Title: Bitnet a new cryptocurrency a fork of Bitcoin 0.24 Post by: c4pt on March 13, 2023, 01:14:48 AM please check https://github.com/bitnet-io/bitnet-core/releases
sha256 based coin with 10,000 BIT per block reward bitnet coin explorer is live https://bitexplorer.io/ 03-01-2023 some pools to connect to https://www.mining-dutch.nl/pools/bitnet.php?page=dashboard 03-01-2023 check the releases tab for binary updates https://bitnet-io.org https://github.com/bitnet-io/bitnet-core/releases bitnet-core Bitnet-Core based off of Bitcoin with improvements discord https://discord.gg/dqTsMuQGFx 2,000,000,000 total supply (down from 100 B) network retargets difficulty every seven days (instead of 14 days bitcoin) blocks readjust every 10 minutes exchange https://xeggex.com/market/BIT_USDT Title: Re: Bitnet a new cryptocurrency a fork of Bitcoin 0.24 Post by: FreeWorldUsers on March 14, 2023, 05:49:38 AM Sorry but the announcement is poor coin is mined from 1st March does the team make pre-mine from that day ???
What is the use case of that coin ??? I don't see any special things about it only huge mining without announcement from day one ... |