#Proof of participation: Email: whoeier@gmail.comTelegram Username: @whoeier Twitter Username: @whoeier Facebook Profile Link: https://www.facebook.com/rooiedakduifBinance Dex Community Username: whoeier Binance Chain Address: bnb1kdx2x80jhumu8xchn4m3yx27eckhly7fssfust As the form has no part for the BinanceDex community information, please either allow to add those details, or accept the post here
I would be happy to be added to the list as a Dutch translator. Here is my portfolio! Hey, looks like you have lots of translations in the past - the thing is it looks like you havent really been active lately and one of the "conditions" is supposed to be an active user. Sorry I noticed my portfolio wasn't really up to date. I made a few translations in 2019 as well actually: Fidelity SuiteKanga ExchangeHoneypodVolentixEpiccashI have been out for a bit, mostly because a lot of projects that weren't paying (I think some already mentioned Epiccash on this thread as well) and I took the decision not to work for projects anymore that only pay in tokens. But if there are projects willing to pay in either BTC or ETH I would be interested to offer my translation services. As a native Dutch speaker and fellow translator (though I moved away from crypto translations), I can say that the quality of translation is good (on average above other ENG->Dutch translations I've looked upon recently in the Dutch Sub fora.) I do back him up in being listed in the first post
Iedereen bedankt voor de reacties tot nu toe.
Normaliter is het zo dat als bijvoorbeeld persoon A een AED gaat kopen, dan ben je als AED-winkel verantwoordelijk over de echtheid van de identiteit van de klant. Stel dat de klant een AD koopt met zijn creditcard, maar achteraf blijkt deze persoon te beweren dat hij dit niet was. Oftewel iemand anders heeft de bestelling geplaatst, dan krijgt de persoon zijn geld, van de bank, terug.
Vervolgens legt de bank deze vraag weer neer bij de webwinkel en zij moeten aan kunnen tonen dat ze voldoende actie hebben ondernomen om de identiteit, van de klant, vast te stellen. Oftewel de webwinkel moet het geld weer terug betalen aan de bank, want zij blijven eindverantwoordelijk...
Misschien dat daarom er ''moeilijk'' wordt gedaan over crypto betalingen, want het walletadres kan altijd gecheckt worden, maar de wallet is niet aan een persoon gekoppeld en dus is het onmogelijk om de identiteit vast te stellen.
Althans dat is mij eigen ''logische'' conclusie.
Ik zal wederom bij mijn accountant neerleggen om hier toch een duidelijker antwoord op te krijgen.
De wet- en regelgeving is behoorlijk zwart-wit en er is weinig ruimte voor interpretatie.
Is dergelijke bewijslast, die in deze voor de winkel van belang is ongeacht welk betaalmiddel, niet hoe dan ook op te vragen? Ergo kopie ID-kaart (BSN en overige juridische zaken afgeschermd), of KVK documentatie oid. (lang geleden dat ik me hersens hierover kraakte en pre-digid tijdperk).
Nu al vele malen sinds een paar jaar via Satos uitbetaald en ik ben heel erg tevreden. Ze hanteren uitstekende wisselkoersen in vergelijking met de meeste andere sites. De klantenservice antwoord ook altijd snel via de chat.
Fijn dat jij tevreden bent. Helaas is niet iedereen dat. Alleen de "uitstekende wisselkoersen" is twijfelachtig. Toevallig is satos op het moment van mijn controle wel de gunstigste bij het verkopen van bitcoin, maar zeker niet bij het kopen. Het is ALTIJD goed om te vergelijken. Echter: bij het doorklikken blijkt de koers van Satos structureel een stuk minder gunstig te zijn, terwijl de andere aanbieders wel de juiste gegevens doorgeven. Koers van dit moment: ( bron https://bitcoinvergelijken.nl ) (bitcoin kopen, rekenkundig afgerond op hele €) Knaken € 6447 Bitmymoney € 6453 Bitonic € 6457 Litebit € 6463 Anycoin € 6473 Satos € 6488 Echter: bij het doorklikken blijkt de koers van Satos structureel een stuk minder gunstig te zijn, terwijl de andere aanbieders wel de juiste gegevens doorgeven. Dit bevestigt helaas mijn wantrouwen naar Satos - versterkt door het plotseling weer opduiken van iemand met "goede" ervaringen. Waarom zo'n oude post opduikelen voor zo'n losse opmerking? Je mist coinmerce.io in het lijstje Die scoort regelmatig beter dan de door jou beschreven partijen, wordt alleen niet meegenomen in botcoinvergelijken.nl zit procentueel gemiddeld 0.02% lager met de fee dan de goedkoopste op het lijstje. On-topic, de laatste maanden handel ik bar weinig en als ik al een lokale trader nodig heb dan is het veelal toch Satos ( lui gemak van om de hoek.. al hoef ik er nooit naartoe) of litebit/coinmerce.
Funny to see such a repetition of the same by OP.... Go take a look, https://www.ten31.comThough not launched yet, here is where the 3 crypto partners and a "paper" bank join forces. just to let you know, I hold neither of those coins, nor am interested in them, nor am I paid to post here. I however do read these cases for my own pleasure and respond when I believe a case is build without proof.
Damned Joel, you here? Gee, thought you would have nocked a seniority on the forum also Great to see BBC show up here ( at last! ), I've been silently following with you guys for a while already.
Hey Bountyteam,
A friendly reminder (as also posted on telegram), all post originating from this bounty campaign, that show up in our FB group, will be removed and the poster will be banned. Running this kind of Facebook campaign, will just result in a spam wave on the group(s), thus will most likely result in similar actions on other groups.
Any form of original content (eq. in depth research by the poster, or atleast a form of being unique) will make it much easier to look less spammy and get more eye-balls on your aimed project.
As many people reside in multiple groups, seeing similar content over several groups, will be ditched to the side as spammy..
You are correct, one person has gone through the KYC process with ICOBench and others are in the process.
Actually the ICO is registered in Estonia therefore the SEC regulations do not apply to Housinet.
Housinet is opening an office in Tampa. As stated on our website “Future Housinet Hubs = Tampa and other cities”
The HIN token offers the ability to pay rent with crypto. Also, the fee to access the Rental and Property module can only be paid via HIN tokens.
As you saw on our roadmap, product development hasn’t started yet (Q2 2020). The company is going through the ICO to raise capital and start development.
Thanks for answering some of the questions. Though leaving some others open..Estonia is indeed one of the better places to hold an ICO, although future laws might make it less attractive. Under current law the token can be seen as a payment token, which has no specific laws applied. I'm well aware that the full product development is to be started in Q2 2020, however most teams I've come across have some code ready for demonstrations etc hence the Q. See the above answer regarding the mockup/demo concern. If you feel like there was an unanswered question, please go ahead and ask it again. Believe me, we are a team that is as transparent as it gets 😊 Lets just say, I don't see the link to business currently. There is no MVP ( okay you mentioned it would be build in the upcoming weeks), The company is currently registered on CEO personal address (I get it, don;t worry will not post it publicly). Although the site makes you feel like dealing with an semi-established company, the company is in its early phases, building up and in a semi-need to advance further and grow on a rapid pace. ( This is a personal view on it, anyone should do their own due dilligence). What is the benefit to run this kind of software on a public ledger vs a private ledger (or even just in a distributed database model)? Why has there been chosen to get the lump sum of cash from crypto? Has this been pitched to regular investors? How much of the company equity is in control of the team? What happends if the pre-ico does not meet its cap? What are the lock-in periods for team and founders (combined 20% of the total)? What is the lock-in period for advisors? Are the advisors payed in token+cash or pure token? Are the advisor,team and founder tokens dependant on the total of sold tokens? Eq. if only 10m USD of tokens is sold, is the total amount of tokens for the team and founders adjusted to match in %?
You are correct, one person has gone through the KYC process with ICOBench and others are in the process.
Actually the ICO is registered in Estonia therefore the SEC regulations do not apply to Housinet.
Housinet is opening an office in Tampa. As stated on our website “Future Housinet Hubs = Tampa and other cities”
The HIN token offers the ability to pay rent with crypto. Also, the fee to access the Rental and Property module can only be paid via HIN tokens.
As you saw on our roadmap, product development hasn’t started yet (Q2 2020). The company is going through the ICO to raise capital and start development.
Thanks for answering some of the questions. Though leaving some others open..Estonia is indeed one of the better places to hold an ICO, although future laws might make it less attractive. Under current law the token can be seen as a payment token, which has no specific laws applied. I'm well aware that the full product development is to be started in Q2 2020, however most teams I've come across have some code ready for demonstrations etc hence the Q.
If you have any questions, comments let me us know either here, through our ICO site or through our social media accounts. Thanks.
I would take you up on it.. Team members: None have listed Housinet on their LinkedIn.. how come? Team members: On ICOBench only 1 person has completed the KYC, why not follow up with a few others? This increases score (marginal), but definately increases trust levels for ICO investors. ICO: KYC is not required.. well that is odd for an US based company.. ( Document Number P18000060082 FEI/EIN Number 83-1199692) How is this handled with SEC acceptance/interference? ICO: ICO offers 30% of all tokens for sale, during various stages, assuming all sold at first stage, 27M USD in crypto is received, Isn't this aiming for Pluto in the current market and ICO results? Company: claimed to be in Tampa, yet all info I find on the company claims to be registered to be the private address of the CEO (won't post it as it is a private thing). Token metrics: Not much to be found on this, seems it offers a monetary use ( and discount) on the products, but other than this no info on the site, nor in the whitepaper. There is no utility described at all, which makes it a risk being US based and no clear utility descriptions nor declaration of the SEC. Is this to be released on short notice, so those with interest can actually still partake in the first possible seed/pre/whatever ICO round? Product: Though it looks nice on paper, a good visualization of the products and its uses, would offer a great insight into the usability and offers comfort to those of interest in the ICO, is this to be released before any of the rounds open? ( not the "what is housinet" video, but actual footage of development). This is based on a simple scroll over the website and other resources at hand.
Ik ben al weer klaar.. Hoover met je muis even op 1 van de foto's op de site.. ze hebben niet eens de moeite genomen om de naam van de foto aan te passen.
GettyImages is niet bepaald betrouwbare source voor stock foto's..
Ergens kan dit simpel weg remote hosting van de foto's zijn, maar het zet bij mij dusdanig vraagtekens.
Proof of living is een must voor dit project wilt het ooit in mijn ogen reëel zijn.
Bedankt voor de feedback. Ik heb wat verbeteringen aangebracht.
Mag ik vragen waar jouw twijfels over het slagen van het project zitten?
Eerlijk gezegd, mining faciliteiten doen mij denken aan wat verhalen uit Nederland zelf, met de nodige gangen naar de rechter, de disfocus ( of eigenlijk de splitsing in 3 verschillende markten van start af aan), simpel gezegd denk ik dat door zo breed in te zetten er te weinig focus is op 1 van de markten, maar zoals altijd heb ik het graag fout.
Interresant project, of het slaagt... ik heb m'n twijfels.
Ook je vertaling gaat daar niet bij helpen, herlees het even, er zitten her en der nog wat Engelse woorden in + taalfouten.
Telegram:@whoeier Twitter: @whoeier Task report sheet: Here
Update the spreadsheet and let us know the token awarded for each person on the spreadsheet. However, you claim that you have started distribution with award token to us on spreadsheet. I have not seen campaign like this that determine to cheat on the participate. Also, this is pure cheat if you can not let us know the amount you want to distribution, talk less of award token to individual. Let see the break down of how the token will be distributed first before the distribution.
Perhaps you should read an entire topic.. 4/5 responses above you is the entire sheet
To all bounty hunters that participated, we are interested in giving additional incentive for those that hold with us for an extended time! Read the form and make your choice! Those who do not fill this form will get the tokens, when?? or is it required for all to fill the form. Transactions have started, to all who have not filled in the form, over 3000 transactions and we have started sending out.
To all bounty hunters that participated, we are interested in giving additional incentive for those that hold with us for an extended time! Read the form and make your choice!
To all bounty hunters that participated, we are interested in giving additional incentive for those that hold with us for an extended time! Read the form and make your choice! Form is closed, those who have not filled in the form will receive their payment in the upcoming time ( transactions are ongoing but over 3.5K to go takes some time).
I see that they have partnership with Tomochain. they going to swap to Tomochain blockchain when this will be lauched in Q4 this year?
There is no plan to swap, we remain an ETH token, yet we are doing several cross chain applications
@everyone is the campaign. I thank you all for the long journey we had with each others. The ICO has been closed now for several days and we have managed to hit hardcap. Unfortunately, the Bounty campaign did not go as well as we hopend on 2 fronts, and those will be corrected ( As notified in the OP ), with a 50% reduction, although this still leaves an remarkable high amount of tokens per stake in those campaigns, I feel a further correction is unfit in regards of the way the campaign went down. Payment is due with a week, prior to the snapshot we announced. ETH address correction can be done till the 12th of August, per pm here on BitcoinTalk. We have announced to list on Qryptos. Anyone that is removed from the campaign, can view the reasoning in the separate sheets. The totals sheetCongratulations on achieving hard cap but feel sad to here bounty campaign didn't go as planned. But looking forward to receiving the tokens. Cheers Thank you Amila, it was a pleasure working with each and everyone on the campaign, I've never had so much work in verifying, which is actually a good thing. The campaign did had some starting issues, nevertheless this does offer several members of the specific parts a larger payment ( Even with the correction upon them, as in I never seen such payments on signature campaign prior, or I have missed those).