Title: CRYPTOMI.IO - 🐲 CRYPTO EXCHANGE PLATFORM 🔆 Post by: Cryptomi.io on January 13, 2024, 06:28:22 PM Join Our Cryptomi Platform!
https://i.postimg.cc/hPQ6kHKV/twitter-banner-3.png CRYPTOMI.IO is a hybrid cryptocurrency exchange that seamlessly combines the advantages of centralized and decentralized systems. Join our growing community, contribute, and get rewarded! Follow the steps below to start earning coins for your participation. The Japanese "Tomi" symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Its graceful strokes reflect the essence of a rich heritage and harmonious development. Whole range of crypto activities is provided on our platform, from Digital Assets Exchange to P2P and Staking. Anonymous. Convenient. Quick. A breath of fresh air in the world of crypto exchanges. Take a leap! - https://cryptomi.io (https://cryptomi.io) Tell us what you think! Your CrypTomi.io Team Title: Re: CRYPTOMI.IO - 🐲 CRYPTO EXCHANGE PLATFORM 🔆 Post by: Agbe on January 19, 2024, 06:57:03 PM First of all you are welcome to the Nigerian Local Board which is one of the fastest growing local boards in the forum. Good cryptocurrency exchange platforms are needed in the ecosystem and the only one that people use most is Binance and we need another one that looks like Binance. I checked your exchange and registered with it and look the platform. And the interface is good but I don't really understand the features to use. I thought it is very easy as Binance but it is not. I must tell you that the exchange is somehow difficult to use and I need explanation how to use it. And also you have to work on the site. Let the current price of Bitcoin display on the home page. When I input the unit of Bitcoin in the p2p, let the price appear in my local currency.
This is the interface of the platform. https://www.talkimg.com/images/2024/01/19/3bx2b.jpeg https://www.talkimg.com/images/2024/01/19/3p2Rv.jpeg I can't even add payment method. Nothing nis working from my end. And one thing you have to know for exchange is that people use the exchange that has the highest price list. |