Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: on September 17, 2014, 07:53:18 AM

Title: Cryptocurrency Inc. issue a price target of $10 per each Xcash coin.
Post by: on September 17, 2014, 07:53:18 AM
For immediate release:
Cryptocurrency Inc. issue a price target of $10 per each Xcash coin.

The coin is literally stealth focused so that it acts like cash.
Cash having the properties of something that is fungible.
With XCash it is literally stealth anon at all times, even during the mining phase.
The wallet enforces the use of stealth addresses and this makes it very much like real world cash.

Coin Total: 2.4 million
Coinbase maturity: 50 blocks
Min stake age: 5 hours
Max stake age: 5 days
Target spacing: 60 seconds
Last POW block 21,600
Pos interest 5% per year
Algo : Scrypt
First 100 blocks 1 coin reward
Then 230 coin pow block reward
No Premine