Title: [WTS] Netflix and Hulu Accounts Cheap Post by: ajw7989 on January 27, 2015, 07:40:39 PM Netflix pricing:
1 account with a 1 month warranty: $0.50 1 month warranty multiple accounts: $1 (I will essentially give you 2-3 accounts each time and when they all go bad I will replace them within the 1 month period) Lot of 10 accounts: $1 (but no warranty but guaranteed to work at time of purchase) Hulu Plus pricing: 1 account with a 1 month warranty: $1 1 month warranty multiple accounts: $2 (I will essentially give you 2-3 accounts each time and when they all go bad I will replace them within the 1 month period) Lot of 10 accounts: $2 (but no warranty but guaranteed to work at time of purchase) I used to give them out for free with no warranty but due to lack of time and a lot of newbies still PMing me wanting free accounts I closed it. You can view that thread here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=926356.0 Bitcoin Only Title: Re: [WTS] Netflix and Hulu Accounts Cheap Post by: ajw7989 on January 29, 2015, 11:31:48 PM Online and taking orders!
Title: Re: [WTS] Netflix and Hulu Accounts Cheap Post by: ajw7989 on February 09, 2015, 12:20:41 AM Online and taking orders.
Title: Re: [WTS] Netflix and Hulu Accounts Cheap Post by: ibrahim11 on February 09, 2015, 11:04:18 PM Online and taking orders. Will buy 1 Netflix account. Where should I send btc to? Title: Re: [WTS] Netflix and Hulu Accounts Cheap Post by: ajw7989 on February 09, 2015, 11:53:26 PM Online and taking orders. Will buy 1 Netflix account. Where should I send btc to? pmed plenty for sale! Title: Re: [WTS] Netflix and Hulu Accounts Cheap Post by: ajw7989 on February 28, 2015, 09:39:55 PM Bump have plenty of both in stock if anyone needs