Title: [FS] 3X Koolance VID-AR587 (5850/70 refrence) Waterblocks Post by: shackleford on April 30, 2012, 08:14:14 PM I purchased three Koolance VID-AR587 58XX used water blocks a while back for a project and now I am not going to use them. I don’t know much about them I bought them off eBay on a whim but never used them. These are for reference models.
Two blocks with the block out inserts (nothing else included). 30$ each in btc shipped USPS flat priority rate to the US only. One is a black sheep and has a nozzel with a cap that screws over it and one normal block off insert. It is also missing one of the threaded nuts that the back plate screws into (nothing else included). 25$ in btc shipped USPS flat priority rate to the US only. https://i.imgur.com/Ob8Lml.jpg Title: Re: [FS] 3X Koolance VID-AR587 (5850/70 refrence) Waterblocks Post by: ssateneth on May 01, 2012, 04:17:24 AM Bah. I use a 5870 in my gaming PC, and I'm currently troubleshooting SSD nonsense, which requires me to unplug the card to get to the SATA ports. That would really get troublesome with restrictive tubing, unless there is a way to unhook pieces within a loop without causing it to leak horribly.
Otherwise I would be interested :) Title: Re: [FS] 3X Koolance VID-AR587 (5850/70 refrence) Waterblocks Post by: shackleford on May 01, 2012, 02:19:32 PM Bah. I use a 5870 in my gaming PC, and I'm currently troubleshooting SSD nonsense, which requires me to unplug the card to get to the SATA ports. That would really get troublesome with restrictive tubing, unless there is a way to unhook pieces within a loop without causing it to leak horribly. Otherwise I would be interested :) I have never done a water cooling setup before, but I have seen quick connects.. not sure how much I would trust them especialy inside a case. |