Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 10:02:59 PM

Title: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 10:02:59 PM
I will pay anyone whose idea I use on my site .01 BTC! I will also pay you .01 BTC if you find a mistake or something like that on my site if I change it also.

Just post a comment with your feedback!

If multiple comments of the same idea are posted I will pay to the first person only.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nmat on May 29, 2012, 10:17:05 PM
You should put a zero before the dot, ex: 0.10BTC. At first I though I was buying 10 BTC for a dollar.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 10:54:55 PM
You should put a zero before the dot, ex: 0.10BTC. At first I though I was buying 10 BTC for a dollar.
thanks! changing it now, what's your address?

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: bulanula on May 29, 2012, 11:07:07 PM
"Buy purchasing you agree to the User Agreement."

Meant to be "By purchasing ..."

Address is 17upZsFjg6DKbHMwLpzyzqf2H9JAWTWFSC


Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 11:10:41 PM
"Buy purchasing you agree to the User Agreement."

Meant to be "By purchasing ..."

Address is 17upZsFjg6DKbHMwLpzyzqf2H9JAWTWFSC

I have read that so many times and haven't realized lol the btc is on its way!

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: bulanula on May 29, 2012, 11:12:22 PM
"Buy purchasing you agree to the User Agreement."

Meant to be "By purchasing ..."

Address is 17upZsFjg6DKbHMwLpzyzqf2H9JAWTWFSC

I have read that so many times and haven't realized lol the btc is on its way!

Received ! Thanks sir.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on May 29, 2012, 11:30:13 PM
Click here to view the sites User Agreement   
Click here to view the sites FAQ
Should be either site's, with an apostrophe (since it is possessive) or simply drop the word sites altogether:
Click here to view the User Agreement
Although IMHO it would look even better to have it compact and in the footer:
Quote content here...
User Agreement | FAQ

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 11:34:02 PM
Click here to view the sites User Agreement   
Click here to view the sites FAQ
Should be either site's, with an apostrophe (since it is possessive) or simply drop the word sites altogether:
Click here to view the User Agreement
Although IMHO it would look even better to have it compact and in the footer:
Quote content here...
User Agreement | FAQ
thanks, address?

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on May 29, 2012, 11:35:35 PM
Address is in signature. Thanks! :)
<div id="795347494527077189" align="left" style="width: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;" class="wcustomhtml"><iframe src=";a=4&amp;bg=FFFFFF&amp;link=3366FF&amp;text=414141" scrolling="no" style="width:468px;height:60px;border:1px solid #f2f2f2;"></iframe></div>
This is the first ad banner. I think it would look better to have both ad banners on the same line, i.e. side by side. Right now they just take up unnecessary space by leaving most of the line blank.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 11:39:12 PM
Address is in signature. Thanks! :)
<div id="795347494527077189" align="left" style="width: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;" class="wcustomhtml"><iframe src=";a=4&amp;bg=FFFFFF&amp;link=3366FF&amp;text=414141" scrolling="no" style="width:468px;height:60px;border:1px solid #f2f2f2;"></iframe></div>
This is the first ad banner. I think it would look better to have both ad banners on the same line, i.e. side by side. Right now they just take up unnecessary space by leaving most of the line blank.
Do you know how to put the faq and tos on the bottom with the link plus can I make the ads transparent?

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on May 29, 2012, 11:42:03 PM
I will play around with the HTML a bit. Wouldn't making the ads transparent violate their TOS?

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 11:44:42 PM
I will play around with the HTML a bit. Wouldn't making the ads transparent violate their TOS?
I didn't read them  :-\ but I guess I shouldn't play around with them

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 11:47:03 PM
I will play around with the HTML a bit. Wouldn't making the ads transparent violate their TOS?
but the faq and tos would be nice to have at the bottom

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on May 29, 2012, 11:52:36 PM
Well, after taking a look at your html, I can tell you're using a web-based HTML editor or an outdated version of Kompozer ;)
I can implement a footer on your site which holds the User Agreement and FAQ links, but I'm not sure I want to :P because it will take some time to make sense out of the code, and the change would be best if it was implemented on every page.

I'll do it for .05 BTC / page.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 29, 2012, 11:54:29 PM
Well, after taking a look at your html, I can tell you're using a web-based HTML editor or an outdated version of Kompozer ;)
I can implement a footer on your site which holds the User Agreement and FAQ links, but I'm not sure I want to :P because it will take some time to make sense out of the code, and the change would be best if it was implemented on every page.

I'll do it for .05 BTC / page.
well all I need is the code and I think I can put it in myself.. How about .07 BTC  ;D and I figured out the ad problem so I can do that

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nmat on May 30, 2012, 08:03:53 PM
You should put a zero before the dot, ex: 0.10BTC. At first I though I was buying 10 BTC for a dollar.
thanks! changing it now, what's your address?

I'll skip it ;) Good luck with the site

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on May 30, 2012, 08:06:37 PM
You should put a zero before the dot, ex: 0.10BTC. At first I though I was buying 10 BTC for a dollar.
thanks! changing it now, what's your address?

I'll skip it ;) Good luck with the site

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on May 30, 2012, 08:39:14 PM

TheBitMan did send me the 0.07 BTC w/minimal hassle. He'd found a way to implement a footer on his own, and I'd just begun work on it, so I sent him what I had.

Would do business with him again.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: Vernon715 on May 30, 2012, 08:48:01 PM

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on May 30, 2012, 08:59:22 PM
enlightening tale, comrade. Do recount it anew

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: jsmithbtc on May 30, 2012, 09:04:08 PM
The system is manual, please wait at least 24 hours to receive your BTC.

Should either be

The system is manual; please wait at least 24 hours to receive your BTC.


The system is manual, so please wait at least 24 hours to receive your BTC.

:) Two independent clauses should be separated by a semi-colon or some form of transition, not just a lone comma.


Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: Gladamas on May 30, 2012, 09:27:56 PM
  • It looks like the MiniBits logo is a JPEG image. The logo might look better if you change it to a .png file, to get rid of the artifacts.
  • You could change this:
	<option value="0.10 BTC">0.10 BTC$0.99 USD</option>
<option value="0.15 BTC">0.15 BTC$1.49 USD</option>
<option value="0.20 BTC">0.20 BTC$1.95 USD</option>
<option value="0.25 BTC">0.25 BTC$2.45 USD</option>
<option value="0.30 BTC">0.30 BTC$2.95 USD</option>
to this:
	<option value="0.10 BTC">0.10 BTC for $0.99 USD</option>
<option value="0.15 BTC">0.15 BTC for $1.49 USD</option>
<option value="0.20 BTC">0.20 BTC for $1.95 USD</option>
<option value="0.25 BTC">0.25 BTC for $2.45 USD</option>
<option value="0.30 BTC">0.30 BTC for $2.95 USD</option>
Or you could put a dash:
<option value="0.10 BTC">0.10 BTC - $0.99 USD</option>
instead of 'for'.

  • You could put another BitcoinAdvertisers/AnonymousAds box by the current one, you could make a little more money that way.
  • The User Agreement and FAQ text does not link to anything currently, I could help you make the FAQ if you want. In "By purchasing you agree to the User Agreement," "User Agreement" should be linked once you get that ready.
  • If you type or copy in a Bitcoin address into the "Your BTC Address" field, the text is white (should be black IMO, although you can still see it by highlighting.) The field could also be a little longer. You could do this:
<input type="text" name="os1" style="color:black" maxlength=34 size=40>
  • In "If you would like to sell BTC to the site please contact TheBitMan on the forum here," here should link to;sa=send;u=22092 (;sa=send;u=22092).



Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: fatigue on May 30, 2012, 09:31:57 PM
I would add a contact email as well as your forum contact info.

Also, i would link the FAQ/ User Agreement at some point ;) if to nothing else than an 'in development' page.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: Newar on June 02, 2012, 11:51:47 PM
The prices are at a fixed price and not up to time with the BTC market because it runs through PayPal.
"and not up to time" sounds awkward to me. Maybe use "... not synchronized with the BTC market data ... "

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on June 03, 2012, 12:22:08 AM
Generally, the expression is "not up to date"

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: sTtp on June 03, 2012, 01:15:26 AM
"The prices are at a fixed price and not up to time with the BTC market because it runs through PayPal."

This is a very awkward sentence in your FAQ.

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: dmatthewstewart on June 03, 2012, 04:01:39 AM
1)Right now it says "The system is manual, please wait at least 24 hours to receive your BTC."

While that reads ok let me offer a suggestion

"All transactions are manually processed. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your order before contacting us [insert link]"

2) Move the BitcoinAdvertisers banner directly below the "Buy" and "Sell" areas or, use a vertical one like the one you have now for Satoshi Dice. If you make it vertical place it to the left just like the Satoshi Dice one. It will be balanced and uniform. Also this will put the visual focus on the "MiniBits" banner and the "Buy" and "Sell" areas. You want your users to burn the banner image into their memory and you want the business interface to remain visually unobstructed. Right now I keep looking at the Bitcoin advertisers box right above the "Buy" and "Sell" areas and not the actual business area. Dont worry, people will still click the banner ads if they are moved just slightly.

I imagine that you want the type of rapid transactions like BitInstant offers. You have an almost perfect layout for that already

3) Live Bitcoin price ticker (small) at the top and the bottom.

4) The option to buy 1 Bitcoin. (market price plus one dollar USD-you may find that you will get a lot of people buying one BTC at a time. The one dollar flat fee over market price will allow you to sell without having to worry about checking market price every hour or so and adjusting the site. That fee should cover you for the entire day)

By the way I love the idea for the site and sometimes I am short a few bit cents, or I just want a half of a bitcoin to play a game, so I will be making a purchase soon. We need more places where people can purchase bitcoins with paypal.

All the best!

and if you use any of my ideas you can send the bitcents to


Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on June 03, 2012, 02:14:24 PM
1)Right now it says "The system is manual, please wait at least 24 hours to receive your BTC."

While that reads ok let me offer a suggestion

"All transactions are manually processed. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your order before contacting us [insert link]"

2) Move the BitcoinAdvertisers banner directly below the "Buy" and "Sell" areas or, use a vertical one like the one you have now for Satoshi Dice. If you make it vertical place it to the left just like the Satoshi Dice one. It will be balanced and uniform. Also this will put the visual focus on the "MiniBits" banner and the "Buy" and "Sell" areas. You want your users to burn the banner image into their memory and you want the business interface to remain visually unobstructed. Right now I keep looking at the Bitcoin advertisers box right above the "Buy" and "Sell" areas and not the actual business area. Dont worry, people will still click the banner ads if they are moved just slightly.

I imagine that you want the type of rapid transactions like BitInstant offers. You have an almost perfect layout for that already

3) Live Bitcoin price ticker (small) at the top and the bottom.

4) The option to buy 1 Bitcoin. (market price plus one dollar USD-you may find that you will get a lot of people buying one BTC at a time. The one dollar flat fee over market price will allow you to sell without having to worry about checking market price every hour or so and adjusting the site. That fee should cover you for the entire day)

By the way I love the idea for the site and sometimes I am short a few bit cents, or I just want a half of a bitcoin to play a game, so I will be making a purchase soon. We need more places where people can purchase bitcoins with paypal.

All the best!

and if you use any of my ideas you can send the bitcents to

thanks! bitcent on its way!

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: Enkel on June 03, 2012, 04:06:13 PM
You need to make your "MiniBits" logo image linked to the top of the site, so users can return to the top from all pages.  (Then you can drop the "Go Back" that shows up on some of the pages) -- as an example, you I get stranded on the feedback page without any way to go back to the top of the site.

I'd replace all mailto: links with a form reply like you have for feedback (but add in an added line so a copy of the email can be sent to the submitter's email address) or also post the text of your email address instead of using the word "here" as your link text.  I personally cannot use mailto: links, so I have to lookup and copy the email address.  I also think people who are not registered on this forum will NOT be able to use it to send you email without having to also register here on this forum.

I think someone else already mentioned User Agreement and FAQ on all pages?  If you're US based, you might want to do copyright notice?

I agree about the tower add on the side, then stack the buy BTC over the Sell BTC paragraph in the center.

And my two cents on the manual / wait 24 hours... "Transactions are processed manually and may take up to 24 hours.  If you have not received your BTC after 24 hours, contact us at"


Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on June 05, 2012, 11:48:03 PM
Like the new version of the site?

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on June 05, 2012, 11:49:38 PM
1. On the homepage, your margins are too big or something: I have a scrollbar even though there's no content to scroll to.
2. The title for .5 BTC and up is "LargerAmounts;" is there something wrong with a space?
3. On Larger Amounts, it says,
You may only purchase a max of 2.00 BTC a day...for now.
Generally, one uses a space after the ellipses.
4. The email address is unreadable -- blue on blue
5. Why have an email address and a contact form?

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: TheBitMan on June 05, 2012, 11:56:44 PM
1. On the homepage, your margins are too big or something: I have a scrollbar even though there's no content to scroll to.
2. The title for .5 BTC and up is "LargerAmounts;" is there something wrong with a space?
3. On Larger Amounts, it says,
You may only purchase a max of 2.00 BTC a day...for now.
Generally, one uses a space after the ellipses.
4. The email address is unreadable -- blue on blue
5. Why have an email address and a contact form?

thanks, but the email address is white for me..

Title: Re: BTC For Your Opinion Round 2!
Post by: nimda on June 06, 2012, 12:20:33 AM
And... the other 4 points?
In any case, it's important to have a website which works cross-browser. Chrome represents 50% of the market at this point, and on it, your CSS:
webkit-any-link {
color: -webkit-link;
overrides the other styles, including
a {
color: #white;
text-decoration: none;
... so you should probably fix that with an inline style:
style="color: white;"