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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Zlantann on April 15, 2022, 07:37:25 AM

Title: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on April 15, 2022, 07:37:25 AM
Although the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is far from over. But it is important we acknowledge some individuals or group of individuals that have shown uncommon courage and bravery. They are many but I have identified some of them and they are worth cerebrating.

1) The 13 Border Guides of Snake Island: These brave soldiers refused to surrender to the Russian Navy. They preferred to die as heroes than to surrender. When the Russian Navy onboard the the Moskva told these Ukrainian guides to surrender, their response was ' go f*** yourself'. The Moskva opened fire on them but they miraculously survived. After repelling the Russian military from taking the Island twice, they were captured. They have been identified as one the catalysts of the Ukrainian military gallantry.

2) The unnamed Ukrainian Woman: Standing just a meter from an armed Russian soldier she was filmed angrily shouting at the soldier. She called the soldiers occupants, enemies and fascists. She gave sunflowers seeds to the soldier and advised them to put them in their pockets so that the seed will grow when they die in Ukraine.

3) The Ukrainian Crowd: During the early days of the war,  some Ukrainian marched against the convoy of Russian troops and tanks. Some of them even threw themselves on the road attempting to bloc Russias from advancing.

4) Vitaly Skakun: Destruction of the Henichesky bridge was the only war to stop the Russian tank from advancing. Due to some logistics challenge and time limitations there was no means of detonating the mine remotely or automatically. Anyone that would detonate the mine manually would not have the time to leave the area alive. Vitaly successful destroyed the bridge, but died from the explosion.

5) Yelena Osipova: This 76-year old refused to bow to the intimidation of Kremlin not to protest the invasion of Ukraine. Yelena was on the streets of St. Petersburg protesting and she was arrested by Russian riot police.

6) Vitality Klitschko: Kremlin's major objective in Ukraine was to overthrow the government of Zelensky and install a pro-Russian president. For them to achieve this goal, Kyiv must fall. The task of defending Kyiv mainly fall on the shoulders Klitschko, best known as a boxing heavyweight champion. Refusing to leave Kyiv, he put his life at risk to defend Kyiv. Against all predictions of military experts his city withstood more than six weeks of Russian takeover causing the frustrated invaders to retreat in shame.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: on April 15, 2022, 03:42:08 PM
1) The 13 Border Guides of Snake Island: These brave soldiers refused to surrender to the Russian Navy. They preferred to die as heroes than to surrender. When the Russian Navy onboard the the Moskva told these Ukrainian guides to surrender, their response was ' go f*** yourself'. The Moskva opened fire on them and they all died heroically. They have been identified as one the catalysts of the Ukrainian military gallantry.
It is curious that you started the walk of fame with a fake. On February 28, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine admitted ( that all 82 defenders of Snake Island had surrendered. At the end of March, they were exchanged during one of the first prisoner exchanges to take place, and some of them were even solemnly presented with their well-deserved "posthumous" awards personally.

By the way, according to article 117 of the Geneva Convention "No one repatriated can be used in active military service".

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: tvbcof on April 15, 2022, 04:20:35 PM
1) The 13 Border Guides of Snake Island: These brave soldiers refused to surrender to the Russian Navy. They preferred to die as heroes than to surrender. When the Russian Navy onboard the the Moskva told these Ukrainian guides to surrender, their response was ' go f*** yourself'. The Moskva opened fire on them and they all died heroically. They have been identified as one the catalysts of the Ukrainian military gallantry.

It is curious that you started the walk of fame with a fake. On February 28, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine admitted ( that all 82 defenders of Snake Island had surrendered. At the end of March, they were exchanged during one of the first prisoner exchanges to take place, and some of them were even solemnly presented with their well-deserved "posthumous" awards personally.

Also interesting that several of the other examples are in a class of propaganda that bolster the contention that indeed Russia started out so careful about civilian casualties that they were not even allowed to fire upon civilians even when said (possible) civilians were attacking them with primitive and ineffective weapons.  Indeed, that was one of the main reasons I thought this whole thing may have been _completely_ staged in the beginning.

This conflict seems to me to be in significant part a civil war with the Donbass Ukrainians playing a pretty significant role (albeit completely at the pleasure of the Russians.)  Seems to me that Russia did indeed hope to foster as much 'hearts and minds' support as possible, then adjusted their tactics depending on how that panned out.  And that tells me that from the get-go they probably mostly wanted to achieve a vassal client state with certain parts of the former Ukraine.  Looks to me as they in the South, they might have just said 'Fuck it' and plan to control that area with whatever force and political structure might be necessary to do so when the dust settles.

be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: on April 15, 2022, 06:26:39 PM
be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.
Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (Walk of Fame)
Post by: Zlantann on April 15, 2022, 06:59:15 PM
be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.
Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.
Thank you for your corrections and kind words. I pledge to check and recheck the sources of my story to enable me ascertain thier authenticity. I have also edited the post to ensure it's not giving out wrong information. called this post a 'walk of fame' and that heading sounds unique and fits this topic. Hence, I have also edited the subject.
I have also concluded to embark on this walk of fame by reporting reliable stories of heroism in Ukraine and Russia. My intention is not to shame or praise any country because I reject war totally. But I am moved and motivated by common people accomplishing uncommon tasks.

I am sure it would be a most interesting adventure. Feel free to furnish me with such information.
I am really grateful

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: tvbcof on April 15, 2022, 07:08:41 PM

be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.

Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.

That sentiment mirror's what Ritter says, and I don't dis-believe it (vis-a-vis the military as opposed to the paramilitaries or somewhat attached militias), but I'm not real interested in the fighting forces here on this thread.  I'm more interested in what can be deduced about the plans of the leaderships based on apparent conduct of the fighting forces.  And anything you might read into it about shifts in those plans.

On your subject, I have run across indications of some level of demoralization of the Ukrainian regulars.  I can say for sure that were I a regular and/or a conscript, the conduct of the more radical units would be pretty demoralizing to me which is why I said on the other thread that were I a Ukrainian regular, I would probably sell my Western supplied goodies to anyone who had money and wanted to buy.  If I was pretty sure I could get away with it of course.

Going farther along the 'oath' thread, I will say that when I was a quasi-conscripted 20-something obtaining my (first and only) NDSM, I was pretty demoralized at the first shipment back into the newly liberated Kuwait was a gold toilet for the king in order to replace the one looted by the Iraqis.  That wasn't the oath I signed.  At least not in my mind, and I am happy to 'be my own lawyer' on such subjects.  Back in those days there seem to have been a higher percentage of people who could think and read, and some of us were wondering aloud why we were clearing mines in order to restore a Monarchy.  The answer was that we first have to get the king restored to the thrown and then we can work on converting Kuwait to a democracy.  30+ years later and I have not seen much action on that front.

Without the benefits of actually reading the oaths...I would not automatically hold it against any Ukrainian soldier who lost faith in his oath and acted in his own interest.  I would not automatically hold it against any Russian soldier who did the same.  I personally was not really a very model soldier obviously, but I was effective at getting things accomplished if I felt like it.  That characteristic was more appreciated (and more well compensated) in the private sector :)

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (Walk of Fame)
Post by: paxmao on April 15, 2022, 10:25:21 PM
be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.
Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.
Thank you for your corrections and kind words. I pledge to check and recheck the sources of my story to enable me ascertain thier authenticity. I have also edited the post to ensure it's not giving out wrong information. called this post a 'walk of fame' and that heading sounds unique and fits this topic. Hence, I have also edited the subject.
I have also concluded to embark on this walk of fame by reporting reliable stories of heroism in Ukraine and Russia. My intention is not to shame or praise any country because I reject war totally. But I am moved and motivated by common people accomplishing uncommon tasks.

I am sure it would be a most interesting adventure. Feel free to furnish me with such information.
I am really grateful

Do not bother, this guy is a Kremlin Troll. He has been posting fake and propaganda from "Putin's Ministry of Dark Humour and Fantasyland Tales". He just wants to make all the information seem doubtful.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: KingScorpio on April 16, 2022, 01:36:01 AM
Although the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is far from over. But it is important we acknowledge some individuals or group of individuals that have shown uncommon courage and bravery. They are many but I have identified some of them and they are worth cerebrating.

1) The 13 Border Guides of Snake Island: These brave soldiers refused to surrender to the Russian Navy. They preferred to die as heroes than to surrender. When the Russian Navy onboard the the Moskva told these Ukrainian guides to surrender, their response was ' go f*** yourself'. The Moskva opened fire on them but they miraculously survived. After repelling the Russian military from taking the Island twice, they were captured. They have been identified as one the catalysts of the Ukrainian military gallantry.

2) The unnamed Ukrainian Woman: Standing just a meter from an armed Russian soldier she was filmed angrily shouting at the soldier. She called the soldiers occupants, enemies and fascists. She gave sunflowers seeds to the soldier and advised them to put them in their pockets so that the seed will grow when they die in Ukraine.

3) The Ukrainian Crowd: During the early days of the war,  some Ukrainian marched against the convoy of Russian troops and tanks. Some of them even threw themselves on the road attempting to bloc Russias from advancing.

4) Vitaly Skakun: Destruction of the Henichesky bridge was the only war to stop the Russian tank from advancing. Due to some logistics challenge and time limitations there was no means of detonating the mine remotely or automatically. Anyone that would detonate the mine manually would not have the time to leave the area alive. Vitaly successful destroyed the bridge, but died from the explosion.

5) Yelena Osipova: This 76-year old refused to bow to the intimidation of Kremlin not to protest the invasion of Ukraine. Yelena was on the streets of St. Petersburg protesting and she was arrested by Russian riot police.

6) Vitality Klitschko: Kremlin's major objective in Ukraine was to overthrow the government of Zelensky and install a pro-Russian president. For them to achieve this goal, Kyiv must fall. The task of defending Kyiv mainly fall on the shoulders Klitschko, best known as a boxing heavyweight champion. Refusing to leave Kyiv, he put his life at risk to defend Kyiv. Against all predictions of military experts his city withstood more than six weeks of Russian takeover causing the frustrated invaders to retreat in shame.

these people for sure will not become war heroes in the long run, they litterally are fighting for an extremist ideology that is losing ground and foundation in the west (woke leftism)

you might cry around during the battle but you will never be able to win the war, for that you have simply not the long time overview, not even the jews that support and run these woke extremists like bill maher had an idea what they where doing, and are now abandoning it.

and last but not least, if antisemitism threatens israel, in the middle east, it doesnt make it saver to destroy arab states you get tribal areas that are antisemitic.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (Walk of Fame)
Post by: Zlantann on April 17, 2022, 02:33:18 PM

Do not bother, this guy is a Kremlin Troll. He has been posting fake and propaganda from "Putin's Ministry of Dark Humour and Fantasyland Tales". He just wants to make all the information seem doubtful.

Thank you paxmao for your encouraging words. No matter how far a lie travels, the truth would one day catch up with it and even overtake it. Propaganda would not last, but truth is timeless.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on April 18, 2022, 05:12:51 AM
Displaced and Refugee Children of Ukraine: These children have suffered hunger, taste, sickness, cold and even death. Most of them have become orphans and some had to trek long distances to get to safety.

Yet in this pain and distress these children took out time to motivate and boast the morale of the Ukrainian armed forces through paintings. Their painting were sent to the Ukrainian armed forces in the front line.  Below are some of them:

Picture drawn by Amalia a Ukrainian girl and the words read: ‘Ukraine will always win.’

Drawing by an unnamed child from a village in east Ukraine which reads: We have already won!’

A Ukrainian young girl's drawing showing a giant heart in the centre of the Ukrainian flag with a message: ‘Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes'

'Ukraine is undefeatable!’ reads a drawing from a Ukrainian boy.

According to the volunteers who deliver the drawings, the soldiers take strength and courage from the children’s messages.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Munir575 on April 18, 2022, 07:55:12 AM
Although the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is far from over. But it is important we acknowledge some individuals or group of individuals that have shown uncommon courage and bravery. They are many but I have identified some of them and they are worth cerebrating.

1) The 13 Border Guides of Snake Island: These brave soldiers refused to surrender to the Russian Navy. They preferred to die as heroes than to surrender. When the Russian Navy onboard the the Moskva told these Ukrainian guides to surrender, their response was ' go f*** yourself'. The Moskva opened fire on them but they miraculously survived. After repelling the Russian military from taking the Island twice, they were captured. They have been identified as one the catalysts of the Ukrainian military gallantry.

2) The unnamed Ukrainian Woman: Standing just a meter from an armed Russian soldier she was filmed angrily shouting at the soldier. She called the soldiers occupants, enemies and fascists. She gave sunflowers seeds to the soldier and advised them to put them in their pockets so that the seed will grow when they die in Ukraine.

3) The Ukrainian Crowd: During the early days of the war,  some Ukrainian marched against the convoy of Russian troops and tanks. Some of them even threw themselves on the road attempting to bloc Russias from advancing.

4) Vitaly Skakun: Destruction of the Henichesky bridge was the only war to stop the Russian tank from advancing. Due to some logistics challenge and time limitations there was no means of detonating the mine remotely or automatically. Anyone that would detonate the mine manually would not have the time to leave the area alive. Vitaly successful destroyed the bridge, but died from the explosion.

5) Yelena Osipova: This 76-year old refused to bow to the intimidation of Kremlin not to protest the invasion of Ukraine. Yelena was on the streets of St. Petersburg protesting and she was arrested by Russian riot police.

6) Vitality Klitschko: Kremlin's major objective in Ukraine was to overthrow the government of Zelensky and install a pro-Russian president. For them to achieve this goal, Kyiv must fall. The task of defending Kyiv mainly fall on the shoulders Klitschko, best known as a boxing heavyweight champion. Refusing to leave Kyiv, he put his life at risk to defend Kyiv. Against all predictions of military experts his city withstood more than six weeks of Russian takeover causing the frustrated invaders to retreat in shame.
So sad seeing these countries fight each other, no one in my region expected Ukraine would be able to hold Russia this long, they are brave and courageous and all this soldiers giving their lives for their country shall not die in vein. I pray they settle their differences as soon as possible and end the war.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: paxmao on April 19, 2022, 11:01:47 PM
be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.
Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.

You two, get a room!

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: tvbcof on April 20, 2022, 12:06:37 AM
be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.
Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.

You two, get a room!

Not really worth mentioning until you brought it up, but 'pleasantries' was not really an applicable word here.  I happen to be a native English speaker though.  I made a statement of fact that I find the guy to be among the relatively few here who's stuff is worth reading to find out things I didn't know, see what someone who can and has studied certain things with some rigor is saying, and is able to make original inferences some of what seem likely to be valid.  Most people here are extremely predictable because the regurgitate the same standard mainstream party line which everyone is already familiar with.  And are utterly convince that what they heard is 'fact'.  You are a very good example of the phenomenon.  Mildly amusing initially, but it gets boring pretty quickly.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: laredo7mm on April 20, 2022, 02:18:06 PM
1) The 13 Border Guides of Snake Island: These brave soldiers refused to surrender to the Russian Navy. They preferred to die as heroes than to surrender. When the Russian Navy onboard the the Moskva told these Ukrainian guides to surrender, their response was ' go f*** yourself'. The Moskva opened fire on them and they all died heroically. They have been identified as one the catalysts of the Ukrainian military gallantry.
It is curious that you started the walk of fame with a fake. On February 28, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine admitted ( that all 82 defenders of Snake Island had surrendered. At the end of March, they were exchanged during one of the first prisoner exchanges to take place, and some of them were even solemnly presented with their well-deserved "posthumous" awards personally.

By the way, according to article 117 of the Geneva Convention "No one repatriated can be used in active military service".

Similar words came in my mind after i saw this first word of frame list. That single post is enough to prove how much propaganda news has been spread about ukraine war to boost the moral of their soldier. I know both side is doing this but western media just keep doing this even after evidence has been shown by the Russian authority.

In recent video a british POW mentioned about the dier situation of ukrainian soldier in the front line. Still their president is lying about the current situation when their own soldier describing the oposite.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: paxmao on April 20, 2022, 03:19:50 PM
be.interested to know your theories since you seem to be one of the very rare people here who have the analytical abilities to know and/or deduce anything about the goings-on on the ground.
Thanks, although I don't think this is the right topic for an exchange of pleasantries. Despite the abundance of fakes in propaganda messages (or maybe even thanks to them - because they affect the morale of soldiers), Ukraine deserves to have its own wall of fame in this story. I respect military prowess, even if it is the prowess of the enemy. If a soldier fights bravely and remains faithful to his oath even in the face of an obviously stronger enemy, this is worthy of a man, regardless of the outcome of the battle.

You two, get a room!

Not really worth mentioning until you brought it up, but 'pleasantries' was not really an applicable word here.  I happen to be a native English speaker though.  I made a statement of fact that I find the guy to be among the relatively few here who's stuff is worth reading to find out things I didn't know, see what someone who can and has studied certain things with some rigor is saying, and is able to make original inferences some of what seem likely to be valid.  Most people here are extremely predictable because the regurgitate the same standard mainstream party line which everyone is already familiar with.  And are utterly convince that what they heard is 'fact'.  You are a very good example of the phenomenon.  Mildly amusing initially, but it gets boring pretty quickly.

If you and the official telegram channels you will see that is nearly copy-paste.

About myself, yes: I am not here to amuse you. I repeat facts as much as needed - e.g. every time someone is trying to falsify reality or makes absurd claims trying to make them look factual. You see, the problem with facts is that they do not change and they are boring.

RE your language, I think most people here use English as second or even third language. I personally do not write or speak any language correctly, but I do understand what is before my eyes.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: suchmoon on April 20, 2022, 03:43:04 PM
Putin trolls are out of control on this board.

On the subject of heroes, I'm impressed by the resilience of people who do this day after day under shelling and bombardment:

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on April 20, 2022, 09:08:38 PM

On the subject of heroes, I'm impressed by the resilience of people who do this day after day under shelling and bombardment:

According to the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), about twelve Ukrainian firefighters have bee killed in just 19 days of Russian's invasion. These heroic public servants refused to flee from Ukraine but chose to continue fire and rescue operation in the face of death. Selfless courage keeps empowering them to remain in the war zone, damming the consequences. They are true heroes.

The WHO indicated that in just 42 days of Russian's invasion there have been more than 100 attacks on health facilities in Ukraine. These attacks have claimed more than 73 lives and injured above 51. But these Ukrainian health workers are risking their lives to provide medical assistance to those in need of them. They are indeed the true heroes of Ukraine.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on April 22, 2022, 09:05:29 AM
Mariupol defenders

Surrounded by the Russian invaders but not scared of the enemies.

For two months the invaders tried to conquer them but they fought off the enemies.

Over 4000 dead but the few survivals are fearless and impregnable.

Outnumbered but upholding gallantry.

Even in the face of death they refused the enemy's several plea to surrender.

The prefer to to die to give their countrymen freedom and pride.

Now the invaders are scared to storm the Azovstal steel works because these marines are like the 300 Spartans.

The emperor is mad and confused, "block off the area so that a fly cannot pass through", he commanded.

The emperor wants to create a land corridor to his vassal states.

Mariupol is Putin's propaganda treasure and his evil tool to strangle Ukraine economy.

The founders day is close and the emperor wants to present a gift to his people.

Maruipol would be the best gift but the 36th Marine Brigade is saying never.

Russia call their resistance senseless but Ukraine call it priceless.

Some relative of these heroes have these words:

"I would have never imagined that my cousin would become a true hero of Ukraine".

"If I could pass a message to him it would be that I love and I'm waiting for him".

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on April 24, 2022, 11:56:36 AM

Dr. David Nott

Prof David Nott is a British consultant surgeon at St Mary's Hospital in London. He has previously worked in conflict zones including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. But now he has turned his attention to Ukraine. He arrived Ukraine with the aim of treating war victims and train doctors on how to treat war wounds. Prof Nott brought as many doctors as possible into operating theatres to watch him carry out operations on warzone injuries, including filling holes in limbs, grafting skin and covering exposed bones.

Like in Syria where Russia used vacuum bombs that can cause bleeds on the brain and in the lungs, causing victims to cough up blood, Ukrainian doctors lack skills to handle these medical cases.But with his vast knowledge and experience, Nott has saved many lives treating complicated war injuries. He also translated a series of slides and videos on how to treat war wounds into Ukrainian which has help many Ukrainian doctors.

He is a real war hero.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on April 30, 2022, 04:45:27 AM

Yelena Osipova

Few days after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia armed forces, protests against the invasion started.  From Moscow to Siberia, Russian anti-war activists took to the streets to protest against President Vladimir Putin. These protesters were made of the old, young and even children. Their aim was to keep on protesting everyday until Putin and his government stop the invasion. The protests second intention was to show the entire world that it was not the entire people in Russia that is supporting the war. They wanted to publicize their anti- war stance. They didn't achieve their first goal because Putin refused to stop. Instead he used the weapon of intimidation and legislation to stop the peaceful protest. Immediately the government slighted these selfless protester, the Russian police moved swiftly to crack down on the rallies and detain protesters. Nobody was spared, the police arrested both the elderly and children. But they achieved the second aim because now everyone now knows that Russians are not like Putin and his cronies.

But one woman made thus protest more glorious. Her selflessness got the attention of Russians and the entire world. She is Yelena Osipova. I have mentioned her in one of my post but I think she deserves a special post in this my quest of celebrating the heroes of Ukraine  Yelena Osipov is a 76-year-old pensioner and a survivor of Word War II (WWII). Against all odds this septuagenarian activist join the anti-invasion protest and  could be seen protesting against the war while holding a poster that reads: "Soldier, drop your weapon and you will be a true hero." Her video want viral in social media platforms including Twitter and she became an international celebrity. She became more famous when two police personnel could be seen arresting her while other protestors could be heard applauding her efforts in support of the Ukrainian people.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on May 01, 2022, 06:11:55 AM
Displaced and Refugee Children of Ukraine: These children have suffered hunger, taste, sickness, cold and even death. Most of them have become orphans and some had to trek long distances to get to safety.

Yet in this pain and distress these children took out time to motivate and boast the morale of the Ukrainian armed forces through paintings. Their painting were sent to the Ukrainian armed forces in the front line.  Below are some of them:

Picture drawn by Amalia a Ukrainian girl and the words read: ‘Ukraine will always win.

These kids are actually heroes of the Ukrainian/ Russian war, and i salute them for their bravery and courage during this way, because they have actually shown that Ukraine has a brighter future tomorrow, because there comes a time when you just need to have a firm stand and do what is right for your country for the very first time no matter what it may cause, becsuse in this life its just onces a person dies, so its better to die a honorable death and be remembered than dying a death no one will ever know you existed here some time ago. Thou nobody prays for war but there comes a time when you just have to stand for your country and that's what the Ukrainian soldiers did and they deserve a honorable honour and for all those who died in this war, may there gentle soul rest in peace. Amen

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on May 09, 2022, 12:53:45 PM
Farmers in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has forced many farmers to flee to other countries for safety. Most big farms controlled by oligarchs have all closed down because they have been the main target of Russia in order to create hunger.

In order to avert the eminent food crisis Ukrainian small farmers now make up as much as 98% of the country’s total harvest of potatoes, 86% of vegetables, 85% of fruits, and 81% of milk. Risking thier lives small farmers, who are without any kind of public aid in a chronic situation, with a limited means of production and very limited land are now feeding Ukraine. They are true heroes of Ukraine.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on May 12, 2022, 06:19:54 AM
Ukrainian Journalists
Vira Hyrych
Maksim Levin

As Russians a doing their best to cover-up evidences of war crimes, Ukrainian journalists are risking their lives to expose these atrocities to the world. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, at least eight journalist have been killed. This includes Vira Hyrych a reporter of Radio Liberty who was killed when a Russian rocket hit the residential building where she lived in Kyiv. A!so, Maksim Levin, a photographer and videographer who was a long time contributor to Reuter and was working for a Ukrainian news website. It was alleged that he was killed by servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces with two shots from small arms.

Recognising their sacrifice, the Pulitzer prize board awarded a special citation to the journalists of Ukraine for their courage, endurance and commitment to truthful reporting  during the war. The Pulitzer board while honouring the journalists of Ukraine wrote: "Despite bombardment, abductions, occupation, and even deaths in their ranks, journalist in Ukraine have been persistent in their effort to provide an accurate picture of a terrible reality, doing honour to Ukraine and to journalists around the world".

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on June 04, 2022, 10:58:26 PM

Father and Two Sons in the Battlefield

Going to war makes one a national hero, but allowing your two sons to join you as soldiers in the battlefield is unimaginable. This is the case of  Yaroslavl  ( his two sons Nazar and Pavlo. They left their wives and children to go the front. These heroes Ukraine requested to stay together in the same battalion. Together in the trenches in the farmland of the Mykolaiv district, father and sons are fighting as a family because of the love for Ukraine. These are the true heroes of Ukraine.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: tvbcof on June 05, 2022, 05:56:34 AM
For those who missed it, the woman responsible for many of the 'heroes' and 'villains' of the Ukraine narrative actually managed to get her ass fired.  By Ukraine!  Took a while, and a lot of egg on the faces of a lot of lamestream media 'personalities', but there is still a limit I guess.  Even in the Jewkrainian govt-by-acting-troupe so it would seem. (

What did not happen is reinstatement of the social media accounts which were cancelled on the basis of questioning a lot of this lady's bullshit.  Imagine my shock.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: Zlantann on June 23, 2022, 06:38:58 PM

The pain of losing a loved one is inestimable. I have read and seen heartbreaking stories and pictures of Ukrainians in great pains and agony due to this war. I would have also loved to research about Russian losses because families are also grieving in Russia but it is difficult to find. Many families might never recover from these great losses. It has been reported that almost all Ukrainian have lost a loved one in the course of Russian invasion. My heroes today are those that have lost anyone because of this avoidable war.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: tvbcof on June 23, 2022, 08:11:53 PM
The pain of losing a loved one is inestimable. I have read and seen heartbreaking stories and pictures of Ukrainians in great pains and agony due to this war. I would have also loved to research about Russian losses because families are also grieving in Russia but it is difficult to find. Many families might never recover from these great losses. It has been reported that almost all Ukrainian have lost a loved one in the course of Russian invasion. My heroes today are those that have lost anyone because of this avoidable war.

I'm struggling to figure out how that would possibly qualify one as a 'hero'.  Much more likely it qualifies one as a chump who believed the fake new mainstream media and didn't take the time to understand politics.

The only slightly positive aspect of this thing is that the people who 'voted' for a coke-fiend Jewish actor are distinctly on the lose end of things.

Title: Re: Meet Some War Heroes of Ukraine (In progress)
Post by: paxmao on June 23, 2022, 10:21:26 PM
The pain of losing a loved one is inestimable. I have read and seen heartbreaking stories and pictures of Ukrainians in great pains and agony due to this war. I would have also loved to research about Russian losses because families are also grieving in Russia but it is difficult to find. Many families might never recover from these great losses. It has been reported that almost all Ukrainian have lost a loved one in the course of Russian invasion. My heroes today are those that have lost anyone because of this avoidable war.

I'm struggling to figure out how that would possibly qualify one as a 'hero'.  Much more likely it qualifies one as a chump who believed the fake new mainstream media and didn't take the time to understand politics.

The only slightly positive aspect of this thing is that the people who 'voted' for a coke-fiend Jewish actor are distinctly on the lose end of things.

Of course you are struggling to figure out. How would you ever understand the concept of others fighting for their freedom. Even if they wanted to choose a Bulgarian Drag-queen with a missing leg it would be their own choice, not something imposed by a tyrant too old to care about anything other that "his place in history".

What is clear is what is not a hero: any of the army of Orcs that invade and kill outside their homeland just to earn their meagre pay, the crumbs from the table of the cleptocrats ruling their lives.