Title: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: unclemantis on July 29, 2012, 04:52:24 PM I want to keep Bitcoin running in the background just to add another node to help out the traffic. I don't use it as my wallet but I want to help out with the traffic.
Reason why I don't want the icon to show is because I tend to get distracted. Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: tbcoin on July 29, 2012, 05:03:01 PM I want to keep Bitcoin running in the background just to add another node to help out the traffic. I don't use it as my wallet but I want to help out with the traffic. Reason why I don't want the icon to show is because I tend to get distracted. With other applications I've done running it as a service, which also adds the ability to boot with the system. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/137890 Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: Kluge on July 29, 2012, 05:13:02 PM If you "x" out of the window, it will run in the small bottom-right tray where your clock typically is without showing as an "open, viewable, and running" app in the bottom bar between the start bar and clock tray. If you'd like to hide even the small icon in that clock tray, you may right-click the bar, click "Properties," click "Customize Notification Icons" on the window which pops up, then find "bitcoin-qt.exe" on the list and select "Hide icon and notifications," or just "Only Show Notifications." Done from w7, should work on Vista, too.
Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: tbcoin on July 29, 2012, 05:16:00 PM I want to keep Bitcoin running in the background just to add another node to help out the traffic. I don't use it as my wallet but I want to help out with the traffic. Reason why I don't want the icon to show is because I tend to get distracted. Now that I think ... why do not use bitcoind? I do not use in windows but I doubt that has a tray icon. Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: unclemantis on July 29, 2012, 09:05:55 PM If you "x" out of the window, it will run in the small bottom-right tray where your clock typically is without showing as an "open, viewable, and running" app in the bottom bar between the start bar and clock tray. If you'd like to hide even the small icon in that clock tray, you may right-click the bar, click "Properties," click "Customize Notification Icons" on the window which pops up, then find "bitcoin-qt.exe" on the list and select "Hide icon and notifications," or just "Only Show Notifications." Done from w7, should work on Vista, too. It hides but if you click on the (<) icon it shows it still. Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: nimda on July 29, 2012, 09:42:42 PM I can build you a small (under 500 KiB) external app which will completely hide the icon. Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but it should take about 10 minutes and I'd do it free-of-charge (though tips are always appreciated).
If there's no way to do it within the Bitcoin client, I can write this for you. Edit: I'm going to start doing it. Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: nimda on July 29, 2012, 10:21:04 PM I was offered a 6 BTC bounty to do this. I have finished. It is a very simple design, and 6 BTC is worth more of my time than I spent on it, so I am open to changes. I have not tested it on a bitcoin client, but I have tested it on other programs with tray icons.
Here is the source: http://www.mediafire.com/?tbod2mha6g98tb6 The compiled .exe is available here: http://www.mediafire.com/?161rgom7v1m48a0 Please provide feedback. Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: ZodiacDragon84 on August 08, 2012, 10:26:59 PM I just had a chance to test the program you wrote. For my uses with CG miner, the program does not work, as there is no task bar icon to hide. I was more meaning something that would remove the following console window. (See image) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t458/ZodiacDragon84/IMG_20120614_222913.jpgink I got this the image thing figured out.
Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: nimda on August 08, 2012, 10:55:00 PM -You didn't specify that ahead of time -You didn't provide an image ??? -Hiding a console window is even easier; provide me with an image ZodiacDragon84 pm'ed me and we got it all worked out quickly. Coins were sent promptly. +1 Title: Re: How do I hide the Bitcoin App Tray Icon in Windows? Post by: deepceleron on August 09, 2012, 02:41:27 AM For reference, an easy way to not be bothered with console apps in windows is to run as a scheduled task with a different user name. The program will run with a virtual unseeable display for the other user. This also worked for gui apps on Windows XP, but Win7 seems to have broken this.