Title: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on June 29, 2024, 07:17:39 AM Loan Amount: 15 USDT (TRC20)
Loan Purpose: personal/medical expenses Loan Repay Amount: 20 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Received Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Crypto Library on June 29, 2024, 07:24:43 AM Loan Amount: 15 USDT (TRC20) Quite a low amount. May I know have you got the deal or not?Loan Purpose: personal/medical expenses Loan Repay Amount: 20 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Or If you have binance or kucoin id you can also take the fund on that. Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on June 29, 2024, 07:30:32 AM Quite a low amount. May I know have you got the deal or not? I haven't got a deal. The reason why it is low is because I only need a little bit amount of money for buying anti-rabies shot (about 13-15 dollars in my country) on July 1 and also for erig (different type of anti-titanus which is $31). My next dose will be on July 1. Max payment in the campaign I joined is at $45 in btc.Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Crypto Library on June 29, 2024, 07:54:04 AM Quite a low amount. May I know have you got the deal or not? I haven't got a deal. The reason why it is low is because I only need a little bit amount of money for buying anti-rabies shot (about 13-15 dollars in my country) on July 1 and also for erig (different type of anti-titanus which is $31). My next dose will be on July 1. Max payment in the campaign I joined is at $45 in btc.Here is the re-pay address USDT(trc20): TDwfSenfuPFwQhDNa5rQ8essdapn2DqnNf Hope you can take your dose on time and there will be no health-issues. Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on June 29, 2024, 07:55:04 AM Check your Binance wallet. 15USDT(Trc-20) sended on chain transaction . Received on the wallet.Here is the re-pay address USDT(trc20): TDwfSenfuPFwQhDNa5rQ8essdapn2DqnNf Hope you can take your dose on time and there will be no health-issues. Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on July 17, 2024, 06:46:57 PM Additional Loan
Loan Amount: 10 USDT (TRC20) Loan Purpose: personal/medical expenses Loan Repay Amount: 15 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks or earlier Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Total amount to be paid: $40 USDT Thanks a lot Crypro Library, it is a huge help man. Received Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Crypto Library on July 17, 2024, 07:30:33 PM Additional Loan Check your Binance wallet I have sended you the additional 10 USDT in the Binance on-chain transaction as we talked about that. And as well as I have already mention about the repayment address on my previous post on this thread. Loan Amount: 10 USDT (TRC20) Loan Purpose: personal/medical expenses Loan Repay Amount: 15 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks or earlier Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Total amount to be paid: $40 USDT Thanks a lot Crypro Library, it is a huge help man. It was my pleasure that this deal helps you.By the way buddy, you couldn't mention me correctly because you spelled my username wrong. ;D Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on July 17, 2024, 07:31:58 PM Check your Binance wallet I have sended you the additional 10 USDT in the Binance on-chain transaction as we talked about that. And as well as I have already mention about the repayment address on my previous post on this thread. Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on July 29, 2024, 07:53:55 PM Partial Payment Sent and 1 week extension
Paid amount: 30 USDT Remaining Balance: 10 USDT + 5 USDT TX ID: https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/cb43026973fe1710182a8642196834befc168ba92b58f6eb189cfdb019f86850 Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Mr.right85 on July 30, 2024, 11:35:01 PM Quite a low amount. May I know have you got the deal or not? I haven't got a deal. The reason why it is low is because I only need a little bit amount of money for buying anti-rabies shot (about 13-15 dollars in my country) on July 1 and also for erig (different type of anti-titanus which is $31). My next dose will be on July 1. Max payment in the campaign I joined is at $45 in btc.I mean, I thought maybe you just need USDT for whatever reason as, selling Bitcoin at this time would be out of the option, given that Bitcoin price is rising right now. For you, such low amount is sure to come with ease and your repaying what you may. Be safe out there. Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: JeromeTash on August 01, 2024, 09:57:05 PM Quite a low amount. May I know have you got the deal or not? I haven't got a deal. The reason why it is low is because I only need a little bit amount of money for buying anti-rabies shot (about 13-15 dollars in my country) on July 1 and also for erig (different type of anti-titanus which is $31). My next dose will be on July 1. Max payment in the campaign I joined is at $45 in btc.Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on August 06, 2024, 11:35:45 AM Usdt sent https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/8c05662e0237fbadd58fedeb65ca9d94b10862fe9c61e36d20ee6700e5d5105e
Fully paid Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on August 06, 2024, 03:22:57 PM New
Loan Amount: 30 USDT (TRC20) Loan Purpose: personal Loan Repay Amount: 35 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks or earlier Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Crypto Library on August 06, 2024, 03:47:43 PM Usdt sent https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/8c05662e0237fbadd58fedeb65ca9d94b10862fe9c61e36d20ee6700e5d5105e This is Crypto Library and I am confirming that I received the full amount which was lended from me by nakamura12 . 0:)Fully paid Loan Amount: 30 USDT (TRC20) Can you check your Binance account, I have sended you additional 30USDT via Binance UID as you gave me on PM. O0Loan Purpose: personal Loan Repay Amount: 35 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks or earlier Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on August 17, 2024, 04:12:04 PM Adding additional $15 usdt and 1 week extension
Loan Amount: 30 USDT (TRC20) Loan Purpose: personal Loan Repay Amount: 35 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks or earlier Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Crypto Library on August 17, 2024, 06:05:36 PM Adding additional $15 usdt and 1 week extension Accepting the 1 week extension.Loan Amount: 30 USDT (TRC20) Loan Purpose: personal Loan Repay Amount: 35 USDT Loan Repay Date: 2 weeks or earlier Type of Collateral: None USDT Address: TBckvk6PjkXGnYbG1shJhHLoVW5QCBjfVZ The additional 15$ has been sended on your Binance account, can you check your wallet and confirm? And your Due is now 35$+15$= 50$ Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: nakamura12 on August 17, 2024, 06:07:08 PM Received and thanks a lot CL.
Title: Re: Loan Request Post by: Crypto Library on September 23, 2024, 05:13:18 PM Accepting the 1 week extension. Repaid his loan fully today :)The additional 15$ has been sended on your Binance account, can you check your wallet and confirm? And your Due is now 35$+15$= 50$ |