Title: 20 Bitcoin for a good name [CLOSED] Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 05:16:21 AM We (I and a few others) will be launching our bitcoin stock market soon (next couple of weeks) where anyone will be able to trade any kind of share certificate of their own making, essentialy it will be a great way to raise money for any venture they see fit.
It will be able to trade shares(that is, shares as they are tradionaly understood, with votes and dividends etc.) Futures. Dept/loans And any other financial based contract a person can devise. Originally we have called it "The BlackMarket" but it seems most people find this too shady. What I am looking for is a clever name for: 1)Our company, we'll be doing this and another venture(reputation system) soon. 2)This stock market Entries must have available domain names for both names (or a clever domain name to suit the project/comany name) posted with the entry. Winning entry gets 20 bitcoin. Go!!!! -----EDIT------ Does not need the word bitcoin or any play of the word bitcoin, it's ok if it does, just doesn't need it. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: JamezQ on April 06, 2011, 05:21:37 AM The BitBay, like Ebay?
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: bitlotto on April 06, 2011, 05:30:04 AM Bitcoin trading post
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: JamezQ on April 06, 2011, 05:31:34 AM Freeshare marketplace?
Has a nice ring to it. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Ryland R. Taylor-Almanza on April 06, 2011, 05:36:53 AM Anonystocks?
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: BioMike on April 06, 2011, 05:38:45 AM RedWall Stock Exchange (RWSE)
(RedWall comes from its Chinese origin. Chinese wall with red from the (Chinese) socialist colour, the colour of luck or the Chinese flag (you choose ;) )) Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: fetokun on April 06, 2011, 05:39:10 AM AlpacaStocks?
;D ;D Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 05:40:57 AM Anonystocks? Too easy to confuse with Anoy Socks :P Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: JamezQ on April 06, 2011, 06:12:36 AM The Market Underground?
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: LightRider on April 06, 2011, 06:33:02 AM Cryptoconomy
Coldhardhash Hashmarket Hash&Carry B&C Block Bitocracy Miner Card Yours & Mine HasherCashery Coinering the Market TheBlockMarket Bit Coin Block Exchange Edit: last one I promise! Coinering the Block Market Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: TiagoTiago on April 06, 2011, 07:11:45 AM Night Traders
Traders of the Lost Ark Cryptocracy Stork Infants Delivery Hashtown Mintycoins Slim Market Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: epii on April 06, 2011, 07:17:32 AM Why not just The BitMarket?
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Hatchetfox on April 06, 2011, 07:22:34 AM Hm... what about these; Bitshares, Cryptosox, CyTrade, or Bit Trade? ^^
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Megawatt on April 06, 2011, 07:22:50 AM Stocky
Freedom Stock Exchange Stock Now Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: asdf on April 06, 2011, 07:41:13 AM BlockStock
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: NicholasBell on April 06, 2011, 08:12:20 AM I think you should go with a name that's not so much a pun, and obvious parallels with existing services:
Bitcoin Stock Exchange (BCSE or BSE) Or something easy to remember: Bitsto.com (for 'bit stock' and currently avaliable) Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: molecular on April 06, 2011, 08:16:56 AM AlpacaStocks? ;D ;D This made me laugh, hilarious, you AlpacaStock-holding crypto-hippies. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 09:00:04 AM I think you should go with a name that's not so much a pun, and obvious parallels with existing services: Bitcoin Stock Exchange (BCSE or BSE) Or something easy to remember: Bitsto.com (for 'bit stock' and currently avaliable) BSE, isn't that the officia term for mad cow disease? Bisto is a brand of gravy in the UK & Ireland, so Bitsto is a little too close for comfort. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Sedo on April 06, 2011, 09:05:53 AM Mt. Stoxx?
<serious> Crypton [Shares | Market | Economics] Trustify / Trustcryption Coinbase / Sharebase / Stockbase / Loanbase / Moneybase Seven Coins / Seven Shares / .. Coin Drive / [..] Drive Coingregate Spirit Shares Coin Pool / [..] Pool Coin Merge / Mergify </serious> Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 09:19:01 AM Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Binford 6100 on April 06, 2011, 09:29:17 AM I think you should go with Bitcoin Stock Exchange (BSE) BSE, isn't that the official term for mad cow disease?... easy to remember: it's been more than 10 years since a major outbreak of bse in europe, should be safe to use now ppl have different/no associations with bse now. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: eMansipater on April 06, 2011, 10:09:12 AM I think you should go with Bitcoin Stock Exchange (BSE) BSE, isn't that the official term for mad cow disease?... easy to remember: it's been more than 10 years since a major outbreak of bse in europe, should be safe to use now ppl have different/no associations with bse now. My suggestion is to keep it professional, too. Something like BitMeister's F1nanc1al WareZ. Or more seriously, BitCoin Global Stock Exchange ("BitCoin Global" for short and for domain) Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 10:48:13 AM BitcoinGlobal, sounds like an evil corporation... I'm liking the sound of it.
If any of my co-investors would like to give their opinion on the names given so far (and keep them coming) please do. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: rose on April 06, 2011, 11:55:51 AM I think a simple name which is easy to understand is the bast one,such as"THE HEAVEN OF EXCHANGING" ."BRAIN TRUST" or "HELP EACH OTHER"
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 11:59:42 AM Thank you rose.
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: uncaer9 on April 06, 2011, 12:18:31 PM BitcoinShares
ShareYourBitcoin Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 12:21:25 PM BitcoinShares ShareYourBitcoin ShareYouBits ahahahaha Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: epii on April 06, 2011, 03:05:14 PM NicholasBell + rose = "BSE Brain Trust"?
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: mewantsbitcoins on April 06, 2011, 03:05:53 PM Fucanglong Stock Exchange (FSE)
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: epii on April 06, 2011, 03:12:59 PM Fucanglong Stock Exchange (FSE) Hidden dragon? That's pretty random. Badass, but it would help if the majority of our userbase were in China.Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Fiyasko on April 06, 2011, 03:14:40 PM Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: RodeoX on April 06, 2011, 03:40:17 PM DigitTraders
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 03:43:07 PM eMansipater half wins with Bitcoin Global for the company name, post or pm me an address and I'll send you over you're hard earned 10 BTC.
Still another 10BTC remaining for the best name for the stock market, so don't stop. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: N12 on April 06, 2011, 03:48:55 PM BitcoinGlobal, sounds like an evil corporation... I'm liking the sound of it. I agree, although I don’t like the "Global" in Global Stock Exchange. It sounds too … conventional.What about, instead: Terra/Terrestrial Earth World Human/Humanity Orbit Cosmos/Cosmic Universe/Uni Dominance Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Vandroiy on April 06, 2011, 05:00:10 PM GlobalBitTrade (GBT)
Arguments: emphasizes the advantage of a global currency. Sounds strong and international. "Trade" is common for stock exchanges, see eTrade. The abbreviation GBT is not commonly used in a financial context. This might become the actual common word. "I bought them on GBT." One could make variations of this. I would have liked the "Global" anyways, since it emphasizes the BitCoin advantage. But if you even take it as a company name now... it could really be in the common name too. GlobalTrade is surely taken, and GlobalBitCoinTrade is a bit long, but... options. @BlitzBoom: I think it's good to sound conventional when using BitCoin. Things should feel established, move away from being too geeky. This might help to bring in conventional traders -- and that's where the real money lies. You know these people don't move their markets just 'cause someone runs in with 100,000 USD. That's the target audience you need for the long run, and to them, dealing in BitCoins might push one far enough to the "unconventional" side. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 05:07:09 PM well bitrade.com and others is taken.
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: NicholasBell on April 06, 2011, 06:26:54 PM I know I originally said you shouldn't use a pun, but what about TerraBit?
Terra - earth (showing global reach) Tera - SI prefix, as in terabyte, a large amount of digital information. Adding "Stock Exchange" to the end is an option, so the actual application is clear. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 06, 2011, 07:06:47 PM I know I originally said you shouldn't use a pun, but what about TerraBit? Terra - earth (showing global reach) Tera - SI prefix, as in terabyte, a large amount of digital information. Adding "Stock Exchange" to the end is an option, so the actual application is clear. Terrabit has all been takes, .com, .org etc. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Fiyasko on April 06, 2011, 07:14:57 PM BitECoinomy.Com!
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: BitterTea on April 06, 2011, 08:28:25 PM I like Bitcoin Global Stock Exchange for a serious name, BlockStock for a fun one.
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: LightRider on April 06, 2011, 08:37:49 PM New Work Block Exchains
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: S3052 on April 06, 2011, 08:40:35 PM Bitrade
http://bitrade.com/ not taken Sorry nefario, I promised to share some ideas earlier, but was too busy lately. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: guesswho on April 06, 2011, 09:07:42 PM BlockStock I definitely like this a lot! http://blockstock.com/ is currently registered but it is for sale. It might take a little negotiation but it can't hurt to contact them. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: S3052 on April 06, 2011, 09:32:15 PM BlockStock I definitely like this a lot! http://blockstock.com/ is currently registered but it is for sale. It might take a little negotiation but it can't hurt to contact them. It fits really well to the technology behind bitcoins, while it carries the risk of being perceived as blocking something and sounding a bit negative.. For people not deep in the matter this might repell them. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Distribution on April 06, 2011, 10:20:01 PM Open Bit Exchange. The domain isn't taken. Also, saying you're trading on the OBE (or OBEX) sounds good. It has the same ring as AMEX or S&P.
EDIT: OBEX.com is available also. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: sanjay on April 06, 2011, 11:03:09 PM Spreadtrust.com
I own the domain and would transfer it over for some BTC... Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2011, 11:15:54 PM AlpacaStocks has my vote :D
blockstox.com ? Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: eMansipater on April 07, 2011, 09:22:22 AM Alright, I'm back for a run at the other half :)
How about emphasizing the digital aspect instead of bitcoins in particular? So, "Digital Trading Stock Exchange" or DTSE for short. The .com for dtse is taken but for sale at an unknown price. I also liked DSE with 'trading' left out, but that domain is taken. another option would be to emphasize the internet aspect of bitcoins. So, "Net Gain Stock Exchange" or NGSE. That one's a bit corny, but you could always move to emphasize the acronym as you take over the world. I also like "Internet Trading Stock Exchange" or ITSE. Including the "IT" in there makes it feel techy. Both of those domains are likely for sale. Finally, "Bitcoin Internet Trading Stock EXchange" would let you abbreviate to.....oh wait....maybe "Bitcoin Online Trading......" nope that's even worse. Maybe just stick with the first three there. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Ying on April 07, 2011, 10:45:46 AM We (I and a few others) will be launching our bitcoin stock market soon (next couple of weeks) where anyone will be able to trade any kind of share certificate of their own making, essentialy it will be a great way to raise money for any venture they see fit. I have thought some names for you .Haha...It will be able to trade shares(that is, shares as they are tradionaly understood, with votes and dividends etc.) Futures. Dept/loans And any other financial based contract a person can devise. Originally we have called it "The BlackMarket" but it seems most people find this too shady. What I am looking for is a clever name for: 1)Our company, we'll be doing this and another venture(reputation system) soon. 2)This stock market Entries must have available domain names for both names (or a clever domain name to suit the project/comany name) posted with the entry. Winning entry gets 20 bitcoin. Go!!!! -----EDIT------ Does not need the word bitcoin or any play of the word bitcoin, it's ok if it does, just doesn't need it. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: rose on April 07, 2011, 01:04:47 PM my dear teacher,haven't you thought about these names?I am waiting for your news.
- your sincerce student Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 07, 2011, 01:20:56 PM Alright, I'm back for a run at the other half :) How about emphasizing the digital aspect instead of bitcoins in particular? So, "Digital Trading Stock Exchange" or DTSE for short. The .com for dtse is taken but for sale at an unknown price. I also liked DSE with 'trading' left out, but that domain is taken. another option would be to emphasize the internet aspect of bitcoins. So, "Net Gain Stock Exchange" or NGSE. That one's a bit corny, but you could always move to emphasize the acronym as you take over the world. I also like "Internet Trading Stock Exchange" or ITSE. Including the "IT" in there makes it feel techy. Both of those domains are likely for sale. Finally, "Bitcoin Internet Trading Stock EXchange" would let you abbreviate to.....oh wait....maybe "Bitcoin Online Trading......" nope that's even worse. Maybe just stick with the first three there. Hi rose and ying, thank you for your effort, sadly I feel that those names are not very suitable. eMansipater, 4 letter domains are selling for over $3000 average, itse and ngse are not available. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Distribution on April 07, 2011, 02:22:54 PM 4 letter domains are selling for over $3000 average, itse and ngse are not available. Yeah, you're right, I guess OBEX isn't available as a dot com. But some of the others, like .cc and .ca are. And openbitexchange.com is still up for sale. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Fiyasko on April 07, 2011, 02:37:17 PM BitECoinomy.Com! aw c'mon i know its a lilbit of a mouth full but i think the playon words are worth it! Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 07, 2011, 02:50:14 PM Bitrade http://bitrade.com/ not taken Sorry nefario, I promised to share some ideas earlier, but was too busy lately. I do like it, however it is taken, and could be confused with the trading of bisexuals. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 07, 2011, 03:19:37 PM eMansipater has gotten his 10bitcoins, that leaves another 10 still up for grabs.
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 07, 2011, 03:45:47 PM OK, that's it everyone, thank you for your effort, I finally came up with it myself.
The name for the exchange will be: GLobal Bitcoin Stock Exchange GLBSE, or the glibsee, I've already gotten the .org, .com, and .net domains Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: epii on April 07, 2011, 05:58:40 PM OK, that's it everyone, thank you for your effort, I finally came up with it myself. >_< I totally read that "Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Stock Exchange".The name for the exchange will be: GLobal Bitcoin Stock Exchange GLBSE, or the glibsee, I've already gotten the .org, .com, and .net domains Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: eMansipater on April 07, 2011, 06:04:36 PM GLBSE, or the glibsee, I've already gotten the .org, .com, and .net domains >_< I totally read that "Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Stock Exchange".Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: NicholasBell on April 08, 2011, 01:58:26 AM Bitcoin Stock Exchange OK, that's it everyone, thank you for your effort, I finally came up with it myself. The name for the exchange will be: GLobal Bitcoin Stock Exchange The "global" part makes it unique.. :P Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name [CLOSED] Post by: LightRider on April 08, 2011, 02:29:57 AM Stephen Colbert Presents:
Coinering the Cryptconomy An Exploration of the New Work Block Exchains A Mineumental Bitstitution of Hashtastic Proportions Death of the Old Hard Cashscape Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name Post by: Nefario on April 08, 2011, 03:13:56 AM OK, that's it everyone, thank you for your effort, I finally came up with it myself. >_< I totally read that "Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Stock Exchange".The name for the exchange will be: GLobal Bitcoin Stock Exchange GLBSE, or the glibsee, I've already gotten the .org, .com, and .net domains :-[ :-[ :-[ Wow did I miss that, oh well. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name [CLOSED] Post by: TiagoTiago on April 10, 2011, 12:10:47 AM Well, at least it wasn't GLobal Bitcoin Trade Stocks EXchange (GLBTSEXchange.com) <.<.
Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name [CLOSED] Post by: Nefario on April 10, 2011, 02:45:33 AM Well, at least it wasn't GLobal Bitcoin Trade Stocks EXchange (GLBTSEXchange.com) <.<. I suppose it could have been worse. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name [CLOSED] Post by: Distribution on April 10, 2011, 03:03:56 AM Well, at least it wasn't GLobal Bitcoin Trade Stocks EXchange (GLBTSEXchange.com) <.<. I suppose it could have been worse. Or better, depending on who your audience is. Title: Re: 20 Bitcoin for a good name [CLOSED] Post by: wenlan on April 13, 2011, 04:02:36 AM RIB(R-really,I-internet,B-bitcoin)