I like to customize the miners, but would like to receive auto updates. Can we have an option to not update the miners, but update everything else?
Thank you for the latest release and your continued support on this project!
I get the "Failed: 1" (in red text) error for x16r, yescriptR16, yescript, neoscript, and c11. GPU:1080TI
I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot, but will try and figure out what is wrong tomorrow.
Looks like a cool project David.
Please answer if you can.
1. I have 2 free M.2 slots on my mobo "Asus z270a prime" will both slots work? 2. How many GPUs can 1 device help? If you have 2 on a single mobo does it help with straight gains? or just help an additional x cards? 3. Im currently HiveOS and been using many Linux Distros, will this be supported in terms of a how to get it working on linux? 4. My current Setup i have 13 x RX 570 on a single Asus z270a prime with 2 free m.2 slots do you expect to see hash gains on all cards or just "x" amount? What would be your ideal setup in theory (if you can apply it to my setup i.e run 1 in my setup or 2)? Even if the gains are low but the power draw is significantly reduced would it be reduced on all cards? All cards are at PCIE GEN2
I totally understand it all needs to be tested etc... In just trying to understand if 1-2 cards were implemented how do cards interact.... is there a finite limit in terms of number of cards etc.
I too would like to know more about this. Sounds like a great project! I know projects always take longer than expected. Please give us an update. Thank you!
This thread is 26 days old. Zero proof it works. No demos No videos No screenshots.
You could have just kindly asked for an update. Not sure why someone gave you merit for that post.
ETNX is not legit. It is a copycat scam! They have a broken daemon that the dev doesn't know how to fix. They only have one working node, so not decentralized. They premined 25 billion coins. They have a hidden 5% pool fee. You can read about it all here: https://etnx.leafpool.com/
ETNX is not legit. It is a copycat scam! They have a broken daemon that the dev doesn't know how to fix. They only have one working node, so not decentralized. They premined 25 billion coins. They have a hidden 5% pool fee. You can read about it all here: https://etnx.leafpool.com/
ETNX is not legit. It is a copycat scam! They have a broken daemon that the dev doesn't know how to fix. They only have one working node, so not decentralized. They premined 25 billion coins. They have a hidden 5% pool fee. You can read about it all here: https://etnx.leafpool.com/
ETNX is not legit. It is a copycat scam! They have a broken daemon that the dev doesn't know how to fix. They only have one working node, so not decentralized. They premined 25 billion coins. They have a hidden 5% pool fee. You can read about it all here: https://etnx.leafpool.com/
Maybe your friend is talking about another fork called ETNX (Electronero), which has raised some concerns because of its elevated premine.
ETNX is a scam!! The dev doesn't even know what he is doing. You can read about it here: https://etnx.leafpool.com/
Is there any info about the rewards on nanopool?
They promised we (the miners what were active the first x blocks after the fork) would get the rewards, but they say nothing anymore about this?
I was wondering the same. I also helped mine and didn't get anything yet.
FINALLY... miningpool hub turned on ETN payouts and I received 436 ETN woot! into my Cryptopia account  So I do believe ill resume mining there lol I still have 2 other small piles of ETN (paper wallet and on herominers) I've yet to retrieve... but this sure is encouraging. I don't feel like have wasted 3.5 days of mining ETN now lol got some of it in the bank  Ahh these crazy crypto coins.... never a dull moment Thanks for the update. I will give it another try from the online wallet and let you know how it goes. Edit: It worked! Finally!! It took about 2 hours, but it went through!
Also more fine print to read... I am trying out mininghubpool all seems as it should. went to to do a manual payment ........ only to read later that they have payouts disabled until the ETN network is stable" they say.
Wanted to ask the same as i still have some ETN on miningpoolhub, so i wonder why is the payout not yet enabled? Isn't the network stable by now? The chain looks to be flowing well today. I still don't know about transferring to exchanges. I haven't heard of any confirmed transfers to an exchange.
Has anyone been able to transfer to Cryptopia from their online wallet? That is the only problem for me.
Also more fine print to read... I am trying out mininghubpool all seems as it should. went to to do a manual payment (in hopes of testing a payout to Cryptopia) only to read later that they have payouts disabled until the ETN network is stable" they say. I swear I cant win. Now I have over 3000 ETN I still cant get my hands on  Lol. I know the feeling. Mining Pool Hub is a great pool. When ETN is 100%, and it is NOT, MPH is a good choice. I've given up on trying to get my ETN this week. I'm going to try again next week. Edit: What's frustrating is that the dev team thinks it is 100%.
Well, my transaction to Cryptopia from my online wallet failed. So I have ETN in my online wallet that I can't use. I'll try again next week.