Title: Escrow Services by SanningCreet25
Post by: Sanningcreet25 on April 09, 2014, 02:41:51 PM
Hey I have realised how many scams are attempted on a daily basis on this forum, so I have decided to start providing a reliable escrow service such as OgNastys and Tomatocage. - My service will be free for the first 10 transactions. Then will rise to basic rate of 1% for under 10BTC and 1.5% for anything above
- The buyer/seller will have to pay tx fees, After 4 confirmations I will contact the seller and confirm that payment has been receieved.
- If the buyer claims that he/she did not receive the item, the seller has to provide informations such as tracking number that can prove that the buyer has received the shipment. If the information(s) has/have proven that the buyer has received the shipment then payment is released to the seller. Otherwise the payment will be returned to the buyer.
- I will resolve any disputes unbiasedly and only when all the evidence is on the table.
I am happy to confirm my identity with anyone who is willing to use my services. Documents such as my Driving licence, utlilty bills or Passport and more can be sent to anyone who requests it, So a John K doesnt happen again.
Seller please post terms the sale then have your buyer quote and agree to the trade if you wish for it to be private please do a group PM (multiple recipients me and the 2 parties involved) between seller and buyer. I'll then send a PM to the seller and buyer and get started.
I hope we can all come together and use escrows as part of our everyday life when buying ANYTHING online.
Any donations are welcome 1KCvg3C2rCz5c1yM7sd7tgN3D6yHmocW5u Thanks
Title: Re: Escrow Services by SanningCreet25
Post by: devthedev on April 09, 2014, 02:53:11 PM
I recommend you gaining some more rep in the community first.
Title: Re: Escrow Services by SanningCreet25
Post by: Sanningcreet25 on April 09, 2014, 02:57:11 PM
I recommend you gaining some more rep in the community first.
Thank for the advice pal. I intend to. Regards
Title: Re: Escrow Services by SanningCreet25
Post by: counter on April 14, 2014, 08:55:45 PM
I'll be sure to sub this thread for the future when I need a escrow or someone is looking for one. Until then I'd also recommend that you build some rep so people feel comfortable working with you.