Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: DStrange on March 28, 2014, 04:26:51 PM

Title: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: DStrange on March 28, 2014, 04:26:51 PM
Bytecoin Mining How-To

Preparatory stage:
  • download  binaries  (!wJxjiIJL!oktG7ekW4rISJghjgRPueD_pA5BA8dqoanXYclImJPE) from

1. Launch command line, navigate to Bytecoin's folder (e.g., “c:\bytecoin”)and launch “bytecoind” (Bytecoin daemon).

   cd c:\bytecoin

The daemon will start synchronizing the blockchain with the Bytecoin network. This may take some time.

2a. Open another instance of command line and navigate to Bytecoin’s folder. Generate new wallet with “simplewallet”.

   simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345

Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet (use .bin file extension) and “12345” is the password for your new wallet.
Wallet’s response:

Type in “refresh” command and press Enter:


The wallet will start synchronizing with the daemon:

2b. Alternatively, you can open an existing wallet (instead of creating a new one).

   simplewallet --wallet-file=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345

Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet (use .bin file extension) and “12345” is its password.

The wallet will start synchronizing with the daemon automatically. Once finished, you will be prompted with your current balance:
3.Start mining right from the wallet using “start_mining” command. The screenshot below contains wallet’s response:


Daemon’s response:
4. You can check your current hashrate by using “show_hr” command in daemon. The daemon will start showing your current hashrate (number of hashes generated per second). Use “hide_hr” command to make the daemon stop showing hashrate:


5. To stop mining simply use “stop_mining” command either in daemon or in wallet:



6. Do not forget to properly exit the daemon and wallet by using “exit” command:


Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: abit2slo on March 28, 2014, 04:55:18 PM
How To Transfer Coins

1. Start the bytecoind.exe file, let it synchronize with the network
2. Open your wallet
2. Use refresh command to sync it with the daemon
3. Type
transfer <number from 0 to 10> <receiver's address> <number of coins>

Be sure that receiver's address has no spaces - that may occur if you copy it from somewhere.
remember not to use "Ctrl+C" in command line. Use right-click and "paste" command instead.

Number of coins should have eight decimal places.

<number from 0 to 10> is called "mixin_count" in wallet hap info, which is the number of transactions your is indistinguishable from. This is probably a degree of anonymity, which is described in  whitepaper (

Example: "transfer 0 239gj9rgRe2XnGuBnTvqiE96ddhwwAQiC2BU1n7Z4pPPVmiCazCSA2JeEQH5Zp6H5MHW2Vb36Te1bjn LgW1MX88A5Rwr1r2 9000.00000000"

4. Press enter and wait.

As a result you should have wallet response similar to this one:

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: thankful_for_today on March 28, 2014, 05:14:34 PM
Dear DStrange and abit2slo!
Thank you for this topic.
This coin has an ugly interface but is very intresting as a technology.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: iamreddy44 on March 30, 2014, 07:34:34 PM
My wallet doesn't sync. Any idea?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: DStrange on March 31, 2014, 09:27:08 AM
My wallet doesn't sync. Any idea?

It may appear if wallet is unable to connect to deamon by rpc port. First of all try to turn off firewall and anti-virus and sync wallet again.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: iamreddy44 on March 31, 2014, 02:04:17 PM
My wallet doesn't sync. Any idea?

It may appear if wallet is unable to connect to deamon by rpc port. First of all try to turn off firewall and anti-virus and sync wallet again.

Tried it and it didn't work.
I get :

Error: refresh failed: daemon is busy. Please try later. Blocks received: 0

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: DStrange on March 31, 2014, 02:25:16 PM
My wallet doesn't sync. Any idea?

It may appear if wallet is unable to connect to deamon by rpc port. First of all try to turn off firewall and anti-virus and sync wallet again.

Tried it and it didn't work.
I get :

Error: refresh failed: daemon is busy. Please try later. Blocks received: 0
Is your daemon fully synced to the network? I assume you can't sync wallet with the daemon as long as daemon is syncing with the network. It's just a assumption but could work.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: iamreddy44 on March 31, 2014, 02:29:43 PM
The last line I get from the deamon is this:

2014-Mar-31 16:26:31.863418 [P2P9][ OUT]Sync data returned unkn
own top block [300->447072] <a1f20f2f872b4fcac91af24387f10c3549ce681512ffca8c4cb
1dbe600d316cd>, set SYNCHRONIZATION mode
2014-Mar-31 16:26:31.871423 [P2P9][ OUT] COMMAND_HANDSHAKE INVO

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: DStrange on March 31, 2014, 02:57:41 PM

That means your daemon synced only 300 blocks from 447072 existing. You just need to wait.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sadpanda on April 02, 2014, 08:50:19 AM
Hey guys, can someone create a linux installation instruction? Was not able to install it myself -,-

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lamalicious on April 02, 2014, 09:02:00 AM
Hey guys, can someone create a linux installation instruction? Was not able to install it myself -,-
I'm currently on it. Probably it will be ready later today or most likely tomorrow.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Spekulatius on April 03, 2014, 03:21:55 PM
Hi, my command line interface doesnt work (dont know why) so I found another way to get started.

First a short description of my initial cmd line problem:

I can open my command line window from Windows>Start>Command line

I can execute the cd D:\...\bytecoin command (with "..." being the full path to my bytecoin folder).
The problem starts already when I punch in the next step, trying to open daemon with command:
"bytecoin or bytecoin.exe"

Both commands return the error message that the command is either misspelled or cannot be found (of course I enter the commands with the "").
There I go with no luck.


I right click on bytecoind.exe and >create a shortcut.

Run the shortcut and let the daemon download the blockchain (takes a few hours). You can put in the "set_log 1" or "set_log 2" commands to see the current progress.

Whenever you want to shut down the program dont forget to use the "save" or "exit" command in order to save your progress or you will have to start all over!

When the blockchain is synced you will see a green message notifiying you.

Now create your wallet: Make sure bytecoind.exe is running. Go to your simplewallet.exe folder (better create an own folder for your simplewallet.exe and put it in there not to mix up files with bytecoind.exe).

Create a short cut of simplewallet.exe and right click on the short cut and goto >Properties to review the first of the two input fields that is called something like "Target" or similar (sorry idk the english expression for this. Its called "Ziel" in German). This field should contain the file location and end on "bytecoin.exe"

The thing with short cuts is that you can add any parameters in the "Target" field like you would using the command line interface. So add "simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=wallet_name.bin --pass=12345" in the "Target" field with a space between bytecoin.exe AND the parameters! (like "D:\..\bytecoin.exe simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=wallet_name.bin --pass=12345"). You can either drop the password parameter or choose a password instead of the generic "12345". You can also choose a wallet name like "Spekulatiuswallet.bin" instead of "wallet_name.bin" or leave it as defaulted.

Next double click on the bytecoind shortcut to run it and press Enter if you have not set a password or Enter the password and press Enter in case you have.

Now write "refresh" and hit Enter to let the wallet catch up with the daemon. Once its done (takes a few minutes), write "save" + Enter and be happy because you have created your wallet without the need for using Windows command lines.


To start mining enter "start_mining" into the wallet window and the daemon will start mining with 1 thread immediately. If you are unsure of how many threads your CPU supports open your task manager "Ctrl+Alt+Del" and goto the performance tab and count the CPU graphs displayed. You can also check out:
To mine with more threads goto your wallet and enter "start_mining #" where # is the number of threads you want to devote to mining.

You can see how many hashes/sec you mine with by entering "show_hr" into you deamon (bytecoind.exe) window.

The help command is very useful to see other commands and puts out different results in simplewallet and bytecoind.

Hopes this helps some folks get started (I certianly learned something doing it ;).

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Spekulatius on April 03, 2014, 05:24:35 PM
What about the miner download? How do I know its no wallet stealer?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: thankful_for_today on April 04, 2014, 07:25:09 AM
What about the miner download? How do I know its no wallet stealer?

That's a problem with closed source.
I think this isn't important now because solo mining is much faster ( at least now, according to Patejl: ) and solo mining mode is always better for the network.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Hexah on April 04, 2014, 08:24:06 AM
Hi, my command line interface doesnt work (dont know why) so I found another way to get started.

First a short description of my initial cmd line problem:

I can open my command line window from Windows>Start>Command line

I can execute the cd D:\...\bytecoin command (with "..." being the full path to my bytecoin folder).
The problem starts already when I punch in the next step, trying to open daemon with command:
"bytecoin or bytecoin.exe"

Both commands return the error message that the command is either misspelled or cannot be found (of course I enter the commands with the "").
There I go with no luck.
Well I'm not a professional or anything but I think windows is right - you actually misspelled - you should be using D:\...\bytecoind not a bytecoin :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lamalicious on April 04, 2014, 12:35:52 PM
Ubuntu installation instruction.

First of all you will have to download ubuntu 13.10 - I’ve tried a lot of ubuntu <13 versions and none of it worked. I installed it on VirtualBox you can use your own PC - doesn’t matter. Also, instruction for instruction - read the whole step - then do it. So… let’s get to the setup shall we? :)

1. Download few libraries and a compiler
   a. Open up  a terminal
   b. You will need this 4 things: GCC 4.7.3 or later (compiler), CMake 2.8.6 or later, Boost 1.53 or later (except 1.54 tho) and Git.
   c. In order to download and install this programs you will have to enter next 4 commands in the terminal : “sudo apt-get install gcc”, “sudo apt-get install cmake”, “sudo apt-get install libboost1.53-all-dev”, “sudo apt-get install git” (enter the command -> press enter -> wait a little -> done -> repeat for each command) -  I don’t need to remind you that you have to enter it without quotes, right? :)

2. As soon as everything is installed you will have to clone the git repository to your computer - in order to do that go to the terminal once again and enter: “git clone”

3. We’re almost done - bear with me :) Now you should be able to see the “bytecoin” folder in your Home tab. All you have to do now is go to the terminal once again and start a making process, you will be able to do this this way:
   a. In terminal go to the bytecoin catalogue using this command: “cd bytecoin” (assuming your bytecoin folder is in Home catalogue)
   b. Enter “make -j” command.
   c. Wait a while :)

That’s all! Executable files can be found in build/release/src catalogue - copy it wherever you want and mine freely using Linux system :)

In case of any questions - leave it below - I’m not a regular visitor of this forum but I’ll try to help as soon as I can.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: DStrange on April 04, 2014, 01:33:28 PM
Thank you, Lamalicious

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: pozmu on April 05, 2014, 10:29:09 PM
Ok I finally decided to run this, tho I suspect it may simply turn my computer into zombie...
It works but I got message like this twice:

2014-Apr-05 23:24:02.522505 [P2P8]ERROR c:\projects\sorrybigbro\src\p2p\net_node.inl:744 check_trust failed to check tim
e conditions, last_stat_request_time=1396736567, proof_time=1396736299

c:\projects\sorrybigbro  ???

Also, bytecoind eats 1 whole core even without mining?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Patejl on April 06, 2014, 12:29:00 PM
A funny fact: My old Corei5 (cca 6 H/s) is giving me more blocks than much stronger Xeon 1245 V3 (14,2 H/s)
Statistic is a bitch.  :D

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Cheesus on April 09, 2014, 10:00:34 AM
Is it even possible to install daemon+wallet to the ubuntu <13? Stable version is more legit to my opinion.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Snail2 on April 09, 2014, 10:16:03 AM
This beast hogging up almost 3 GB RAM  :o...

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Hexah on April 09, 2014, 10:22:12 AM
This beast hogging up almost 3 GB RAM  :o...
It's really not much this days I think. 8GB RAM - that would've been beastful ;D

Tho I wonder what for he is using so much.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lamalicious on April 10, 2014, 01:58:57 PM
So I finally managed to install Bytecoin to the Ubuntu 12.04. God it was hard. I’m not really a Ubuntu master in any way (like, at all) so a lot of googling and searching took place. To everyone who is new to the whole Linux system I would definitely recommend using Ubuntu 13.10 version - installation is much more simple. Okay, back to it - here is the “close enough” instructions:

Ubuntu 12.04 Installation Instructions

For the super newbies: everything that I mention should be entered in the Terminal. In order to find it use search in the left top corner of the screen, simply enter “terminal” and click on it.

For the correct installation you will need: GCC and G++ 4.7.3 or later, pretty much any CMake version, Boost 1.53 or later (not a 1.54 tho) and Git. Here is what I used: GCC and G++ 4.8, basic Ubuntu 12.04 CMake version, Boost 1.55 and basic Git version.

1. Let’s start with a GCC and G++ 4.8 version. First of all you will have to add a PPA to your Ubuntu. (If you’re wondering what is PPA, here: and here you can find out more about it.) To do so you can use this command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test

Then you will have to update your apt-get program:

sudo apt-get update

Finally the installation:

sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8
sudo apt-get install g++-4.8

Next step is to update the alternatives for the gcc and g++:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 50
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 50

2. Boost 1.55 installation is demanding another PPA. Add it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa

Update your apt-get:

sudo apt-get update

And install Boost1.55

sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev

3. Install Git and CMake just like in 13.10 instruction (yay! simple step):

sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install cmake

4. Next step in this hellish piece of instruction is cloning sources from github. In order to do that go to the terminal once again and enter: git clone

5. And here I’ll just copy the 13.10 instruction:
Now you should be able to see the “bytecoin” folder in your Home tab. All you have to do now is go to the terminal once again and start a making process, you will be able to do this this way:
   a. In terminal go to the bytecoin catalogue using this command: cd bytecoin (assuming your bytecoin folder is in Home catalogue)
   b. Enter make -j command.
   c. Wait a while
   z. PROFIT!

That’s all boys and girls!
Executable files can be found in build/release/src catalogue - copy it wherever you want and mine freely using Linux system. :)

Please let me know if I missed something or you can’t get past something etc.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: lenam on April 10, 2014, 06:36:26 PM
Could someone post what it looks like finding a block while solo mining ?
Just curious ;)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lamalicious on April 11, 2014, 11:19:54 AM
Could someone post what it looks like finding a block while solo mining ?
Just curious ;)

It goes something like this: Found a block for a difficulty: xxxxxx

This line also should be in green color. :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Agent99 on April 11, 2014, 03:31:52 PM
A funny fact: My old Corei5 (cca 6 H/s) is giving me more blocks than much stronger Xeon 1245 V3 (14,2 H/s)
Statistic is a bitch.  (teeth)

That’s a real surprise! How's that possible? I am really curious as I have iCore 5 and friend of mine told me to get Xeon DP Irwindale.

Thanks a lot for making this guide, it’s rather complicated to for me as a newbie to mine Bytecoin with a different OS!

Let’s hope it’s a success similar to Bitcoin. What I really like about Bytecoin is the true privacy it offers.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Zosergag on April 11, 2014, 05:46:27 PM
What I personally miss is a GUI miner, it should not be too difficult to implement, right?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Xterry on April 11, 2014, 06:05:57 PM
Crypto note technology used in BCN looks very promising, I like the better anonymity and simplicity of mining.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Fredz91 on April 12, 2014, 07:22:30 AM
Hello everyone! Where can I find download binaries for MacOS? Also where to find out hash-rate info?

What is CryptoNight ?  Is it based on sha256 or crypto?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: MCOnyx on April 12, 2014, 07:57:18 AM
Really like this coin, never heard of it before, but with some support i think it could fly. Started mining few days back and gonna stay on it with my CPU (while GPU mines rest).

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: ShitHappens on April 12, 2014, 08:02:08 AM
Hello everyone! Where can I find download binaries for MacOS? Also where to find out hash-rate info?

What is CryptoNight ?  Is it based on sha256 or crypto?

There is no macOS version, but it's coming soon according to official site.

As for how fast blocks are - it is 1 block in 2 minutes with a different reward.
You'd check this  -

I don't know how exactly cryptonight is working but here is what I've found:

- A new memory-bound algorithm for the proof-of-work pricing function.
- It relies on random access to a slow memory and emphasizes latency dependence.
- As opposed to scrypt every new block (64 bytes in length) depends on all the previous blocks. As a result a hypothetical memory-saver" should increase his calculation speed exponentially. ( According to whitepaper - )

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: s11made on April 13, 2014, 03:57:11 PM

I found a block but an error occured... I didnt receive any coins. Could someone explain what went wrong ?

See image attached:

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: 24core on April 13, 2014, 06:07:44 PM

Im getting the same error but my path is absolute :-

2014-Apr-13 19:00:39.497336 [P2P2]ERROR c:\projects\sorrybigbro\src\p2p\net_node.inl:779 check_trust failed to check time conditions, last_stat_request_time=1397411982, proof_time=1397411677

What is wrong as I have invested a day on getting all this working ?

I would recommend that you download the quick start bundle as it includes the blockchain and this takes a very long time to create.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Cheesus on April 13, 2014, 06:09:34 PM

I found a block but an error occured... I didnt receive any coins. Could someone explain what went wrong ?

See image attached:

Never encountered something like this. Looks like some kind of bug.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: s11made on April 13, 2014, 09:58:09 PM

Im getting the same error but my path is absolute :-

2014-Apr-13 19:00:39.497336 [P2P2]ERROR c:\projects\sorrybigbro\src\p2p\net_node.inl:779 check_trust failed to check time conditions, last_stat_request_time=1397411982, proof_time=1397411677

What is wrong as I have invested a day on getting all this working ?

I would recommend that you download the quick start bundle as it includes the blockchain and this takes a very long time to create.

I also had other errors popping up in red in my command line. Actually sometimes there is a lot of red in my cmd window. However only once while finding a block and not getting coins. Maybe orphaned block ?
However, I managed to mine a block 2 days ago, so i am confident having all set up well...

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: 24core on April 13, 2014, 10:59:12 PM
Hi All,

ok, I will ignore the red errors for now.

With the following hashrate :-

hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.3158
hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.4211
hashrate: 18.4211
hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.3158
hashrate: 18.4211

When will I get something so to double check there are no problems ?

Also I think their is a coding issues as when you get the following message :-

2014-Apr-13 23:57:48.584286 [P2P1]+++++ BLOCK SUCCESSFULLY ADDED

All the cores take a dip which seems odd.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lamalicious on April 14, 2014, 08:10:58 AM
Hi All,

ok, I will ignore the red errors for now.

With the following hashrate :-

hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.3158
hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.4211
hashrate: 18.4211
hashrate: 18.3684
hashrate: 18.3158
hashrate: 18.4211

When will I get something so to double check there are no problems ?

Also I think their is a coding issues as when you get the following message :-

2014-Apr-13 23:57:48.584286 [P2P1]+++++ BLOCK SUCCESSFULLY ADDED

All the cores take a dip which seems odd.

Thanks in advance.

According to the whitepaper current difficulty is how many hashes you have to find in order to solve a single block.

So with ~800k diff you will spend 800000/18 seconds. Or ~12h :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: 24core on April 14, 2014, 09:26:46 AM
Thanks for the information and after 10 hours I have :-

balance: 127718.41370059, unlocked balance: 127718.41370059

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lamalicious on April 14, 2014, 12:23:38 PM
Thanks for the information and after 10 hours I have :-

balance: 127718.41370059, unlocked balance: 127718.41370059

You're most certainly welcome. I guess you understood logic behind the numbers :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: the_darkness on April 16, 2014, 04:58:33 AM
Silly question, but how do I point two different cpus to mine at the same wallet?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: the_darkness on April 16, 2014, 05:11:22 AM
Silly question, but how do I point two different cpus to mine at the same wallet?

You've got three choices . .

1. Copy the wallet file and just open the same wallet on each computer and inside the wallet program type "start_mining y" where y is the # of cores

2. Start the daemon on the other computer and type "start_mining x y" where x is the wallet address you want to use and y is the # of cores

3. minergate

Thanks for the fast and detailed reply!

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: EndlessWin on April 17, 2014, 09:48:35 AM
Silly question, but how do I point two different cpus to mine at the same wallet?

You've got three choices . .

1. Copy the wallet file and just open the same wallet on each computer and inside the wallet program type "start_mining y" where y is the # of cores

2. Start the daemon on the other computer and type "start_mining x y" where x is the wallet address you want to use and y is the # of cores

3. minergate

Thanks for the fast and detailed reply!

should've probably provided a link to the minergate :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: ndonnard on April 24, 2014, 01:59:16 PM
Does anybody know what "unlock balance" is? In the wallet. part of my money is blocked,why?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Monkeyseemonkeydo on April 25, 2014, 07:54:11 AM
Does anybody know what "unlock balance" is? In the wallet. part of my money is blocked,why?

Interesting question. Have seen it but have no ideas what's that mean  :(

To tell the truth have never thought about it as my balance and my unlock balance always match

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: GreedyBoy on April 25, 2014, 10:31:04 AM
Every time I check and wish to see any changes I am a lit bit disappointed as status quo doesn't change and there is always "P.S. MacOS version coming soon."  but today I realized  that according to the blockchain there is already 1,7M mined coins.   

IMHOm there's actually no need to make mac ver.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: nopedope89 on April 25, 2014, 11:35:41 AM
How to use open-source simpleminer to mine with


Build latest bytecoin from sources using instructions in this thread.

Make sure you have executable ‘simpleminer’ in build/release/src.

Launch it with the following params:
./simpleminer --login=YOUR_ACCOUNT_EMAIL --pass !

Windows 7 x64 + MSVC2012 instructions:

   •   Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop:
   •   Download and install boost binaries boost_1_55_0-msvc-11.0-64.exe from
into c:\sdk\boost_1_55_0
   •   Download and install CMake 2.8.6 or later:
Choose “Add cmake to path for all users” when asked.
   •   Download bytecoin zipped sources from and extract them to 
   •   Open command prompt and execute the following:
cd C:\bytecoin-master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=C:\sdk\boost_1_55_0 -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\sdk\boost_1_55_0\lib64-msvc-11.0 -G "Visual Studio 11 Win64" ".."
   •   Make sure you have no error and Project.sln has been created in C:\bytecoin-master\build
   •   Open Project.sln with Visual Studio Express 2012 (double-click it).
   •   Choose ‘Release’ and ‘x64’ in solution configuration drop-boxes.
   •   Select ‘Build’ -> ‘Build solution’.
   •   Upon build succeeded all executables will be in C:\bytecoin-master\build\src\Release

Launch it with the following params:
simpleminer --login=YOUR_ACCOUNT_EMAIL --pass !

Please be careful and put correct e-mail corresponding to your MinerGate account.

In case you run simpleminer with wrong or misspelled e-mail all your work will be associated with different account!

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Wanesst on April 25, 2014, 01:32:05 PM
Does anybody know what "unlock balance" is? In the wallet. part of my money is blocked,why?

I think locked balance appears when you send or receive the money. With receiving it's obvious that you need the network confirmation. With sending I assume the reason lies within ring signature and several inputs/outputs.

I guess the network confirmation of your spent transaction is needed again to unlock previous inputs.

I'm not sure if it's right  :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: GullibleGooo on April 28, 2014, 03:14:14 PM
I need help to load my wallet. It says - file not found "wallet_name.bin.keys" , even though the wallet_name.bin.keys is in the same folder, looking good.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Cheesus on April 28, 2014, 03:36:29 PM
I need help to load my wallet. It says - file not found "wallet_name.bin.keys" , even though the wallet_name.bin.keys is in the same folder, looking good.

Are you certain you're starting simplewallet from the correct folder? What is your starting line?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on April 30, 2014, 05:41:57 AM
I have synchronized blockchain. But whenever I try to refresh my wallet, it says 'Daemon is busy'.

How do I resolve this?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: abit2slo on April 30, 2014, 06:17:16 AM
I have synchronized blockchain. But whenever I try to refresh my wallet, it says 'Daemon is busy'.

How do I resolve this?

are you 100% sure that it was synchronized? have you seen the green line "synchronized OK"?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on April 30, 2014, 07:02:54 AM
I have synchronized blockchain. But whenever I try to refresh my wallet, it says 'Daemon is busy'.

How do I resolve this?

are you 100% sure that it was synchronized? have you seen the green line "synchronized OK"?

Yes. First time I wasn't sure, so I saved it and exit. Then I launched it again and it said synchronized OK.

I will try again though. Do you believe this could be the only issue or there can be anything else too?

BTW; what should be the final size of the synchronized blockchain bin file?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Cheesus on April 30, 2014, 07:56:12 AM
I have synchronized blockchain. But whenever I try to refresh my wallet, it says 'Daemon is busy'.

How do I resolve this?

are you 100% sure that it was synchronized? have you seen the green line "synchronized OK"?

Yes. First time I wasn't sure, so I saved it and exit. Then I launched it again and it said synchronized OK.

I will try again though. Do you believe this could be the only issue or there can be anything else too?

BTW; what should be the final size of the synchronized blockchain bin file?

Around 2.2 GB.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: GullibleGooo on April 30, 2014, 11:39:25 AM
I need help to load my wallet. It says - file not found "wallet_name.bin.keys" , even though the wallet_name.bin.keys is in the same folder, looking good.

Are you certain you're starting simplewallet from the correct folder? What is your starting line?

I use the same path as when opening the daemon so I'm pretty sure it's the same. (Daemon works)
The command line is: c:\ByteCoin\simplewallet --wallet-file=wallet_name.bin --pass=12345

The name of the wallet is wallet_name.bin. If I use a made up non-existing wallet name (but same folder-path), I get the same error message (file not found fake_wallet_name.bin.keys). Switching to another folder than the daemon didn't help.

Before the error message says “bytecoin wallet v0.8.5.300 <a6f344a>”

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Edgecrusher on April 30, 2014, 06:27:05 PM

I'm having an issue when I open my simplewallet. I get:

Starting refresh...
Error: refresh failed: transaction extra parse error. Blocks received: 404

Any ideas?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: 33zer0w0lf on April 30, 2014, 06:32:22 PM
i am having this as well.  looks like there is new github source for linux that works.. not sure about new windows wallet though.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: MCOnyx on April 30, 2014, 06:33:14 PM

I'm having an issue when I open my simplewallet. I get:

Starting refresh...
Error: refresh failed: transaction extra parse error. Blocks received: 404

Any ideas?

Download latest ByteCoin binaries from:

Due to tests in merged-mining, something borked, downloading new wallet fixes it.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: 33zer0w0lf on April 30, 2014, 06:44:05 PM

I'm having an issue when I open my simplewallet. I get:

Starting refresh...
Error: refresh failed: transaction extra parse error. Blocks received: 404

Any ideas?

Download latest ByteCoin binaries from:

Due to tests in merged-mining, something borked, downloading new wallet fixes it.

I am assuming has the write files as well, I downloaded and installed it, copied my wallet files over and now all is good.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: gogamoga on May 01, 2014, 07:13:09 AM
My wallet doesn't sync. Any idea?

It may appear if wallet is unable to connect to deamon by rpc port. First of all try to turn off firewall and anti-virus and sync wallet again.

Tried it and it didn't work.
I get :

Error: refresh failed: daemon is busy. Please try later. Blocks received: 0

After the daemon has synchronized with the network, issue the save command in daemon console to store the blockchain, then you will be able to refresh the wallet

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: kneim on May 04, 2014, 10:54:11 PM
After the daemon has synchronized with the network, issue the save command in daemon console to store the blockchain, then you will be able to refresh the wallet
I have the same problem with my older wallets, the save command does not solve the problem.

I have different wallets:
I updated my wallet sw on Ubuntu Linux from version before to now.

A freshly created wallet works fine. But if I run simplewallet with an older wallet I'm getting the error as shown above:
Error: refresh failed: transaction extra parse error. Blocks received: 6321

The blockchain download is complete, of course.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: kneim on May 05, 2014, 09:03:52 AM
Ok, now my cold wallet too shows up this message:
Error: refresh failed: transaction extra parse error. Blocks received: 0

So I have no access to any of my BCN coins now. The first start of my cold wallet was fine, but after some hours I got this message above. I updated the wallet sw, but the same. How to recover?

A newly created wallet on the other host is working fine, but no access to old wallets. What is happening here?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Wanesst on May 05, 2014, 09:52:25 AM
Big announcement!

The old version of wallet doesn't work correctly, and you must refresh binaries. You need to replace the existing files.

Here is link to BCN site - (

There are binaries for Windows - ( and binaries for Linux - (

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: kneim on May 05, 2014, 02:31:43 PM
Big announcement!

The old version of wallet doesn't work correctly, and you must refresh binaries. You need to replace the existing files.

Here is link to BCN site - (

There are binaries for Windows - ( and binaries for Linux - (
The Linux link leads me to the version that I'm using all the day now. On a third Ubuntu system all the same. The blockchain was 14 days back. The first step was installing this newest version. The second was syncronizing with the blockchain. The last step was starting simplewallet with yet another old wallet, the same "refresh failed" as on the other systems.

I'm installing a Windows 7 64 Bit version now, as a VirtualBox VM. All my other Ubuntu Linux 12.04 systems are VirtualBox VMs also, nothing special, standard installation.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on May 05, 2014, 04:39:47 PM
OK, I successfully synchronized my blockchain and wallet for the first time and my wallet already has 4 incoming transactions, totalling 13102 BCN.

Is this normal?

I had asked for a few BCN in the giveaway thread, but I'm not sure if all transactions are from the giveaway. I also don't know how to check date/time of a transaction, so can't verify.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: kneim on May 05, 2014, 04:52:40 PM
OK, I successfully synchronized my blockchain and wallet for the first time and my wallet already has 4 incoming transactions, totalling 13102 BCN.

Is this normal?

I had asked for a few BCN in the giveaway thread, but I'm not sure if all transactions are from the giveaway. I also don't know how to check date/time of a transaction, so can't verify.
I have this also. One big outgoing transaction divided into many smaller incoming parts. Is this perhaps the result of the <mixin_count> option?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on May 05, 2014, 06:42:04 PM
OK, I successfully synchronized my blockchain and wallet for the first time and my wallet already has 4 incoming transactions, totalling 13102 BCN.

Is this normal?

I had asked for a few BCN in the giveaway thread, but I'm not sure if all transactions are from the giveaway. I also don't know how to check date/time of a transaction, so can't verify.
I have this also. One big outgoing transaction divided into many smaller incoming parts. Is this perhaps the result of the <mixin_count> option?

So essentially it is one transaction of 13102 BCN divided into many parts for anonymity? That's definitely possible.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: kneim on May 05, 2014, 10:24:05 PM
I have my coins again, so a brief aggregation now.

I'm working with Ubuntu Linux 12.04, installed as Virtual Machines on top a VirtualBox environment. My Ubuntu installation is for wallets only, standard installation, some with VPN prepared. One week before all worked as expected, I created a lot of wallets for exchanging BCN. But beginning from yesterday I got this message on start of simplewallet and every refresh:
Error: refresh failed: transaction extra parse error. Blocks received: 6321

A dozen of wallets failed, residing on three different VMs, residing on three different hardware. Also with the newest wallet version ( it failed to refresh. Surprisingly newly created wallets are working, but not the old ones.

I have now installed a wallet into windows 7 (version, syncronized the blockchain, created a new wallet successfully. Then I transfered my Ubuntu wallets into windows, renamed the large wallet-file, and voila, the refresh finished without any error, showing the correct balance.

I have downloaded the newest binaries for windows or linux. I wonder that the version differs significantly between the two os. The linux version perhaps is not uptodate.

I could compile it on my own, if I would find a hint about it to be necessary. But as a marketing guy already said about BCN: If the usability does not increase, this coin is useless. What I also wonder about: as a coin with preference to anonymization and security there should be a large community of linux users here.

Do anybody use a linux os for his wallets successfully? What's the os name and version? Do I have to compile the wallet sw on my own?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Wanesst on May 06, 2014, 11:08:58 AM
OK, I successfully synchronized my blockchain and wallet for the first time and my wallet already has 4 incoming transactions, totalling 13102 BCN.

Is this normal?

I had asked for a few BCN in the giveaway thread, but I'm not sure if all transactions are from the giveaway. I also don't know how to check date/time of a transaction, so can't verify.
I have this also. One big outgoing transaction divided into many smaller incoming parts. Is this perhaps the result of the <mixin_count> option?

So essentially it is one transaction of 13102 BCN divided into many parts for anonymity? That's definitely possible.

You right, this is one  transaction!

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on May 06, 2014, 11:43:54 AM
OK, I successfully synchronized my blockchain and wallet for the first time and my wallet already has 4 incoming transactions, totalling 13102 BCN.

Is this normal?

I had asked for a few BCN in the giveaway thread, but I'm not sure if all transactions are from the giveaway. I also don't know how to check date/time of a transaction, so can't verify.
I have this also. One big outgoing transaction divided into many smaller incoming parts. Is this perhaps the result of the <mixin_count> option?

So essentially it is one transaction of 13102 BCN divided into many parts for anonymity? That's definitely possible.

You right, this is one  transaction!

Yep. I should have checked the transaction ID. They're all same for the 4 inputs. My bad!

And thanks for the donation :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Wanesst on May 06, 2014, 12:37:05 PM
OK, I successfully synchronized my blockchain and wallet for the first time and my wallet already has 4 incoming transactions, totalling 13102 BCN.

Is this normal?

I had asked for a few BCN in the giveaway thread, but I'm not sure if all transactions are from the giveaway. I also don't know how to check date/time of a transaction, so can't verify.
I have this also. One big outgoing transaction divided into many smaller incoming parts. Is this perhaps the result of the <mixin_count> option?

So essentially it is one transaction of 13102 BCN divided into many parts for anonymity? That's definitely possible.

You right, this is one  transaction!

Yep. I should have checked the transaction ID. They're all same for the 4 inputs. My bad!

And thanks for the donation :)

Nice business :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on May 21, 2014, 06:27:50 PM
I just upgraded to latest binaries. My daemon synchronized OK.
After some time I received this message:

Any idea what it means?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: paumonte on May 30, 2014, 09:03:08 AM
Greetings sorry for the newbie question but the situation is that i've downloaded the bunddle for windows but it just works on 64 bit there's no chance or a 32 bit? thank you so much for your time.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Rytir_fik on May 30, 2014, 09:14:47 AM
Greetings sorry for the newbie question but the situation is that i've downloaded the bunddle for windows but it just works on 64 bit there's no chance or a 32 bit? thank you so much for your time.

No chance for 32 bit... only 64bit as far as I know. UPDATE you can try it.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Yanakitu Tenatako on July 04, 2014, 06:48:58 PM
I have a problem with wallet, it wont send bcn from it. Says transfer competed, and ID but never executes transfer.
after day or two I refresh my balance an bcn is not show as purple, and balance is like I sent. But then I copy old wallet.bin and refresh and bcn added to my wallet (that bcn I want to send).

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Marcus2914 on July 04, 2014, 07:30:10 PM
I have a problem with wallet, it wont send bcn from it. Says transfer competed, and ID but never executes transfer.
after day or two I refresh my balance an bcn is not show as purple, and balance is like I sent. But then I copy old wallet.bin and refresh and bcn added to my wallet (that bcn I want to send).

I have the exact same problem.  I was able to get 2 transfers to work but now it won't. Please any help would be appreciated.

edit: Its working now.  I don't know what the difference in 6 hours is but now it works.  Weird. 

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Rytir_fik on July 07, 2014, 12:51:12 PM
Just in case anybody has problem with wallet especially with sending BCN. DStrange described how to manage it in this link.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: J1mb0 on July 07, 2014, 03:48:02 PM
Dear DStrange and abit2slo!
Thank you for this topic.
This coin has an ugly interface but is very intresting as a technology.

Are you calling MSDOS ugly?  :P

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: ReRunRod on July 09, 2014, 03:00:37 PM
Dear DStrange and abit2slo!
Thank you for this topic.
This coin has an ugly interface but is very intresting as a technology.

Are you calling MSDOS ugly?  :P

Oldie but goody! :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: pilitusanelidus on September 09, 2014, 02:48:42 PM
Is not projected to create a pack that can allow to run the BCN pack on windows 32 bits for the close future? thanks for your time.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: J1mb0 on September 11, 2014, 09:51:06 AM
Is not projected to create a pack that can allow to run the BCN pack on windows 32 bits for the close future? thanks for your time.

You could always run a lite Debian based distro on Virtualbox.  :)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Nubminer on April 20, 2015, 04:16:12 AM
could I solo mine this with ccminer ??

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: on April 20, 2015, 09:08:02 AM
could I solo mine this with ccminer ??

Diff is high enough to recommend you pool mining in order to reduce reward variance.
Solo mining is technically possible with any CryptoNote daemon on CPU.
GPU always needs specific GPU miner.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: bytemuma on April 20, 2015, 02:15:27 PM
Hi fellows,

I have doubt on top of my head ... ???
What is the meaning of "broken pipe" error msg ? and these 'pathway' msg


bucket_head2* phead = (bucket_head2*);
          if(LEVIN_SIGNATURE != phead->m_signature)
            LOG_ERROR_CC(m_connection_context, "Signature mismatch, connection will be closed");
            return false;

and Just for the sake of curiousness .... I need to ask why "\sorrybigbro\"

Kind regards,

I have no idea, but you can post in the technical discussion.

Somebody's gonna give you a answer.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Nubminer on May 06, 2015, 03:43:47 AM

could I solo mine this with ccminer ??

Diff is high enough to recommend you pool mining in order to reduce reward variance.
Solo mining is technically possible with any CryptoNote daemon on CPU.
GPU always needs specific GPU miner.

So it is possible.. ??
I ran my bytecoind.exe and can start mining with the wallet... so I know its possible to solo mine using the CPU
but I want to point ccminer for GPU mining... I have tried both ports 8080 and 8081 using the following...

ccminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet_address -p x
and it just disconnects

[2015-05-05 21:37:02] stratum_recv_line failed
[2015-05-05 21:37:02] ...retry after 5 seconds
[2015-05-05 21:37:03] GPU #0: TEST, 363.03 H/s
[2015-05-05 21:37:07] stratum_recv_line failed
[2015-05-05 21:37:07] ...terminating workio thread
[2015-05-05 21:37:07] workio thread dead, exiting.

Do i need to bind the IP and port first on the initial launch of bytecoind ??

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on June 02, 2015, 12:28:00 PM
I was using the command-line wallet until now. I have just downloaded the GUI wallet, which gave me a new address. Now:

1. How do I transfer my address from command-line wallet to GUI wallet?
2. Does the new wallet even support multiple addresses?
3. If not, what is the solution for me so that I can keep both of my addresses?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: bytemuma on June 02, 2015, 09:46:03 PM
I was using the command-line wallet until now. I have just downloaded the GUI wallet, which gave me a new address. Now:

1. How do I transfer my address from command-line wallet to GUI wallet?
2. Does the new wallet even support multiple addresses?
3. If not, what is the solution for me so that I can keep both of my addresses?

1-open your GUI wallet.
Go to file-> open wallet and navigate to your *.keys or *.wallet.
Wait until it syncs.

2-repeat the process for all wallets that you have.

3- Bytecoin devs are top notch, everything works smooth. ;)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on June 03, 2015, 10:11:51 AM
I was using the command-line wallet until now. I have just downloaded the GUI wallet, which gave me a new address. Now:

1. How do I transfer my address from command-line wallet to GUI wallet?
2. Does the new wallet even support multiple addresses?
3. If not, what is the solution for me so that I can keep both of my addresses?

1-open your GUI wallet.
Go to file-> open wallet and navigate to your *.keys or *.wallet.
Wait until it syncs.

2-repeat the process for all wallets that you have.

3- Bytecoin devs are top notch, everything works smooth. ;)

That means the new GUI wallet can contain more than one addresses? (The one I import and the one it already gave me both will exist in same wallet?)

Because I was having a look at the development road map and I can see "Multiple Wallet Addresses" as a pending action.

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: bytemuma on June 03, 2015, 01:45:33 PM
I was using the command-line wallet until now. I have just downloaded the GUI wallet, which gave me a new address. Now:

1. How do I transfer my address from command-line wallet to GUI wallet?
2. Does the new wallet even support multiple addresses?
3. If not, what is the solution for me so that I can keep both of my addresses?

1-open your GUI wallet.
Go to file-> open wallet and navigate to your *.keys or *.wallet.
Wait until it syncs.

2-repeat the process for all wallets that you have.

3- Bytecoin devs are top notch, everything works smooth. ;)

That means the new GUI wallet can contain more than one addresses? (The one I import and the one it already gave me both will exist in same wallet?)

Because I was having a look at the development road map and I can see "Multiple Wallet Addresses" as a pending action.

The GUI wallet, can open multiple files *.keys or *.wallet, but not simultaneous.
I think the dev team may have something else in mind when they say "Multiple Wallet Addresses".

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on June 04, 2015, 04:34:48 AM
I was using the command-line wallet until now. I have just downloaded the GUI wallet, which gave me a new address. Now:

1. How do I transfer my address from command-line wallet to GUI wallet?
2. Does the new wallet even support multiple addresses?
3. If not, what is the solution for me so that I can keep both of my addresses?

1-open your GUI wallet.
Go to file-> open wallet and navigate to your *.keys or *.wallet.
Wait until it syncs.

2-repeat the process for all wallets that you have.

3- Bytecoin devs are top notch, everything works smooth. ;)

That means the new GUI wallet can contain more than one addresses? (The one I import and the one it already gave me both will exist in same wallet?)

Because I was having a look at the development road map and I can see "Multiple Wallet Addresses" as a pending action.

The GUI wallet, can open multiple files *.keys or *.wallet, but not simultaneous.
I think the dev team may have something else in mind when they say "Multiple Wallet Addresses".

That means, until the wallet integrates support for simultaneous multiple addresses, I can
- Either keep running both wallets separately (command-line & GUI)
- Or I can import *.keys in GUI and then manually switch between these two wallet time-to-time

OK, I think that clears it up.

Waiting to see support for multiple addresses within same wallet!

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: bytemuma on June 04, 2015, 01:19:14 PM
It is very simple to use various wallets in the GUI. You only need to go File -> recents wallets and chose the one you want

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: sgk on June 04, 2015, 03:30:56 PM
It is very simple to use various wallets in the GUI. You only need to go File -> recents wallets and chose the one you want

Thanks, I will try this now. I think this is pretty usable work-aroung until support for multiple wallets is added.
(And I am hoping this would be soon, because that is what I see next on the development road map)

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: tearsdontfall on June 30, 2015, 08:58:37 AM
how can i copy my wallet address in cmd mode and paste this wallet address in my cmd in order to transfer my coins cmd to gui wallet ... please tell me the process ...

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Cheesus on June 30, 2015, 09:44:30 AM
how can i copy my wallet address in cmd mode and paste this wallet address in my cmd in order to transfer my coins cmd to gui wallet ... please tell me the process ...

Right-click on the console (cmd) and press "Mark", select your address and hit "Enter". There you go, you address is copied. To paste it right-click in cmd again and press "Paste".

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: manotroll on December 21, 2016, 01:10:48 AM
How to calculate the additional reward for mining soil?

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: huntalan81 on March 31, 2017, 05:54:43 PM
Hi all, I need some help.

bytecoind SYCRONIZED
wallet made in the simplewallet, but when I type "refresh" it says "unknown command"
and when I type "start_mining" says: "ERROR Error: failed to invoke rpc method: HTTP status 1"

What is the problem?

Edit: win10 64 bit

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: huntalan81 on April 02, 2017, 08:29:50 AM
bytecoin peer list for daemon? I couldn't find it! pls help!

Title: Re: [BCN] Bytecoin (not a bitcoin fork) How-To
Post by: Lucasyx6 on October 21, 2017, 08:14:29 AM
Please help... I can't start my wallet properly in my mining pool!

I give the command and open the wallet correctly but the RPC server does not start!

Please help?

Photos attached to the error!
