Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Dotto on January 16, 2015, 06:18:25 PM

Title: On brainstorming bitcoin to achieve mass adoption (every bit counts)
Post by: Dotto on January 16, 2015, 06:18:25 PM
Originally writed this post in the wall observer, but I think the whole idea can work better as a separated post. Also the wall observer is full of trollnoise.

Ok, we need this guys engaging with BTC to achieve the mass adoption. Also sony, xbox and whatever technology you can imagine of. Letīs launch ideas, donīt mind if it seems improbable or absurd, just launch it to the table. Maybe it can make click in the mind of other reader and connect the dots. This is how brainstorming works,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/xwpe6tcrftagndm2hjdi.gif

Idea no 1: Generate a kickstarter campaign to develop a game that uses cryptos, ala Crypto Kingdom, but in a more engaging/graphical/action/mainstream/3D fashion. Real BTC/crypto is involved in the game. You can win real money if you are a good player. What could possibly be the mechanics of the game?

Title: Re: On brainstorming bitcoin to achieve mass adoption (every bit counts)
Post by: VanityMemory on January 16, 2015, 06:20:07 PM
Safety of bitcoin needs to improve its very difficult to keep bitcoins safe unless you run it in a offline computer or be running linux which means you would need some sort of technical know how if you are used to windows which the majority are used to.

Title: Re: On brainstorming bitcoin to achieve mass adoption (every bit counts)
Post by: Dotto on January 18, 2015, 05:24:58 PM
Donīt be shy, launch whatever idea you have

Title: Re: On brainstorming bitcoin to achieve mass adoption (every bit counts)
Post by: gkv9 on January 18, 2015, 05:30:58 PM
I don't know whether my opinion counts or not, but I watch NBA and love Basketball, but I think it ain't recognized to a much extent and it's the same as BTC, and I feel that a completely 3D injected Basketball game must pop-up in which we might be able to earn BTC doing baskets, also, I ain't any graphics designer or a hi-fi tech geek, but all I can say is, I do have some new rules for this game to make it more interesting, if anyone will earn anything for playing it... ;)

Title: Re: On brainstorming bitcoin to achieve mass adoption (every bit counts)
Post by: Flashman on January 18, 2015, 05:37:24 PM
Idea no 1: Generate a kickstarter campaign to develop a game that uses cryptos, ala Crypto Kingdom, but in a more engaging/graphical/action/mainstream/3D fashion. Real BTC/crypto is involved in the game. You can win real money if you are a good player. What could possibly be the mechanics of the game?

Have you looked at huntercoin?

Title: Re: On brainstorming bitcoin to achieve mass adoption (every bit counts)
Post by: ensano on January 18, 2015, 05:52:28 PM
mass adoption for north america won't happen until security against scams are covered for consumers.  Right now if you send someone a payment with bitcoin there is no recourse (legal or otherwise) to get your money back if you don't receive what is promised.  If someone hacks your account and buys things you aren't protected either.

I don't know how it is in Europe but in Canada and the US we have many established, bank backed, and well-ingrained payment systems for consumers. (credit cards and paypal)

With my mastercard I get extended warranty and extra coverages, it's accepted everywhere (anyone that would even think of accepting bitcoin would also accept MC), if my card is lost or stolen and someone maxes it out MC will refund me everything, and, best of all, if someone doesn't provide me with the service we agreed on then I request a chargeback and MC takes the money back from them.

Paypal is just as good as Visa and MC and none of them charge me as a consumer a fee.

What does bitcoin offer?

Until bitcoin can offer consumers a service that's on par with the already easy-to-use and trusted payment services then it will always just remain a toy.  Something for people to play around with and talk about on the internet.

And don't waste time talking about escrow.  Both consumers and merchants want an instant transaction so escrow is useless for day-to-day transactions.

Take for example my first bitcoin experience.  I tried to purchase a router from (a merchant that's been accepting bitcoin for a while now).

I made a payment but it was only a partial payment.  The order got locked in the system and I couldn't access it to pay the balance.  I immediately called cx service, they told me to wait till monday to have the order populate in their system.  Monday came, cx service couldn't access the order.  I was told to email cx support to request a refund.  Well the issue has been escalated several times now and still no refund.  Just today I had to make another 2 calls and sent yet another email requesting a refund. Fingers crossed that this will be the one that gets to the right place.  As it stands it has been over 3 weeks and I still haven't gotten the issue resolved.  What scares me is that if Tigerdirect just sent me an email that simply said, "suck it, you're not getting a refund." there would be absolutely nothing I could do.


Bitcoin has no protection for consumers.  MC, VISA, paypal already offer a simple, trusted, and protected service that cost consumers nothing to use.  There is no value that bitcoin brings to that market.