Title: Support Global Warming with Dogecoins! Post by: Pente on April 01, 2014, 07:27:06 PM Now (April 1st only), you can use Dogecoins to support global warming:
Quote http://pente.hubpages.com/hub/Support-Global-Warming Update: Over one million donated already! WoW BoW WoW! Title: Re: Support Global Warming with Dogecoins! Post by: Wilikon on April 01, 2014, 08:24:58 PM Still the BEST and ONLY way to support global Warming while making some bux https://i.imgur.com/QjpGu8D.jpg Title: Re: Support Global Warming with Dogecoins! Post by: Vod on April 01, 2014, 09:53:02 PM Now (April 1st only), you can use Dogecoins to support global warming: Quote http://pente.hubpages.com/hub/Support-Global-Warming Update: Over one million donated already! WoW BoW WoW! April Fools jokes are only valid before noon. Title: Re: Support Global Warming with Dogecoins! Post by: roslinpl on April 01, 2014, 10:30:13 PM Now (April 1st only), you can use Dogecoins to support global warming: Quote http://pente.hubpages.com/hub/Support-Global-Warming Update: Over one million donated already! WoW BoW WoW! April Fools jokes are only valid before noon. Yes well it depend on a time zone or we set it server master time? :) What time is there now? :) for me this is 2nd April 2014 :) 00:30AM Aprils Fool is over :) |