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1  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: August 21, 2022, 10:02:40 AM
It looks good, but why only limit it to Europe? Not sure where you based everything from, but I randomly checked a couple of things on the list and both had inaccurate data [e.g. there's "DCA in Binance" and "Kraken supports lightning" transactions].

Oops, good spot, thanks! Sadly, it's a manual process for now, except the live rates and fees (depending on the API features for each provider). Fixed now!

Re Europe-only question - it's simply due to priorities, already working on US and other countries/regions will follow.

2  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: August 19, 2022, 04:10:39 PM
Hi, after a while of no development I picked this back up to add some more features and work on the content a little bit.

Just popping in to possibly get some feedback on a new view I've built to fairly quickly compare features of exchanges available in europe at

Thoughts welcome!
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: February 24, 2021, 10:33:47 AM
And fees for Gemini look a bit off (unless it's showing Polish fees and not US fees, in which case I am probably wrong).

Evilish, had a quick look at Gemini fee schedule and how we calculate them and it looks fine at first glance, do you mind elaborating a bit on the "offness" of their quote? If you prefer, feel free to DM me here or on twitter (@bitcoinpartypl).

4  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: February 24, 2021, 09:48:20 AM
There is something strange about this site. you say

We highly value privacy on the internet.
We don't collect nor process any identity related data. We also don't use any web analytics tools.
We don't know who you are and we'll keep it that way.

I was using a VPN from Europe price was Euro, changed it to UK and the price changed.
Do you collect or specify the IP address or anything of that?

It would be nice if you added DAC and the best time to buy <lowest fee per time>

For each request we fetch live rates from all the entities we compare, so is it likely that the price moved between your two requests?
There's no logic based on the IP address or other client metadata from the request.

We switch locale based on the domain visited, so when you visit you'll end up on an English version of the site with default currency set to EUR and when you switch URLs to, you'll get the polish version of the site with PLN currency.

Regarding the DCA comment: there is an "Auto Buy?" column in the results that indicates entities that allow you to set up recurrent buys (aka Dollar Cost Averaging).
Also, Lightning Network withdrawals indicator is coming soon (at least Kraken & Paxful are to enable LN in the near future, OKCoin already providing this, soon to be listed).

Great work bitcoinparty_pl. I like the website. It's nice and simple to use.

Just a few observations. I don't see Coinbase Pro in the list of exchanges when I pick USD. That is where I make most of my purchases and sales, so quite a bummer not being able to compare the quotes there with other exchanges. And fees for Gemini look a bit off (unless it's showing Polish fees and not US fees, in which case I am probably wrong).

Also, is the amount that you show in "You'll receive" before or after the fees have been deducted?

* Will try and add Coinbase PRO asap and post an update here. This is a sideproject, so a bit time restricted.
* Also will double check Gemini fees & parameters. As mentioned before we're checking live rates, but fees mostly are hardcoded, based on static pages with fee schedules on respective exchange websites, unless an entity provides fees in their quoting API. So for the static ones, it's a constant struggle to keep up with any potential changes on their side.
* The final amount takes into account all the fees including onchain transaction fees for withdrawals from exchanges (if applicable).

Thanks for taking the time to post your questions and observations here!

5  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: February 01, 2021, 10:51:06 AM
Super, ale dlaczego nie widze, po ile mogę sprzedać BTC?

Sorry, dopiero zauważyłem pytanie. Przeciez nie wolno sprzedawac BTC Wink) A tak poważnie, to serwis powstał, żeby pomóc znaleźć możliwie najtańszy sposób zakupu BTC i generalnie pomagać w "onboardingu" nowych użytkowników. Może w przyszłości obsłużymy porównanie ofert sprzedaży, ale to raczej nie jest priorytet w tej chwili.

Z aktualizacji, dodaliśmy wczoraj HodlHodl ( do listy porównań giełd p2p.
6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: February 01, 2021, 10:40:20 AM
Hi, just popping in here to let y'all know I've added HodlHodl to the list of compared exchanges. More brokers to come in the upcoming weeks.

Have a fun & productive week!
7  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: January 09, 2021, 11:01:12 PM
Cześć wszystkim, szybki update: dodany prosty kalkulator PLN/EUR/USD <-> sats ( i uruchomiony bot na twitterze, który postuje ilość satoshi za 1zł, bo sats_per_dollar nie obsługuje złotówek:
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: January 07, 2021, 12:23:59 AM
Hi, just FYI, the reported bug has been fixed. Thank you for taking the time to click around, highly appreciated.
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: January 06, 2021, 03:09:19 PM
Thanks a lot! Will investigate shortly!
It's most likely not the case of broker api being inacessible as then the result is not being included in the response at all.
Likely a mishandled case in the backend as Insanerman suggested.
10  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: January 06, 2021, 12:29:32 AM
Hi, just a quick update:

* changed the jQuery CDN from googleapis to original
* added p2p exchange
* added a simple currency-to-sats calculator at

Thanks again for the feedback
11  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: January 02, 2021, 10:16:09 AM
Thanks for the feedback Smiley

(Also, your copyright has expired - someone is copying your site... hurry!!)

lol Wink

Re googleapis used to fetch the minified jquery library: the answer really depends on what we mean by "tracking" exactly, but G will see that request for this resource on their servers, yes. I'd argue it's still much more benign than using analytics, tracking cookies, etc but there's really no reason for this other than convenience in the initial implementation, so this is definitely something to address. Will remove shortly (tbh this was on the todo list for quite a while now). Good catch though!

Re monetization - thanks for your suggestions. There are a couple affiliate links already on the site for brokers and exchanges that have an open process of applying, but some companies require the traffic to be substantial to join. I'd like to focus on significantly improving the product first, but ofc this one of the most obvious way to monetize the site in the future.

12  Bitcoin / Project Development / - bitcoin prices comparison in Europe & US on: January 01, 2021, 10:53:02 PM
Hi all,

I'm building a bitcoin price comparison website and I'm looking for feedback from the community.

It launched several months ago solely for Polish market but I've translated the site since and onboarded more brokers and exchanges that support EUR and USD.

The project is available at (we're a "bitcoin only" endeavor).

In the near future I hope to onboard more DCA-enabled brokers and possibly expand outwards to compare other bitcoin related products.

Any feedback would be much appreciated, even if it's simply answering a question: do you find it useful? YES/NO/Don't care, that would help a lot Smiley

Happy to answer any questions, etc.
Cheers & Happy 2021!
13  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: December 18, 2020, 12:50:31 PM
Bisq sprawdzamy - tylko też bierzemy pod uwagę kwotę vs listę otwartych ofert w Bisq (oferty mają kwotę minimalną).
Dla np. 1000 EUR powinieneś zobaczyć ofertę z Bisq w 'sekcji' Giełdy Peer-to-Peer.
14  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: December 17, 2020, 12:24:11 AM
Dzięki, Binance-giełda niedługo będzie wprowadzona.
Słuszna uwaga również z Paxful - póki co, podzieliliśmy wyniki na trochę bardziej szczegółowe (giełdy p2p osobno, fizyczne kantory osobno, etc).
Dokładniejsze wyceny na podstawie podanej metody płatności też w planach, tylko czasu brakuje Wink
Tam gdzie to możliwe, wyceny finalne zawsze biorą wysokość kwoty pod uwagę w obliczaniu wysokości prowizji.
15  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: December 14, 2020, 11:11:50 PM
Cześć wszystkim, z ostatnią aktualizacją dodaliśmy:

* wersję angielską serwisu
* informację o możliwości zakupów automatycznych - Auto Buy/DCA (dollar cost averaging)
* parę nowych giełd i kantorów ( Bisq, Luno, Paxful, Gemini, Bitstamp,
* więcej informacji o metodach płatności

Wersja angielska znajduje się pod własną domeną

16  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: November 27, 2020, 10:51:48 AM
USD dodane - będziemy z czasem dodawać kolejne podmioty obsługujące dolary.
17  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: November 24, 2020, 04:19:39 PM

Właśnie dodaliśmy porównanie rynków BTC-EUR. Zapraszamy na i jak zwykle, feedback mile widziany.

18  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: November 09, 2020, 04:30:13 PM
Dodaliśmy info o KYC i możliwości płatności Blikiem do wersji mobilnej.
19  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: November 09, 2020, 12:02:23 PM
Bardzo fajna stronka, nie widzę tylko kilku potencjalnie przydatnych opcji, jak odfiltrowanie  miejsc gdzie można kupić btc bez weryfikacji jak i miejsc gdzie mozna zaplacic przelewem natychmiastowym.

Ok teraz widze, ze te opcje sa widoczne na screenie wwzsocki - ja sprawdzałem z komórki, czyli w takim razie brakuje tych opcji w wersji mobilnej

Dzieki! Faktycznie w wersji mobilnej tego brakuje. Dodamy.

PS. Zapraszamy do działu gdzie opisujemy fundamenty i gromadzimy różne zasoby o Bitcoinie w jednym miejsu (work in progress).
Chcemy docierać do nowych użytkowników, którzy dopiero zaczynają i pomagać im budować świadomość o tej technologii. Wszelki feedback odnośnie treści również mile widzany.
20  Local / Polski / Re: - porównywarka cen BTC w kantorach i na giełdach online on: September 07, 2020, 07:20:09 PM
Prowizję mamy między 3% do 3,5% nie ma u nas 4% jak na stronie podane.


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