member melaporkan bahwa Anda melakukan tindakan curang tersebut, maka top member akan memberikan negtrust kepada Anda. Mengapa mendapatkan negtrust? Kampanye dibuka untuk orang banyak, akan sangat tidak baik jika keserakahan dalam mengikuti bounty ini diikutsertakan demi memperbanyak stake melalui akun tuyul/alt account/fake account. Yang terburuk adalah, Anda dapat dibanned secara permanen.

3. Pinjam uang jangan kabur
Di Bitcointalk ada banyak layanan pinjaman, bahkan tanpa jaminan. Banyak yang terkena negtrust oleh pemberi pinjaman, karena mereka membayar telat tanpa konfirmasi, hal ini pun dianggap sebagai upaya untuk kabur (meskipun belum tentu niat Anda demikian). Jika Anda telat, etikanya berikan konfirmasi, apa masalahnya sehingga Anda telat membayar. Jangan langsung menghilang begitu saja. Perlu diingat, ketika Anda berhutang dan tidak membayar, bukan hanya pemberi pinjaman yang akan memberikan negtrust, top member Bitcointalk lainnya juga akan memberikan negtrust.

Ada satu kata dari "mbahnya SFI (;u=1051955)" "jaga akunmu, karena akun mu lebih bernilai dari uang yang kamu bawa kabur". Memang benar adanya, Anda sekarang pinjam dan kabur dengan uang senilai 0.01 BTC misalnya. Jika Anda menjaga akun sebaik mungkin, Anda memiliki kesempatan bisa mendapatkan lebih dari 1 BTC di masa yang akan datang, kan tidak sebanding dengan penipuan yang Anda lakukan.

4. Jual-Beli akun
Jual beli akun memang tidak ada larangan yang disebutkan dalam peraturan forum secara umum. Tetapi, ketika kepemilikan akun berpindah, bukan tidak mungkin top member mencurigai pembeli akun akan melakukan hal yang tidak diinginkan (seperti penipuan). Dari sinilah mengapa yang membeli akun sering mendapatkan negtrust.

5. Menipu member
Tindakan penipuan, bahkan hanya sebatas indikasi akan mendapatkan negtrust. Penipuan ini tidak hanya berkaitan dengan pinjam uang dan kabur, tetapi hal lain seperti membuat token yang ga jelas kegunaannya untuk apa, ini bisa mendapatkan negtrust. Diketahui menggunakan portfolio orang lain untuk diterima dikampanye dan sebagainya juga dapat membuat Anda dianggap sebagai penipu dan berpotensi mendapatkan Negtrust

Yang terakhir adalah, apakah negative trust bisa dihilangkan? Jawabannya adalah bisa, selama bukan tindakan yang fatal negtrust dapat dihilangkan. Tetapi, yang dapat melakukannya hanya orang yang telah memberikan negtrust. Jika pemberi negtrust tidak dapat menerima permintaan Anda, maka jangan memaksa. Karena bisa jadi Anda akan mendapatkan tambahan negtrust dari member tersebut.

Semoga thread ini dapat membuat Anda lebih berhati-hati dalam berforum.

Semoga sukses dengan perjalanan Anda di forum ini.

Om husna apa sudah update firmware? Kalau udah update berarti defaultnya bakal pake address yang support schnorr kah? Kalau ga ada rencana buat pake schnorr dalam jangka waktu dekat berarti ga perlu buru" update kan ya? Soalnya kadang ada bug yang baru ketahuan setelah beberapa hari/minggu user pake, jadi agak ragu buat update firmware.
Untuk firmware Nano X terakhir kali saya update versi 2.0.0 (yang sudah support BIP-0340 Schnorr signatures) pada Oktober lalu: (

Kemudian baru mencoba test transaksi menggunakan Bitcoin testnet menggunakan taproot address setelah rilis Ledger live versi 2.35:
Transaksi berhasil.

Ada satu isu perihal fitur "Send Max" ( tapi masih bisa diatasi dengan menginput nominal asetnya secara manual.
Isu lain: terjadi pada wallet Sparrow, namun nampaknya sudah fixed: (

Untuk default address yang saya gunakan saat ini masih tipe Segwit dengan pertimbangan untuk keperluan transaksi transfer ke exchange.

Sedikit catatan bagi teman-teman yang ingin mencoba merasakan bertransaksi menggunakan address taproot ini, perhatikan wallet yang digunakan maupun wallet yang dituju apakah memang sudah support tipe address tersebut atau belum. Untuk hardware wallet, bisa dicek antara lain disini: (

Updated  04 Desember 2021

Update 03/12/2021:

The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
Link:  BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard (!/vizhome/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/GlobalSummary).  

Updated the Merit Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data:

Total sMerit: 1.050.836
Total TXs:       569.882
From Users:     23.962
To Users:         41.793
minDate:        2018-01-24 22:12:21
maxDate:       2021-11-26 02:45:42

Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (15/11/2021 .. 21/11/2021) is 5.365, which is down 1,83% from the previous week.

Top 2000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Earned Merit
Defaut Trust
Legendary (
ETFbitcoin (;u=359716)
2381 (
Legendary (
abhiseshakana (;u=1878246)
2013 (

Top 1000+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Earned Merit
Defaut Trust
Legendary (
Husna QA (;u=1827294)
1674 (
Legendary (
mu_enrico (;u=1574226)
1647 (
Legendary (
roycilik (;u=1051955)
1647 (
Legendary (
joniboini (;u=1275282)
1544 (
Legendary (
masulum (;u=1283017)
1304 (
Legendary (
DroomieChikito (;u=938833)
1304 (
Legendary (
ryzaadit (;u=961598)
1003 (

Top 500+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Earned Merit
Defaut Trust
Hero (
kawetsriyanto (;u=2003707)
856 (
Legendary (
skarais (;u=943729)
806 (
Hero (
blue Snow (;u=2772969)
515 (
Legendary (
ShowOff (;u=537721)
514 (
Hero (
Rengga Jati (;u=1276008)
503 (

Top 100+ Earned Merit User Indonesia

Earned Merit
Defaut Trust
Hero (
vv181 (;u=327124)
450 (
Mod/Legendary (
dbshck (;u=153634)
409 (
Senior (
MAAManda (;u=2747752)
322 (
Senior (
Luzin (;u=2813627)
260 (
Legendary (
Bitinity (;u=449846)
238 (
Legendary (
panjul07 (;u=396591)
230 (
Mod/Legendary (
sapta (;u=347141)
202 (

- Congrat to Senior member, Luzin. (begitu mudahnya naik rank di sini. kalau ada yang masih ngeluh susah dapat merit dan naik rank, mending ke laut aja)
- DT1 Indonesia banyak berkurang untuk bulan ini.

1. Merit dashboard (!/vizhome/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/GlobalSummary)
2. (
4. Log DT1 (

Sepemahaman saya, ini akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata uang, karena pengetatan kebijakan moneter US, yang secara otomatis Dollar bakal susah untuk keluar dari negara mereka, dan para pelaku pasar kemungkinan besar bakal ramai2 keluar dari IDR yang mereka miliki, untuk kemudian hodl Dollar, jika pelaku pasar non US tidak tertarik pada IDR maka ini akan menjadi tekanan besar bagi Rupiah dan IDR bisa jeblok sampai diatas 15.000 Rupiah, ini bisa menyebabkan Inflasi. Ini hanya salah satu faktor terbesar, masih banyak faktor lain  seperti yang dibahas oleh teman2 sebelumnya diatas saya.

Akan berbeda ceritanya bagi Bitcoin dan pasar Kripto secara umum, idealnya justru akan kebanjiran FIAT, jika Fiat banyak yang masuk ke pasar Kripto, maka akan terjadi pergerakan harga yang positif. Seperti yang kita lihat diperiode agustus ini, pergerakan pasar Bitcoin cukup signifikan. Tinggal kita lihat ini bakal berlanjut sampai kapan.

oh iya, berikut saya lampirkan berita yang saya baca hari jum'at 27 Agustus 2021;
-RI Masuk Daftar 10 Negara 'Terparah' Bila Dihantam Tapering (
-Pelaku Pasar Mulai Borong Rupiah, tapi kok Kursnya Melemah? ( (
(Sumber : )

Jujur saya tidak terlalu khawatir tentang hal ini, bukan berarti saya tidak cinta dengan Indonesia, tetapi saya berfikir ini bukan ranah saya, terlalu besar dan saya percaya bahwa negara sudah memikirkan juga menyiapkan SDA untuk mmengurusi masalah moneter seperti ini. Kecintaan saya terhadap negara saya tunjukan dengan tidak memberikan kepanikan. Untuk itu tetap fokus pada pasar Bitcoin dan kripto lain daripada FIAT, dan saya percaya pasar Bitcoin dan kripto masih memberikan harapan cerah dan keuntungan yang maksimal.

Akhir akhir ini berita mengenai Bitcoin mulai kembali ramai di jagat Indonesia karena menarik banyak spekulan termasuk yang saat ini muncul di beberapa cuplikan Video dari Fatwa MUI. Sebagai seorang muslim, ane tidak munafik mengenai hukum terkadang ane gak terlalu memperhatikan hukum haram dan halal.

Judul sebelumnya sangat bombastis (MUI mengharamkan crypto), sekarang saya balik;

MUI Halalkan Cryptocurrency Sebagai Komoditi yang Sah untuk Diperjualbelikan (

"Cryptocurrency sebagai komoditi/aset yang memenuhi syarat sebagai sil'ah dan memiliki underlying serta memiliki manfaat yang jelas sah untuk diperjualbelikan," ujarnya.

Tentu ini berita yang mengembirakan bahwa MUI sebagai Lembaga [1] yang sejalan dengan Pemerintah. Di Indonesia dari zaman kemerdekanan (1946) menggunakan ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) hingga berubah jadi Rupiah sebagai mata uang dan merupakan alat tukar resmi, selain dari pada itu tidak boleh (termasuk emas dan kripto), jadi tidak ada yang perlu diperdebatkan lagi karena ini sudah mutlak sejak zaman dahulu.

Kembali ke topic, bagaimana sejauh ini menurut pandangan agan-agan, atau mungkin dari agan yang dapat memberikan komentar seputar berita di negara kita karena Bitcoin menarik banyak pihak, bahkan pemerintah pun begitu serius menaggapi ini. Meskipun sudah resmi sebagai salah satu aset investasi yang disamakkan dengan saham, emas dan lain lain. Sebagai pengguna crypto terutama Bitcoin, rasanya ane tertarik untuk mengobrol. Agan tidak perlu sungkan jika tidak memiliki argumen hanya karena hukum agama harus berdasarkan dalil dan hadist. Kalaupun tidak memilikinya, agan hanya perlu mengutarakan pendapat pun sudah sangat ane hargai sebagai bentuk kepedulian komunitas cryptocurrency di Indonesia.  :D
Kita sudah punya pemimpin dan ulama yang harus diikuti, itu sejalan dengan hukum yang sampeyan sebutkan di atas, itu juga sebagaimana sampeyan menyikapinya, ada kalanya orang tidak percaya dan membangkang atas keputusan tersebut dan ada juga yang manut wae.

Berinvestasi dalam Islam itu Muamalah artinya dianjurkan dan menguntungkan semua pihak, serta melarang manusia untuk mencari dan mendapatkan rezeki melalui spekulasi dengan berbagai cara lainnya yang sifatnya merugikan orang lain [2].

Apakah bitcoin itu spekulasi dan merugikan?,
Kita tidak berspekulasi di sini, karena kita bisa melihat fundamental dan teknis dari bitcoin, Kemaren adalah new ATH, kalau sebelumnya ngaku rugi itu bohong, apa lagi banyak yang bilang rugi di tahun 2017 karena nyangkut. tentu sekarang tidak rugi lagi, malah untung sekian persen.

Tidak ada yang rugi karena bitcoin kecuali orang yang tidak sabar.

[2]. Mashuri, Faktor-faktor investasi dalam pandangan Islam, Jurnal (

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Poker Player on December 06, 2021, 07:51:41 AM
Hi. Can't really say that I support your application because I don't understand Indonesian and I don't think that using online translators is the right way to do it because you always lose something.

I also wonder how Theymos will do it in this case, because I guess he won't know Indonesian.

In any case, if a lot of people have suggested it to you, I guess you have a chance.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: _BlackStar on December 06, 2021, 08:18:40 AM
I think you need more time and effort to get a lot of support from other established users here especially from those who are now a source of merit. Your rank may not really matter in this case because I think admin just wants to see your merit transaction history before making you a merit source.

Sorry about this but so far none of your local users support your app and I don't think you should bother doing it just to help them. But hopefully your contribution is really useful for them, so I think some people need to support your efforts on this one. I have 2 merit for your application, somehow it might help you get another 1 sMerit for you to use on your local board.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: ABCbits on December 06, 2021, 08:53:24 AM
IMO you chose some good posts, although few of them either receive decent amount of merit or only average. I think you're decent enough to be merit source on Indonesian board, so i support your application.

Sorry about this but so far none of your local users support your app and I don't think you should bother doing it just to help them.

Can you be patient? Not all local users regularly check this board or online everyday.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Rikafip on December 06, 2021, 10:18:24 AM
Looking at Indonesian post activity and amount of merit shared, there is definitely room for improvement, merit/post wise. ~Year and a half ago ( Indonesian board used to have one of the highest merit/post ratios among all locals, and now is among ( those with lower ratio, albeit it has been increasing in the last few months.

Whether that sharp drop was caused by reduced post quality I don't know, but somehow I doubt that. Maybe to some extent, but most likely one of the causes is merit sources going afk, or just not beign as active as before.

Either way, good luck with your application buddy.

I also wonder how Theymos will do it in this case, because I guess he won't know Indonesian.
I guess the same way he promoted bunch of other local board merit sources. It's not like this is a first local board merit source application ever.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: skarais on December 06, 2021, 03:37:41 PM
Hi. Can't really say that I support your application because I don't understand Indonesian and I don't think that using online translators is the right way to do it because you always lose something.
That's okay, I understand and I will not force anyone to support my application. But if you believe enough in how I spend merit on quality posts by our Local users, then feel free to support me.  ;)

I also wonder how Theymos will do it in this case, because I guess he won't know Indonesian.
It should be that language limitations by other merit sources could open up more opportunities for me to apply, and so far I think local users are the best choice to become a merit source on certain Local Board. I mean, the source of merit for Local Board Bahasa Indonesia should be users from Indonesia or those who understand Indonesian well and the same goes for other Local Board.

I think you need more time and effort to get a lot of support from other established users here especially from those who are now a source of merit.
I realize I'm not the best user on my Local Board, but as I said above that I have the initiative to help those in need, so I'm considering submitting this application. But I will never feel guilty when not many people want to support because this is the decision of each individual user. So let them decide for themselves. By the way, thank you for your support.

IMO you chose some good posts, although few of them either receive decent amount of merit or only average. I think you're decent enough to be merit.
That's right, I tried to get some posts which I think are still not enough to get merit although over time the number can still increase, and the 10 posts above in my opinion deserve merit from me. Also, I'm glad you support this app.

Whether that sharp drop was caused by reduced post quality I don't know, but somehow I doubt that. Maybe to some extent, but most likely one of the causes is merit sources going afk, or just not beign as active as before.
Merit activity from users who were previously quite active makes quality posts slightly decrease and some of our Local Board merit source also become less active (one of which has been inactive for a long time) so this affect the number of merit distributed in the Local Board. Regeneration might be able to increase the number of merit distribution every month especially when we have enough users who also care about post quality but don't get enough merit. So it's possible for me to think about fixing this situation if my application is accepted by theymos.

Either way, good luck with your application buddy.
Thanks mate, I still have hope to get it.  :D

The following is a history of merit transaction (sender and recipient) of the Local Board Bahasa Indonesia since the merit system was introduced until now.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: macson on December 06, 2021, 05:49:28 PM
just support your application...hope it can help you a little bit.  (out of topic, i've been on vacation to Bali and Lombok several times, a beautiful island.  hopefully, one day when this pandemic is over i can vacation there again)

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Daniel91 on December 06, 2021, 08:54:49 PM
Skarais, I don't know you personally, but I have often read your posts and followed your activities and I consider you a quality member with a good reputation.
I know from personal experience that many members of this forum, who don't speak good English and can't write in the English part of the forum, find it difficult to get merits and progress on this forum because other members can't understand their language.
That was exactly the reason why I personally applied for merit source a few years ago, and also the reason why I support you to become merit source.
I had the desire to help the Croatian members of this forum, who rarely write in English, and reward their quality posts with merits, and I believe that you will support the members of your local community in the same way and therefore you have my full support.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 06, 2021, 09:56:25 PM
Skarais has been a member of the forum for over 4 years now, has a decent reputation, and I have no doubt he knows what a merit-worthy post is.  I've long thought that we need more merit sources in the local boards, and since the Indonesian one is (or was) a very active one I think Theymos really ought to give him a shot--so I support his application.

Sorry about this but so far none of your local users support your app and I don't think you should bother doing it just to help them.
Uh....this thread is just about one day old, so as ETFbitcoin has suggested, be patient.  I'd also point out that Skarais's OP got a lot of merits so far, so you could count those as support without members actually writing posts in support of his application.  And why shouldn't he bother to help his fellow Indonesians out?  I think there's a merit source who's gone missing in that section (though I could be thinking of another one), and if that's the case that merit source needs to be replaced IMO.

Good luck, Skarais.  I don't see any problem at all with your application; the only hindrance I see is Theymos's decision as to whether he wants to increase the number of merit sources right now.  He made some new ones not too long ago, and I don't know whether he's going to tap any new members to be sources for now.  Hopefully he will, because as I said I think your local board needs at least one.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: kawetsriyanto on December 06, 2021, 11:12:48 PM
I support this application. Since some Indonesian Merit Sources are no longer active, we need new active Merit Sources. Skarais is one of the Indonesian members who regularly supports all Indonesian members to raise their merits and rank up to a higher level. I think he deserves to give the chance to be a Merit Source in the Indonesian local board.

I also wonder how Theymos will do it in this case, because I guess he won't know Indonesian.
I believe Theymos can understand it. And Theymos will decide it not only based on the post quality proposed above, but he will see how urgent the need for a Merit Source on the Indonesian local board is.

Sorry about this but so far none of your local users support your app
Check again!
There are already some Indonesian members supporting this application. No need to hurry, I believe there is still a lot of time before Theymos decides it.  ;)

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: noorman0 on December 07, 2021, 04:51:42 AM

Whether that sharp drop was caused by reduced post quality I don't know, but somehow I doubt that. Maybe to some extent, but most likely one of the causes is merit sources going afk, or just not beign as active as before.

My assumption is that the statistics were generated thanks to the contribution of one of our moderators (dbshck). I just remembered that he was one of the most generous users ( a while ago. Right now for some reason he no longer maintained his achievement. Maybe he's busy outside.

I will also support this application, I hope that there will be a new merit source can help achieve as one of the most merited subforums again.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Rikafip on December 07, 2021, 06:37:41 AM
The following is a history of merit transaction (sender and recipient) of the Local Board Bahasa Indonesia
When it comes to amount of people that are part of Indonesian "merit circle (merit/senders receiver) Indonesian board numbers are quite bigger than of the other local boards with the similar amount of merit shared (Portuguese, French, Arabic) and on par with some other boards with much bigger amount of shared, so that may be another indication that there is an actual need for more merits shared. Just to add that when it comes to merit senders/receivers, October 2021 wasn't an exception as this has been going on for some time now.

My assumption is that the statistics were generated thanks to the contribution of one of our moderators (dbshck). I just remembered that he was one of the most generous users ( a while ago. Right now for some reason he no longer maintained his achievement. Maybe he's busy outside.
It's perfectly normal for people to make a break from forum every once in a while. I've been active on various forums since the late 90s/early 00s and every couple of years I had a break as simple after some time you get fed up, or simply RL becomes too hectic. The only "problem" here is if you are merit source as that can affect whole board, like in this case happened with Indonesian (and many others) so every once in a while it's not a bad idea to promote couple of new merit sources.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: GeorgeJohn on December 07, 2021, 06:58:29 AM
Sorry about this but so far none of your local users support your app and I don't think you should bother doing it just to help them.
skarais is a reputable member of the forum which is quite understood, so provided that he have the interest of his people in mind he doesn't need support from them to become a Merit source via his local board, what we should consider and also emphasise on should be the development of his local board. I personally support a welcomed development that is reasonable and acknowledgeable, so therefore i support his application as The Pharmacist portray or rendered his support too.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: skarais on December 07, 2021, 03:35:39 PM
I'm happy with your support at this time and I think I deserve to thank you all.
Since I created this thread, I have received quite a number of merit as a form of your support, whether you state it directly in the thread or indirectly (only support merit). I really appreciate whatever your best advice and kind words about me, this will make me even more excited to help the community.

As a tangible manifestation of my initiative to help the Local Board community, I have submitted every post I submitted above for 1 merit yesterday. For now I still have some smerit to share, but I need to find a good post to do so. To be honest, I still need a lot of support for this app, so I just want to be patient for that.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: ShowOff on December 07, 2021, 04:01:39 PM
skarais, I support for your merit application and thank you for being part of the users who have contributed positively to our local board so far. Good luck mate, I think it's time for our local board to have additional merit source besides us having Husna QA and ETFbitcoin.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Mukmin on December 07, 2021, 09:41:15 PM
 I support for your merit application.
You have a good reputation.
made many members of the Indonesian sub-forum more qualified in discussions.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: tranthidung on December 08, 2021, 02:49:18 PM
I know you for long on this forum but did not know you are from Indonesia.

Your local community is one of most active local ones on the forum and if I am not mistakenly recall, there are a few great members from your local such as joniboni, Husna QA. I know them because they are in or used to be in Chip Mixer campaign.

Kudo, I support your merit source application.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: vv181 on December 08, 2021, 06:06:38 PM
1. [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] (
One thing that I see regarding Skarais initiatives thread is his intent to make and help Indonesian local board users strive to be better.

The thread is initiated by a former Indonesia member but as of now, it is continued by Skarais. In short, the thread is a place where every Indonesian member is able to publish their post to be examined whether it is a merit-worthy post or not. Furthermore, it is a place where post reviewing taking a place, every member are able to give suggestions or an opinion objectively regarding the reviewed posts. Which I think it implicitly makes every member is able to self-reflect and learn from others regarding their post quality even if the reviewed post isn't directly pointed to them.

With that, I think Skarais deserved enough to have a chance as a merit source.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: skarais on December 09, 2021, 07:00:56 PM
I know you for long on this forum but did not know you are from Indonesia.
If that's true, then you really haven't checked my profile that long. Every first page of my post history then you will surely find that I have posts on Indonesian board.  :D

Your local community is one of most active local ones on the forum and if I am not mistakenly recall, there are a few great members from your local such as joniboni, Husna QA. I know them because they are in or used to be in Chip Mixer campaign.

Kudo, I support your merit source application.
It is true that my Local Board has some great users, they have contributed a lot to the community through quality posts as well as distribution of merit. Some of these were previous merit source, but in the past 2 years it seem that everything has changed and the reward sharing activity has decreased very sharply. This is the reason I applied to be a merit source because I wanted to improve it for the better.

I'm very happy to see some of my Local Board users and other users support this merit source app, hope it can be something to consider.

Here is my merit transaction history for Local Board Indonesia. I'm really struggling to get 2 merit so I can post 1 smerit there on posts that I consider quality. Overall, I've spent 317+ smerit just on the Indonesian Local Board. That means, I have to get 634 merit on my post for my contribution to the Indonesian Local Board because im not merit source.

Thanks mate for the support.  ;)

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Husna QA on December 10, 2021, 01:09:35 AM
I know you for long on this forum but did not know you are from Indonesia.
If that's true, then you really haven't checked my profile that long. Every first page of my post history then you will surely find that I have posts on Indonesian board.  :D
Based on data from (, to date, a total of 43% of your posts are on the Indonesian Board.

1. [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] (
Although it is a continuation of the first thread previously created by Pandukelana2712:
[HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Jr. Member s.d Hero)[UPDATE] (,
I see you are actively helping new users, either with motivation or giving merit.

I support your application to encourage other users to produce better posts, especially on the Indonesian board.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: Findingnemo on December 10, 2021, 09:20:13 AM
Indonesian board is one of the very active local board of I am not wrong which I noticed from some of the statistical based threads but personally I don't understand the bahasa (language) but I have/had a lot of friends from that country who were working with me in my past so I just know few words but don't understand it properly.

Still I will support it if its really needed, and already lot of others shown their support so hopefully theymos will have a look at it and decide what will be the best.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: mamesso on December 10, 2021, 04:27:03 PM
sent 427 merit 389 times to 107 profile dan menduduki 281st user ranking in terms of sending merit be proof of @skarais very good achievement. The Skarais initiative created a thread [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] ( is proof of Skarais concern to help local Indonesian users earn merit from quality posts on local thread.

As one of Indonesian local users, I strongly support Skarais being a Merit Source. During ± 4 year joining the forum, Skarais reputation was quite good. Currently he is one of the most active Indonesian local users in sending Merit to other users, of course on a quality post.

The reasons I support skarais being a Merit Source:
  • Sent 427 merit 389 times, to 107 profile. 70% sent via local indonesian board.
  • Skarais is quite active in helping new users in terms of experience, understanding forum and services (Merit).
  • Language limitations by other Merit Sources so skarais deserve a chance.
  • Indonesian local councils need additional Merit Sources to increase the number of merit distributions on quality posts on Indonesian local boards.

I hope the skarais application can be accepted Theymos, Currently the Indonesian local council is in dire need of additional active Merit Source.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: _BlackStar on December 10, 2021, 07:47:15 PM
Sorry I just answered you today about my previous comment. I just meant to invite their local users to support this app because I think that's what the OP is hoping for. I don't know who the real OP is, but so far I've send it merit several times on decent posts.

I have expressed support for the OP's merit application as well as when Charles-Tim submitted his application. I will only support anyone who cares about this community regardless of where they come from. As long as the contribution is good for the bitcointalk community then I will be willing to support it. Today I've seen some local users support this merit app, good luck to the OP.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: GeorgeJohn on December 13, 2021, 07:36:55 AM
Sorry I just answered you today about my previous comment. I just meant to invite their local users to support this app because I think that's what the OP is hoping for. I don't know who the real OP is, but so far I've send it merit several times on decent posts.

I have expressed support for the OP's merit application as well as when Charles-Tim submitted his application. I will only support anyone who cares about this community regardless of where they come from. As long as the contribution is good for the bitcointalk community then I will be willing to support it. Today I've seen some local users support this merit app, good luck to the OP.
Is very obvious that their is no way his local community won't support is objectives, because for he to become a Merit source for his local board, it's the community people will be of benefit mostly, so from the onset i knew that his people will definitely come out massively to support his proposal, many people is looking for a way for their community image to come out in cryptocurrency industry, myself I'm not from there but i gave him my support.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: skarais on December 13, 2021, 11:50:48 AM
I have relatively little support from my Local Board community compared to my non-Local community but that's not a big deal in my opinion as each user can decide for himself what is good and what is not. This application is just my initiative to contribute more to the community, both local and non-Local even though the title says specifically for the Indonesian Local Board, so this is not a fame race from my side. If this application is never accepted then I only hope that I can still contribute to community as usual without any change.

To everyone who support, I just hope your support can help me get a chance to be a merit source in this community. But I just want to know if if I'm not on anyone's trust list so far then my chance are much less than others? What I mean is that I have never been a DT and have not been trusted by anyone DT1.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: DdmrDdmr on December 13, 2021, 12:07:25 PM
<…> But I just want to know if if I'm not on anyone's trust list so far then my chance are much less than others? What I mean is that I have never been a DT and have not been trusted by anyone DT1.
That should be irrelevant, and even a separate matter altogether. One thing is your ability to judge the content of a post, and another totally different one is whether people trust your criteria leaving Trust feedback. A different matter would be if you had negative Trust feedback yourself. Despite Trust ratings being commerce related (in principle), it does affect one’s reputations, and I figure would bear some weight on the decision.

Title: Re: Merit Source Aplication for Local Board Indonesia- skarais
Post by: skarais on December 16, 2021, 02:19:40 AM
That should be irrelevant, and even a separate matter altogether.
You are right DdmrDdmr, and you are the second person to say the same thing about the lack of relevance between the opportunity to be a source of achievement and my involvement at DT. I recognized it as something different even though someone had previously told me.

Currently I have several other posts that will be submitted in this thread, but it seems the number is still under 5 posts. So have to wait a while to reapply.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on January 17, 2022, 07:36:02 PM
Bump, I'd like to hear if there are other possibilities and support for this app. So far I have successfully distributed nearly 500 merit since the merit system was introduced. I don't know if I could do more as the amount of merit I get fluctuates greatly every month depending on the quality of the posts and who wants to help me with the merit.

The following is the history of the merit that I have shared, hopefully it can be taken into consideration.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Shamm on January 19, 2022, 01:23:50 PM
Bump, I'd like to hear if there are other possibilities and support for this app. So far I have successfully distributed nearly 500 merits since the merit system was introduced. I don't know if I could do more as the amount of merit I get fluctuates greatly every month depending on the quality of the posts and who wants to help me with the merit.

The following is the history of the merit that I have shared, hopefully, it can be taken into consideration.

I support this application because I do believe that the applicant is eligible to be a merit source, first, he did many things here in the forum he is a good contributor, he always helps those people who are in the stage of learning and in terms of giving merits he spend his own sMerits to a quality posts/reply.
And if we talk about reputation I think he is already qualified cause this user doing great in this community.

Good luck buddy hope you will be accepted.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: MainIbem on January 19, 2022, 05:33:50 PM
I have been off the forum for a while. Almost 3 years has passed. Then the issue of merit was fresh and many have yet to get the full understanding. I loved the introduction of the merit because it some what put sanity into the forum.

However, I have observed that merit now play a significant roll for anyone who want to join a good paying signature campaign. Therefore acquiring merits can take a new dimension.

Again, climbing up the rank is very important. And you definitely need merit points to move from one rank to the other.

The forum does not give a criteria for what constitute a quality post worthy of a merit. So a more liberal board can be having more merits than others. And for a local boards, there can be better expression of ideas and taught than one who is struggling with English.

At the moment I am just speeding to catch up with the forum again.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: _BlackStar on January 19, 2022, 08:02:35 PM
I have been off the forum for a while. Almost 3 years has passed. Then the issue of merit was fresh and many have yet to get the full understanding. I loved the introduction of the merit because it some what put sanity into the forum.

However, I have observed that merit now play a significant roll for anyone who want to join a good paying signature campaign. Therefore acquiring merits can take a new dimension.

Again, climbing up the rank is very important. And you definitely need merit points to move from one rank to the other.

The forum does not give a criteria for what constitute a quality post worthy of a merit. So a more liberal board can be having more merits than others. And for a local boards, there can be better expression of ideas and taught than one who is struggling with English.

At the moment I am just speeding to catch up with the forum again.
Welcome back to the forum. As a old member, I think you already know a lot about the merit system since you stopped being active in October 2020 [more than 2 years since the merit system was introduced]. You've also received and sent merit during that time and you definitely know how this system works.

The merit system is not moderated where you can send  and earn on any post, but of course when you spend it on unqualified posts, people may accuse you of abusing the merit system. Quality posts depend on how you rate other users' posts based on your interpretation of whether you want to do it objectively or subjectively.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 19, 2022, 08:24:37 PM
Again, I support skarais's application here, and I CC'ed Theymos on a response to a recent PM by skarais (hope you don't mind, but I thought it might do some good and at least wouldn't do any harm).

What's the harm of adding one more merit source, and especially one who's active on the Indonesian board?  There are probably merit sources out there who've lost their zeal for the job, ones who aren't active on any of the local boards, and some who've quit.  Why not just give skarais a chance here?  Obviously he wants to help members rank up and would probably do a damn good job as a merit source.

C'mon Theymos.  Give the guy a shot.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: MainIbem on January 20, 2022, 07:59:18 AM

What's the harm of adding one more merit source, and especially one who's active on the Indonesian board?  There are probably merit sources out there who've lost their zeal for the job, ones who aren't active on any of the local boards, and some who've quit.  Why not just give skarais a chance here?  Obviously he wants to help members rank up and would probably do a damn good job as a merit source.

C'mon Theymos.  Give the guy a shot.
As Theymos pleases!

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on January 20, 2022, 08:08:52 AM
Again, I support skarais's application here, and I CC'ed Theymos on a response to a recent PM by skarais (hope you don't mind, but I thought it might do some good and at least wouldn't do any harm).
Thank you The Pharmacist for your support, I'm glad to hear that. Of course there's no harm in it and just hope it's useful too.  ;)

So far I have managed to get the attention of one of the merit source (Ratimov) to help Local Board users gain merit and have a chance to rank up the rank, especially he is willing to give merit to anyone who asks for a review in the thread I created. He's helpful, I'm happy to be able to take him to the Local Board and get him to contribute there, but I find it much better if we can have 1 additional merit resource from one of the Local users as well. They should however consider everything including how I distribute merit at the moment, and if he wants to add then I'm sure not only 1 but several other applications will also be considered.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: aysg76 on January 20, 2022, 11:07:37 AM
Again, I support skarais's application here, and I CC'ed Theymos on a response to a recent PM by skarais (hope you don't mind, but I thought it might do some good and at least wouldn't do any harm).

What's the harm of adding one more merit source, and especially one who's active on the Indonesian board?  There are probably merit sources out there who've lost their zeal for the job, ones who aren't active on any of the local boards, and some who've quit.  Why not just give skarais a chance here?  Obviously he wants to help members rank up and would probably do a damn good job as a merit source.

C'mon Theymos.  Give the guy a shot.
I have also seen skarais as good and effective contributor to the forum and have given good amount of merits to the users so i also support his merit source application for the Indonesian board.Personally I don't know what are the circumstances in the local board but to the extent i know from the discussion there is need for one source to help members grow on the forum.The fact is he will not help anyone directly but will give merits to those who deserves them as local boards lack in merit generation in comparison to overall forum boards.

So you are right that theymos could give him a chance and it won't harm anyone but on the contrary there could be some Indonesia local board members growing on bitcointalk.

So far I have managed to get the attention of one of the merit source (Ratimov) to help Local Board users gain merit and have a chance to rank up the rank, especially he is willing to give merit to anyone who asks for a review in the thread I created. He's helpful, I'm happy to be able to take him to the Local Board and get him to contribute there, but I find it much better if we can have 1 additional merit resource from one of the Local users as well. They should however consider everything including how I distribute merit at the moment, and if he wants to add then I'm sure not only 1 but several other applications will also be considered.
That's good that as we grow on forum it's our responsibility to help the other deserving members also rank up which is possible with smerits.Ratimov has helped lot of members to rank up with his own threads and by simply giving out merits to some others i directly and indirectly.

Hope you will soon get response from theymos and once again i also support your application.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on January 20, 2022, 12:48:09 PM
That's good that as we grow on forum it's our responsibility to help the other deserving members also rank up which is possible with smerits.Ratimov has helped lot of members to rank up with his own threads and by simply giving out merits to some others i directly and indirectly.

Hope you will soon get response from theymos and once again i also support your application.
Of course, I just hope to get this opportunity from admin and theymos will consider all your support for my application.

It might be strange to request that applications only be a merit source in Local Boards because ETFbitcoin and Husna QA are still quite active in distributing merit in Local Board where they are ranked first and second as the most active merit senders in the past year starting on January 1, 2021 until now . I'm only ranked third based on the data in the merit dashboard because the number of sMerit I have is not comparable to that of the merit source.

Since the merit system was introduced I have distributed 75% of my total sMerit on Local Board, the other 25% are also distributed on some other boards like meta, B&H, economy and some other boards. So maybe I will not only help on Local Boards but can also help anyone on other boards when it's really valuable.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: aysg76 on January 21, 2022, 10:35:33 AM
Since the merit system was introduced I have distributed 75% of my total sMerit on Local Board, the other 25% are also distributed on some other boards like meta, B&H, economy and some other boards. So maybe I will not only help on Local Boards but can also help anyone on other boards when it's really valuable.
The main point is helping out small members but only to those who deserves it means making quality posts and making forum a better place to have healthy and useful discussion.I am also giving out merits but not at faster pace but will try to improve as hoarding smerits with ourselves have no point and you distributing merits in local board is absolutely fine as they also need recognition from High rank members like you.

You might get response soon and good news to be appointed as new merit source along with the others.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Falconer on January 27, 2022, 08:34:32 AM
I came to support your application after I got proof of your contribution on the local board. Some people have previously lost interest in distributing multiple merit to local board each month, but you have struggled with other merit source to keep local distribution of merit enhanced and maintained. I express support and help you with some of the smerit I have, wish you good luck.

I see this application getting a lot of support from both merit source and non-merit source. Hopefully theymos can consider your application sooner or later. I am trying to get some data about merit distribution which you updated last year in local board, there are around 2442 merit distributed by merit source and non-merit source in local board in 2021. Hopefully after theymos receive your application the number of merit distributed in local board will increase to reach 3000-5000 or more as Indonesian local board still have an active user base above 750 in 2021.

Re: [CHART] Tampilan Bulanan Aktivitas Lokal Board Bahasa Indonesia (

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Coyster on January 27, 2022, 09:08:50 PM
I see this application getting a lot of support from both merit source and non-merit source. Hopefully theymos can consider your application sooner or later.
Of course, it's getting the support it deserves, the forum usually offers their support for such applications when the user is capable and well deserving of the position, just as is the case here. Hopefully Theymos will respond, it may not come too soon as we already know, but it's never too late, there are a lot of good applications in the pipeline waiting for response from the 'boss', and I believe they will all be considered, I wish Skarais all the best, so he can support good forum users from his local board and other sections of the forum as well.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on February 16, 2022, 08:48:56 AM

I still hope to have the opportunity to be a merit source. Although currently no other users are added or subtracted from the total merit source (111 users) but I still want to wait.

The increase in the distribution of merit on the Indonesian Local Board has already begun. This is a great success that I could have hoped for earlier. Some users are quite active and some are starting to improve the quality of their posts, this is a good reason to expect additional merit source.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Bitcoin SV on February 16, 2022, 09:34:57 AM
Hello skarais. You are not on my blacklist ( I support you, because I didn't see anything wrong with you. Indonesia is a nice locale board with good perspectives

Ultimate list of trolls, scammers & trust abusers. Updated: 07.02.2022

gmaxwell, Foxpup, malevolent, qwk, Hueristic, DooMAD, Timelord2067, NeuroticFish, babo, LFC_Bitcoin, Lauda, DaveF, mindrust, nutildah, yogg, bL4nkcode, ETFbitcoin, Hhampuz, franckuestein, bones261, P_Shep, El duderino_, bitcoinPsycho, bob123, CryptopreneurBrainboss, HairyMaclairy, mikeywith, DireWolfM14, xtraelv, Iamtutut, dragonvslinux, SiNeReiNZzz, Cryptotourist, levyashin, mosprognoz, blurryeyed, SooEz4Me, GeoRW, shinohai

gmaxwell, Foxpup, Vod, malevolent, Balthazar, qwk, Hueristic, DooMAD, JayJuanGee, Timelord2067, owlcatz, LFC_Bitcoin, Lauda, DaveF, xandry, gentlemand, BitcoinFX, examplens, mindrust, robelneo, nutildah, yogg, TheNewAnon135246, johhnyUA, Lafu, ETFbitcoin, fortunecrypto, stompix, LeGaulois, TheUltraElite, cryptodevil, TryNinja, BitcoinGirl.Club, marlboroza, bones261, P_Shep, TwitchySeal, JollyGood, El duderino_, Royse777, bitcoinPsycho, bob123, sheenshane, DroomieChikito, TheBeardedBaby, coinlocket$, meanwords, witcher_sense, Thekool1s, IconFirm, psycodad, ChiBitCTy, CryptopreneurBrainboss, TMAN, qwertyup23, Bthd, COOLCRYPTOVATOR, dkbit98, mikeywith, DireWolfM14, 1miau, jamyr, rhomelmabini, lovesmayfamilis, notblox1, xtraelv, logfiles, TalkStar, bubbalex, DiamondCardz, Csmiami, dragonvslinux, AlexSimion, SM23031997, BitPotus, SiNeReiNZzz, Ratimov, CucakRowo, solosequenosenada, ScamViruS, zasad@, Rikafip, MagicByt3, mosprognoz, GazetaBitcoin, NotATether, bullrun2020bro, HBKMusiK, BlackHatCoiner, blurryeyed, CryptoYar, nullius, lighpulsar07, Rizzrack, rifiuti, phreess, shinohai, Bitcoin_bullish, Duncan.Idaho, M-BTC, wizz13150, moug, Nomar, harding, SockyMcSockFace, jimmyhate, bitcoinsvsucks

Foxpup, LFC_Bitcoin, IconFirm, Iamtutut, mosprognoz, blurryeyed, GeoRW

owlcatz, JayJuanGee, NotATether, wizz13150, minifrij, BitPotus, NotATether, Bthd, MagicByt3, Lafu, xtraelv, Timelord2067, Balthazar, TMAN, owlcatz, dragonvslinux, bitcoinPsycho, JollyGood, COOLCRYPTOVATOR, TMAN, marlboroza, TMAN, COOLCRYPTOVATOR, DooMAD, nullius, LFC_Bitcoin, MagicByt3, IconFirm, mindrust, Timelord2067, blurryeyed, dragonvslinux, shinohai, DireWolfM14, franckuestein, boltalka, mosprognoz, LBX, Hueristic, JSRAW, nutildah, Lauda, Last of the V8s, gembitz

TECSHARE, malevolent, Balthazar, Foxpup, Timelord2067, DooMAD, Rizzrack, SiNeReiNZzz, JayJuanGee, DaveF, owlcatz, bones261, IconFirm, blurryeyed, JollyGood, El duderino_, dragonvslinux, sheenshane, o_e_l_e_o, GazetaBitcoin, coinlocket$, Bthd, BlackHatCoiner

I wish you to become an honest meritsourcer who does not use his authorities for its own personal purposes

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: babo on February 16, 2022, 09:40:11 AM
thank you for add me in your blacklist
i'm very honored to get on this list of good people

you reminded me to support the flag against you
and to leave you a negative trust (I forgot) for your scam and your scam projects

Thank You very much

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Bitcoin SV on February 16, 2022, 09:43:39 AM
thank you for add me in your blacklist
i'm very honored to get on this list of good people
Wow, trust-abuser babo gone crazy again

you reminded me to support the flag against you
and to leave you a negative trust (I forgot) for your scam and your scam projects
Then I will remind everyone of this every day so they don't forget

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: babo on February 16, 2022, 09:50:23 AM
yeah mr.scammer
i am trust abuser? not ... because u are really a scammer, isnt a lie.. every one know this.. see your trusts/feedback

see you my "friend" have a nice day and thank you another time for remind me WHO ARE YOU

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on February 20, 2022, 05:31:48 AM
I'm out of sMerit now, is it possible to expect some extra merit from you at this time?

If possible feel free to review my post history if you want to help. Although some of my posts are in the gambling section so I think you are free to ignore them and find some others post that you think are good. So far I'm still hoping for a chance for merit source, but in the end I have to be patient.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Razmirraz on March 21, 2022, 11:00:08 AM
I'm out of sMerit now, is it possible to expect some extra merit from you at this time?

If possible feel free to review my post history if you want to help. Although some of my posts are in the gambling section so I think you are free to ignore them and find some others post that you think are good. So far I'm still hoping for a chance for merit source, but in the end I have to be patient.
As long as you haven't been accepted as merit Source by Theymos, expecting some Merit from other users are very possible for you.

I've seen the list of sMerit you issued, it's natural if your sMerit runs out, you also moderate your own thread [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] ( which helps Indonesian users to rank up. Since submitting the application for the source of merit (05-12-2021), until now there has been no decision from Theymos whether the application is accepted or not. Hopefully you will be selected as a merit Source, Because your contribution in the forum makes you the strongest candidate to become a merit Source from Indonesia.
I really support your application, because of your good intention to help users who need a merit to rank up, especially for those who have quality posts. Hopefully Theymos will consider your application.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: skarais on March 25, 2022, 01:04:57 PM
As long as you haven't been accepted as merit Source by Theymos, expecting some Merit from other users are very possible for you.
I got some merit recently and I was a bit surprised when cabalism13 dropped the merit bomb on the OP.

I've seen the list of sMerit you issued, it's natural if your sMerit runs out, you also moderate your own thread [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] ( which helps Indonesian users to rank up. Since submitting the application for the source of merit (05-12-2021), until now there has been no decision from Theymos whether the application is accepted or not. Hopefully you will be selected as a merit Source, Because your contribution in the forum makes you the strongest candidate to become a merit Source from Indonesia.
I have no right to force admin to approve my application although I still hope to be considered to this day. As I said before, it doesn't matter if my app fails because basically I can still contribute there with some of the merit I get from other users in my posts. Although it is very limited, but don't think it will be a problem.

I also managed to invite several merit source in the thread to help Indonesian Local Board users get sufficient merit, especially Ratimov and JayJuanGee. I would be very happy if some other merit source could also help out there if they were willing.

I really support your application, because of your good intention to help users who need a merit to rank up, especially for those who have quality posts. Hopefully Theymos will consider your application.
Thank you for your support.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Mpamaegbu on March 25, 2022, 01:38:21 PM
OP, I support your application as you seem a user who knows how to do right and wouldn't hesitate doing it. I know I've bumped into you on several counts and haven't read anywhere you got enmeshed in controversy. You've decent posts too. It will be a plus to have a poster like you as a merit source in the local to join the ilks of Ratimov who has also being doing great across sections of the forum. I wish you luck, hoping theymos will speedily approve your application.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Shamm on March 25, 2022, 04:27:56 PM
As long as you haven't been accepted as merit Source by Theymos, expecting some Merit from other users are very possible for you.
I got some merit recently and I was a bit surprised when cabalism13 dropped the merit bomb on the OP.

I've seen the list of sMerit you issued, it's natural if your sMerit runs out, you also moderate your own thread [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] ( which helps Indonesian users to rank up. Since submitting the application for the source of merit (05-12-2021), until now there has been no decision from Theymos whether the application is accepted or not. Hopefully you will be selected as a merit Source, Because your contribution in the forum makes you the strongest candidate to become a merit Source from Indonesia.
I have no right to force admin to approve my application although I still hope to be considered to this day. As I said before, it doesn't matter if my app fails because basically I can still contribute there with some of the merit I get from other users in my posts. Although it is very limited, but don't think it will be a problem.

I also managed to invite several merit source in the thread to help Indonesian Local Board users get sufficient merit, especially Ratimov and JayJuanGee. I would be very happy if some other merit source could also help out there if they were willing.

I really support your application, because of your good intention to help users who need a merit to rank up, especially for those who have quality posts. Hopefully Theymos will consider your application.
Thank you for your support.

It seems that you are lucky enough that cabalism13 dropped you a very good amount of merits and I pretty sure that you deserve that kind of amount cause you help a lot of user here in forum by giving some of your sMerits too.
Just continue to your goal of this forun and for sure when theymos decided to look another merits sources you will be qualify..
Good luck for this application.

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 25, 2022, 04:36:13 PM
I have no right to force admin to approve my application although I still hope to be considered to this day.
Ha ha, not that you could even if you wanted to. 

But man, Theymos made merit sources out of members who didn't even apply back in 2019 and I'm pretty sure some of them have dropped out by now.  You'd think he'd give someone like you a shot, someone who's obviously eager to help keep the merit system functioning.  And as I think I mentioned before, you're also active on a local board and it's important to have merit sources active on as many of them as possible.  If there weren't any, there would be members trying to earn them by writing posts in broken English--and I think that was the case before the system stabilized over time.

Theymos!  Make this man a merit source!!

Title: Re: skarais - Merit Source Aplication
Post by: Coyster on March 25, 2022, 05:53:47 PM
Theymos!  Make this man a merit source!!
Lol, i really hope he listens, i am pretty sure Theymos reads through meta at least, so he definitely sees all the request for new merit sources, and there are really some good users in the 'pipeline' waiting to be accepted, OP is definitely one of them. If we are to try and read Theymos' mind as to the reason why he hasn't acted on some of these qualified merit source applications, can we say he is somewhat of the opinion that the merit process/distribution is going on fine and for now there is no need for new additions?

I am absolutely speculating though, since i am neither an admin here, but there must be a reason for the delay eh? Does anyone also think the reason above can be correct, even though i personally do not agree with that, just as The Pharmacist has highlighted i am pretty sure there are MS who aren't as active as they were before and new Merit Sources by 'default' would tend to be more vibrant and eager to hand out merits effectively, finally, we also do not have an overflow of merit sources so adding to them isn't a bad decision anyday, goodluck once again skarais.