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1  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is government responsible for solving unemployment ? on: August 20, 2018, 07:40:52 PM
What do you think providing a correct business climate should entail?

A correct / promoting business climate is one which has competitive taxes when comparing it to the countries that are near them -- which would be mean at least matching the corporate tax rate of other similar countries to yours in the world. This is being achieved through President Trumps TCJA which slashed the Corporate tax rate to 21 percent for all businesses.

Then you should attempt to remove regulations which are hurting business, this is a tough one -- don't get me wrong, as some regulations are necessary to ensure the safety of people. This is something where you institute a bipartisan committee who weigh the economic cost of certain regulations and see if they're really needed -- this is a tough one, but is very necessary as businesses spend a boatload of money in regulatory compliance cost yearly.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head for now, but there are multiple other things which could be delved into -- such as easy access to capital, and so on and so forth.

Hope I answered your question.
Yeah, you answered it. Thanks. I guess it just comes down to cutting taxes for businesses and simplifying regulations. I think they could also simplify the business registration process, so it's a very easy thing to do. I also think that business failure should be destigmatized. It's very common for entrepreneurs to fail. People should understand that that's normal and it's okay. When entrepreneurs fail, they receive invaluable experience that can help them do better next time.
2  Economy / Economics / Re: Which one do you prefer?Increase your Bitcoin or ِDollar? on: August 19, 2018, 10:44:28 AM
I really find it hard to believe that people are divided into 2 categories. You're trying to say that some people just want more bitcoin, but they're not worried at all about its value in fiat? It's always nice to get more Bitcoin, but it is critical to pay attention to the exchange rates. You want to buy low, hoping that the value will increase over time. Since our world most works on fiat still, it's very important to pay attention to the dollar value of your crypto.
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is government responsible for solving unemployment ? on: August 18, 2018, 06:16:49 PM
The governments only task is providing the correct business climate, anything else and we're entering a system where the government is the primary employer of people -- which isn't something that I'll ever want to see. Leave it up to private enterprise and we'll be fine.
What do you think providing a correct business climate should entail? I agree with you that the government should be less involved, rather than more involved. I feel like one of the best things that the government could do is to work on education. Since they've taken on public education, they can just put it in there. Schools talk way too little about business. That's not what they were made for. They were made to produce factory workers. I think if we had encouraging classes about entrepreneurship and patents etc. that we'd have a lot more business, a lot more competition, a lot more progress and a lot more jobs. It should become an important part of the culture. They could also do advertisements encouraging people to pursue their business ideas. They could provide support for small business owners. I think this would be a very good option.
4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Italians and their Bridges another good reason to drop the Euro on: August 17, 2018, 07:47:00 AM
for the sake of common good invaded the italian bitcoinforum community with a topic "so much shame" in italian, to attack the italian bitcoin sectists about their crazy country and their crazy construction sides.

from my personal experience as engineering studend i heard that italy had a lot of construction sides where organised crime sold construction steel and resold it.

making italy an independent country with own currency that they can print as much as they desire would clearly solve lots of european problems italy can then print italian liras to pay their refugees with "human rights" and "no nazi money" to fix their infrastructure.

this whole case is now multiple times as embarassing as when i first time heard about that.

Sorry, I don't quite understand how Italian Bitcoin "secticts" is related to my question. I have heard about the corruption in Italy though. I wouldn't be surprised if stealing steel was the least of what's happening. The saddest thing is when innocent people suffer for the corruption of their "leaders".

I think though that if we start talking about kicking Italy out of the EU, then there make be many other countries that "should be kicked out" by the same criteria. Weren't things even worse in Greece? So should only rich be in the EU? Maybe you just don't like the idea of the EU at all?
5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Italians and their Bridges another good reason to drop the Euro on: August 16, 2018, 05:34:48 PM
Wow, somehow I missed the previous ones. In the article it says that 10 bridges collapsed in Italy in the past 5 years! You think you'd start to wonder. That doesn't sound normal. You say that the bridge was high end and was well maintained. Well, in the article you shared it says that that's what the private company said that was in charge of maintenance. This is what another person had to say:
In 2012, Giovanni Calvini, then the head of the Genoa branch of the Italian employers organization Confindustria, when seeking his organization's backing for new roads, warned in an interview with Genoa's Il Secolo XIX newspaper, "This junta mustn't think that the realization of public works isn't their problem. Because look, when in 10 years' time the Morandi Bridge collapses, and we all get stuck in traffic jams for hours, we will remember the names of the people who said 'No.'''
It looks like there really were warning signs that something should be done. Now dozens of people are dead. I couldn't really understand from the article, does the EU control all the road budgets? Like countries pay taxes to the EU and the EU chooses how to spread it around?
6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is government responsible for solving unemployment ? on: August 15, 2018, 09:56:22 AM
Oh, didn't even know that is a thing in Brazil. So, they go abroad just to buy stuff?

It's really a balancing act. At one end you want to keep industries at home to have people employed but at the same time you want those people to be able to make the most out of their income with cheap goods.
It may not always be worth it to go abroad just to buy things, but it is very very common for them to buy thing when they go abroad. The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report said that Brazil's tariffs on imports is 11.5%. This is very significant if you're buying a big ticket item.

I found another site with countries that have even higher tariffs:
Bahamas    18.56%
Gabon    16.93%
Chad    16.36%
Bermuda    15.39%
Central African Republic    14.51%
Grenada    12.41%
St. Kitts and Nevis    12.28%
Antigua and Barbuda    11.88%
Nepal    11.66%
Benin    11.57%
This is usually the kind of thing that developing countries do. Some countries even have 0% import tax.
7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is government responsible for solving unemployment ? on: August 14, 2018, 09:05:58 AM
Not that simple though. More efficient producers can sell their stuff for cheaper, you keep those out of your country and costs skyrocket.

In the end what you'll get is a tariff war, just as other countries would find it harder to sell to you, you'd also find it harder sell to them.
Yeah, I guess that's also something to keep in mind. Some countries could retaliate. If you ban their exports to your country, they may ban your exports. The best way to bring money seems to be to export. I know that some countries already do something like the OP described. Brazil has very high import taxes. It's usually better to buy things made domestically there than imported things. The sad thing though is that many things are not made there, like computers. Brazilians constantly buy their electronics in other countries to bring back home. This makes life more expensive for citizens and less convenient.
8  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is government responsible for solving unemployment ? on: August 13, 2018, 03:08:58 PM
This question has been in my mind for awhile and here is my view.

Yes unemployment can only be solved by the state. The state has all of the finances and materials to create many many many businesses that can create enough job opportunities for the majority can be empowered and later on employ others through their businesses.
How to solve unemployment.
-limit the imports
-make the foreign products expensive.If foreign milk is 1 dollar and american dollar is also 1 dollar make the foreign one 2 dollars by law and the state will win the 1 dollar from it.
That will make the foreign products more expensive and people will avoid them buying more products of his/her country.That will give more money to the state (or induviduals) so more factories will be created,more people will work,more products will be created,the state will have more exports so more money that will help it create more factories giving even more jobs.
Whats your thought?
The last thing we need is more government businesses. I think the best thing the state can do is finally start educating people about entrepreneurship. I don't like the current education at all, but it exists and most people go through it. I think it's so ridiculous that there's usually hardly any talk about entrepreneurship in schools. Where do you think jobs come from!? We need more people starting businesses and doing something on their own. It has to start from the bottom. Children need to understand that starting a business is a fine option to make a living.
9  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Crypto Leftist: a parasitic host living in the Crypto currency community on: August 12, 2018, 11:22:51 AM
Leftists are parasitic hosts by design. They are genetically engineered to be so.  When the Leftist is trapped, stressed, or outed it's brain becomes eschemic.  Without blood flow the Leftist becomes brain dead. Next something even weirder happens.  A crab is conceived in its lower abdomen which eats the host body and brain.  This is the same crab commonly known for the sexually transmitted infection 'crabs' which infects pubic hairs in men and women.  The difference is that the crab growing inside leftists is about 5 feet in length. 

Maybe you could share what drugs you're on. I'm sure many people would be interested to try. I believe you were looking for the word "ischemic". Is this 5-foot crab 5 feet tall? Or is he 5 feet long? If he's the latter, where are the legs? 4 at each end? You do realize that crabs, the infection, are actually pubic lice? How are the related to the 5-foot long crab? Do it hatch pubic lice somehow?
10  Other / Off-topic / Re: How do you feel about zoos? on: August 11, 2018, 02:18:52 PM
When I was last time in Zoo some time ago (before that I was in Zoo when I was a little boy), I felt the great pity for the beasts and animals. If I could, I would cancel this terrible attraction around the world.
What do you thing about it?
I am very sad to see animals that are supposed to be in the wild, they are cooped up in a cage. The public assume that the animals at the Zoo in Basel or in protecting one of his, but the fact they are there only for the means of entertainment for the visitors or the means to make profits.
I think there are some zoos that are just out for profit, but I don't think that's the most common thing. I feel like a lot of zoos really want to help the animals. A lot of the animals in zoos would not be able to adapt to the wild, if they were released. What would the alternative be, if you closed the zoos? To just kill those animals? To not allow them to reproduce? I like to think of animals in zoos as ambassadors. They represent their species to humans. Otherwise, we would probably never meet most of them.
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: How do you feel about zoos? on: August 08, 2018, 03:41:50 PM
When I was last time in Zoo some time ago (before that I was in Zoo when I was a little boy), I felt the great pity for the beasts and animals. If I could, I would cancel this terrible attraction around the world.
What do you thing about it?
I think zoos can be great if they're done properly. The animals need to be treated well. I know that some zoos treat animals poorly. It's hard to control, but I'm sure there are zoos with all the best intentions. A lot of zoos work to save animals that would otherwise die. It also gives us an opportunity to see animals up close and personal. It gives me more respect for them. An even better option is a rehabilitation center. I visited one in Namibia. It was so cool. They had lions and leopards and cheetah and monkeys. They were all living there temporarily, so they could be rehabilitated and released back into the wild in another place.
12  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 07, 2018, 06:13:43 AM
First pic is not the real footage of a north pole, water ALWAYS finds its own level, crepuscular rays prove sun is small and close and the horizon ALWAYS rises to the eye level because we live on a flat earth not on a ball. Also the footage is distorted with a fish eye lenses effect anyone can notice. Look the curved rope on the right, lol.

And last, we have enough of your deceiving trickery, jesuit sellout.


So, it turns out that flat earthers are not only flat earthers. They are also small-sunners. Some people really have a fascinating imagination. And, you gotta hand it to them, they have some great sales and acting skills. It can't be that easy to get so many people to genuinely believe this stuff that sounds like it from some comedy show. It's almost like they try to think up the most ridiculous possible ideas, just to see if they can get people to believe. Some of them make me was to laugh out loud.
13  Other / Off-topic / Re: Are we evolving backwards? on: August 06, 2018, 06:42:04 AM
To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, we are neither improving nor getting worse. Every time we better ourselves at doing good, we also better ourselves at doing evil. The steady forces on both ends are kept constantly in balance.

So you can say that while we get better technologically, we lose part of ourselves in other ways. But it's not all doom and gloom. The things we get better at help us to recognize our failures, if we learn to listen. We just need to pay attention to these things.

And lifespans are getting shorter? How so? Modern medicine has made lifespans much longer
Ralph Waldo Emerson died in 1882. I think thinking have changed so much since then, than it's hard to quote him about what's happening in the world now. Let's just say that they didn't have Tinder back then.  Wink

I don't think I can agree with that idea. You really think that good and evil are always equal forces? I think this is almost a pessimistic view. I believe that there is far more good in the world than bad. If there were that much bad, I think it would just take over the good. Bad in the world is a very small minority.
14  Other / Off-topic / Re: Are we evolving backwards? on: August 05, 2018, 11:34:05 AM
Yeah, advancements and technology do exist in our era but based on researches it seems that we are losing instead of gaining in different terms of pur humanity and character. Discipline is naught; birthrate increases but resources becomes depleted. The lifespan of a human is gradually going down. Nature is becoming more dangerous than it was before.

Are we really moving forward? Or are we lacking some essential aspect that a human requires?
I think you should probably clarify some things. What research are you specifically referring to? At least give us a rough idea. How can you measure "pure humanity and character"? Discipline is naught? This must be very subjective. I can't imagine how you could prove that for all of humanity. Birth rates are actually decreasing. The populations is increasing, but the not the birth rate. In terms of depleting resources, I don't think we are actually getting worse at it. I think we are becoming more aware about it and taking more measures to prevent it than in past decades.
15  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 04, 2018, 03:44:01 PM
I can't decide if the fat phuck buffoon with the turkey leg and funny hat
is batshit crazy, suffering from acute OCB or running the longest trolling joke thread on bitcointalk.

Probably both.....

To be fair, it truly is their belief, just like Jehovah's Witnesses believe what they believe. I respect their belief, with sometimes their arguments are strong - others being wacky in my eyes.
I guess that a big question. People have all different kinds of religious beliefs. That's generally accepted in out society. Religious beliefs don't usually contradict science so much though. That's where this differs. Flat earthers believe and spread something that is contrary to science. They don't even have any other "doctrine". Maybe it would be less controversial even if they had a leader, who said God told him the earth is flat. Then at least they wouldn't be pretending that there's so much evidence. It would be more of a faith thing instead of blatantly misleading.

Flat Earth doesn't contradict science or religion, you're just a chump who believes the lies, that or a shill. Everybody who researches flat Earth becomes a flat earther.

Haha, I see what you did there. Yeah, I did research flat Earth for a few hours. My progression was something like this:
1. No way it's flat.
2. What the heck? I guess it could be flat?
3. Pretty sure it's not flat.
4. No way it's flat.
5. These people are definitely nuts.

Did I not research long enough?
16  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 02, 2018, 10:54:24 AM
I can't decide if the fat phuck buffoon with the turkey leg and funny hat
is batshit crazy, suffering from acute OCB or running the longest trolling joke thread on bitcointalk.

Probably both.....

To be fair, it truly is their belief, just like Jehovah's Witnesses believe what they believe. I respect their belief, with sometimes their arguments are strong - others being wacky in my eyes.
I guess that a big question. People have all different kinds of religious beliefs. That's generally accepted in out society. Religious beliefs don't usually contradict science so much though. That's where this differs. Flat earthers believe and spread something that is contrary to science. They don't even have any other "doctrine". Maybe it would be less controversial even if they had a leader, who said God told him the earth is flat. Then at least they wouldn't be pretending that there's so much evidence. It would be more of a faith thing instead of blatantly misleading.
17  Other / Off-topic / Re: education and morality on: July 30, 2018, 01:30:24 PM
Education without morality and morals without education are impossible. All humanitarian subjects (history, literature, art) speak with soul, heart, and not with mind. Literature teaches us to understand the human soul, feelings (love, friendship, moral principles, fidelity ...). The History tells about the mistakes and victories of mankind. And it teaches us how to avoid these mistakes. Art is generally a separate "language without words" ... The fact that educated people become scoundrels is not a fraud in education but result of mental or psychological pathology, conditions of upbringing and life, grievances and injuries.
It's impossible to speak with the soul or the heart without the mind. Like it or not, everything that comes through one of our 5 senses goes through out mind. Maybe these things could influence our metaphorical heart, but you can't just disregard the mind. I hate to disappoint you, but there is so much different literature out there. Believe it or not, not all literature teaches good things. There is satanic or terrorist extremist literature. Would they also teach "love, friendship, moral principles, fidelity"? There can be very different quality of education. It's not good to generalize.
18  Other / Off-topic / Re: How would you explain terrorism to a child? on: July 29, 2018, 11:28:03 AM
I think it's always important to be open and honest with your children. I don't think it's appropriate to tell children about terrorism if they don't ask. If they do ask though, I think you should do your best to explain. This should be done according to your child's understanding of other things. Only you know what explanation will be best for your specific child. The explanation could be as simple as, "terrorism is when bad people hurt other people". This isn't the most accurate definition, but it may suffice. It could be a little more elaborate like, "Terrorism is when bad people do bad things to scare other people."
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: communist and human rights on: July 25, 2018, 03:43:13 PM
Of course people in communist countries have some rights, but they don't have a many freedoms as capitalist countries. In reality all human right have some limits. For example, freedom of speech is only allowed to go so far. Every country seems to draw it's own lines. At some point almost all government will put a stop to terrorist books or publications, for example. The thing is that there are very few people in populations that would want to stand up for terrorists. Therefore, even in capitalist countries the freedom of speech isn't really complete freedom. Communist values are so absolute that they can be more sensitive to publications that contradict them, so I think communists limit "freedoms" even more than in other societies.
20  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: July 24, 2018, 02:14:47 PM
I also randomly came across a video with a woman who mentioned that she's a flatearther. I had heard about this idea briefly in the past, but I think know it's a "real thing". She seemed so serious and convinced that it's true. I looked into it and found there there are really a lot of people that talk about it. I spent a few hours watching different videos about how people explain this idea. There are so many holes in their logic and it is very unscientific. One of the funniest things is how much time they spend trying to explain how photos of the earth for space are all a hoax. They think it's a massive conspiracy between all the governments and space programs of the world. It was interesting to hear what absurd things people think it. It was also interesting to see what rebuttal videos people have made explaining how real science works. I've been all the way around the world. It's not flat.
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