Title: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: BoardGameCoin on May 23, 2012, 04:04:28 AM Hello all,
Maybe some of you, like me, just can't get enough strategy board gaming! If so, good news!!! Soon you will be able to buy board games for bitcoins! Shortly, I will be starting a bitcoin-only strategy board game business. I plan on initially only selling Minion Games http://www.miniongames.com/ (http://www.miniongames.com/), but if things go well I will expand my inventory and sources. Price-wise, I'm aiming for 4% off retail plus $8-10 for shipping at MtGox weighted average prices. If you live in or visit the DC area, you can purchase in person and waive the shipping. I'll group orders to minimize shipping. At the time of writing, MtGox weighted average is 5.10 USD/BTC so the estimated prices reflect this The games in my initial offering will be specifically the following Estimated shipping in continental US: 1.75 BTC *ALL PRICES ESTIMATED*
Of these, I've only had the privilege of playing The Manhattan Project, and it gets solid marks from me and from several of my friends. Its monopolized the last several of our game nights. I don't have any established buy/sell rep, but am looking to establish it. I'm willing to use escrow for the first several purchases, but ultimately I plan on it being a 'you-send-first' with the understanding that I'll fully refund in case of a problem. I'm going to start out with no online store-front, but hope to have one up shortly after establishing there's actually demand for this stuff. I'm still in the laying-plans stage, so this is the time to help make this service something useful or more useful for you. Throw me your ideas, tentative orders, desired stock, whatever. =) -bgc Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: BoardGameCoin on May 24, 2012, 04:19:41 AM bump, added images of the games, links to video tutorials/reviews to come in the next few days...
Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: Garr255 on May 24, 2012, 04:59:41 AM Settlers of Catan please :D
Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: BoardGameCoin on May 24, 2012, 05:12:41 AM I can look into the big-names like Settlers, Dominion, and Carcassone, but I'm guessing that it'll be harder to get prices that will allow me to give a discount from retail, so it might even be a premium to get those games for bitcoin. Just as a data point, what kind of price would you be willing to get Settlers for? Current Amazon price is $33.6, and you would get free shipping with prime, but it costs me around $8 to ship from my house.
So, probably the best way for me to ship those games is buying them on Amazon and shipping them to you with my free prime shipping. I can probably do things like that for a 10% markup on the game if you're interested, and I'm open to negotiation. PM me if you're interested. I do hope to carry these games eventually, but I don't think I can carry them on inventory competitively while I'm just getting started. My current strategy is to be a good-indie-game boutique where I can give good prices until I have enough volume to get good prices on the big-name games. Thanks for being the first commenter! As a reward I'll do one game for you from amazon at cost (weighted mtgox USD rates). -bgc Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: Garr255 on May 24, 2012, 05:29:36 AM I'd be willing to support a new business like this by paying $40 for the $33 game. It is probably best for you to ship direct from amazon if you have prime.
And that is a smart way to build up a bit of rep, so I accept that offer :D Here's everything you need: http://amzn.com/w/1G35FR05V7JIO Just send me an address. You're new so you go first. Thanks, and best of luck with your business. Garrett Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: BoardGameCoin on May 24, 2012, 06:08:03 AM Thanks! Your game is on its way. Payment details in PM.
-bgc Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: BoardGameCoin on May 25, 2012, 01:37:36 AM Bump.
I'm now doing board-game specific Amazon gift cards via email for games like Settlers/Dominion/etc. I can't do prime shipping for resale at any scale because it violates their Terms of Service, so if you don't have Prime we'll have to factor in shipping costs. -bgc Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: Garr255 on May 25, 2012, 10:32:00 PM I received the game and sent the coins. Thanks!
Title: Re: Strategy Board Games! (US-only for now) Post by: BoardGameCoin on May 25, 2012, 10:44:04 PM Coins received! Thanks for your business!
-bgc |